HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 460, July 1, 1907n 11, Council Proceedings. 'City of Paducah . ... ........ ............. .... i,� ti ounclin. Proceed A A At a regular meeting of the board of Coon Ilmon, hold in the Courall chamber In the 0 'N ty !1all, July, 1st, 1907 and upon sell of the roll the following answered to their. ago, hindroy, Crnndellt Duv allp Foramen, Lacktyi. Mayor&, Tittle, VwWetor,. Will lama n and Wilson, (10). motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted %a read, motion the resignation of Dr Brooke of the (capital Board woo rteftived'saui filed.-, motion It r4s adopted that the City Clerks office( License Inspector, Auditor, sessorg and City Tressurer'offiaen shoal *loss every Saturday at 12 ot clock. during • summer months. motion the action of the Alderman was concured-In In regard to the request of • property owners on west.Jefformon street for a park strip. notion the roqiiost of the pvopert owners on north 12th, street from Gal" Ave to lm Ave On Palm 12th, to 13tht-and.Palm to Langstaff Av9p On motion it was r*Nrod -the Joint Light' and Water Com.,ilttas with power to eat.. mb-Ir Lackey remi'the allowance of'the Joint Finance committee, mounting to S 14.' 5.05,.On motion Game was allowed upon call of the roll by the following vote, 15"Ttindaeyp^Crandellp Duvall, Foremen, Tiackeyt Uoynra, Tuttl*j VestRater, Vlllim- i n and Wilson, (10). me read the report of the Auditor and Treasurer for the month ending, Junei 30th,. 07.4showing a mash balance on hand to. b•.$ 68,7756 40, On matin It' was resolved d filed. mbar UnMet I or rand.on ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for.the construs_ on of Two .nty second street by grading and graveling from a point where am* intor• ate Trimble on extended to apoint, wrero-ame intersects Smith aid* of Kildr d In the city ri rest, of Paducahj Kenipaky, and being In Olennwood addition form: y amen and Lindsey addition -do City of Paducah, by tittle on the rule had been epe.nded, On motion said ordinance wwa-given its second and final psoasem.upona:1117.­=:� the roll by the following vote, Yoga, Tsindaoy- Crandall, Djvalls� Por*mang La yi Vera, Tuttle, -Va"Ieterp Williameon.and Wilson, (10)'. me read an ordinance ftntitlhd p roviding for the conatruction of Twont y 7h1_ rd Got I.: .grading end graveling from a point vdiore aam* intersects Trimble stroAt4to a int Wharf Game intersect South side of Mildred strosto in the City of Paducah xaen sky, and being in Glennisnod addition, formerly Thurman and Lindsay/s addition to 4 City of Paduo&14 by title an the rule had bean -sumpendedg-On motion said ordi- nee was .0yon. I ; to. second and, final pansagr ,upon call of the roll by the following. Crandall,. Duvoal._ Formini. beakeym Meyerap Tuttlot*vanMotor, llimA6A'end Wilson, (10)'..',' me rood.on ordinmoo.*ntitled'an ordinance,providing for the construction of Har=­ o'stroati,'from.o. point where sms int',rssctn seventh street to a point where' iaae t6i'AiOti 0ight0'8tr*et',­_in,th4' City -of of Poduch h,'Xinfucky, . On motion Gal . d ordinance ail given .its, first Paooagoupon' Dell -of, the roll" by thi-kall'o-virig"vots, Yoog,' ..... . j 04M 1 "'.rt, Council Proceed%ngs; Oty'of Paducah, _.._.':.:...._::;_ ..... ....:..::.:.::.;..:.. 190 Li. indsey, Crandall iuvsll, Foreman;, Lackey, Ysyers, Tuttle,• VenYeter, Williamson and Nil BON :. 9• .•,tame read an ordinance entitled an ordinance, providing for the sonstruetlon of granitoid side /� /✓ / ry palka,,with combined curb and gutter, on both sides of Farley Place, : rom.th* west curb line of Yeyors atrest,to the north curb lie of'Clements ■treat, in the City of Paducah, Kentuoky, On notion said ordinance was given 1ta "Sr:,t passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, , ' , y, , , F'praman, raokoy, Mayoral Tuttle, Verdleter, '`Illiamson and Yeas LSnAee Crendell Duvall i / Wilson, (10). •,game reed the contreos between the City and Henry Theobold and Puphessini, Theobold dedicating !their grolu.A between Aroadway and B, street end guthris avenue, On motion It was received am 1.1�1aridfiled aaccepted, Al I game read enrvdication of sprbp?rey ownerri(Chae K: Wheeler, P..D.Thurman, C.E.Jennings, Lilyry lake Boyd end Yemia wheeler) on Pountaln Avenue or 17th, street, dedicating enough of their .property for at rest purposes, on 17th, arrear, on motion SL was resolved anA filed m d so- i r, scepted. Y A igsme reed an ordinance entitled •.n ordinance provldiny for the conrtrua-�ion of seventeenth, //'u�/►/ .street; by grading and garvaling, from a point where fame intersects Droadway ct.reet to r. point V w here same Sntereeete 'D' street In Wheelers Addition to the City of Plducah, Kentucky,.On motion said 'orrilnance we given Ste. Tinct paasape upon rill of the roll ty the following vote, . Teas 'indsaYr Crandall, Duvallr Poremanr LacksYr Ye erer Tuttler VkWAoter, Willimsonr and 1 Milson, (10). ! • "'- .. `game reed an ordinance entitled an ord Lnsnce, Declaring the erection or malntnlning'pf Burfeos, //,�(!/,.•/ Clout@ nearer than ten fest to the line of any public alley, street or ray in the. City of ' Psducei, a nuisance, ,unless all opening leading into said clouts are obstructed from view ' `from any strut, alley or public way, by wooden boards, and prescribing a penalty 1'or any FMIpJ}y'r'' / [violation hereof, On motion amid ordineHoe rias glveb Its Plrat peuage neon poll. of the roll .•I� ;Dy the following vote, Ysae, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Foreman, Lackey, Yeyers;,� Tuttle, Ven. (meter and Wilson, (9), Naye, Williamson, (1), °Beme red an ordinance entitled an ordinmoe Amendin;; nn ordlnanoe entitled Vehlckless•:and contained 1n a volumeof rovleed ordinances and 'Mu,rtar of the City of Paducah, Kentuckyi ,of March, 1904, on page 44.5- 446- 440, and providing heroin that a aum not exceeding •;5,00 may be A I ,charged for each carriage attending any runaral, 1n the City of Paducah, :(entucky, On motion 111f 111) .f said ordinance vias given Its first paeongo ,pon cell or the roll by t -:e following vote, Yeea" Lindsey, Craindell, Poroma, Lackey, Mayor@, VanYeter and Williamson, (7), Naye, DUVall, Tuttle and Wilson, (3).�,. ' fSams red an ordinance entitled an ordlnmue Creating and providing for the sale of e•t-';' ,Prar i . � �ohlse, or Privilege to establish, maintain and operate a Telephone System in the City, dot"f., _iPduoan, Kentucky, On motion said' ordinance was given Its flrat passage upon Dell of the,roll 'by the following voty Yue, Lindsey, Duvall, Heysre, VenYster, Tutt, .,Willi mson and Wilson,,, (7), Neys, Crandell, Foreman and Lackeyr y 1 , f ,rt�s4 _ 4' Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ................:.......:........`...: 190' A resolution ember Foreman reed a ^ r •mpowering the aDbuttlnF. Property hehtvs on J•ff•r-. - �� Gon stroet bet ton 19th street rod 25th street, in Paducah, Kentucky, and the Paducah,;„�-i'ic_ F� Tractlon.Compony to construct s curb and fill the center of Jefferson atreot, &long 1lrr��11 , • resent r1 )it way -of the Traction Co e'�' (u� I P, P� , mp ny, On motion said^resolution--.�.,; ,at.given ltn first "`1--- gi passage ,pan Doll of thn roll by the following vote, Yeast Lind- Ssy, Crandall, ouvall, Foreman, Lnrkoy, Neyerr•" Tuttle; V&Wstor, Willismson and WSlsolt '., (10), On motion the rule was Suspended and said resolution res giverilts second pas- Vi,_ .,sage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Lindney, Crstuletl,:)fuvsll, ooremang Leakey, Meyers, Tuttle, VanNeter, Williamson, end WSlsonj (30). t n motion the motion of the Aldermen wee sonoured-in, In regard, to storm entor ss ern on nroadway, from BradSham/e creek to olBOhj�.str•etts r� On motion it woe relered to the nrdlnarus• committee to bring in on ordinance to Sm- j. py,rove alloya in forty two blocks _ '.On motion the •••port of the Chief of Polio* was '-oeelvod end filed.. _ i + Member rend the'followl'ng applications 1'or Coffee house llasnsey `�•=.'' " ( See -Ho Andracht, 4009 north, 12th,-- A.A.Adklns, 702', Tnnneeeee sL,,--B:N.All*n, +105, Broacbmay,--Lou Allen berg and Co, '109; south 2 d, street, -- Oso A. Beaker 933 u On1dwQ1 etrnntr -41m Bul err 1615 South 4th streetr --C.F.Blaaknellr 1533 Broad rI « �, M. Bradley; 114, •Ky Ave,--A.V.Deuer, 900 %ashingree, :.L,--CnmpDell and Allen 106 i' i .oath jrd, Ft,--•P.E.Cartwrigut, 1041, Ky, AVy--Chs7udler and Joiner, 300, South 3rd, st4. Geo A. Chandler 204 south.9th, Fit, --Clark and Milliken, 1135, North 12th; St, - +t'+• LL "'. .W.Diakle,119, south 3rd St, ' --Dye *and Stewart, 1501 South 3rd, St;--O.Dimalak, ! ,rt•' 1x7351 Mayers, street, --Chas Danker, 901, Washington St, --August Denker, 434, north '.'`•t j.• j^ ., . ;,,• .f' ,12th, street, --Oscar Danker, 741 Harris St, --John Elrod 121, south 2 St, =-O.W, Pd .1;� •t r, 'arts, 117, south, 3rd,St,-J.P. Fowler, 200, Ky, Aver--W.C.Ormy, 107, smith fitly et, F t ' Oleo H. Goodman and Co, 116-118, north 2ud, st,-M.H.Oalleghsr, 829, Tnlmbls at,-- _)Y. �. *as ,Orehem, 134 .south 9th, et, --Gray and Grey, 301 r6uth 7th, et, --Den Galvin,, 934 South, 5th, st,--Harwlaksnd'Aanfod, 116, south, 3rd, street,-Lits, 93, Hue. i. r-;D`and■ SL; -Herbert Johnson, 1189 Ky, Ave, -Jewell Bro/s 10019(Nh, street, Eti '.'' rl .. lamee LofWn 1 , , 717 Neyrs et, -Took Lows, L047, Washington,at,-S.J.Lsnh&m,115, +} ' .. t. _•1 mouth, 4th ■t, --^Frank I;evin, 1001, Burnett et, --James J. Lally, 1501, suoth,' 4th, ap, y" r� � •,, .;�, LW. Moors, .704.1 Adoms, mt,-R.R.i,.Moahell,.201, Droadwsy,-Murrey and ' .Is then, 115, nor. i• ' '4ths St,-J.R.Morr1S and Cog 1009 Droudwsy,--J.J.MaAughen, 12th'and Jones, 9t,- l iS1c "1 •A� Msrootfeky, 134, South, fid, st,-Nlllor and Ellenwood, 737,nortli, Sth; ci w= -2.••., h .1✓�stlook, 110, mouth, 2nd, st, Nichols and Debo•, "l,'north 9th; at, --J.L.Pctter a> 637, Campball,st,-Pet Pierce" 008 Boyd, St,- Ed Pearson, 7010 Trimble, -- 'Semmani ,r Prank Patterson, 120,'Ky, Ave, -Jambs T. Qmrls e, at �e'y IIrC. Hotel,--C.it. Rodfus,-230, Ky Ave, --Ramey and Jenlins, 126 smith. 2nd, street, •dmond and Baker,700, Trimble, st, f,.B.Rogon, 111, mouth, 3rd street, --- Los Sj Rob+ w, yson, 119, Breadway,• w-J.N.Rickme,4 924, south, 3rd; 'et r-N.L.Riakmen, 824; Wash- 1 gton' SL, J J Resdj�1201; south;-athio. '-G,W. Schulte, 701, tJaoksonSt,--Stitch -'-•- '` f ,r t P } } 4 stud iVincent, 933r mouth, 3rd.' oLraet, =3 SL*rks;' 120aouth;2d, St, -Wm; Stewrt...... 1 eft T-1 �-_ 1 �lo5.uouth, Sud, $L, --,T W Sherrill,'10], north, 4th, 8L, Smith'Bro/d000� n•Aclth Yi -.. u: .v^. IA :'•'�;:' 1 ..Ri ..•t -'Y: >, �-: t,:�i(, ..-: tit`,..' 'an=l 4: -�� ,S'+�•..+. I .. r i i Council Proceedings, City of Paducah.._.:. :...::''_.............. : 190 1 �0.tl,Tandy, 124, KY, Ave,--II.T,Vogelj 121, Ky AVG, -dames Ward, 1100, sputh llth,St, —awir: --John Ward, 132, Ky, Ave,-,I,W, Whl tlowe, 300, mouth, 9th, strut,-- ' The above applicants offered the Illinois Eurty, Co, OP Chicago, On motion the above licensee were granted and their bond votes upon and accepted, separate and collnotive,'npon call of -- - - the roll by the following vote, Yams, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Foreman, Lackey, Meyers,, •, Tuttka, VmUster,, 7111.11acsorl and. Wilson, (10), . '�'.. SAme reed no application from F.,W,Rerry, for a coffee nouas license At 208, Ky Ave, On motion.' same was rejected upon call of the call by the following vote, Yang, Mayers and VWIeter, (2)I i y-.,�'._• Nays 1,lnd4ey, CraruLll, Duvall, . Poremen, Lackey, Tuttle Williamson and vl:lmon, (8), 1 r� _•:.:�_ Same rand an epl:livation 1'rom O,B.Willow, at 212, Ky, Ave, he offered se his bond , Adnlpli h Lee T19-11, On motion said license was panted mind the bond voted upon and accepted aeperats k ! .''11 oollactive, upon onll of the roll by the following vote, Yams, lAndasy, Crnndell, Duvall, •� Foreman, Lackey, 'eyern, Tuttle, VanMetar, VillA amaon, and Wilson, (10). •�,. game read an application from ;hign !byle, at 134 :uuth Atli, Rtreet, he offered as hie hand ••,i,': John Rinklefr and John Sinnott On motion Raid 1lcenae was • . granted and the bond voted •Iveco and accepter) seperste and collective, upon call of the ,roll by the following vote, Yess, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Foreman, I,eckey, ;.ayere, Tuttla, VenlAetar, Villiamson mid Wilson, ^r Same read RD application from Cr11s Berger and Bra for aooffu house license at.701 Ohi6oStiie they offered as their bondsmen,. C, Barger and Adolph Valli On motion ar.iA license was grantnd!' .� and voted upon and accepted, separate and collective, upon call of the roll by the following ' vote, Yesa, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Foreman, Lackey, Meyers, Tittle, VanXeter, WS 11"MRor' and Wilson, (10). .'Same read an application from E,C,Eaker, for a coffee house license at 109, north, 4th,St, he offarnd as hie bond J,W,F.aker and W,Y,Noble, On motion said license was granted and bondame voted upon and accepted, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yean, f:lndsay, Crandall,. ,i. .�'-• Duvall, Foreman, f.ackey, 3eyera, VsinMstnr, Tilllameon and Wilson, (10), : �) �. Sams read an application from Don Oilborto for s coffee haunt llcenne nt 116, nouth, 4th street! Its offered ee his bond the Fidelity end �•Dapodlt Cc of Maryland, On motion sat,! llcanee Was t +. - - -- granted and bond voted upon and meceptaA upon call' of the roll by the1'ollowlnl• .. " ":-+••-• .LIndasyp Crandall, Duvall, Foreman, Lackey, !layers, Tuttle, VaKlnter, Williamson and Vilron, � .t .._ _ ... (10).•� . Same nM an appllcmtlan from S. B. Oott,. at 119, north 4th, street, 4m offered,as hIs. hona: John Rlnkleff and John Sinnott, On motion said license was granted and bond voted tp on and':f•(' w .+ socepted upon call of the roll by the following vote, Ye,.e, Lindsey, Crandall, Divall, Fare -'I ,man, Lac;ioy, Mayers, Vanlletnr, Tuttle, Wi111ammon and Wilvc•n, (10), .Ssze•read fn application from W,F.•Ilam, for n aofree house license at 936, north, 10th St,. he offered its hie bondsmen, Adolph and Lee Vall, On motion saidlicense sae .1•antod'end hoed! � '•i` voted upon and soceptedespersto rnd collective, upon call of the moll by the following, votai" -^•" ' Yeas, Lindsey, Crandell,17uvall, For ,man, Lackey, Mayers, Tittle, Vanlietel, V!Sll i,mean and 1 "._.` •r• - • 111 L' Wilson,'-;�•-- Same read an application, from J•L.Jonam, dbr a coffee house license at 1037, Ournett, Streot(� - he offered as his bondemani Adolph and Ina Wail, On motion said license waa granted And bond' ^�';�•' voted upon end n'ncptad upon rill of the roll by the following vot�1 Y�se, Lindsay, .Crandall h �.: --- - — '.r ;':!;«.•.:,, �a;V Duvall,.Poremsn, Lackey, Mayors, Tuttle, Vanlleter, W3111amoon and Wilson, (10). SAms read an application from, Henry Kamelleter, for e. coffee house license at.*.* \Y �. 441 south 3rd; street he offered an his bondemen, Louis Kolb*nnd C.Stlenhaurer, On r` mot(.on said license was grented,and bond voted upon and accepted upon call SO the 2 � `Eroll by the following vote, Yess, Linsey, Crandall, Duvall, Poreman, Lackay, • 4• ' -+•`Neyers, Tuttle, VenNeter, Williamson aM Wilson, (10). Same read an application from Mi" Palmer Hotol, Co, at Palmer House, Lley offered ';',"� •` as their bondemen,.J.L,Prladman and J,C,Utterbsok, 04 motion said licensewas -on- fi"" ted and bond voted upon and accepted upon call of the roll by the following voter Y j, ...........��'�•' Yeae Lindsey, Crandall Duvall PoremanTosokoyp. Mayers p Tuttleg PenMeter, W111ismins'•' ` ' ,�,•'. 1. Icon snd.Wlleon, (10),' y - Lem* read an application from C.P.Sohraaderr or o coffee. house license at 233, norb s 113th, street, he offered as hibondemen, J,L.Prledman end J.W.Kieler, On motion ,...: . iseld license as granted. aM, Vls bond voted upon and accepted upon wall of the roll �by the following vote Yeas, Llpdsey, frandell,Duvall,. Foreman, Lackey, Meyers, (Tuttle, YanNeter, Williaoison and Wilr+on, (10) I ��- Nember Tattleread n-equent from E.D.Thurman and Kra N.A. Atubblefisld,in regard to / lover essasemenL on theirproperty,p, F. - on motion it was »fared to, • board of, Super- �+ -'n Same reed a gquest from T.H. Cookr all end 'Mrs D.A. Scott to refmA them 41.50 poll each on motion'thklr request was granted. ,Iv)PV ,'iiName-Teed. a request from Guy llolllday, asking a refund of =3.85,. on license, On fT; Ij� ." fiotion his request was granted, j. Beme reed a request frmi Chas Q.0,Le1 + in re '+ gl, regard to. Ills property sy 4th and Kyr l •'Y•, Ave, On motion It was refered Lo .the Auditor to ohongs soma, i ame read.a request,from• Prank Wagner, to..refund him 6,12,50, Paid for coffee :house j r license at ` 1418 Bridge street, On motion ills requent was tysnted, Member Williamson read s requast.from Nine Rebecca Allen to transfer her Grand- ._ ..__ •'r ,father/A lot *in Oak Grove,Cemetery to her, lot '>.`171 in block #,119 On motion her re- -• !quest was granted. -' .. ... _.. ..._... ` , 8=0 rend ar t� e�j from Smith to transfer his lot in Oak Prove Cemetery, lot k 7j.., a9. 1n block 1/ 43, on motion ?Ile request wee granted. Y,. On motion of' 9=9 It was adoptee that Louis Williams be refunded ;3,D5, paid for'' publlo, grounds, in Oak Grove Cemetery. OncM%1onh1tCtapadppi'dd that Nr J.P.Nmith bequest be granted in regard to turning beak to the City, lot JM :in Blosck D, as soon an he removes the foundation from n•� . L, said lot. .. _ On motion it Islas adopted that an soon an the property owners dedicate their property. i �r/e °-,,.,to the City, J'or street purposes from Ademe street through Plunkett• 11111, To the g _ .._ .. }I�.O. A. R. property,' Lhat,.the City grade end gavel same..._ 0(n motion ,the'. action sf,.,the Aldermen,wes.eoneured-Or4 in regard to the 1posidcofnvm 1Ub110.Works having+theodivtroff of Jefferson street, put on 10th,-streat between . ?tri iz Drladway an Ky, AVe, - i t L> 11, -t•.. <> tr = p- .. +t \ j •.1•. ?i.y:.:r i,.j�li'}i \��911{I l _1. ', Il I 1 1. 3 f- 'rt(r l0 1u+. .t{�t ulll ,4 . y n • 'p"is , h if t i ( • �t Ill, 1 CouncilProceedings, City of Paducah .....................................................',........'190: '.r ;':!;«.•.:,, �a;V Duvall,.Poremsn, Lackey, Mayors, Tuttle, Vanlleter, W3111amoon and Wilson, (10). SAms read an application from, Henry Kamelleter, for e. coffee house license at.*.* \Y �. 441 south 3rd; street he offered an his bondemen, Louis Kolb*nnd C.Stlenhaurer, On r` mot(.on said license was grented,and bond voted upon and accepted upon call SO the 2 � `Eroll by the following vote, Yess, Linsey, Crandall, Duvall, Poreman, Lackay, • 4• ' -+•`Neyers, Tuttle, VenNeter, Williamson aM Wilson, (10). Same read an application from Mi" Palmer Hotol, Co, at Palmer House, Lley offered ';',"� •` as their bondemen,.J.L,Prladman and J,C,Utterbsok, 04 motion said licensewas -on- fi"" ted and bond voted upon and accepted upon call of the roll by the following voter Y j, ...........��'�•' Yeae Lindsey, Crandall Duvall PoremanTosokoyp. Mayers p Tuttleg PenMeter, W111ismins'•' ` ' ,�,•'. 1. Icon snd.Wlleon, (10),' y - Lem* read an application from C.P.Sohraaderr or o coffee. house license at 233, norb s 113th, street, he offered as hibondemen, J,L.Prledman end J.W.Kieler, On motion ,...: . iseld license as granted. aM, Vls bond voted upon and accepted upon wall of the roll �by the following vote Yeas, Llpdsey, frandell,Duvall,. Foreman, Lackey, Meyers, (Tuttle, YanNeter, Williaoison and Wilr+on, (10) I ��- Nember Tattleread n-equent from E.D.Thurman and Kra N.A. Atubblefisld,in regard to / lover essasemenL on theirproperty,p, F. - on motion it was »fared to, • board of, Super- �+ -'n Same reed a gquest from T.H. Cookr all end 'Mrs D.A. Scott to refmA them 41.50 poll each on motion'thklr request was granted. ,Iv)PV ,'iiName-Teed. a request from Guy llolllday, asking a refund of =3.85,. on license, On fT; Ij� ." fiotion his request was granted, j. Beme reed a request frmi Chas Q.0,Le1 + in re '+ gl, regard to. Ills property sy 4th and Kyr l •'Y•, Ave, On motion It was refered Lo .the Auditor to ohongs soma, i ame read.a request,from• Prank Wagner, to..refund him 6,12,50, Paid for coffee :house j r license at ` 1418 Bridge street, On motion ills requent was tysnted, Member Williamson read s requast.from Nine Rebecca Allen to transfer her Grand- ._ ..__ •'r ,father/A lot *in Oak Grove,Cemetery to her, lot '>.`171 in block #,119 On motion her re- -• !quest was granted. -' .. ... _.. ..._... ` , 8=0 rend ar t� e�j from Smith to transfer his lot in Oak Prove Cemetery, lot k 7j.., a9. 1n block 1/ 43, on motion ?Ile request wee granted. Y,. On motion of' 9=9 It was adoptee that Louis Williams be refunded ;3,D5, paid for'' publlo, grounds, in Oak Grove Cemetery. OncM%1onh1tCtapadppi'dd that Nr J.P.Nmith bequest be granted in regard to turning beak to the City, lot JM :in Blosck D, as soon an he removes the foundation from n•� . L, said lot. .. _ On motion it Islas adopted that an soon an the property owners dedicate their property. i �r/e °-,,.,to the City, J'or street purposes from Ademe street through Plunkett• 11111, To the g _ .._ .. }I�.O. A. R. property,' Lhat,.the City grade end gavel same..._ 0(n motion ,the'. action sf,.,the Aldermen,wes.eoneured-Or4 in regard to the 1posidcofnvm 1Ub110.Works having+theodivtroff of Jefferson street, put on 10th,-streat between . ?tri iz Drladway an Ky, AVe, - i t L> 11, -t•.. <> tr = p- .. +t \ j •.1•. ?i.y:.:r i,.j�li'}i \��911{I l _1. ', Il I 1 1. 3 f- 'rt(r l0 1u+. .t{�t ulll . n , h if t i ( • �t 1 , i .� 1 t= ,. i . „, •�. } r . ,?S' i > r�, 'i..xr rsrz-. «,Y r, �, I i Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ...:.... .... 190 , On notiontheaction of the Aldomar. was oonoured-in, in regard to the Board of Public Works ' .. ._ sbeting.ths. nuisance In 9), at t, Pat Jefferson Monroe. y ,j On motion it was a—A " ed 6� t N Chas �NSlso s peri sip on," to Elo ,up Stun, at s olA Iron Purnanoe , with Dynamits64-A �y�y 0. tl �% %ar+•,f a-...!,ala LLl.Lai .L..-[K,iL[. i' ,.,-, ,fK ,'t..•6�..:...lL .� ,i.µr..� ytN M.....:., 1 , �. _-------------------------------- On !lotion The Posed Adjourned. I J U L I f907 IPPR ovmn JUI.I61'on7 is rn. U14swd tole H' 17 Council Proceeda�.!� At s called meeting of the board of Councilmen held in the Council Chanbor in the city Hall,. •- -'"''" Ju , aid, 1907s and upon call of the roll the following answered to their namne,Lindsey, ? • E0 &ndell, Duvall, Nommen, Lackey, Mayers, Tuttle, VaNAeter, Cy111omeon and 1'ISlaon, ,(10), ,.,:"�'�• "Mayor road reason for well, received eM P11ad, ' Member Vanl/eter rend an ordinance anti tloA an ordinansa cresting and providing tui- the'usle. `' •V /y` 9f a Pranohiee, or ,rivil.ero to eotwb11ah,11aintsin and operat-i s Telephone System in the City. fW 1L of Paduo&N:, KentuSky, by tittle as the.rul9 I:ad been ouapended, On motion Said ordinance wan ' •I -J given its second and final-ponnrge upon call of the roll by the 1'ollovtlnq vn'..1,'Yesn, Llndoey, /,,,' O v - Duvall, ?layers, Tuttle, VerAster, Williamson and Wilson, (7), Hnya, Crandall, Foreman nntl Y ILackey,.(3). ! 1 On motion the•Board of Public Works we're instructed to Open up': sauth 4th street at duabende ot, and build s good substantial fence, around same to prevent any occident the, may occur.- .} / , . __________________________ On Motion The Board Ad Jonrnsd,_____-___-___-- A-m gPPR,0VMM JUL 1.41907 . : .• - rrwfdrM Ann., . n /Fr ndf City 01erk1 I _ t Y t '1F.:. 11,.•.aa .1 I>n der �` t n .�,. n.+S:At 1 _t. :x :r .:+... a.. ..✓' t � • ��