HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 457, June 17, 19071 1 G 1 ' � rN .� < ,�.,F X .y'Lq'.., ..:.-.. *K-..,,.gy.•:'Sr.:"r•M.d w y'+•-�.:.'+.r.+..a., vt 7777. 71 ouncli Proceedings: City of Paducah, `,..........:_.:...._....:.....::.........................._..190 it Proceedir re.. At a regular meeting of the Board of Counollmee, held in the Council Chamber 1n the City Hall June 17th, 1907 and upon call of the roll the ,rails.Ing answered to their names, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Porsmary Lackey , Moyers, V&nMeter,. Williamson end Nilson, (11)., On motion the Uinutee of the previous meeting were adopted se rood, ' The Mayor presented the following agreement, to+it:- This Agreement, meds in duilleate this the 13th day of poDue.ry A. D, 1907, between the Illinoln Central Railroad Co, party of the first pert, hereinafter oaled the Railroad Co, and the city of Paduosh, party or portion of ,the second part, hereinafter called the License (words retiring to the License to be taken of m such number and gender as shall be appropriate) in the County of McCracken and State of .-, yentuoky, Witnesseth: Whereas, Nu Llosnne vdshe■ to construct and ley so ern heroin after . called the structure, acroon and tuidewtesth the leads and tracts of the Railroad Co, 'at Pad- . �- . uceh, grntuoky as she ft by the read lines on the plat hereto attached and nude a part, hereof?; ' NowvTherefore, The Pailroad Com,•anyhereby grants to the Licensee license and perniselon i to 'nr oonstruct and lay the Structure underneath and "roam the said lands arai treat* In oormidir ation of, and subject to the agreement/ follo ngs diloh are also hereby made oonditlons of j • . th•t said grant, to -wit: 1, The License stall place the Structure at least three feet below, the Railroad ' Company, measured from the bottom of the time; and the work of layir.g the same and restorind'I the surface of the said land:; ..to a proper oondition &hall be none under,and sub,)eot to the K•.., .•-_ general supervision of the Ruadmaster 1n charge of the said tracts of the Itallroad Co�any, at the location of the Structure and to his et,tlsfatlon ; and the said work shall be dons •`at such time or times and In such s manner as to not lnterfe7e with the convenient operation . of the Railroad Company. -!-� - - t t 2. The License shall Indemnify the Railroad Comprry for and against my liabllty ---- -. ' expanse or damage it may incur or +arffer,. caused by or on account of the construction, mminbeh ��•�_-: - - tenons or exlstanoe.of the Structure. 3. This agreement ehall be binding on the heirs, executors aCelnestratorss ' successors and snsigns of the License, and shall be s ,joint and several where there is moot/ I than one party of the second part. In Witness Whereof, Trm parties hereto have these prevents to be executed in dupl'; � ' sato the day and the year first above written.I Article 3 stricken out before execution. I111no1m Central Smile, .•77�tD.T�IIr:amaor+, by,.•���7// Vice President City of Paducah,. Cer.r .,..t•:p, ':iby, D.A.Yloser, Mayor. " "' ", Henry Baileys City Clerk . ;. Y L On motion the above Agreement rs ratified I' ry On notion the oo®mrniostlon from the Home Telephone Company was refired to t he Telephone' 0somlttee 1 C 1n/ On motion the requrmt of then Coal Dealers in regard to alley&,.was rafermd to thestreet commit- omibtab too.- s . Council Proceedings, City of Paducah ............. ']90 •I On motion the request of Owen Woolfork to be relelved from paying poll tax, as ref / fsrsd to Pinanae committee. _ / 00 motion it %as refered to the Street committee, and FYnglnaer the matter of grade and gravel Broadway from 17th street to 19th street. •:-[''� yr\ / On motion the request of the hackman to have the Ordinance committee bring -in an u (1/p ordinance raising the price " On motion it was adopted that the Paducah, Water Cc be instructed to extend their pater mains on 4th4 between Clay and 4rithble streets, O�1 ry Member Plourn'read the allowances of the Joint ImInance oommittep for half month -•{ ',4^jy n• of June amounting to w'7,63S,o1, On motion none wr.e allowed upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yens, Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Poremm , Laokey, .•Meyers, VomMeter, Wllllamoon and Wllonn, (11)- On motdon 1t was rnfar"d to the ordinance committee and street to bring up the ',' •• matter of building curbs out .of stone instead of concrete.' 9�. Member VeN[eter reed an ordinance entitled •sn ordinance pro YShcng for the cona Lruog - , / /1. ��I' Son of grsnitold sidewalks, together combined curb and gutter, on Jefferson street �o/� both sides, from dpoint where eamn Snt.ermer.ts the want property line of ninth IL 'street to a point vhore .some intersects the east curb line of eleventh w4ere It _ Ij 1/ entero Jefferson street from the north side thereof, both aides of Broadway atreat i 1 from the vest property line of ninth street to the east curb line of slew enth .• hill strett, in the C Sty of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion said ordindhme was given its �. first passageuponcall of Lhe'roll by the fnllo Ing vote, Yeas, h.lndsey, Crandall, Duvall, Ploutnny, Foreman, Leakey, Msyera, Vorilleter, Williamson and Wilson, (11). IOn motion the rule was suspended and said ordinance as given its second and final.', • be sagion. 0611 of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Lindsey, Crandall, _ .I •. EFlournoy,, 'Poreman, Duvall, Laokey, Meyers, VanMster, Willimeon and Wilson, (110 •' IlSome r qt en, grdinanoe entitled an ordinance proViding for the aonnstrudtlon of - {twenty-nesaod street by grading and graveling from a point where name lntereacta I ! 'h K !Trimble street se extended, to a point where some Intersects south side of - q. , r Mildred otrest, in ths.City of Peduonh, Kentucky, end being in Olemrood addition i. '-•�' formerly Lindsey and Thurneei/n addition to the CSL, of Padu !h, On motion sold „ .o rdinance was given its first passage upon cell of the roll by the following vote, - Y .. Ye.es, Lindsey, CraMell, Duvall, Flournoy, Pors:nm, Lockey Meyers, Vontieter, Wil- Ssmoon and Wilson, (11), ni1w1A311aA=�Fii=i'n£s=was=snap-en-lsii�ei,3=e3a=er�1rt-mroi�waa= '`• . g'1YeeHite-eeeeffd-paeeeEe-upan-ee}}rof-lhe-re}}-Dy-she-}e}�ew4ng-VseaT-Yeses-MrvMav, . �0rende}3r-BaYad ir-i+4exneyT-Peremenr-6eekeyr-Wyanal-YenllelerT-►!3}SnmeerraM-Wl3eem � i r/•( 11 ems rood an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for the construction of .. VVV twenty eioond street by grading and graveling from a point Mere gimme intersects •-.I' ' • • lmble etreat to a point whore ams Intersects 'suoth alae of Mildred etre-at,In the Sty at PMuoah, Kentucky, and being In mennwood addltiod , formerly ?human and i1 addition to City of Paducah, On motion avid ordinance as given its first u n : } 4Yi I r LY i �� ,t�•f r: as� g�de �upon call,of the roll by the following �ot�J',Yessp* Lindeal Crandell.;Duvall a i i2 �. .r. ,. .IV:,' ^d} r.l-,a.:. a;. ^' �•( il�Lb_-S, 'i- ,e... -'iii. , �. • , . Y _ •.4, 15 - - j,l 1. _ y R i• _ . �''M( �,-.+t(••`(���£�:r +.��' �1wi..�rw(rr�it �N"F-"'" �"ty.+u�i Ml.'Jv w5g4•t, �'n'r +:l+a` ` vim. _ ,,� ' rt,i < �, -• '� ( lilt) Council Proceedings. City of Paducah ......:.:.:.._.._::_.......::.:.:;.,... . ::.'.'..:.....'.. 190...: .. , . .. ember Crandall_ read an application from J.T., Quarles for a coffee house license neer the Cnion Depot Hotel, he offered em his bond the Illinois Surety Cc of Chloago, On.motion:said ' 1 11o�nse was granted and bond voted upon and accepted, upon call of the roll by the following'; ' - > -•- vote, Yeas, Lindsay, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Foremen, Lackey, Mayers, VsnHeter,'WSlllem;dnl. and Wilnon, (11). 444On motion It adopted to refund J.B. Cobourn ;]3,00, for monoy pold on for Cemetery property, Same read a request from Jennie Morrie to transfer 9 feet by 1': f('et of lot 1n. Oak Grove . ,..(Cemetery to Ed agars, lot,# 219 In block $ 14, On motion name was granted. Same read a request from IRs E.B. Dogger to transfer her lot In Oak (rove Cemetery Louis F. W11\ Tr lams, On motion alms was granted. Same prenented a deed to anlot In Oak Grove Cemetery, to Mrs Mary F. Stallings, lot 11 19 in bll: block # 43, On notion same wee ratified. ` .Same presented a deed to a lot in Oak Grove Cemet♦cry, B.W. Bookbae, Lot # 28 in block N42, on I' Motion soma wan ratified. - On motion it was refered to Membnra, Foremwi, Crandall and VeWlster, to take upo the matter "1of extending Jackson ctreet to 19th street and report 'isok. - jOn motion It was referad to ordinance committee to bring In on oddlnanoa,'o I.mpraVa Fmrla�yp street.V T ?' i (On motion It was refered to members Wilson, Mears and Flournoy, to take up tile Sutter of (extending the City limits so to take In Tylar end report book. . • /l ,jt'( .;On motion it was rsfsred to the ordlnanoe committee to bring In an ordinance for Telephone - Franchise. .. f ' On ilotlon The Board ad,lou JUL 1' 1907 ,..;JUL 1' 1907 I rl } Ip 1 1 I YI r S- ♦. 1 4 `` •r r 1 �" J '+r ti�tiJii:..wv Lr a-:' .' F �- .:.rE .s..+.c,rxr.w Y wSi.�y..ka r. ..:al .. r • , r I SIV' r