HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 450, May 20, 1907Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . .... .............. ..._...:.:._.......:......._...__...__..:.'790 _ C®uncal Pr®c'eedin s --1. a regular meuting of the board of Counellmen, held in tie council chamber in the -, •;;='`•" ' 4 Sty Hell May•2p+h, 1907, and upon call of the,roil the following answered to ih eft �- Himes, Crvdsil., Duvall,. Flourno VanMetery,. Poremani Herzogr Laoker. Me •re Tuttle - Williamson and Ralson. (11).' ', •'+, - ' the Clark 'announoed'that it was in order to Gloat .• president pro -tem, as the pi•nig �•:.^ �. . •dent of the board was absent, on motion member Lackey was elected as president pro -6 tem, unanomouslay, : s,f': • . - . On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were.adopted'ae read. J / On motion the Mayor wea authorized to benow the note.againat the City for ,1.5,006 00 ?' for borrew;money run d mtr the current a =penacecof We.Mtrr -On moylon iH a sommuniantion from L.L.Nelson in regard on / lM [s 3rd Clark Bt,-::-; ;-;•�-.. ' w1 9flr:'1 C as refered to the .Street Committee -arid Engineer. The Mayor reported that he had'revoked'ths license of W, Y, Yitahall, for selling l_ /.A •.[lgour on sunday,'and stated Via% the services of 'amid notice e -a late in being ser- f' -Tad;on mot3Qn SL was rnrelrad -atd filed.•' On motion it wan adopted that City Jailor Evitts, .be nllowod t15.00, to put*flonro In Una growlds'around its City Hall. "y game rend a request from Ed Nance 1n regard to on allsy'on Broadway bet,een 19tH h.•.•,; 2O, street, and between 8!.•oedway and Kentucky Avenue, to have same Improved, On r s •A V AV .. .tom_. ''.:: 'C .. ,'. �yJ� ;otion it ws refered to the ,Joint street committee. � "i�-'•` On motion it was refered to the ordinane committee to tring in an ordinance to mom-: J,.. ;_.;•. t' pal the dairy -men, In McOra ken County, to have their mows, to be inspected once :1 . ' }p �' every 12 sonths, for tuberooloole. On motion the notion of the AldermeM was eonom'nd-!n, in regard to the public inp-'� rf l /r' `oremont committee to have the City 909108 lot improved. - .. ,) r,: .,•r t�n motion the action of the Aldermen in regard to havaing the matter referd to the "�:;:•-'•. `J, ' L joint ordinenp committee to bring in an ordinance to improve Jefferson street bet �- t ` r. h'Ali con 11th and lath street, was rojeoted• �. ember Flournoy read the alloweeees of the point Pinnace oosmittee, fob thn half •;,yr, month of May, amounting to W01,83, On motion same was allowed upon call of tie To !t� Y, ' Dy tie following vote, Yeas, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Foreman, Herzog, Laskey, K .. ti Ni itL .Far., Tuttle, Vanweter, Williamson and Wilson, (11). ember Poreman' of the Joi lt,•i. ••,n committee read the .rscomeMaLion of the ,Joint Y "A •..� innnae aombcittes in regard to the old City Hospital grounds, is -wit:- That the Wye► , Deauthorizbd to accept the bid of 'J.W.Holme9 for the old City Hospital prills" pro- ` -f �e•i i . 'w !ding the City reserves the tight ' ,of way to make Husbands street, full with with `Sde-walks, On motiion name was'adopted upon call of the roll Dy the following voted ' •ice, QtaMsil, Duvs11, Pornman, Herzog, LaOksy, Ysyer9 TutLte-, VanWLer, Rilliasapn ' t i ± V d Wilson, (110 7 -a - a ,? n motion dfe folio sing was -adopted, to wit, we aeomen. W �tb9t en ordin.mae De e fz s } . Ic. a tits, • �: n ' 5� :, , .- , A:;a_. -„4'� Hill M1• ` A.. _ .. 1 - '.. , ^ arc—.arrxe.,r.4:.•�:�A.'uii.c:?.�Y�.�”s.s:.-•:CJLi':�itla.r.t.:im..—k'*ilue,xi :tr �,;'a ' ' , II J r%-v+, �ev4j �i- �... n �; e, 1 Fi'7 r3+!i'a•+ tT M' .y'-, a gin.. 1 t ..+�"1� Council Proceedings, City of Paducah; ...190„ brought lm tO grade and gravel Pownall @rest., from JsrretL otrsst to WL31. strestt two ilsotta f t this has been graded and paid for, Dy.the property owners and we learn from the City Engineer Ithat the grade would only he" to be shaped up, and tre Gugdeet that t V otdlnaraee be broughtl• - - - in and leave thaeso twp blocks out of the grade contract, but the ordinance for grawelinghfor, the full length of tHe street, upon Gall of t e roll by the falls 4 ng vote Yeas Crasdell . � a t I Duirall, Flournoy Poreman, Herzog, Lackey, Ysyerst,Tuttle, VepMeter, Willismaon and Wlkaon, (11). 1 On notion the following wi.s adopted, to:-wit:- for sooepto(the propernitlon of Bradshaw and others, for the property neosesary for the eztentlon of Broadway, at 50 cents per lineal toot and that an ordinance be lnt_oduoed accordingly, upon *all of thi roll by tie following vote .. Yess, Crandall, DuvQls Flournoy, Pornman, Mayers, Tuttle and Vileont (]), Nays, Iierzog, Lackey, VanYator and W1111:msnn, (4), .. dbmber Unmator read an r.rdinerwe. entitled an ordinance providing for the conv.truotion of.' grarltoid side-wilke, togrther with combined corb and gutters t on both aiden of Braodwayj tl + from the old City limits between .lith and 16th street, to 25th atrvat Sn the City of �IPadu- f , ah, Xentupassage upon Gee ro aky, On motion said ordinance was given Ito first ll of the Dyl I. the following vote, Yesat Crarclell, Insall, Flournoy, Foramen, Iierzog, look sy, Mayors, Tuttle" VanNeter, Williamson, and Milson, (11), On notion It was hdopted that the Mayor sign the contract to pay 50per sent per lineal foot Nor for the eldw - walks on Brn'idway to Bradshaw anti others, an moon an Us contractors make out their estimates in regard to same, upon call of the roll by vie following rote; Yeas, Cr:vid,ell . fl �fV" Duvall, Flournoy, Porem_snt Hsrzoct Lackey, Meyers, Tuttle, VsnYster, Williamson, end Wllaant On motion the application of ileo It. Chandler for a ooffas hauue lloense at # 204, south 9th f street was detera4 v ( Member Plouornsy road the report of the Joint Finance oomnittes, where-In they refected Lhe requests of the llagentshler-Horton, basket, Cot to refind them lloensss, also the News Demo- .I Fir `n r'*rat Publishing Co, for printing for advertisement in their new addition, also W,!B,Psrhem, top S small pox case in the Loeb-71c3m Hotel for thh burning of beddin!„ On motion the rnport of tiq J1ont Pinanoe committee WAS oon ur9d-in, On motion It was rsfsrad to the point ordinance Gr,mmiass to bring in an ordlnsnoe, to eo�+s!.Y, LI` the City gollUtor to defend the suits brought against the City offl Ear@ for suitts brought 'Lagainst them for srreats meds whlke In discharge of thsia duty,(es such ), W 1 t ----------------Q------- On kation Ths.B card Adjourned.--=-------- � t,rldi*t,0 j Gbw i J. ti. .i