HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 444, May 6, 1907r:. Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,__::...."."..._"..................:..._-.........-",..... 190 z.. Coin H .qdl P oceed G 6� AL o regular meeting of the Board of Counailme. n helA In the council ahn1%4r, In the i ^7 City Hall May, -6h, 1907, and upon ca;l of the roll the following answered to their names, Lindesy, Crandell, Duvall, Flournoy, Poroman, Lackey, Meyers, Tattle, UMOter�:''^ C - Williamson and Wllsoty (11).' On motion the minutee of the previous meetings were adopted as roadP ;i:;''..•' OT On motion the request of Sewer Inepeator,. Dunderman, Market Master Bell and Chief of 4 pollos Co.1.11.no to have the City to pay Choir coots of sults were,refored to the point _r finance OIL -Y Y / On morias the requeoL of W; d, Parham, W refund hum money for baidirde burned. on: ''• r -- 1X/ account of emull pox was retered to the fineHoe oommittse. ,.•(.'" On motim•the request of the r �V qu Property owners on DronAway to'have the City to imp orae •apt I O. the sidewalks on said street and -to pay,50 aent pernlineal foot between 15th an17the ?. ��`^•' street, and dedicate the property to the City was rejected, On motl on It was w1apted that the contract of the City and Prank Wagner.ao keeper of i, . f, the City garbage dump ratified and the Mayer authorised to .sign same, upon aell on r: the roll by the following vote, Yeo*, (11). _ •_�: �_ - =On motion It was referd to the City Soi.laltor the matter ct colecting a oomnittes from 1 the general council to take up the matter of haveing the ar.artrr changed, In regard to .. .'; `":�' • •`/ the City '@ of tele second class.•%, L CT,, Rjf{; On motion it was retered to the joint Public Iepriltemeat-with yewer to sot to have Ore a:5 root repaired on fire station H.4, - i{: On motion SL was adopted that the request of the property owners on dafterson. street Deteeon 1 h and 25th street to have said 'street converted into a .�.. ( 9f' . park was ordered `5th -drawn, On motion the Mayor wee authorized to signs aontmol. between the City and the Public Z..I ^� Health and TV<e Marine -Hospital Service to talo *are of the dick and disabled seamen _r wi,;L it one dollar end fob thros per Any you loll eL thiSh`o11 Dy 01ngGL 47, te, Yeas, (11). ti{-/}d��-c!w<ina Cru•aG .�J i//D��l�� U-ly �On motion the request of the. gentheler, Basket Cc in regard to refunding them lioern Cr,�o refered the Joint Pinnae committee. an d license Inspector. ..�•i,� �•r]nu C �t V � t. On motion !L was rNSopLeA that the LrueYsas of the CornegU library building and the: � ��. Ornos E�Seaolpel Church to sign I% the Indenture or contra at, to use T foot bolos � � ing , to the parties here -to, running at right angles to Kentucky Menus, and bom Cee ,�.. !;•j,�; / tuoky Avenue, and to a polnt•running 192 feet, from said Kentucky Avenue and an the..:.$t. llines of the, loLd,ot th0 said Draee E.ylsoopal Church and the said Cornegie library, upom a41 of the roll by Lhi to11aw1ngvoLe, Yeas (11), ;On mtlon the clerk wee nuthorlxed to sign the contrast of the City and the I.C. W,A Cor%i :i,,.an rogard.'to the under green drr*rep at or tusr the corner of 11tT am Kentucky, nu J 4.1 0; motion It vse'reterod to -the ordinenoomlretor3nin en,ordinanae to repeal,,.'1;:, i �. G,City Physician orAlnanss,: t 1' - -t 1. t 1 ,,.. t'•T"-fid 5 �' r; .On motion tt P atlon. of the Aldermon.L, a ,conaured-fn,tir5 regard to o4i `ordlnr.noe De3ng, ... T"ir�i�+isi.3r:LIi[:.:..'ai.3s:�.,`.v.....e«:w:y ,,:..,r ,. v.?»aa_'L•:d:u1y.".S+tuLT-- ..:dy,Cy,,1 - . i.:. .. 4. !� iti.: 4T:'7ir,�19°.*.3.vi�ii r7• K _NS.� , en.ihy�' .fie :+a. •, - c '�- t. :w' %'`! , ca I t, �:',•'i.S:'.':!`(C <' `r �!-!t°' � �<•- MY r ..t.,y� -- -r 1 Council Pr-oceedings, City of Paducah,... 190 .. _ .. brought in to oompel.the property owners in sower district 0, to connect , with the sewer. with latteral and load pipe. f . .On motion the request of the property owners on Powell end JsrroLt street to Improve some was,re fored back tp the street eommlttsa,.I On motion It was adopted that the application of Joe and Wm Wagner, to operate a ooffse, house i' v on Bridge, street, was with drawn and money ordered refunded,' •.!. On motion the appulistion of O.A,Ohandler for a ooffse house lloenes at N 204 so uth ninth stre was defored. � Member Crandell read an applioatlon from 0. Dlms.lck for a. ooffse house license Ato # 1735 Meyers street, he offeree as his band John 0, Rinkleff and John Sinnott, On motion acid license :was granted and the bond,vntod upon and accepted upon call. of the roll by the followir.g vote ... .Yeas, Llndeev, Crandall, Flournoy, Pommes, Laakey, Mayers, VaiiMeter end Williamson, (8), Nays Duvall, Tuttle and Wilco, (3). gams read an app!.icatlon from Cr.nndler end Joiner for a coffee house lfoenae at #.300-.1ashington street, they offered a$ their bond tis Illinois Surety Co of Chicago, On motSon.'said license 1 . _.-. !L, r .♦s grinted andtvotodupon.and accepted upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, nestys Crondall, Flournoy, Foroman, Lackey, Mayors, Tuttle, VanMoter and Williamson, SMayes Duvall and Wilson, (2). ! .. ai :Member lsokey read the allowances of the Joint Finance committee for salaries, bills nrkl eto, i 'amounting to 10.632, 76, On motion name was allowed upon call of tha roll by the following C, y (vote, , . Yoa■(11) 1 /`8ems road the report of the sale of the dallnquant Mlle, 'ay the City treasurer and @m s' � �havaing been bought in by the City, by City Auditor, On motion 11 was ordered teas! vad and tiled, and acnou cod -in. � ion motion Lbs Mayor was authorized to rens ,the Worcs of tele City for t 25. 5511. 70,for the ds• --Ifialt of last year, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yess, (11),• 1•,j" t t ==10n motion the Mw4 or was authorized to borrow enough mopy to pay the City/o Durrant sipensas, '!•'.' �A untill ,)urs, u.poon ar,ll of the roll by the following roto, Yeae, (11), 'p •V� I, LOn motion the report of the Amditrr• and Treasurer for the month endindg April 30th, 19070 i.. bowing a cash balance on hand to Ds, $22,763.62, on motion it was received and filed. 1 Member VanMotor rode an ordlnanca entitled an ordinance restricting the number of Cotras I lF11 !houses to the proportion to ons .coffee housetoevery five hundred citizens In the City of� 1 V INI� 1 Paducah, K@ntucky,. On motion, said ordinance was given Its first pansa;ls upon sell of the r oll I Illy the following vote, Yeas, Lindsey, Crandall, Flournoy, Foramens Larkey, Tuttle, Mayers, Van - i lMeter, Willismson,and Wilson, (10), Nayss huvall,(1). •� _ Same read an ordlnaNes entitled an or:'inance, providing for the oonetruotlon of Boyd street by `grading and graveling from a point' where sem@ Intersects sixth street to a point where name In l' �toresot■ seventh strut, In the City of P"Iaah, Kentucky, On motion said ordlnmlos. es given k its first pnsskgs upnn *all of the roll by %'A follewing vote, Yoe,!, (1)), tl���lll .°Same read an ordinance entitled an orelnnnce providing .Tor the oanstrlwtion of thirtoenth a �n /AV street by gradingand graveling iron A point where dame Intersects Flmtrnoy ■trent, to a point W' II'where sameWarrell street, If e:tonden, 1n rhe City of 1'aduoa,,, Kentuoky, On notion said ordi nano@ was givenits first passage upon call' of. the roll by the following vote, Yaas;,(11)', j,.� Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . .... ..:.......................................... :..::.'190 J" ( 9Ordinance Same road an ordlna0as..entl tla`. M prov3dl•nl• for. the .comLrucLlon of ;Kin-:,:' -4 •,: = said street by Lrading and gravOlinr from a point where some Intersects Bridge .' - street; to s point 712 feet most of Bridge atreat, !n the Cityof:Paduoah, Ken:vokys ��+;'•�-� On motion ee3d"ordinance vas given its first passage upon sell of Lhs roll D1thn 4�'+F/ - L following vote, Yaos, (ll) Sams teed an ord3nanas entl.lOd an ordinance ' providing for the ^"onetruotlan of'Pin-, •+;:;ti':- leystreet by gradeing and graveling , from s point where stems int eressts seventh street, to a,point where same Intersects eigRLe street, In the City of Paducah, Ken- ;'•' .�' tuoky, On motion laid ordinance was given Its first passage. upon call of the roll by ..�•./ ,/ the'following vote, Yue, (11). ...:;y Y. "1{game read an ordinance enttltled an Ordinance providing for the acnatructlon of '•i-,/:, TC/AV' `granitold sidewelke, curb and ruttir on both aides 'of 4th street, from a point where et •.rT' ` . IW VVVV pb3nL where same intersects Trimble street, in the same. interssots Clay street, to a••„�•; �•' 1 • I ^A� _ City of Peduash, Kentucky, On motion .'sold ordinance was given Its firut passage r. upon mall of the -roll by the following vote, Yesa, 5 Bois read #an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for the sonstructiomof gran- SLo1d sidewalks., w1tR sonbined curb and guEEsre, on both sides of Tennaeass streaL, from s point where' same intersects 3rd street to s point where same intersects 12ths ��t'.•.- G J attests In the Cityof Paducah, Kentucky, On motion esld ordinance was given its : nr .>•: >: ': ?.' ',:•'• _ `Y', `4 first passage upon call of the roll by the following vote,.Yess, .(11); " , ',,�;;h•.'; p 'IBame read an or dLmcs entitled an ordinance providing for the construction of gtanl ,,,. olds-walksj street, from a PInt Miers curbs and rlttars,on both eluse of Ohio stt c .,,}, /✓I ft a •,.i.�.:... same intereeots'3rd, street to a point where same inLereeoLe 13th, street, in LM '7r'•' ke) City of Pedussh, Kentujry, On motion said ordinance woo given its first posse upon: �'�`y ,well of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, (il). Same read on o-rdinanos entitled an 'ordinenoe,providing for the ornetmetionof lids- I1'`'., • V 9 Malke, curbs and guttas on Doth olden -of 5th, aLroeL from'a point where same inter-;•' • r' r•'�• Soote Clay -street to s point whore sems Intersects Trimble street, In,the City of J sAu•sh, Kentucky, On motion said ordinance was given Its t1reL passage upon sell ef"ti'' ,+. the roll by the following into, Yoae, •(11).: Same read an ordinance entitled an ordinance providing for the construction of �'f:• ,n OV old side -walks, ourbe and guLTeres on. Doth sides of 8th street,' from-& point vdlere rY/ ems Intersects Washington ngton street ,-to s point where same interssots Tennessee street.. CC P. i . �c, : in the City of;Padu shy Kentuakys On motion• add ordlnanoe was given its first � 7: •" .�:' passage upon call of the roll by the following vo"., Yeas ( _ .Member Wilson read the report of the Milk Inspector, on motion St wssresslved and r i. flied and Ordered Published. Member Williamson presented d dead to s lot'in Oak Grove Cemetery, to Rob% L. of # 123 in blook # K, On motion said deed me ratiflede game presented •load toslot in Oak Grove Cemetery to E.R.Rudolph, lot # 10 In t''•, �1 ;block # Y,'`On motion said deed was ratified. _. ,' : :• - : ;,' ' �ame presented •doed to s lot in oak Grove Cemetery, to 01. Petters lot # 4 In d e/ a i'"Lelook # 44s Oa motion said doe wash retlflad } l r 3 ' a.);]ua5�••Js+l' Y�Lrr'n: ' `C.,, s .a,,, _. y-_t�.�s,r�.r, i,.it�i:�.o..:.�,.f_:� d n .<i::. �rt 1 .. 1 .n , .r ..-. t,' , I oL;.•'� r` . '1•: �'V;,. Yer,'•'r^t'tG>•.;'�' r ' I �f r I'•, rr.�r 'fir r'.: . Council Proceedings. City of Paducah,._._ ...... ........... .:...::....:..:._...:!..:..: 190 • ` ': Sums read a request from We RSttit Lenders Baking the board to transfer .her lot in Oak Grove femstvey, /y lot #v 416 in block'# :-q to J.g,howns, On motion her request was grants-d,Pee On motion of smmbsr Tutle the request of J.A. Baurer to have the City to . refund , him money paid in for taxes, for the year of 1906, and also have the Auditor and Assessor to areae ,this plsao I� property on 12th street between Clay and Trimble streets, which L assessed to -,hims wee. rem .•' fared to the Auditor and Assessor with pow or to not. on motion of Member Mayers the report of the Chief of Pollee was received and filed, fyfl(A" on Potion of same it)eos refered to the ordinanae oommittes to bring to an ordinanea.to lnarea� A '�,✓%(�' is the City/s Electrician salary to.tloo,00, per month, 'On motion of TAckey it was adapted that the protective Trsvlors Men Amsoalstlon be givenj /Member the privellge6s of usaing the Cc= 11 Chambar to hold their convention in on may, 18th,: .. p Member Poramen resented Uta following motion; end t P g , the reoomacdetion of the JointFtreet anm-�I I mittee,;- to -wit, We reaomend that all latterals on 1st, ]treat, for the old sanitary sewer. 4 be run to the property line at the expense of the City, whrrs they have. not slrrady boon oi- I^ t nded, nn motion eemo •sae ooncured in upotl call of the following roll by tha.following vote, ' A-V lll"YYYI"'777- Yess, Y On motion of some the action of the Alderman was aonoured-in, in -regard to thn preparty, 'owners living In newer district to connect 1ne1r property with lateral and lead pipe connao-.'� tions, and for the ordinance Committee to bring in an ordlnanoe guvering alma, and Bridges and / eon be relelved from their oontrr.ctr ----=-'-------------on motion n Ae Board AdJourned.------------------------ -- 7:i',:. 2 '(,'07 1 MAY WT � YruGicnl Cared City O/mcki �.. t , , �� Irl •_ t.r ��.. i I. +' I I = rF. S'r pC i4e