HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 428, February 4, 1907Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,_ 190 ,•`.�- ^, R11cied upon call ofthe roll b9 the following vote Veae (10). r -t" .. �mbsr VanMeter readan.Ordinancs entitled an ordinance, to mend an ordinance En- titled n titled an ordinance relating to Hawkers and Hucksters and regulatingthe Duain•as �f r, ...th•rs-of,.Adapt•d pp the Common Council of the City of Paducah, December, 21st"- "1899, and approved by James M.Lang Yayor, D6osmbar,.22td, 1H99, On motion cid wr { ,� •�rdlnano• se given Its fiL peso age upon call of the roll by the following vote 7 i rl1"71.1 4 J •aa.:Ci4)-it notion Lh•!ven its rule was suspended, end said Ordinance wan gi 1r i ur r Yjt - F}t+ 4P�t,, r { 11 '1seond r•id3nG upon 0611 of th•.roll Dy Lh• following vote, Yean,.(�)j7ays, Duvall y.i gm• .sed An Ordinance entitled an ordln6nc•,_".a ding an,ordinande entitled an e},' /ordinance re oMeting the office of dolinquenp Tax Colles Lor and proHding•tor the t :, v ",� y,• .n..urw-rar •ola. Ww.i.w..rwgu-.ht:1aca .�:.o.n. d Endmen.xn�awtwl.on, ILN.J action of Liesmo, and fixi1Aopted �bY Lm gen•ralnDL1v ., bd 41 ♦ t; 1 ''4 11 Proce .. ;' At a reemlar meeting 'or the Board of Councilmen, heldln the Council Chamber in a s•�i:.•.:_ � City Hall, Fekuary, 4th, 1907, and upon call of the roll the following answered to ,: '1i3"•' . their names , Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy. Pormrnr Waken Me erer VanMstq;�- Williamson, Wilson, .1101, On action the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ae.read.fT .._'?t.'^"` On motion the comunlo6tlom, from Electrician Ho Pherson, in regard to Web.and bloom, and and the .building occupied by Prank Wagner an south, 2nd, street, was re-•:j�!>Vr. • rp / tared to the City Solicitor. •'.' `� ,fl On notion It was refered to Joint Ordlnatioe. Committe to bring In an ordinance ora- `�'�'•��'• sting the o:fio• of building Inepeotor, I 11 EO motion the repprt of the Milk and Meet Inepeotor was received And filed, . t. y On notion the-reoueet of, John Lightly, to with-drsw his regeset,'for a Coffee Ho Its" license, in, hittlevills, wed granted,. and upon motlon his money paid to the City .. _. - -.. .. �';.�; •; •,• ( Treasurer, was ordered refunded..' �.. ••;(,{:•. POn'motlon the rermeet of Oscar Denkar, to with -draw, his request for • Coffee Hwn 1, license at 1044, Droadway,was granted and upon motion his money paid t0 the CSLy was ordered refunded. `;Treasurer, ` ;1 •�-�<• • on motion th a request of Hummel Rra a In regard to Insurance Co, woe.»ford to er,,- i E Yinana Committee. .- On Notion 1t vac refered to the Ordinance and Street COMIttee to bring in an Ord- nonce to grade a street In 6lttkes Addition: -� ` •' = : On motion SL was ' refered to the Street Committee to bring In an Ordinance to ilr r, prove sidewalks, in !Tont of the River -side Hospital. .I1, ember Crandall. Toad a rsannetranoe against a saloon in Little Addition,, On .mention, : ;.:,':•..,'. .�L oaroceiva-d Olid filed. yY Mombor Lackey read the report of the Trraeurer 7n5 and Auditor for the month ending, I .. ... _ ,..Jams arYr 31st, 1907,' shoeing sYuh balance an hand to be W.634.86, On motion it ..a.. .._.... ;: •,.'. Sao resolved MCI filed. �iJim 0 Mad the allowanas of the Joint Finance Committee, for the month of Jatuary, - is rN a `907, for alariu, Mlle -and ate;� amounting to $9647.50, nn notion a=• vac ;l, ,,, •. ,•`.�- ^, R11cied upon call ofthe roll b9 the following vote Veae (10). r -t" .. �mbsr VanMeter readan.Ordinancs entitled an ordinance, to mend an ordinance En- titled n titled an ordinance relating to Hawkers and Hucksters and regulatingthe Duain•as �f r, ...th•rs-of,.Adapt•d pp the Common Council of the City of Paducah, December, 21st"- "1899, and approved by James M.Lang Yayor, D6osmbar,.22td, 1H99, On motion cid wr { ,� •�rdlnano• se given Its fiL peso age upon call of the roll by the following vote 7 i rl1"71.1 4 J •aa.:Ci4)-it notion Lh•!ven its rule was suspended, end said Ordinance wan gi 1r i ur r Yjt - F}t+ 4P�t,, r { 11 '1seond r•id3nG upon 0611 of th•.roll Dy Lh• following vote, Yean,.(�)j7ays, Duvall y.i gm• .sed An Ordinance entitled an ordln6nc•,_".a ding an,ordinande entitled an e},' /ordinance re oMeting the office of dolinquenp Tax Colles Lor and proHding•tor the t :, v ",� y,• .n..urw-rar •ola. Ww.i.w..rwgu-.ht:1aca .�:.o.n. d Endmen.xn�awtwl.on, ILN.J action of Liesmo, and fixi1Aopted �bY Lm gen•ralnDL1v ., bd 41 ♦ t; 1 ''4 1 ^ 1)t�ll—�� ."`Z.If�r.w.4 -.,IiF MSM) YMI(j'4'ilir .�'K..�.(n A: 't -r•).. {)�:, �.Y y jYr�C[^; Council Proceedings, CI ,m) g City of Paducah. __:._ _.._..:...... .........190. ' `':.:.. � •:.. •;,, ,,.• .,"� council of the city of Paduaah,gestucky, and approved, Jan, 31st, 1903, by D,A,Ylenr, Mayor i i ' On motion said Ordinance was given Sts first paesege upon call ar.tt:e following vote, Yese, I ' {1S 110): .. ... •' Member Meyers rad the report of. the Chaff of Pollee for the m o nth ending Jan, 31111t, 1907 ' •- •' " .On motion It was received and 'filed,- ..� ✓� On motion the requeat of*ths S:.Sppers and Merchants In regard to the City andn the eget ( I I/ sif.e of first at root for better aot;sas to the. river, was on motion rafared to the Street 1 1( Committee. !!I _ ''Member Crandall read an eppllesyion frog J,Y Whittaker, .for aeoffee hones lea -nee and � .. _ tneiofteredrap his bond the I111no1s Surety Cos of Chicago, also O,A.Chnadl'ers James Ward, Winfr ....land Patterson, John Ward, Dreyfus and wall and Cc (quart licence), Tom Thompson, J,11,81marrill t ,Ia.man Bross, bond 11, R.Parpar and 'like Iseman, O,R•WSllow, bond Adolph and Lee M'eili. Frank Wagner` bond, Joseph L. Friedman, and John,W, KSeler, C,P,Sahrader, Joseph L, Frlednam, and,-' .•I ...,:.__ john,W, Kleler, Ilenry Kamlleter, bond, L.Kolb and C. Stienhauer, S, R. Gott, bona Jolmn •.1 ! '; • ,'t Sinnott and J.G. RSnklaft, G.T,A,011be"-to, bond, P1de11ty Lnd Dapoalt Cos* of Meryldnd, St',. •'i Dye 'Intl Stsvart, bond, PSdetty :and Depoelt Co, of ;laryland, rAumaine and Jones, hand, Adolph ' and Lee Well, nleAnrwan nlstillory Cos Mond n,J,Prienter and Henry nindermans Jim Rnlgers ISS Ptd allty and Deposit Cc of Maryland, Chr to Rerger, bonds C,Serger and Sets I,:r4yy, `Hugh noyle, bond, Jahn Sinnott and J,O.Rlnkleft, EiC,Eaker and Cos bond, Jsaes Eake P. and Vo IM �Wobles Y. Livingston and Cc, (gallon and quart) bond Jams Wallin and Ren. Ws111�s..J 1H,^'Nell'. � land Bons(gallon and quart), bond , J.O, Rinklsft and I. Nu,hlams A, S•Ter-11(F•allon.and'quart) - A� I bond J. n, Terall star E, C,Terells Englert and Rryants(gallon an -1 quart), JIM. Rugl.art and 1J,A,Younger,Sam Starke, bond Illinois Surety Co. of Ch1 ago, Stith and Vincent boar I111ne14. l 1ljSurety Co, of CIA age, Prard: Levin, fond Illinois Susety, Cos of Chi age, J,W Moore, band 1 Illinois Surety Co, of Chlaago, Pall and Simon, bond Illinois Surety Co, of Chioago, Pried-. mans Kleler and Cos(gallon and quart), blind, Illinois SImsb, II m and,; { Surety Cos of Chicago, . .CO. (gallon and quart), bond 1111•:ola Surety Co, of Chi agog J,D.Dverstrest bond Illinois %ro _ ._-:i..... ,•qty Cos. of Chi ago, Ed', Pearson, Domd I11.1nois Surety Cos of Chloagos Murray and Wathan,band ' - -Illinois Surety Cc , of Chlengo, 'J,J.Psed, bond, Illino 1s Suruty Co, of Chlcafos Oeor a Sohulttes D:nd, Il Ito nia Surety Co ' •- of Chloagos C,W, Rodfus, bond T111nols Surety Cos of Chicago, L.R,Ragan, bond, Illinois fit I, Surety Cc of Chicago, *Iwo S. Robertw,n, bond, Illinois Surety Cos of Cie cagos R.L. Percher, and Co, bond I111noie nu rety Cos of Chiohgo, Potter and Alexanders bond, Illinois Surety Co I. • `1k -7 �.'•" of ChlasFos Palmer, Hotel Cos bonds Illinois Surety Co of Chlaago, A, Pnrk Sne, Dond Illlnole, ..' Surety Cc of Chicago, J.L.Potter, bard, Illinoln Siroty Cc of Chioago, 'Henry Hest, ::bond .: Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago, vi,C, Standford and Co, bond :11 lnole Surety On or'Chle, go,. _•• "'! S,?.n1111ngely, DondIllinol■ Surety Cc of Chicago, H,T,Vogel, bond Illinois Surety Cc of,Chl.; Kase, Nichols and Deboebond, Illinois Surety Ce of 'Chicago, L.T.Clark, bond Illinois Suroty • i _r .�, Cc of Chlaago, Goo Danker Adolph and Les Wells J.W.Whiselaw bond, Illinois Surety Co of Ch1C.90, L,I„Nelson, bond, J,W,Orr and J.E. 14organ, .W,M.Uitaholl, bona 'r Illnol■ Surety Co or Chleago, R,E.L.Moshell and Co, bond, Illinois, Surety Cc of C hl Cago, J.R,Morrla and Cos bond ] Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, Abe MarCofsky, bond Illinois Suety Cc of ChlCago, JN= .': ,••i. ' J. J.MCaughensIllinels Suretyca of shiaego, Tuck Lo 46I1110nois Surety OO,of ChicaOo, J.J ' It: a 1. .fit Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . ..... ..... ..:.........:.........:.:......::......:........:..... 190 . .�L•lly, bood1111no1s Surety Co, of Chicago, James Loftin, bond Illinois Surety ee of .Chicago, S.J.Lenhan, bond, I111noin Surety Co, of Chicago, J.Y.geu, bond Illlnols . '•r y Surety 'Co, of ChlCago, J.T.Jenklno, Bond Illinois Surety Co of Cnleago, W.E.Ham, - -bond, Adolp h and Lee Well, Lee Hite, bond I111nors Surety Cc cef ChlCago, Dan i•: "."Galvin, bond Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago, Chas T. Graham, bond, I111no1e Surety a •' �L7 .. Oat of ChlCago, W,C,Gray bond Illinois Surety Co, Galla her.and Soyle, bond Illlnols �I 'S+irsty Co, of ChiC•Fo, t,OrSffln and Wilson, bond, I1 linole Surety Co, of,ChlCago, •• - •�':`� ��„•, ,„-” Gray and Gray, bond Illinois Surety Co of Chica ,, ji- Y go, J.P. Fowler, bond I111no Is Surety- '. •,..,,, i r ' Co of -Chicago, G.W.Ed ward., bond Illinois Surety Co. of Chicago, EBerly, Barden and. ,•-% 1 Co, DonA, Illinois Surety Qo of Chlaa�o, A. Danker Jr,,bond, Illinois Sure ty Co ofI- LL/. + -,: •'l hiCego, Chia ;i Denker, bond Illlno is Surety Cc of Chleago, J.W.Dicke Dont Illinois ; '•^ Surety go of Chl Cago,' P.E.Cartwrig ht, bond, Illinois Surety CO of Chi Cago, T.A. .;j. Clark,.bond, Illinois Surety Co, of Chidar;c, G.A.ChaodUr, bond, Illlnols Surety Co t '' 'V•- if Ch1Cago, J..Dradley,Illinois Suety - E MCo., of Chi Ca go, A, A,Adklno,I111nn1 FVrety00 '•.. Of ChlCngo, D.M.Allon, bond,Illlnols Suroty Co, of Chl Cago, Ooo,Hs And»Cty bond, ;, 1: 1 I111noI@ Surety Co, of ChlCago, C.E.Aladknall, gond I111 nolo Surety Co, Chlce.go, {. �Gso J`•V, As Sacker, bonds Illinois Surety Co, -of Chicago, A.V.Dower, bond Illinois Cc 1• .� o+f Chlasgo, John, Eldor, bona Illinois Surety Co, of ChiCa90, 006•H. Goodman plod Ce ` •' �llSnot a Surety Cs of Chi Cago, �^ :Smme: nad an application fr on the Paduvah D1ste1 rise Cc for s gallon and Quart 51 `Y a� PSasnae, On motion It was re,)loyed -.pen call of the roll By.tha .; following rote, 7can ;- J It t.• none, Hays, (10),Ir ' + ='T� Some read an application from, Dryfus Well rnd•Cc for a gall ­n and quart dealers lloo Done Illimons Surety Co at ChiCago rn motion said license granted upon call of the roll by the following tote Taos, } V t4 (10), Hrys, none s.9.Same reed an apphcatlon from, A, Aosenthel, for a Coffee House den» at 43tn, s0 •er. z fT{1'1_ treet and Clay, bond Illinois Surety Cc of Chloago, On motion said lleen+e Framed - f �; •}f op r, Dond accepted .upon sell of the roll by the following,vots, Tess, LSndeey, CianAall,--•�^'•�?.: i. :^'i,'^"'rN-,;•— oreman, tiacky, 1leyara. and Wilson, (6), Hays, Duvall, Plournoy, VAmloter 4" W11 Y: t�4,ro :.'•-f '8! • rred an app;Sgatlon,' from D,Padgett and Co, for a Coffee • house license at 11jth, and Clay, thay.•offered as their Dond The Illinois Surety Cc of ChlCaga, 00 r vf1a J )_ Motion slid license was granted, and Bond accepted upon Ball of Rbc roll 0 the fol J t . lowing rote,,Yese, Llndesy, Crandell, Foreman, La sky Meyers, .and Wilson (6), Hays •' >( ":;.,.: :�•,{Be all,Flournoy, VaMeter and WSlllsson,(4). ,- :Ji•; Ta--• . �.., uSane read an app;loatlon from, J.D. Overstreet for a softs. T.ouse at Sth and Aoyd •- r,.r� i:' '' r i!1 ,.,5^. L` :••, •tre!t, he offers A as his bond The Illlnols Subety 00, of ChlCafo, On notion•eaid , 1 , ,1 • Y7 } s t ).lie •*no? was granted and bond accepted upon call; of the by the following vote, _ 1 X11., A it ,,f _Y� a, Crandall, Flourno ,-Foramen, Laey, Meyers, Vansoter, .tilllemson and Wilson, ($).. .. Hays, Idndsey and nuVell,. (2)•' i a.i•r•; ... - .. � tL >r Y, r Seaaa.reed•►pp;loations from, T:Psters,•••H.H.EVano,.On notion the'-llloense Ias'roject 77- � 1 ” ... - end non plyordsree refunded.,'' .: ..r5"• '•e r ., I*r SS adopted that Jos..Gourleua be reftuWed Yonsy paid Into the City he' r Cf .iLt ,A'r I� C 4 a 5 "aYy'+wwtas.li.r+ O f. ",uiYrr ' ��v.11J.il�:,i . r . rl>Ll .lY •...•.aiwJi,.,/. ti...nl t t t µ F i ( 1 J / • ' R4� ?"•il;l(hv D', ,�JYti�W"1r.�r V'l -wJ'�-,,«�y. •, ' •w K. li ll.. �1 .�, '[ i:n i�.I�:rt•,� MtM"i ,!aj.V t.{, 6Y1: "'A�: ?�•:LY. e�br•x� +I Y .y J•I '. I r i T uy.Y enol • �, -, Y ,,�u t� .t t ua1<: i �� iyiSK y.;^Y .`-' ..r 1 ..1 C; JJ :.�+ r �..el.:w.... ,. .. d. ... s •. Council Proceedings, Cit of P 180 �;►�' Y aducah, __.. .._-_..:� -=-•3-•-- .- died eerora action Gould lbe talken his license, .....'. -� ' •'pit On ■otlon SL was reteasd to t he Board of Publio works the matter' of thj sakplaint on .. .;..__.. 19th,etreat, ... .. •, , r . ,• `�AA' On notion it gone refered the Board •of Health ashes ever the dump on .,'Monroe St. • ` On notion the City Solicitor was lnstnict ed .to ,file ,n experts, 'to Nst ;he Vali�•1 ty cot I l r t1 the 0 Sty. of oaduoah, appointing'nore than 18 non an the Police forgo, On motion 1% was adopted that She abstract Ca, furniel5, recorded deeds and ups, dor Sewer. ' $ 2, and tho.prlce not to exceed, S 200.00, upon call of the •oll by the following vote, .I . -• Yana, (10).. /,,,/J�,' I Motion The Board Adjourned,Qfi0.'D3:T0.�1��➢6D�f1aC7i7�'1:b1�'�9 �On I' I0I90 D rs 19 City Went. :-.:.,+; w• :,., •., _. r[ li i .. . L , s � i. 1 ✓ 1 tl 1 1 g t 1 d l y 1 I IR F 'rfF � I t!• I n +I Y .y J•I '. I r i T uy.Y enol • �, -, Y ,,�u t� .t t ua1<: i �� iyiSK y.;^Y .`-' ..r 1 ..1 C; JJ :.�+ r �..el.:w.... ,. .. d. ... s •.