HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 419, January 7, 1907Council Proceedings, City. of Paducah._' ........... I .......... H ``F ............. _..... ._..... ' 190 ®LIQ n i : 1, _ Pr®ceea�L. - 1 AL a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen. held 1m the Council 'Chamber, In th -'CStq Hslli Jam.ary, 7th, 1908.' and upon call �of Lhe roll the following answered to •• their rears.' Crandall Dural, Pleurnoy, Foreman, ircksyi Lindsay, Msyers,' Shelton. ?•,•, , G o' + A... • -Vanlleter, W1111ueony anki'VE11son The Clark stated that Wcerex Flournoy, Poresan..Lindsey, Lackcy, Shelton and ' 'Wilson, had been sworn into office as sumbere of the'Board of Councilmen, of the �1.. OSty: and annou need that SL waa'in order to Bleat a President of this board, On </ motion members Lindsey and Duvall were put in nnmination, upon poll of the vete vestsltr Lindsey was sleeted to the chair &e president,' On motion the clerk wasordered to draw a warrent upon the City Treasurer, for the : f'; <'• , %)�' amount of ;1�$g.11,to provide far the payment of intei'net on January,* 1907, on bonds payable in New York,'en N,Or h 9,R,R, bumds.upon call of the roll by the !, te11ov1ng vete. Yeas. -(12), On motion Lhe request of•Elestriclan MaPherson'in regard to raising his salary to Z2S:00. more on the year was refered to the Police and Piro Cemmitte. 'On. motion the eommunl°aL1on from Rern;ilem Bro's In regard to donating 12(009, "_...•,• Dusholl of 'coal to tht poor of the City was reCeired and tiled, 1 I On motion SL was adopted that SL be charged to the rental list the 2 f1» plugs II, 1. en on Clay etrset Between 17tH and 19th etreetades p on nort!i 8th etreeL from ,l x Campbell to Boyd atraets� by the Paducah, Nater Co, '• ,�/ The Mayor stated that lie had appointd Mr James Campbell, Jr,*te.fllX uut*the un. expired term of City Bolisitor Puryear, On motion it was received,"filed and eon- )" cured -in. 71. . The Mayor presented theOff1a1a1 Cow Catcher Ordlnanse with hll veto attached, On !! motion it' was pla°ed upon Its V:Srdane Ma v - •� P ge the ore y oto not with ctardiq and p upon sell of the roll the ordinance vis lost upon call of the roll by the followls . " _... •:.�votep Yeas, Duvallp Meyers, VmMster anrI Williamson (4) Na • Lindsey,- I 1 lournoy. Poroman,'Hersog..Laakcy, Shelton and Wilson, (8). - %• m motion tHe -*port of the Chief of Pollom was received and filed, �«;•flflflflflfl�On motion the a request qucs6 of the Public Behools in regard to %h In appotLiofinent amt was rcfered Lo -the Pinanos Committee. r� Cl �On motion the eommunioatton from Thee. R. Harrison In regard to appointing the i p ,Nesc.Demoorat'Nowa Paper Co, 1n steed of the slut Publishing Co. as the 0ffiaial ►J��'�/�'.rtO" Niws'paper of, Lhe Olty,.was reoolved ww filed and oonoured-in. -re' ....i - `n motion the request -of Janes P.-Saith in regard. to Sn Oak Grove CeseLery . ias'r.efered is the Onmetcry ro ,. :' .•1On motion We ricomendation'of the Board 'ef Public Works, in regard to sidewniks ..y�•-�r"� ', on Narley,street and Short', street In extending time for acme was censured -in. p 1 r - On, section !0 warrefered to the -City Solieitor and Strest.'Ccml%tes the'matter of aideing the. fillovcr Bradshave creek.:- '"":"' `y ...... - - - C, ✓~ w ' "Ori not SL tae f ofc ' to tire: Board -of Pub110 Works with ( ower to act be• imp»vc (r J - 1 f9th atresi and Outhrle Avenue.- !! 'y., r pip ... 1, I..J' v .:� .!.,. a .._ ! ... • n� l .. ,,.:.i-l,,.�.n :.L�`IC '., i -a .99°•Pr-'-^cm -.4i a•' f �s,. wl i .; •.I• „ -s. •`F•, tr::u a-. '!lit, .r 1, ',r 5._.__I-'�I.w.. .�:. ....,Council Proceedinb s, City of Paducah, _......... ......... 190 . (Member VanUster road the report of the City Treasurer and Auditor •for the moonth ending .�• .`�-. Dees 31st, 1906, to Do.'2!5,558,70, On motion It was raoalVad and filed, Member Crondol road an Ordinance entitled an ordlnanceb providing, for the a lginal snnetruo- tion of the sidewalks, inoluding curbs and gutters on both aides 14 south fourth etrest, i r 4 �L/C from Norton street to Husbands Ltreet, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, the side e'alks to be i sis(6) feet wlds,and the curbs and gutters to what is commonly known in eoabined curb and gutter, and all to be Of grmnitold OOIUtraotlon, On motion amid ordinance was given Stm:flrat I passage upon Pall of the roll by the following vote, Yeaa,. Lindsey, Crandall, Duvall, Flour-' JJ I nay, Poremarnr lackey, Meyers, Shelton, Vanlleter, Williamson and IlU4,n, (11). ~ On motion the request of J.A.Bauer and The Paducah Brewery Cos was I•torered. � + 4 On motion the action the Aldermen %a■ conoured In regard to I'111np, the papers of the American Surety CO. I ✓ ,/��/ President Lindsey appointed Aembers, Laoksy, elonrnoy and VWLstar, as members of the. Joint Fiascoes Committees and members , VWiater, Cr"oll rnd Shelton an nembers of the, Joint ' Ordinance Comwltteo, ; T �,� .� C Member erandelll cad the 10110"'olloeppliestionm for license for Halloo and Quart dealers i and Coffee House lloonme, J.A. Crum*, 129, south second street, bond The IllinnoIs .Surety' Cos of Chioago, George d. Goodman, Co, for vinolsesla hear derlsre, ',Ond The Il11noL Sureyy Co, of Chlaago, Prank Pehr Brewing Cos 309 mouth second street, bondsman, OeorEe Hernhadd, /l, Cook Brewing Co. 1340 136, north, 11th, street, bond The Illinois Surety Co,.ot Chi. Cego. Pa,vea-,, Brewing Co. Wholesale Bears loth and Monroe ate, bond Illinois Surety Co of Chicago, i Anheuser -Sus , Brewing Association, wholesale Beer, 1021 Jefferson, bona Illinois Surety Cay of Chiaago,Henderman Brewing Co, 225, south 2nd, street, wholesale Deer, bond Illinois Surety 1 Cos of. Chicago, Friedman and Kleler, Callon :no Quqrts license, 130, north, 2nd street, bond Illinois Surety Cos of Chicago, M.Llvingston and Cos Oallnn and quart, license, 119 andi' 121, north, first street, H. Well and Son's gallon and quart, license, 113 north 2nd, 'street�,. bond J,O.RSnkleff and I, Nauhlem rul.11athen ' Murrayy r, retail lio^nse, 115, north, 4th, et5 bond The T111nois Surety Cos of Chicago, Loeb -Bloom and Cos gallon and (Marti lie .ones, 127., I1 and 129 north, 2d, street, bond Illinois SuretyCo, of Cldoa[os Ed Penson, retail license `1 - . 701 Triable street, bond Illinois Surety Co of'Chleago, N,M,Mltnhell, retail, 1000 north, lob Y . streets bond Illinois Surety Co of Chlcagor L.L.NeLonr retaly 407 conth, 3rds -street bond, ` . J.W. nrr, and J.E.Morgans- R,E,1„Uoshall Ind Cos retail, 201 Broadway, hand Illinois Surety Cos of Chleagos J.R.Norrls retell, 100 nroadway, bond Illinois :ursty of Chicago, J.J,Mo- � Aughans retail licenses !!.F„ sorrner 12th and Jones utrectas bond Illinois Surety �;os'of Chlaago, Abe Mc Corl'eky, retail, license, 134 south 2nd, street, bond illlnols Suraty Co of Chicago, J.M.Moore ratan 'license, 704 Adaae strent, bond Illinois Surety Ca of Chl Cago, 'George H, Geodamns Co, retail, 1*6 and 108 north, 2nd,atrest, bond Illinois Surety Cc �f ..[{'_ Chicago, Pell and Simon, retail, 700 Trimble street bond I111no1s asrety CO of Chicago,I '${•'-_ J,M.[aas, retail, 821 Washington atreet, bond Illinois Suraty Cc of Chlmaeo, .4.J.Lanham, .I +."•?; retail, 115 south 4th street; bond Illinois /Huret,y Cc of Chicago, J,J,Lally, retails 1501• ° = `•I - south 4th street, bond Illinois Surety Cos of Chicago, Jones Lottln, retell, 'nol4 �-I111nn1a 'I 't•' 'l*l i Buret Cc of Chlea o luck Lowe retell license 104 Nashln _ 7 [ r � , . r 7 Ston, street, bond Illinois .•'�`�' Surety Co.or Chicago, Prank Loving retells licenser bond Illinois Surety Cor' og ChleaForv�.11 ! 1 nbis lusty CO of Ch1 *agog, J.L. Potter, retail, 637 Campbell street, bond Illinois, sur- +; _�,•. 1r .y •,' 1 @Ly0 Ce, of Ch1* Mot .11enry Haat, re•t11 g ?OOO south, 3M nLrast, bond Illinois lkgreLy COX# of Chicago, r,C,Btandford and Cog retail, 11328 south# 10th, street, bond Illlnol■ .. Su@S Co of ah3o6 o H,T.Billi 1. Y g , ngelays retallg 110, south, 3rd, street, bond, Illinois -a. . Y,t surety Cog of Ohiaa9o0 A,M. Allen, rotall# 105, Braadwaiy bond, Illinoi•'Slr@ty, Cog of 1 „ Chlargo, "'T, Vagal, rotall, 121, Ky, Ave, bond Illinois Sprety Co, of Chicago, Goo ^Cr.;":«';-.,.L,H��Andreaht, retall,.400 north 12th# streot,.bond Minnie Surety. Co, of Chiea.a, -' •: Vii': 'j r.)•; `+. I Y ,.b„i,•„'+YL Le� .B, RoDertaon, R@LeiIs 110 Broadway, bond Illinois Surety Co of Chloago, C, P, SChraA�arc C•: �. 231 north# 13th, streets bond, Qoseph 1. Friedman and John W. Kieler, Ton ThompoonyN4*'t •• 20g ,Kentucky Avenue, Dond,' Illinol• Buret f Chic g Wagoner, # :. e Y Co.. ago Prdot Wa ones retail 110' t: Y•c- ok! /OILhs 2nd street, bond Friedman and Kloler,. O.B,Willew, retallg 212 Kentucky Avenue `_.•Dond Adolph Wall and -be pe11� O, A, Chandler, atail r. ••, '' ' �i •;�'J: t _ , 702, Tennessee@ street Dond r... inoia Surety Cog of Chicago, Iuiomrn Bro°S retail, 227_ south, 2nd street, bond, W.R. Pa'ker and Y. Iseasn, J.M,Wluitakap# rotall# LC.1fatalg Dond# Illinois Surety Ce, of �. 1, ,cAi ry �itiM bi t Ch 0690, A,A,Adk1ns,,r@La11, 8250 south, 3rd, street, bond, Illinois Surety Co of Ir'•� 11:2?;•.,,: il_s-oh i*ago, Jim Bulgor, »tall, 1651 south# 4th, streets bond Pidellty and Deponitr CO r •r r �et•�Maryland, John M. Bradley, retail, 114 Kentucky Ave bond Illinois S! "'• y + ! .-• r k4ti, Tdg Y� Ohl %r. tt.-+ z Wsahington .st»t ; bond Illiis !!:. rno�. ' ',•^�': Boyle, 134 south, 4th •;rest, retail, jJehn 811111ot6 and John Rlnkleff, JOhm glrod •' ,.; '•, . 123, South' ltd street, bond Illinois Surety Ca, of Chloago,A. V, Bnwr, 000, Wu111nptop •••`t�"• 7r,tOh I retail; 1028, Kentucky Avenue„ hand, Illinois Surety Ce, of i +{ Council Proceedings, City of Paducah................................................................ 190 • nbis lusty CO of Ch1 *agog, J.L. Potter, retail, 637 Campbell street, bond Illinois, sur- +; _�,•. 1r .y •,' 1 @Ly0 Ce, of Ch1* Mot .11enry Haat, re•t11 g ?OOO south, 3M nLrast, bond Illinois lkgreLy COX# of Chicago, r,C,Btandford and Cog retail, 11328 south# 10th, street, bond Illlnol■ .. Su@S Co of ah3o6 o H,T.Billi 1. Y g , ngelays retallg 110, south, 3rd, street, bond, Illinois -a. . Y,t surety Cog of Ohiaa9o0 A,M. Allen, rotall# 105, Braadwaiy bond, Illinoi•'Slr@ty, Cog of 1 „ Chlargo, "'T, Vagal, rotall, 121, Ky, Ave, bond Illinois Sprety Co, of Chicago, Goo ^Cr.;":«';-.,.L,H��Andreaht, retall,.400 north 12th# streot,.bond Minnie Surety. Co, of Chiea.a, -' •: Vii': 'j r.)•; `+. I Y ,.b„i,•„'+YL Le� .B, RoDertaon, R@LeiIs 110 Broadway, bond Illinois Surety Co of Chloago, C, P, SChraA�arc C•: �. 231 north# 13th, streets bond, Qoseph 1. Friedman and John W. Kieler, Ton ThompoonyN4*'t •• 20g ,Kentucky Avenue, Dond,' Illinol• Buret f Chic g Wagoner, # :. e Y Co.. ago Prdot Wa ones retail 110' t: Y•c- ok! /OILhs 2nd street, bond Friedman and Kloler,. O.B,Willew, retallg 212 Kentucky Avenue `_.•Dond Adolph Wall and -be pe11� O, A, Chandler, atail r. ••, '' ' �i •;�'J: t _ , 702, Tennessee@ street Dond r... inoia Surety Cog of Chicago, Iuiomrn Bro°S retail, 227_ south, 2nd street, bond, W.R. Pa'ker and Y. Iseasn, J.M,Wluitakap# rotall# LC.1fatalg Dond# Illinois Surety Ce, of �. 1, ,cAi ry �itiM bi t Ch 0690, A,A,Adk1ns,,r@La11, 8250 south, 3rd, street, bond, Illinois Surety Co of Ir'•� 11:2?;•.,,: il_s-oh i*ago, Jim Bulgor, »tall, 1651 south# 4th, streets bond Pidellty and Deponitr CO r •r r �et•�Maryland, John M. Bradley, retail, 114 Kentucky Ave bond Illinois S! "'• y + ! .-• r k4ti, Tdg Y� Ohl �ugh tt.-+ �, 0 , » all, .901, �ai�' Y y1N!' Wsahington .st»t ; bond Illiis !!:. rno�. ' ',•^�': Boyle, 134 south, 4th •;rest, retail, jJehn 811111ot6 and John Rlnkleff, JOhm glrod •' ,.; '•, . 123, South' ltd street, bond Illinois Surety Ca, of Chloago,A. V, Bnwr, 000, Wu111nptop •••`t�"• 7r,tOh I retail; 1028, Kentucky Avenue„ hand, Illinois Surety Ce, of i +{ ' t!resis, bond, Illinois Surety Co, of Chloago, George A. Backer, 833, Caldwell street,";+`- uaa[o:;'P.S.Cartwrlght, Doni'and Jones, retail, 1037 Burnett.' bond Adolphe Weiland Le Well, + +f•' 4 r• f Lall, bond, Illinois Surety Ce, of Chlaago, C,g,Blacknall, 204, South 9th, street, 1.�•, } . retail ,T.113 nnis Surety Cor of Chloago, Chris Berger and Bro, 7t h, and Ohio, streets, •�;,. .. ,, retails bond O. Berger and San I. bevy, George Dancer, 8th and Itarrie,: bond Adolpr.'and •[fir Dye and ,Bt!wrrte 7501e' •ouLh, 3rd, streets +D ends Fidelity and Deposit Coe of ta_ + , ,t ,Mar Lee Weil, John Bard, 132, Kentucky Ave, retail, bond I111nso1n Surety Co, of Chloago,' .;.".'..>,. y_ 'l ii. Jives Ward, 1100 south 11th, street, bond Illinois Surety Co, of Chicago; J.W,Sherrell •, 107•, north, 4th street, bond, I111no1e Surety Co, of Chicago, T,C;Bmiths rotall,,6th &A R r t - Finlay,. bond Illinois Surety Co of Chieago, Baa Starks, retail, 120, south 2nd, street '-. _ bind, I111no1• Aurnty Co, of Chloago, Geor • Sdhultte, retail, 701 Jackson street,•, •' band, Illinois Surety Ce of Chicago, Stltoh and Vinosnt, retail, 933,.South 3rd street,""j;'`•,i, . .. . bend Illinois Surety Co Of Chloago, L,B,Regang retell, 111 south, 3rd, Street, b ond .l. - I111n01L Sarney Co of. Chicago, Patter and Alexander F jh CAI0 , 737, north Rth, street, bond , IlllnaI a. Surety %Co„C.W. Rodfuss., 230 gyp Are, bond, Tllfnols Surety of Chicago, 7.• ... PtL.Peed^sr and Comany, retail, 103, south, Ah, etree t, bond Illinois Surety -:Ce ••'°'' '.•^. _•:• o i Chleage, A. Parking, retail, 17358 Meyers (treat, bond Illinois Surety Co, .of ' •••• Chicago, The Palaer,dotel Co. 5th, Aroadway, and Jefferson streets, retail, bond I111- nbis lusty CO of Ch1 *agog, J.L. Potter, retail, 637 Campbell street, bond Illinois, sur- +; _�,•. 1r .y •,' 1 @Ly0 Ce, of Ch1* Mot .11enry Haat, re•t11 g ?OOO south, 3M nLrast, bond Illinois lkgreLy COX# of Chicago, r,C,Btandford and Cog retail, 11328 south# 10th, street, bond Illlnol■ .. Su@S Co of ah3o6 o H,T.Billi 1. Y g , ngelays retallg 110, south, 3rd, street, bond, Illinois -a. . Y,t surety Cog of Ohiaa9o0 A,M. Allen, rotall# 105, Braadwaiy bond, Illinoi•'Slr@ty, Cog of 1 „ Chlargo, "'T, Vagal, rotall, 121, Ky, Ave, bond Illinois Sprety Co, of Chicago, Goo ^Cr.;":«';-.,.L,H��Andreaht, retall,.400 north 12th# streot,.bond Minnie Surety. Co, of Chiea.a, -' •: Vii': 'j r.)•; `+. I Y ,.b„i,•„'+YL Le� .B, RoDertaon, R@LeiIs 110 Broadway, bond Illinois Surety Co of Chloago, C, P, SChraA�arc C•: �. 231 north# 13th, streets bond, Qoseph 1. Friedman and John W. Kieler, Ton ThompoonyN4*'t •• 20g ,Kentucky Avenue, Dond,' Illinol• Buret f Chic g Wagoner, # :. e Y Co.. ago Prdot Wa ones retail 110' t: Y•c- ok! /OILhs 2nd street, bond Friedman and Kloler,. O.B,Willew, retallg 212 Kentucky Avenue `_.•Dond Adolph Wall and -be pe11� O, A, Chandler, atail r. ••, '' ' �i •;�'J: t _ , 702, Tennessee@ street Dond r... inoia Surety Cog of Chicago, Iuiomrn Bro°S retail, 227_ south, 2nd street, bond, W.R. Pa'ker and Y. Iseasn, J.M,Wluitakap# rotall# LC.1fatalg Dond# Illinois Surety Ce, of �. 1, ,cAi ry �itiM bi t Ch 0690, A,A,Adk1ns,,r@La11, 8250 south, 3rd, street, bond, Illinois Surety Co of Ir'•� 11:2?;•.,,: il_s-oh i*ago, Jim Bulgor, »tall, 1651 south# 4th, streets bond Pidellty and Deponitr CO r •r r �et•�Maryland, John M. Bradley, retail, 114 Kentucky Ave bond Illinois S! "'• y + ! .-• r k4ti, Tdg Y� Ohl r r sty Ce 0. sage, Bledernan Distilling Co, retail, 115, south g- 2nd et»t, bonds B.J. Pr1aeS•T tt.-+ �, 0 , » all, .901, �ai�' Y y1N!' Wsahington .st»t ; bond Illiis !!:. rno�. �ry�� +• Henry blederaan, T.A.016rk, retail, 905, bard street, bond, Illinois Surety Co of ,.; '•, `•rR:"'i Chlca Chicago,. o 0-A,Chandler. al 1.06 south ° retlg ,3rd, •treat, bonds Illinois, Surety Coot r''• 7r,tOh I retail; 1028, Kentucky Avenue„ hand, Illinois Surety Ce, of i +{ •• ' �CnlC&go, la uaa[o:;'P.S.Cartwrlght, Doni'and Jones, retail, 1037 Burnett.' bond Adolphe Weiland Le Well, + +f•' 4 r• f co 115. 1 } C, i1 :YaAUJ at Danker, Jr, •,rtallg 434.' -north' 12th; atreet; bond Illinois Surety Cog of �`. ChSI •[fir Dye and ,Bt!wrrte 7501e' •ouLh, 3rd, streets +D ends Fidelity and Deposit Coe of ta_ + , ,t ,Mar land 'CIIas+ Danker t � •. - c c C ,• 1.. .•h CY al"'Y �, 0 , » all, .901, �ai�' Y y1N!' Wsahington .st»t ; bond Illiis !!:. rno�. BuretYC0r .) 4 r• •'i } C, i1 - � i l Iry LI r J`� r r.�, ,.IT , ,t k• •y ... 'l ii. f o. r t - C. Y , 1, '.Zf.4r `M'i P,V?\ N�.i Tt!441.i �••Y T!'.11X'�y�. '.�YiA i.,,» .. a t ;us.t ri Ii. .�. �.. ....•chi:. "cr-•;±';'; T�; bIt 'i':`[il-in /rets ,. �.� ^iM !r^•?.',.s-, • Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,--:-...-;'... ........... .. 190 Chicago, J.w,Dloka, "stall, 117• south, 3rd ttre•tt, bond Illinois Surety Co, of.Chicago O,we Fdwards,ret ails 1179 south, 3rd, ttreat, bond I1t1nals Surety Co, of Chicago, Eberly, j :•,`��'etail. 1059 south, 2nd strsnt.bondr Illinois Surety Co of Chloagos Hardin Wrd Cor Gray and Gray. reta119 301, wutii, 7th, street, bond. Illinois Surety Cor of Chlon,:o, . • r �� - .J.P,Powlerr, retailr 200r KsntuskY, Aor bond, Illinois Surety Coo O.T.A,OSlbertor rstall,' ) .bend, PS11dellty end Deponit Cen'pof Meryl" .116, mouth, 4th, &treat, Gallagher and Boyle ... retail, 829, Trimble street, bond Illinois Surety Co'of Chicago, Griffin and Wilson 'retell .�;•{,-- 125, Broadway, bond, Illinois Surety, Cc of Chicago, we C, Graf, retail, 107, my0'th,-,4th strati it ?;>"••`•-' '. bond Illinois Surety Co', of Chico or Joe nourleu&,, retail, 109, nortrs 4tpis mtMet, bonA,. :'Y `:"•'' Illinois Surety Co. of Chloago, Dan Galvin, retail, 934, south 5th street, bond, Illinois '.` Surety Cc of Chicago, Chas T. Gramham, retell', 135, mouths 9th, street, bond. IliL101e durety 'Cor of Chicago, B.B.Gott, retail, 119, north, 4th, street, bond, Illinois Surety, Cos of ' Chit -ago, hoe Hite, retail., 934 Husbands, street, bond, Illinois Surety Co of Chicago,, •u".i•.:•-i''. unfree and Patterson, retail, 120, Kentnoky, Avenue, bond, Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago,. w.E:Ham, retail, 936, north, 10th, street, bond Adnlph,psll and Ise well, Henry Kamelleterj "r• retail,'441, south, 3rd street, bond L. Kolb and C..:ttlenhausr, Nichols and Deboe, retail, . 901'. north, 9th, et -set, bond Illinois Surety Cc of Chloago,'JrT, Jenkins, retail, 126 south, 2nd, street, bond Illinois Surety Cc of Chicugo, L,T,Clark, rntnll, 1117, nobtn. 12,1 �• ` th, stree.r bond Illinois Surety Co of Chloago, J.w,whitlnw. ,stall, 300, south, 7tn9 street, bond, Illinois iuroty Co of ChAeago, On Hotlon.the above lic"ansen were voted upon andnm•ap-' ted s•p•rat• and anllaotl vs9 upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Lind nmy, " f Crandall, Duvall, Flournoy, Yorewan, Herzog, T,ackey, Mayors, Rv-lton, Vanileter, w1111amnon .. .. t•,.-- and n:llilson, (12). ' •��''- - Sa--• rood an Appllcatlen fres A�. SoesntkaLf r�•. rat&il,:tb Ir&:d n p t 190' 0 lrrs wtr.1301,f1PY PtirOetfm he altered on ` his bond The ililpois Surety Co of Chlaagof.also, B. Padgett and Co at' Olay hereat, they ofajd r, s'. chats hand The I111no1e Surety Co of Chloago, On wotl•�n eald;.;i`•y License was /ranted u on callf th ll b th fall w v t Y (e N • ^ p o • roll y • 0 0 _kw, a a, •&e, ), eye, '14), j•. ?.; Sam• read _an appllcatlon from J.D.Overetrest,,900, north Sth, str•to To Peters, 1040, B -way, •.'�' H,H.P.ven• 621 nortY 12tho. street Oscar Danker, 10449 B.WAy, for retail 11 our license ''•ct (� .i: on motion same wan def•raA 'I 1•.. Y:�; .:G Same read an application for a gallon and quart llgours license from Thr-Paduoa�h Distilleries, �• I : ;'•:�; �, `- Co, On.motlon said liCanne wan r•Js:atsd upon call of the roll by Oi• following votay Teas, non*, Nays, (12). 80• rend an appll esplon from, Drytu•, w1.1 and Co. for mAquart and gallon 119our• licence j a l On motion said license was rejected, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yaae, None. .: 'y'•:'I:,.,1' gays, (12). .. - `;,;•:; On motlo of genbsr Poreasn, It was adopted that the Paducah, Dlatilllrias Co and Dryfue •/ and wleltibe refunded their manly. - i Sj J, On motion of member Yeyere it was adopted that Recaps Raughnn and Cruse* granted a dudto lot 1m Oak Grove Cemetery, _ On motion It was refered to the Polies Department In regard to T,C,R,R runimg thetr, Lrallu . ins ") over the a eedd limits On motion ihe.noard Adjourned.