HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 405, November 5, 1906Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . ......... ...... ....:. .. 190 e ,.I n r� _ . Council Proceed i a •• •'•_+�•'• At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen held in the Counoil Chamber In the City Hall, - .1 .. November, 5th, 19n68 and upon call of the roll the following ann-cored to their nsmess MCBr00m, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hills Katter John, Kolb, Maynre, Oahlsohlaeger, . VanUater and Willis, " • _ � eon, (11). .. . On motion the minutes, of the previous mantlnre were adopted as read and oorroatedv On motion the, Board of Public Works was instructed to carry out N e agreament, betwann .the City. and The Paiucah, Box " Barket, Company 1n regard, to the Caldwell street, fill leading to. as Company's grounds. . /ye1 �On moil on It wan artopted to pay !.o B.T.Lightfoot, Attorney for Mrs Jeeele Wicks, 1200.00,'1n settlement, of her suit against the City for damages of her property ' on,north fourth strut belts"an Madison and Harrison, streets and fourth and fifth, otrcetas upon call of trig roll* by V Our al . the following vote, Yeas, M*Br0om, Barnatt, Crendull, Till, Katter,)ohn, Kolb, Meyern,0ehlsa)n J laegcrs VanMster and Wld.liamsony (11), The ❑nyor presented tt.e contrast of the West Kentucky, Coal Company and the city of.,Padueah, ,where -In the Bald Wentern Coal Coppany, agrees to furnish, to Ude City of P+udueah, for, the GG City Hospital, City Jail, Engineer . 'a office and other departments, except those for which a/d U separate oontraots 1s executed,at the slim of , 11 cents per buahell, for No, 1 lump coal, over weighed over tHa 1r scales, o^ for No 1 lump, welghsdAthe City Pestles at 11 and a half 'Dent per bushell,Lor.No 1 Nut,; coal, welgi,ed over our aealee at 10 cent per buahell, or for No -1 Nut coal weighed over the City scales at 10 and a half per cent por bushell, On Motion-said000- treat wan ratified& upon *all or the .roll by the following vote, Yeea, Manrnom, Barnett, Cra dell, Duval, ❑11.1, Kattarjo)'n, Kolb, Mayers, Oahlnah.lro gar, Vartdeter a;d WilliamaoN,(11). Bao* presented the contract of Bradley Brothers and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, wherein the said Bradley Bra'a, agrav to furnish to the Ct1ty of Paducah, Stock food at the following , VVV/•/fY ►' peioen :n, chiles Timothy hey at, 517,00 pe^ Lo, strictly white brand, at t�5yKB trlctly .No .` - 2 white corn at 19 cants per bushadl, No 2 w1i1te oats at 42e1,.1 per buahell, and Yellow Dor at 50 cenye per buahell, On motion said contract was ratified upon call of the roll 'by,'the + following votes, Yeass Ucbrotl Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, 0�h1�'�' srhlesger, VsNlater and "illiasmoon, ♦.� .iSame read a protest from property ownera abutting an alley between 6th, 7th and Broadway and "• Kentucky, protecting -gained the City psuing said alloys -art motion it woe received end filed. G 1 Committee nnA CSty "all oitor On motion motion the Jl ant Pinanoe hwaa Snetruoted to aettla the suit of Cornulla Johnson, LgnLmt City with po or to oats upon call of the roll by the followlny votes Yeas, Manroom, Barnett, , r andell, Duvals H111s Kistterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, Oshlachlaeger, Va Hater and Willlnmeon,_(11)�'` or culvert . Crnak On motion the City Engineer wen lbstrncted to put in a aswer `ver nradehaA'aAfrom prop+rty,llne to property line, on Broadway street between 10th, and 19th, ebrnet, On motion the action of the Board of Alderman was oonopred-Ins In regard to the Piro Commltte building dry house-, for drying fire hose, p9`,h �,,rt On notion the letter from the Paduaah, Traotion Co in regard to what atraut$ and In what manner ' dl //�, that the srtd Commpany, should return t!e utreetn to the City that are to be abenonen� by_eeI 1) yi f� Company, wuo refered, to the City Sd ISCitor, j :.1 .+' - `• E nry Council Proceedings, City of Paducah. .... . ............ . .............. . .... ..... (���jj''��'',NV))((fly-On motio. the report of the City Engineer in regard to the square fait per front toot t)_:::•. ! tMY' n sewer district 11 2 sea 'received and filed, and ordered printed, ' 'J. ... �On motion the action the Aldermen was ooncured-in, in regard to minors obtelMng, l3 q•¢'"•• . _. . Dura, in salions. - .'9'•' ., ' , - - igomber Kolb 'read the report of Lhe Auditor and Treasurer, for the month ending•bat,' 311t, 1906, On motion it was received and filed. iBama read the report of the Jiont Finance Cemmlttes, for the month endingOct •..,..�. ! 906, mounting to 4517,330-W,{-• I. 8 for aelarles bills and eta On motion same was allowed " i' upon cell of the roll by the followlnt vote, Tese, Lc Broom, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, ,t 11111, Katter,)ohn, Kolb, Mayoral Onhlschlee,er, Van -et r'. .'. i P , er�and A3111stseon,(11), �• •'! bn motion L e report of the ,Board of Supervleors, 'a recelvnd and filed. ^'•i`,�• Gems �asd the report of the City Treasurer in regard to ■e111ng the delinquent tax Y1,,�✓�,p�/I{�.1/ list for year of.1906, On motion it vas received, fllod and eoncured-ln, Member Hill rend m Ordinaoe entitled an Ordlnaca g g i - Providing for ID • original conetruo-, �� ,.�•, 1 V)• lion at sltlawalkn, lnoluAing curbs and gutters on both sides of south fourth street, -- .j 1' ^lfrom Norton Street to Husbands street, In the City of Paducah, Kentucky, The elda'flke , obe alai feet wide. ,end the curb aid gutters to be what Is oom�nly'known as. aomblroQ.•(.-.', rD and gutter, and all to be of granitold construction, by title as the rule had aueponded, On motion said Ordinance *e give Its second Passage "� ••I _ p b"e upon call of the roll; .�,.• i Dy the—following .vote, rine, Ye Broom, BarNett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, Katter�ohn, - fff) ' io1D, I[eysra, OehleCklaeger, V"Water and Ailliameon,(11). ;•:^• 8.ma »ad an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for tic origltul construction ! , of 19th, street, from a point where same entoresats Broadway, to a point where same Intersects Outline Averue, except one. block Already1 improved fron'Kentucky Avenue to_,„�;%' i fa ehSngton street, end for the original construction at Outhria Avercle, from a point where same intersects, 19th, street, to • paint w'urre same interaectes the ala ai;)-;' yflnld .�?.- '•) , 1yt .BbaQ; in the City of Poduch, Kentucky, On motion said Ordinance was given its first ...�k,:. gip; seagD upon call of the rill. by the followlnr vote, Yeas, Yo Broom, BarNett; Crandall •;;+ r:11 x,[Dl,val,. H111; Katte rJciuu, Kolb, Yayere, nehleohlaeger,-Va nYeter and w1111a:m-on,(11) t �. k 1•.On motion the repor%. of the Chelf,of Police was awcnivad and filed. q'` I r '"`:' -"•';Oh motion of 9emDer Katterjohn-St was retpred to the OrAlnn as Comittee to bring to ! 1n an Ordinance to 1 - mprove 20th, 22ed, 23rd, 24th and 25th, atreeta between , Broad way and Kantneky. ,Avenue., I } 4,+ ..On motion SL wLn refnrnd to City Engineer Aaehington to. furnish to thePaducahTractio !. Company,. the proper grade from ,Pountaln Avenue to 25th, street on Jeff,reon, street. 'YimDor Crandall presented an application from J.P.Pawler ton • Coffee Ilouee license •t ,ryi y! at # 200 Kentucky, Avenue, he offered as his bond the Illinois qurety Co, of Chicago, {f f s) 0•; motion said. license. was granted' and bond toted upon and accepted,. upon call of the t ;`4 ! rF 1 I i ), , `ilroll Dy Lha_ following vote, Yeas„YcBroom,.aamett,.Cranrlell, Duval, H111� Katterlohry )r Klb,' Ueyere,.Oehlsohlaeger, Vanleter and 8me rand an sppliaetion from''J.A.Cruse,,et # 129 south as street, for s Coffee p `Hous, licence he'otferedl ae'hie bondsmen, Ben Allen' and*B,L.Peacher 'On motion said i•,. _ _ r wC llDemn wan- granted 'and b0ndiueene lvoted;'upbn and 'aaceyted,-eeperatd :nd aolleotive r �r 1'i ui. `N"lt7,q�,•. isikcl all�q'; "'a d'� P 4 of ,the,roll b •'thnr;Lo11aw1n 'vote -Yeas �,k'�i. X11` t,. v 't _ _ •'S "IT .,til.+••. �,.•x ri�^^ ..�. .. t y �. 21 �� f�.'{'{ ,LS .{t,l �?, 7 !r � ••-.' -.,l .e rte.• '�� f' ' Y r E.fLI?r.Y 1 V -� r T 7 Council Proceedings, City of. Paducah, ..:.::....::. ...::....::.::.::.:.' 190 K@tt@rJchem , Kolb, W vara, Oehleahlaegir, Vanam ll@t@r and Willison, (11). .. :��:,�,,.; • ' -,I- Same read en application frnm T,C,Smith, at 11 1001. Pinloy, for a Coffee House license, hs ' „..:�., offered as his bond the 1111m,is Purety Co, of Chloago, On motion said llnenee was Prsnted and bond voted upon and s000ptod upon call of. the roll by the following vote SYsne,-No Hrrom, ' -Barnett, Crandall, Hill, Kntterjohn,,Kolb Mayors, Oahlnohlos eer, VardAnter and Willi, (10 .•_,.t Nays, Duval,(1). "t Sum@ reed an application from Ooheen and Ties for a Caftan House 11Cense, at A 434 Norton •,�t,� street, he offered an his bond the I111nioa Surety Co, of Chicago, On motion amid ll,eanee was �'�• _ granted and bond voted upon saacepted, upon call of Lha roll by the following votu, Yeas, MdBroom, Barnett, Cranklall, 7Aval, Hill, %Lt Lerjoim, Kolb, IAuyere, Osl•.lsahlueger, Vi,ddater and Willlameon,(11). Romanic Mayors rear) A oommunloatlml from J.S,ilunt and J.C. Henderson for over ages i.eeement on their property, On motion Sy was refored Lo the Board of :neperalsors; jSame presented a dead ,to a lot in Oak Orove Cemetery, to t@e ;I.W.Waltnrs and kiss Willie V -P B. Ogolvle, also from Yrn Comely 90L:P,Y,Baker lndlaLsk Ales Woolfork( On motion eNd dead@ r�V were ratified. ;� IV Member Kattorjolm presented the fullowinf., to -wit:- that the ghtostion of. rurnlahing necessary /yy Sewers v and Culverts to take anr@ of the water along the proposed 19th street Smprovonnnte he no - fared to the hoard of Public Works and city Engineer with power to sat,upon call of the. / roll by the following vote, Yess, Ha Broom, Barnettq Crnndell, K@tter,lolhn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlachlaager, and Var.'letor,(B). Nays, Hill and Williamann, (2), On notion of Member Kolb it was refarod to the Board of Public Worka to have contractor, E. Tersell to have all of the streets impr'Ivad by his, by brick improva!=ente be repairsd,, Il On motion of Member Duval it was refer d to the Board of Publlu Works to have them Pedunah,. I. . Wr-Der Co, to repair the leak In the ylpea of the Compmny nn Harrison street, between 10th a�hd 11th, atrest. On motion.lt was referad to the City Clerk and the Llcenae Utapoetor with power to aot'to. ` purchase %age for wagons and animals, in the City, / On notion of Member Hill. -it was rafered to thu Ordinance Committee, to bring in an Ordinenai : in regard to licensee for the year of 1907. On !lotion Tito Dos Mourned- ---------------_ ..--_�-- _-- (,j� Dd Ad - Mt?U l d (yuc. NOV 191906 city 01"k rl 13 , 9 1 tr:3j°,�.yR��:)1° f�(.•1.0.+� N C<�M 4. ,' IM./,�..1d'`Sq- 1 .1, �Y-tJ .4 t 3'K •i'�^'1 ' . It - ---•w ,.p.usaa...s;_ , J. ....�,. _. .- -.. .. .... _ . . is t, ,