HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 401, October 15, 1906u QCT1151906 . council Proceedings, City o7 Paducah "_ . _ , ._„ 190 ouncil Proceedings ,,,,I,; AL a regular meeting of the Boaid of Councilmen, held In the Council Chamber in the �Clty gall, . . - October , 15th, 1906, and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names,No Brool, `^r• .,.Barnett, CrarLll,, H1119 KAtter,)ohn, Kolb, Meyers Oehlschlaeger, VanNeter,, and W1111d1aon,(10): _ Q a•. BA motion tis minutes of the prowbous meetings were adopted an read and corrected, v 1 On motion tHe lead from Mrs g,A;Purtear In addition 'La. to the City of Paducah, was ratified and 'the Clerk was ordered to have said deed recorded,0,4r�, - t I . ,On motion the Ration of the Aldermen was oonoured-in, 1n regard to the Board cf Public Works to a7aoller Co, ettle the rompmomlas for MO -00, and Also purchase the ol.0 :Itraet roller from the American load ^ R ( for ,^.100.00, in eettlmmmnt of claims of tho said r.nmpany, against the City, upon Call of the roll / R, /.,by the following vote, Y640, NaAroom, BArnntt, Crmdell, Hill, Knttsrjdi.n, Kolb, Lh,yern, Oehl-4 �sohlaeger, VanUstar,and W1111amson,(10), 'On motion of Member Katterjohn, the following Reeolutlon was ordered recelved,,tlled and spread pan the mindtee, to -%it:- At a meeting of the directors of the Pwluoah, Traction Co, hold at 1La1 .office in the CSty of Paducah, Kentucky; on the 3rd day of October, 1906, the following proceed- 1j Ings were had:. .. Mr Paxton offered the following resolutlong which was unanimously adopted:, I _ ResolvsL: Thatiti'Lhs Paducah, Traction Comparyr acquiree by purahaee the franchise whloh the CSty�j O //•"/„ �f PAduO r�N aq purposes to otter tar sale, authorizing tli* constructions and operation. of an ele�,- y D v� trio street railwa . I .I I yon Broadway from 1)th,. to 19th, Streets; On 19th rtrost from firoadwsy to Outhrle Aven•�e; thellee on nuthrle r -venue from lath street to the Hayfield road; thr.t it will$ I in W onrom the approval of the 10h ix mthnf 1 tP purchase of acid Erin ahLe, In good faith, begin work W he construction thereof, and complete the same within twelve month, Bt St further resolved: that a copy of this reeolutinn' duly attested, be presented to the general Council of the City of 1'afuoml:,1 ,7 P.resloant, iropy attest: •YI"Y- J.E. Binghas__�_____-___ . Asst, Becrotery, +n motion the action of the Alderman wan oonoured-In,lm.regard to the. recomendet}on of the Board pf Public Works to purchase five new,aro lugs, 3 doton globnn and five thousand electron, upsI tell of the roll by the follglrtsg vote Yeas, No Broom, Barnett, Crandall, 11111, Ketterjohn, KolO, . Meyers, Oeiaeolles gar, VantJeter snA WS111mson, (10). am rend a request from the Paducah ,Box grid Basket Co, saking the City to grade ani gravel /A �y ialdwell ntrent from 13th strut to the property line of Raid Corpen y, on motion said .roquent •,I p/" wee rejected$ upon call of the roll by W.e fo�wing sots, Yue, No Broom, Barnett, Koji), Neynr 1, UVUU I 1 +fd Oehloohlrger, (5), Nay*, Crandsll, -till, Kattsrjohn, VmMater and Wllllunson,(8). . V D ,The mayor r*adta request from That Bridges, Aon reCarding the improv6enta in front of W,hc1th r propertyon' Jefferson'et, •between 20th.and 21st, 1n r,)Fard to agreemont on motion It in,n rnfere.d ' Y •,.et to the City Clerk. _. member Katter,)ohn offered the following re,olutlon:- Whereas, the City Bolloltor And Hr H,BCorbett, Council employed to,aanlet tho City Solicitor In Via suite with the Nast Tennessee; ,` � Council Proceedings, City of Paducah...._.. .... . .. . .. . ........ ... . . :___..190 allophone CompanyI Company, have requested art recomended that bbey be.&Utborized In n behalf or the city, to compromise all of the said actions and matters relative theretop Nowt' therefore; 'Be It resolved that the City Solicitors James Campbell, Jr, La" d Il, S.Corbett, -be' and they are hereby authorised to agree on behalf of the 'City In—, �7­.7 0 compromising suite and dirforencee now existing between the City of Paducah .�I. the East Tennessee Tol"Ilhorto Tolephon* Company, On notion said resolution was given/ IL ff Its first PsaD490 uPOW call of the roll by tile; followin votes Tsang Barnett, Cron-. dolls Katteijohn, Volbj. Oehlaohl"gorg-VanUeter and Williamson, (7), Naysig ItoProom, Hills Msyers,(j). on motion the rule was suspended u ended and Ure asid resolution was gison Its 11600nd Passage upon can or the,roll by the following votes Yeas, Bernett randell, Katterjohn, Kolb, Oehloohlaigger and Williameon, (6), Nays, McBrom',,Hill. Moyers and Varaeter,04). 7 1 Member Kolb read the allowance of the Jnlnt Pinarice Committee, for the half month, - of October, 1906, amoutilftj to t 4.361 45 and also t200.00 for J.W.Holmes, special ry Erigincert' an notion am@ was allowed upon call of tile roll by.tile following votes B sent McrompgDarnatt, Crandall, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, .1 Meyers, Oehlachlearer Von - Motor and Williamson, (10).' Lana read -the report or the City Auditor, showing the amount or apportiorAenta and diaberietmentat On motion it was r000iv*d and filed. ember Hill read an Ordinance entitled ',im, ordintanoo providing for the original sort - r �� ''` struotion of the sidevalkap including Curbs and % gutters on both sides of south ourth strooto.from Norton street to kunbazida streets In tH* City Of Paducah, Kentuo lyg'the.aidowalka to be six (6) V Z... foot. wideg m and the curb and gutter be what Is cc (only known.&@ combined curb Md guttor,. i,nd all to be of granitoid cc notruction On motion said Ordinance wail given Its first Passage.upon call of We roll by the, 0110 09 votes Y0A$j .1(aBarnettp Crandell, Hill, Xatterjohn, Kolb# Meyer i, _tdr�-, shisohlaeger, VanUnterp Wltliamson,(10). Aillo*,lead an Ord1nan!e entitled an Ordinance to amonlign Ordinance QsntItIgd an Ord-- -7 C . . . 0 P-�IrianOe, to provide for the supply of clear filtered -Ohio river watera City 0 to th f aducali, and 'Ito Inhabitants, Rithor Izing J,A, Jones of the City 'of Saint LOU150 Mot, his asso'aiatg C11 i W. at successors sind,aesigna, to- o6natruct operate and Itaintsin a GVWtsm of water workaj contractirig with said Jonas, his P-m000lates and etoeq• for a A­ 8urrilly'af.water for public and domestic use' and giving said City in option to . .... I'll, _:Q11 chase laid Water works,by title 99 tHe m Is had'beon vu::panded,.On notion cold Ordinance was given -its second Passage upon Call Of the roll . by the following vote":- Ys85i-MORrOOmp*Crant1sllf Hill,. Kattgjjohnp Kolbi-behloohliegorp MeIfe 'rag' Barnett, -­1,ji:-•­. VanUater and Williamson, (10);jr ri'motion the actj -in 'in regard to the City papers on of, the 'Aldermen was ooncured printing the reporti of 'the and Waserfin regard to the contract of the C om=4ttee,,wlth iiis Paducah•liater''Co,. till reed an OrdinaNce -611titled an Ordinance providing for th Umber tr)r granitoid:81dawalks with '31 ourba'and gutters �On �Qomblnad* both 0" •ideof 11orley, iWill ) t ea , _ a NL +�• Council Proceedings; City of Paducah,?,.:....,,.:? _. 190 '.•' Place, from the west curb line of W& srs street to the eget curb line of Short street, and . (off both aides of A,{ort street from the south property line of Parlay Place,. Lo the north, curb .•:' Uns of Clements, street, In the Oity of Paducah, Kentucky, by title as the rule ;had been suepen- M,._ ~^":' 4460 On motion said Ordinance was given Its second passage upon call of the roll by the foll m'-,I ing vote, Yeas, Ya Broom, Barnett,.Crandell, H111, Katterjohn, Kolb, (layers, Oshlsahla gar. Van- .. . n Motor and Willimson,(10). /�1/,g +. Ss read an Ordinallae entitled an Ordinance probhiblting the license of Bucket Shope, by the / I!/ " dlty of Paducah, and declaring the Operation, Nanegemsht aM ownership of same in tha City of. V j ' Paducah, to be.unlowful and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, by title as Ute rule S .. had'besn.suapended, on motion said Ordinance was given Its second passage upon call of the rolll .. 7 Dy the following vote, Yeae, YcBroom, Barnett, Crandall, 11111, Katterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, Cehle _ /h eager, VanHeter and Wllllamaom,(10), I On motlun it was referad to the Joint Ordinance Committees to bring in an Ordinal-.a to grade J,,- and gravel the exasntion of Caldwell atruct leading to the Paducals, Box and Beekat,Co, Plant, + � r ember 'Crandall read an application from Gnorge Goorlwan Co, it # 108 north 2nd, street, for . UUUI wholesale Beer dealers 1lneense, he offered as his bondsman, Jos, L, Friedman and Jhon W,' Kieler, On motion said license was granted and voted tp od andaccepted upon call od the roll +by the following vote, Yeas, lioBr00m, Barnett, Crandall, Hill, I:attnrjolm, Kolb, Hepnra, Oehl sohlaeger, Vsntlnter and W1311mson,(10). tlembor Katterjohn, offered the following motion,to-wit:- On account of the minrsprssen9ntlons,,I. �//1�• evL - indulged In by those who are nppo,ed to the construction of tie ,aware in district ii 2. regard- �' Y + Ing the mount of asee®entev against the property benifltad thereb I move that Ute Cit Fr Y Y. Y ginser be directed to prepare an authorltivs estimate as to the mount that willbe ::058d per {l{ per square foot, within the district named and present the Hama, at the next ment Ing of the „ Board o:: Aldermen, On motion same res adopted. I r Us (layers pro: anted a deed to n lot in Oak prove Cemetery, to Owen wallaus and B.L.-tallale , lot N 93, in block 11 a... on motion said deed was ratified. N On motion of member Crendell it was referad to the Board of Public Works to have th a tsleplrons poles removed out of thu gutter{. on Goebel Avenue9 mid change the grade of ems. On motion the requnat of property owners and others on r)efferaon street bet pen 18th and 19th street, to put crossings at the Intersections of said streets, was received and filed; / )On motion the action of the Aldermen was conournd-in, 1n regurkto the Joint Snnitnry Com SttaI ,a, ,,•/. /� card of Public works and the City Engineer, with power to act, the matter of pnymenta far �/storm water eewere on Kentucky Ave, Jefferson erect"%nrW on Broadway from fifth to ninth etrnntl On motion the nation of the Aldermnn.wns Honoured-in, in regard to the brick culvert being plane (under the fill on south fourth street, near lluebmde, upon call of the roll by the following% Srr votes Yeas, lla Droom, Barnett, Crandell, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, (layers slid Oehlaohit* Lar, (8), / J Nsya, VanHeter and w1111mson, (2). On motion it was referad to the Joint Ordinance Conmittne to bring in an Ordinm os to'rngulntalt [ayors Office hours, On motion It was refered to the Mayor to advurtlee for bide on atook'fr.nd, �' t Inn motion the Cit Enginear was Instructed to employ a co t Yu+.� mp y ngretr.nt Drink ].rynr at s salary of �1 =5.50 y. YJ,`6 6 .1,, ,per day Un )the nar+er # 2. upon .oa}l of'. the roll by the following vote, Ysae, Mc Broom ; ib. .. t5 1. 1 (t 1 I 0-77P-77 P- f,r.. X11/1. 1 7. •.,1 � �'•;r . Council Proceedings, City of Paducah; ........... 190 t AiarnetLrCrntlellr:.fllll rKattr ohn _KolbrYe erer O*hlsdhlAG9sPq Venueter and1111 � 1IOn'matlan'SL was `rsiereA tothe JointStreet Comslttee, wleh,,,to net to have s p1Wi' p ((nIt,I V' walk lndingto the I(fiK3nlay School House, 3n Ysehanl'oburb, upon 'cell of the roll yy the following rotetYsae, HoBroomi Barnett, r.Crandell, Hill" KatterJohry Rolb, ` Y.Leyera, Oehlsohlaeger, VenlleLer and p r (10). { �IOn motion the action of Ws Aldermen to have a !lank. Welk placed over Baumeral111 I �f M :3erding to Lhe WuhSngbon .School"building Wse Vejeatad, On Mahon The Hoard 1 �/' (•_ 5' ' NOV 5-1905 g LI Ap VBID A� TSD . :♦ a 111�L/"Il wArn•u ai: y/ • . - A.aaese er.ra of Obwtb,aa �' �////f�j{• :. k. • - \. V II r i Council Proceeding, A t'a osled meeting 'of the Board of Otolncilmnn held in the Couno+.l Ohember in the t I ' L. City Hall, Ootobeer 29th, 1906, and upon cal, of the roll the following answers d Loa `. their homes, YOBroom, Barntett,-CraMell,Hsrzog, Hill, Kwtterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, peh- •`.4 ,•:iaahleager, VanYeter and W1113amson,(11). s. he ipyor rand reeerlfor Dell, on motion it was received and filed. I ,, u -1AJ'�✓r, tame stand that he had sold the Pranohias ordinance Dn Hr r.dwoy eL , fram..�ytrh 5 O to 19th,, ■treat,' and on 19th, stsent, to to the Mayfield \Yong y�� /� r; ' ' on r > sotlOn his sotlon in regard to said Bala: win ratlfled, it nn call of.the roll by ' TP is 'the following vote„Yeaop MrBroom,'BarnetL, Crandall, Herzog, HS31', Katter�ohn, Kalb ! Meyersi Oshleahlasger,.V•nl4kar and Williameon,(11), �jl ,Y r••,• •,�^n >Aot3on'Lhe saLlon of the Board 'of Altlermen was ocncured-in, in regard to the - J t street-Committee and City. F]tgineer� with power to act, to grads 'and pays G I A ,Vp Lhe corner. of 30th and Jones. street's 3n front-of the fire department, #4jV '- - -^----------on Motion The Hoard Adjourned, - �____ ____ I; f --- - N Aa NGV .. 4 MOV 5-1906 r . APPRQp� r, fi r a' G” .,rEt /t,ey o/ Cbewe/elrea 5 i s city Q1eT1{' I:1- `Fi i < •>•a rrv� 1u. I I I-.Iu... .f. 5 t5 t • + i� /75 In r .t..`^` a.1�`y c1.1 _h ,r ) y. � gl•'IT. �. Y:- ;^7»' iM F• 1..` { ��i'r ".,,,,�°� �� , -+ Y ) •'� fJ ( I { t4.7 t 7 Y r ' 4t..t]s `ii.. �511r.15P. Ilr rli tY In t 1( 4v 6551 rj 7 l ,7/ )t�ir ,l t,Jl H ry I i r ri, �1�4r r..51Jt4 i I 11 i, U . - �pir,,t t tjf , If it I �, f5l A x I,�, , 1 �7 1 r b t15 '!tl i.Nt�.�7 .I f d.•r 11. (l �1 �4y .,''•'.. }) '( Iv (, \ 1, .,� / .1 �I wt 1. A.. �`1 t,"r it w/r t(I `- yxr rF (' rf 7yi5 {? ijy 5ti L �. '11 / '.• ... 7 •. it , - ..