HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 379, August 6, 1906I 1 ' C!✓t^.: Ya. :(1: •.:. j -y♦ n"�^. }:'e''1_r a.svrr ^Fti .:•t,...,,,.t..,t.. ...... ..... Council Proceedings. City of Paducah..lgo Council Pr®ceedins At a regular meeting of the Board'of Councilman held in the Council Ohember in the City Hall, f II }August the 6th, 19015, and upon Sall of the roll the following an to'Lheir acmes, WBToom�, f ;Barnett, Crsndell, Duval, Hill, KatterJohn, Kolb, Deyers, Oehlschlaeger, VanMater and Williams • _ ' On motion the minutes of the previous Meetings were ad opted as read, •• The Mayor stated that Mr Race Dippls had resigned as Councilman of the 4th,'Ward !'td that he appointed Mr Alonzo Ovendell to succeed his, and that Mr Crandell had Laken the oath bf Offloel (soeording to law before the city clerk, On Motion the request of the property o yrs an Harrison street, between 8th end 15th, street a' to pave and gutter cue , was refered to the City Engineer and Strout CommitteeLo/Dr1RR In . an Ordinance, �on notion the suit of Marion Tenders against the City, was rsfsreA to City Sollaleor, ' The mayor reoomended that -the ppsop11• bepermitted to. vets ,on a bond wweeti-en.ieeue for nsww.. Light Plant to furnish-Commeroial lighting also Vo purchase or construct a w♦ter plant foal /V LWe City of Paducah. a this, question hed.Deen voted on favorDlg,by this board,, their was nal. 'r rt:, , I sstion taken, .:. :: ..... > i qM game reported that the CSLy.EnS neer needed a assistant Engineer to sestet Yr Washington, no On motion the propereltlon from W,P,Bradahaw to dedicate land to the City for sidewalk purposes .. ' 4".777rrr ••' �r.0e refer*d Lo City Engineer and Street Committee and report back. • '�//jYI �,�t �On notion License Inspector George Lohnhard was granted a 10 days leave of sbeenae, during the ?sonth of August. ' On Motion 1t was refered to the Finance Committee the matter of the City to donate 1200.00 �' ✓ for Band Concerts, on Streets. (• �/ �Uember Kolb read the report of the Treasurer and Auditor for the month ending July 31at, on �. opYj��. { ' notion it was received and filed. 'i Bee read'the allowances of the Joint Finance$ for salarlas, bills and atc, mounting to t25._I .. •. 428, 47, On motion samea allowed ♦ ypon call of the roll by the folio ;ng vote, Yeas, YoBrooa, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, KatLerJohn, Kolb, Mayers, Oehlsehlawger, VanMeter and WlIl IAW: .,.1:. "'son, {{`Member Hill read an `Ordinance entitled an Ordlnameereating a Pranahles to erect, maintain and! ,operate a system of electric street Railway on eertaln streets in the city of Paducah, Kentucky, I) f/ Ifer the period of L Wnty years and dlreoting the male thereof, on the follw4ng named ■treets�' �I a, , e� _ tF Broadway street from 17th to 19th, streets: from^19th street from its intersection of Broadw +y t(AY/ J Y to Its Sntersestion of Guthrie ATOMS; On Guthrie Avenue from its Sntoresotlon with nineteenth _ ! � { atrntto its intargetlon with what is known and sailed the Ola Mayfield Road; On motion I , " said Ordlnanes was given Its first "pane ge upon Ball of the roll by the tel lowing voLe,Yeea. iMOBroon, Barnett, Duval, Hill, Katter,lohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oahleohlaeger, Vanvater.and Williamson, .i Jho- (10), Mays, Orandsll, (1). I r. Same »W an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance In regard to Dry Wells in the City of Paducah,.•. t• ''/, (Kentucky, On notion said Ordinuas to given Its first passage upon call of the roll, by the • following vote, YsaW s, Broom,Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, Katter John, Ko1D, Meyers, Oehl- .. •} ,.' ft*ehlaeger, VanUster and Williamson, (11), t 18ue read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance } I providing for the eonstruoLlon of '23r�dr' street, tk by grading W Graveling from a point where saw* intorsaots Triabli street n ezte� ld, ,to_a ' ' . - •,moi .. j' Council Proceedings, City of Paducah . ... ..... 190- ....................:............ ....._:.....:: point where same intersects south side Mildred street in the City of Peduoaty Kertue-,'.yN _ kyr and being 1n Glenwood addition, formerly Thurman sen r.lndseys addition to the T ' City of Paducah, reoorded in the MSCraoken County Court Offion, BV title as the rule r .1 ..• - had been suspended, On notion said Ordinmos was given its Ilii p ■sage upon call '' �.''•. of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, McBroom, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, '.jti'::•• Retterjohn, Kolb, Meyern, Oehlsahlaeger, VanMeter and Williamson, (11).. a^`' Bane read an Ordinance entitled an OrdSnnoe providing for the construction of Jarrett y1 u t C -street by gradeing and graveling from a point where sage Intersects side of Powell 8C + •' a point where Some Intersects side of Bridge street, in the City of Pnduoah,•Ky,.:Z:..:. :- d in motion said Ordinance was given its first passage Lpon *all of the roll by the fol r ! lowing vote, Yeae,MaBr00, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers,'.,' •`1-r•• 1 r Oehlsahleeger, VaN4efer and Williamson, (11), 1[Bme, read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the construction of 22vA 'itroot, by grading and groveling from a point wher a same Intersects Triable street ` G.. �s emended tos point where sena intersects sovth•eide Mildred eL»es, In the � `Y �1Ly of..Poduanh, Kentuoky, and being in 'Olonnwood addition, formerly Thurman amt ;,,•;'1• VY / Lindsoye addition to'the City of Padueah,' recorded in the McCracken County Court ,• plorks' effloe, by title as the rule had boon• suspended, On motion said Ordinsnae•wu _ glvan its @@send gaasags upon call of the roll by She following vote, Yeas, MoBroon,' ( Barnett, Drandell, Duval, HSlle Kstterjohn, Kolb, Meyere, Oehlsohlasger, Vaztvoter, find Wlllimson,(11). - __ `• Base reed an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original oonetruotioa: h'��- ,• / , 11 pV�' by grading and graveling of Sowell street from the intersection of Hayes Avenue, em- ?�•=:= �' `ended, to the *act property line of Ashcroft Avenue, in the City of Paducah, Ky, by title as the rule had been suspended, On motion said Ordinance was given its second` - j passage upon gall of'the roll by the follo'*ng vote, leas, MOBroon, Barnett, Crandelj /1yI Duval Hill Katter ohm Kolb Me err Oehlsahlsa l` Lr � •'. i. a r r � r � Y r ger, VnN[eter and •111lusary 11) A/ �ame.resd, an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the original soastruoLion S . / (� Q(• i Y the grading and graveling of Rowell street from a point where it Shterneta Ash- - brock.Avenuepto the wast line of the aLreet known as Hayes Avenue; in too City of Pa V , Paduoah, Kentucky, by title as the rule had been suspended# On motion said Ordinance .'1 .y.. �• . ,alms Sinn, its second passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Ygas# Mo- ^'' ' ) iseal Barnette Crandall#. Duvali_g111r,Ratterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehisehlaeger, Van "... . .,Teter and Williaasen, .(11). �a read an Ordinance' entitled an Ordinanoo providing for the original oorotruatlon vet toy grading and .graveling of Hayes Avenue utgndode whore ease intersects Bonn @tree } rr to Bridge :street, or -the .Old Benton Road, In the City of,Paduash, Kentuoky, by title 1 r a s t1ie�-iule hsd'Deen: suspended, On notion said Ordinance "a given, its second pas - 1 T as-1T -saga upon call of tho,roll D the followingvote 'Yetis MsBrooa Barnett Crandall -•�•'�,,<'.,"` �'Duval,j H111y•RatLer�ohn, Kolb, Meyers,'Oehlsehlaager, Vanketer and Williamson. (11). Box* ead an nrduunoe .entitled en Ordinance providoing for the "re-eonstruction of ~, ' the aldewslks, on ton th sides `of Washington strast.,fram the eons property Tins of `fit : 14eVr 71 street to the west curb line of 2nd mrsaL in the CSL of PaQucah Iontwr 1i ( pp 7, }. i If' Y • .. �r rr , Sdawalke,;tp,be 111,/2 feet wide 0 -'per plane of the City 0aginear,romd m.de'a part j.- 1 \ fr iSSr'�,Y :-i'[Y��' .:_ - i .. .. µ1...r •-- �a i Il iai �-_:�T1i`*J,�rrH."w.i �^.+may, �...f...;�...; ..au-yrsJ-•�;, .• � � � - 'CwndWProceedin s. CitydtPaducah...... :.....: hereof, all to be of granitold sonstructiono by title as the rule had been suspended, Oy moyisn said Ordinance was given Its second pasuye upon @all of We roll by thr Bellowing TO • ' `_' '• Ysaa, MOBrom, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, Kattrrjohn, Kolb$ Meyera, Oehleeblaeger, VanMets and 11111=maon, (11). �So" mad an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the re-oonstruotlon of PSreL attest by grading and paveing with vitrified paysing block, together with the necessary store wat,sr sewers, Manholes and Intakes, frac the north property line of Washington street, to the north I / �property lino of Broadway, 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky; by title as the rule had been Ar `.suspended, On motion, said Ordinance wan given Its second passage upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeasl MOBrOom, Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hill, KstterioM, Kolb,Meyerej Oehlsohlaeger, VanMeter and Billiamaong(11). Same read. an Ordinance intltled nn Ordlnenoe providing for the oonstmotlon of Clay etreot, from 17th to 19th street, as the plans were not with the Ordinance the President declared t the the Ordinance out of order, ' On motion the request of property o'porn on Parley Place to Clements street to improve said property Jth curb and gutters, .'+s refored to City Engineer and Ordinmoo Committee to.bring Ordinenca governing same. . { On motion the request of property o Pers to Improve clay street with pavements, curb and gut- ter from 8th to Harahan Boulevard was rafered to City Engineer and Strout Committee and report bask. I: On motion ,the r000mendation In regard to the Street Car Company paying for an 8 foot culvert (� and till over. Brodshar!-k}} Crook, to extend their line along, was rafered to the City Soliul i.Lor to draw contract !n regard to cams, /,� I1 ,� On motion the 're utmost of H.M,Cunningiaa in regard to lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, won rafered �' - to Cemetery Committee, On motion the requests of J.T.Holt, Jamie Mossly and J,R,Hooper to refund, was rotor* to nla/l5��1/fjFinance Committee. ... motion the report of the Milk and Meat Inupeotor, was orearod received, filed end printed,' On notion it was adopted that the Oddinan C it 3 as omm tee bring in an Ordinance in regard Electric Signa regulations, - - a, 11 On motion the request of the Property owners on Clay street from 17th, to 19th atrsst,.to have the Paducah water Co, to extend their utter rine along omen was orderLo have same done. On motion the request of the `Y qu property owners on Horth 8th, street Det fan Campbell and Boyd, .I�._ o have the Paducah, water Co. to extend their utter min along ear, �#a ordered to have. use done. I On motion ad amber wi111meon,.the action of the Alderman wea oonaured-Irvin regard to the Joint•d.ight and water Committee and Mr Holmes being authorised to have the City Electric Light Plant placed in good condition to receive the new Machinery, and char ! e• n id. expense to the •�, contingent fund upon *all of tH* roll by the following vote Yems, Mo Brom, Beene.ttts:OriM ell,l .I' Duval, Hill, Kattar,lohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehl eahlaegar, VsnMeter and WIlllmm s,(ll)'. !% �On motion of Sar the action* of the Alderman was oonoured-in, Snregard to the Board of Publla1` " Works, being bnatruoted to astnnd Klectria ligit wlree top streets lights into territory ra-, I' quiring more 1lghye to a suftiaent extent to bring the total number of lamp( up to 200 and.„,-�• i r. 1 toll 1 {f'.,le l+��.. '-. � .. -.._- .,:... •-:> , \illi )F. _ ._ Coeinc/1'Proceedings.'lCity of Paducah,.... 190 . 'sharp coot to oontingent fund,:.npoa pall od the roll by the following vote, Yea i -•i; i'w-, / , ., McBroos' Barnett Crandall Rival HIllp %atter ohn Kolb Moyerop Oehlsohlae r 18V •ter,andam• read s report from the Paducah, Water 'Co,•Nting they had placed four fir / plugs On Monroe attest trod Harahan Boulevard to 16th, street and 16th eLrsetit ( 1 -rya_ 1tro Monroe to Cly street, Om ot3m 3L as received and filed and charged to •'��- rental list.-.;'y-- •"ir Umber Katt•rjohn presented the Oontreot of (lent and Elliott In regard to the Y tOnrDege Dump below the I111no1s CmLrnL R.R. Inellne, On motion the set3m Of. ' }_1• the Alderman In ratifying said oonLrseL was scoured In, upon Ball of the roll ,��,;=,1,'•' !Dy the following vote, Yeaa,. WBroom, Barlett, Crandall,, Duval, Rill, KatterJohn, : `Kolb, Meyers, Oehlechlseger, VsmMeter and W111imson,(11). •' ��;- a 2 f • On notion th0- .•port of Lhe,Oheif of Po13oe for the moth of Jnlyy-ai'rseelved d < •�- o.;.:oe r i "a:author3aed'to put'on as many extra Police as h On lotion tit Ch•if�of'Poliose �• A r. Es•med necessary oa'the BLh,of August, upon call 'of the roll by the following .i'}•�,'.!,' v11otes YeseroBroomr Barnattq Crandellr' Duval, Hill, Ksttir ohn ,1o1Dr Moyers, ' • Oshleohlaeg•rs VanMeter and Williamson, (11)., ' limber Crandallresented the following p owing applioatlone for coffee hwe• licence, t iiiJJJ '� Tom Whiteloo, &1 # 300 Ho, 9th, St bond. I111hois Surety Co, of Chi, ago i.R.Wrri•, 100 B -Way a Illinois Surety Cc of Chicago. ' - '.Padgett h Co, eti 1533. Broad BL ' Illinois Surety Co of Chicago. I- S ) 'Y! J.Y.Whitaker, at Union ". , Depot I311noie Surety Co of Chicago:` .4 On`'notionothedaboveIi iionte•ware granfldemd their Fond voted upon grid socepted" ::"„'•:'. . . ,ti •�.,�,. _ . separate end collective.� � aD ," upon sell .of the roll by thw. following vote, Tess, Mo- ' t I r, :Broos� Barnett, Crandall�'Duvsl, NSll,Kat0eijohn� Kolb, Meysrs, Oehlsohlaeger, P(rF.;anueter and 101111amson,(11)., '• _ :; , 4 some raid m'application for coffee house 11censi from T. Overstreet at 0 900 ... north 8th` etraetj On motion said 1losneewasroJeoted upon call 'Of L:v tall by j f �he following vote, Yeas, Kolbe Oehlsohlseger and VanYster ,(3)r Rays, l[oBtoom, �.. - ' Barnett,"Crandell ' Rival.. .Hill 'Katter ohn W :_�.•; t';;...: . .•:. � r r . r J . rite, and Willamem,(8), - ... ;; ,.• i Same read aii aPplloation from T.Petere for a coffee house 13oenee at x'1040, B -'pay ! •%: On motion said license was rejected upon call og the roll by the following, ;vote .. 7ass, Bones Naye, .. I• _, me'resd application fro•George Danker also fro Oscar Denber for Coffee owes Y+ 13osnssei se their was m error as to numbers of location, theactionon same rfs On lotion the Park Commiesionere wore authorized were-'to'e=pepd x1.000.00 to t1= --•y 1 - u and y Trove Lange park and charge suns to contingent fund tt inga upon, cell of the J �y the ,following"vote, Yeas, YoBrooa, Creed Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb,0ahle r ger mdYWletor,�(7),1lsy,• Barnett`, Duval,Yeysrs and Wlilimson, -(i). ` ,�f motion{of Umber' Duval the Boerd'..of^PUDllo Works, were •instructed to luv�Lhe - _, n.' (' i+. f -fit t �C;N, :gqCoot Tonnoeeos Telophono Co,1to.'hsrs a pole taken, away on jta, no" Boyd, '�1. � pf ti.. ,..fy 7s. Lo.Al:4� ,,, ,•7.'e,.kl' . e. ... 1.... .. .- 'h.0 - ...... ,., ... 16_- _ r., .,,u!' y.' ).. 1, r%"....~� v Council Proceedings, City of Paducah .....:.:...:..:.1! 1 ..2 On motion of Member Kolb the Joint Ordinanos Committee were Instructed to bring in an:Ordl-.I- nonce to grant the people of Paducah the prlvelege of voting for the Issuance of 1100o00s00 - bond for Park purposes, On motion the Ordjuenoe Committee tgs.lnntruoted to bring in an Ordinance to pave Arid gutoer ' - So 6th[ street, between, Tennessee and Norton, --- On Notion The Board Adjourned.-—__—, AUG 201908 1, pa��/V�.�.y� 6P R0/4IDD rrww�j Based -f omwh� „er aJIMIJ Council Pro' ceedin gs AUG 201908 AS A. REGULAR-M'LTINO OF THE BOARD OF COUNCITAUX, held In the. Counoll Chamber 1n the Olty Hall ' ' `'•^}" AupusLj 20th, 1906, mrd upon call of the roll the following answered to their namen, HaBroom, .•'..;_ . "'- Barnett, Crandall, Duval, Hermogg, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oehlsahlaeger, VanNoter and On motion We minutes of the previous meeting were adopted se read, On motion the request of the Nashville, Chattanooga and dtLouls Railway to construct 'a"team. tla; #2 across 6th street, was reterad to the Joint Railroad and Telegraph Committee to brlru` 1n their recomendntlons in regard to same, 'The Mayor rend a oo—,nlaation from the Board of Public We rY.:: in regard to the lotting of con= 7 tracts for Street and Sidewalk improvements, On motion W n Board of Public Rorke, •ere Snetruo- 1 ^.� ted to go ahead and with the said improvements- ./ / On motion the requests of John Potter, L.T.Oilbert and W.H.Thompson to refund money on Milk Dealeree licenses were "farad to .the Joint Finance Committee.."• .. On motion the report of The City Auditor 1n regard too^'Odhleet:2dna and esponditu»s, was receive .. and filed. •i ' .On motion It waa%Tefered to the Joint Ordinance Committee to bring in an Ordlnanoe to repeal " the license granting the privelege to operate a Bucket Shop, in the City, to take effect on .: January the let, 190 On motion the contract of the Paducah. Traction Co, in regard to the building a fill aoross, o. ,N BradeRaws Creak, was resolved and t1UQ, p/Y On motion the aotton of the Aldermen In regard to refunding to H. J,Prledman 112.50, for '0e1 - ion and Quart dealers license, was oonoured-1n, _ ' On motion the action of the Aldermen In record to rejecting g the re per and quest of J,R,Hoa Hill and Nooely to refund them money paid for N11k Maim liasheet *.an conourod-!n, } On motion it was rarered Lo the Ordinance Committee to bring in an Ordinance areating the,,,',. rg Fire e ver o r Office o Offif Driver the FiEngine. ,JpI , .'•`"� - On motion SL was refered to the Street Committee the matter of opening the Alley an 3rd, •@treat between Husband and Caldwell. _ " +•`.i°j,•(j ?' er on not the action of the Ildermemr ge oonoured-Sn. 1n roger to employing a farmhand 04 _it,