HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 355, May 23, 1906rte' .. F�'..)l.I�a"!.L'�k4'., Ylfi/'^'1n :}•*M Y-,a,t,� 'ir Y�•a. :w:.'+MT4t .r. •::f. .. f, ^� r. 't •. h..��^ ,• .. Council Proceedings: City of Paducah',:.:..'..:.'..`.....::' ., :''...'..._.......'...'790, i ®uncil• Fr®ceedings 'j °L.11•`� • At a regular seating of the board of Councilmen, held in the Council Chamber Sb the Council Ohamber in the° City Hall, Way, 21st, 1906,.with Proeldent Wa Rroom presiding and upon call of the roll the following 'enamored to thelr nation, Yo Broom, Barnett, Duval, Hill, Kettel� John, Kolb, Mayoras Oohlechlaeger, VYeter and WSllimeon,(10), ' , �. On motion itmq adopted that the the Board adjourn on the account of the death of Yrs Sipple) to meet Wednesday, May, 23rd, 1906, at 7,30, oolook, p.m. I. u .ASO T$1� y. iiPF�O PB1D �Ms . rYwidW tlsord e/ tbaaaManNa . i council Proceedings At a eUSOmr, meeting o! the, Board of Councilmen, nand in the Couhall Chamber in the city -� �'•.. .:{i'>-'• Hall, Hay, 23rd, 1906, w1 h President MOBroom pvenlding and upon call of, the roll the. foL.1•-. ',':�;•�':1 lowing ans"red to their nanoa,MoB room, Barnett, Dural, Hill, Kettorjohn, Kolb, Noyerag•-.: is Oehlnohlaege, VanMater and Williamson,. (10), On motion the minutes of the previous seating were adopted as road and corrected. •'�/ On motion the action at the Board of Aldromen w`a oonoured-in, in regard to acting Mayor ' Starke Dorro ung E 9,000,00 to pay the city's current expenoona upon call of tho roll by the.I 11 following rote, Yeae, YoBrooAt Barnett, Dural, Hills Wattrajohn, Kolb, Mayoras Oehl eohleeger,( V y/ VanNeter and Wllllmeon,(10). / On motion the action of the Board of Alderman was oonoured-in, in regard to the Joint Ordlnan Ie ��Committea', to bring in an Ordinance to pave Poutain Avonune botwpen Jefferson and Monroe Ste five foot in VOM width upon call oe tho roll by the following rote, Yaae, WaBroom, Barnett, l,/1/ / Dural, Hills Ystterjohn, Kolb, Meyers, Oahleohlaegar, VanMeter and WI111meon,(10). lY On motion the action of the Board of Alderuen was oonoured-in, In regard to rafering to the - I JoAnL OrdinanoeeComittes and Yr McPherson to bring in an Ordinance in re Pard to tha stringing �of wires in the Ci -.y - On motion the oommunlcatlon from Hummel. Bra's 1n regard to bond wan received and filed, 1 On motion the Communication in regard to paying pole rental from Tolegraph and Talophone Co'e / ;,inns refered to the Joint Ordinance ComIttoo, to bring in an Ordinance, .oat• • ��/,i1 4,1.6n m.otin the request-Lbt- of the property awpety- owners on Salm Arenne and north 13th,atrest �f to have the Paducah Water Co, to sxtand theirwyer mains along said streets, was refered to the ' / �Paduoan, Water Co, Item-er Duval, same 1n. notlon the request of Officer Clark in rngard to paying his Doctor and, drug rbill me; referod: to the Joint Finance Committee, _' ! . •j:• �• On motion the opinlon of Flendriete,• Nlllar and Yarrable in regard to thn th Board g power of, tho� 't l �Of Public Works, to appoint Seryr Inspector, Market Matter and Wharf Yeeters was reosived{iL-J-� , filed, ` ' �• Council Proceedings, City. of Paducah.....:.:. _ .:;!,. 190 Member Kolb read theallavance of the Joint Pinancal for the half month of Me . _L... t.. r . amounting to $ 3.618.00, on motion eame.was allowed upon call of the roll by the following vot*p Yaee McBroomp Barnett Duval Hill Kate rjohng Kolb Meyers. •"'-''= I Wehlsohleeger, Vanme er and Williamson; (10). On motion it wee tTaL'Lh' City Boliaitor return beak to the CSty.Trossur6i' the II i1t�. $ 3.000.00, wilt FaoorusnLnraeLthereon, that was ordered returned Dnrk'to tTshee r__.... East Tenneeooe Co, and for him to have tTo,'po rar *to draw the scans amour.L out whoa :.•i^_: . i needed. 7 �" ) '. Member Hill read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinanae.Providing for the Raw ronwd 4~' etruaLlon of the following Streets, by grading and pausing, in the City ot, Pnduoeh',-'f�:'�: Kentucky, Washington street from thi Eaet property line of 3rd strnet to the Hae6 •r r' •..t �� A� property lino of fire L etraet,' /^YN South 2nd street from the south property line of Knntucky Avenue to the north prop : 1 `� ! r arty line of Washington street, N South Pirst Street from the north property line of Broadway to themova oro prop Y line of Waehington street, On Potion maid Ordinance wee given its first-paaenge Up, Dell ofths. roll b the follo�i VI• up y ng vote, Yeast MaDroom, Barnatt. Duval, H111, (.� �• �IYf Katteraohn, Kolb, Mayera,.0ahlachlaegeri Vanmeter end Willimaoni(JO). 8 Deme reed an Ord inenoe to improve north fifth, street providing for the reconetruat. rN of aldenflke and gutters, on sotson amid Ordinance was rejected �/ l/!/Af f J upon Dell of the J» 4.. A roll by the following - vote, Yese, None, Na�f, YeHroom, Barnett, Duval, Hili, Katteo--•+--. M� John, Kolb, Nayarit Oehlnchlnegar, VanYster anti WSlliamaon,(10). 'Hsaa read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance prescribing the manner in which can- . / Lrnotr may be lot for PorsgejPual and Groceries, and ti:Sag the penalty Por vloletig said Ordinance, byetitle, am the rule had been auapanded, On motion said ordinance' 10'V ? ae given its second pansags upon cell of the roll. by the following veto,, Yasa, 1Duval Barnett Moaroom / _, , , .111tt,Jner Jphn, Kolb, Yeyerem Oahlachlnager, VWSstor �rt..I Y ' •S std Williameon,(10). - - -. Ordinance,.:__. -,.•mow. .-.._,,.�_��. - _,. J:,.. A: Pe reed an Or entitled an Ordinance, giving and granting Pollee power@ to Most And Milk Inspector, Market Master, License Inspector, Sexton of Oak Grove f W - I �Oenoterym Sanitary officers, Wharf Waster, Stmeat Inspootor, City Electrician and `�, Realth Officer of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion said Ordinance wee given Ir to first psoaege upon sell of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, MLBroom, Bar- :i 1 , nett, buval, Hill, Kolb, Meyers, 0ehleohlaeger, VanM@trr and Williamson, IZ2„ , ( , .•il-' Nays, KatterJohn,(1)., { •--'!Bnme rend an Ordinance enL3tleA.an Ordinance to piovonL parsons from keeping open tT:.. plsaee for eels of Ligoura within'certain hours, or from Selling or tournlahing, !rlthin auoh hours, '.On,motian maid Ordinance was given its first passage upon call oP 0 roll by the following vote, Yean,'YoSroom, Harnett, Hill, Duval, Katterjahn, "Kolb, Mepera, Oohleehlaegor,� VanMotor and Williamaon,(10). n motion the repueet of the property'owners 'n north Bth,atreet to have the pave- . 1 -. In north'SLh, etreat made 6,•foot wiAe,was refered to the Board of Public Workn, A�. Join` BLreoL Ca+oeittoq and the City EciginoeY "•'< v.f 'vi r G" n\.+y�:�: `.1. `` c .!-�'!{i'.,'y ,'J'.." '4�.'`w l`�'•Li•.^:t'„w.,.-r•�wr.R.. - ., Y �•r n•.. . Councll;Proceedings, City of Paducah,..” : 190. The same reed the following, To: -wit - '.�.. - - Paducah, Kentucky, May 19th, 1906."1 • oV Ron. Mayor and Oenoral Counall,. " i ! Olty-of Paducah, Kentuoky. it I: • KnomvAll Man.Ry Thee* Present! 'r:• That We-, the undersigned property q"r* owners, in Ole'enpod addition to the city ... i•T ;r : '..1 •�4 of Paducah, Doing desirous of dedicating certain streets therein to the Clyy of Paducah, for. •'•i the purpose of nosing same s* Public Thomeughtsres, and for the purpose of having name Sap -I r ' r� i; roved in n000rdinnnoo with Bitch -Ordinances an may he pauaod by the Oona to] 0ouncil dt,tho City' i at Paduoah, for such improvemohtev Rowe for and in the consideration of th•i Boceptnnoe by ' .the City of said dedication as herein atter sat$ out, and opening up or said etresta an I' r thoroughfares of the City, these presents wjtnenneth: That by these presents, the undernlgned�:h here -Dy deddostee to the City of Paduoah thetollor:ing etrcots lying In the said uleonWdod d-1 dltlon In this City of Paducah, kno"p as follows, to -alt:- Viputy 0000nd street, from the HSn- 'Q4I kleville road, or Trimble street to Mildred street; said etreot biing 60 font w;do, and ,I raxteieding 34'blocks of uniform width: Also 23rd, street, from the glnklovllle Road or. Trim- ble street to Mlldredad dtreet, and being 60 feet in width, extend" 3 blocks and of uni- form wAdth: Also 24th, street, from the Hinkleville Road or Trimble etrcet,,'eald street be- Sng 60 feet in width, and 3 blocks long and of uniform width: Also ldndsey Street from an A11y ' between*21st and 22nd Streets, running paralel therewith to s point 136 foot cyst of 24th I•! street, Bald street being 50 feet wide and 3 blocks long and of uniform width, Also Krugor.bem •: , atroet, extending from an Alley between, 21st and 22nd, Btroets; .rhe qWN running paralel there44Dh to a point 136 feet Test of 24th, atreet; Bald street being 50 j -foot wide and 3 blocks long, and of uniform wadth, Also MI dred street, extanding from an alley ' •,; between 2lat, and 22nd, etroats, and running parralal to a point 136 feet West of 24th,,etroot said street being 50 feet wide and 3 blocks long and -of uniform width, Also an 18 foot alley running parts rel with the Hinkleville Rond or Trimble street, bat pon the 11inklevllle Road or . '"'.�! Trimble street, and Lindsay atreet, and parrllel theroAth, ad and extending from an alley running betw4en 215t and 22nd, streets to a point 121 toot =; of 24th street end of uniform width, Also a 15 toot alley running poem parallel' with Trim- ble street and Lindsey Street, and said alley extending ger 3 blocks long and extending to. Mildred-sereet-and of uniform width, Also a 1.59 foot alley extcnddng from nn alley running parallel with Trimble street and Lindsey street, and said alley extending for 3 blocks � t true, rn alley runnlnr. parallel with Trimble to Mildred street, and being of uniform width, rI All of '.hich Se more particular shown by a narteln map or blue print of said property se„ � T, ._. i;;.,,. shown upon record of said blue print or map In plat book 'A' page 100 of the NoCraoken County Clerkm Office, A copy of said recorded map or blue print Is tiled jith and nadq "`^ ip key•• s part of thin petition of dedication, and in marked 'A' for more specific Sdobtiflantion, r _ _.. -..1.. Respectfully.. • J Oloz4od, Realty, Cc (Ino), per H,R.Llndsey^,,Pres, H.R.LSndsey, Mrs E,D.Tnurman,.rht Jack -'r: ' .1 sons E,O,Thor.Psone L.T.Wrrdelr J.W.Dobouts ftfttrollr T.O.ConboYe J.W,Pieroer Mrs r +1 Mi r •DBS ey .Burnett= and Dr. C, O.OSngles, On motion the said dedication of the above property was ;�,' accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes upon sell of the '011 by the fol- ^�. ",� ..a...Lr,. ...... m. r lolvtng cote, Yeas, YOHroom, Retterjohn, Kolb, Yeyere, Oshleohlasger and 4nn- „•, ,,,�„�,.,.,, ,• ''� '. Moter,(6), Hays, Barnett, Duval, Hill, and Williamson, (4), On notion the sation of the Aldermen w+e oonoured-Int in regard to the alley (',,,V�•J.�''` between Meyers and Clements streets Y �i•';: / On motion the action of the of the Aldermen was oonoured-1n,-in regard to the + '' ,request of Henrn Sahlmitt heirs gp.raldwell street,, f On notion the lotion of the Aldermen os aanoured-in, in regard to charging to the rentalze firs plug an 9th, sbtset, between Ky. Avcm.m and Broadway, •�'"• ' On motion the action! the Boabd of Aldermen was conaaf.".;red-in, in regard '`�'��•�,�� ( .� 1 �.. to charging to the rental list the firs plug , at She sornnr of 5th, and Norton Streets.' 't r 1,..,� I - . ` On motion the Joint Light:Committee. and the Board of Publio.Works were given `I Instructions with power to act to have the City Electric Light Plant ,upon call of the roll -by the following vote,.Yeae, YcBr om, Barnette Kstterjohn,- �"� Kolb, Ysyor% Oshleohlaeger, VanHeter, and Willi Nara, Duval and-trm, On Motion SL "a refered to the City'Enginser, Board of Public Works and the '.,.• ` r - Joidt Public Improvement Committee to get bide for the coat to improve Island 4 (7� Crack,' Bridge and report back, r• f1M On motion the action of the Alderman was eoncurod-in, in regerd.to refer Ing to i`�i •.. tlin City Solicitor the Condamnation proceedings against the building #116, Broader iv j. ;y _71• ' On motion the bond of A.H,YSOnlrs ea City WSSgher,TJls TStls endP sf ;. �j. Scranton Ps, was accepted upon call of the roll by the following rote, Yeas, h_ 'r• YoBroom, Barnett, Duvall, HSll, Kstterjohn, Kolb, Yeyere, Oehlachlseger, Van•• - la'♦ It Yater and r.1111cmeory (10). ),.. _ On notion the petition from the residents on Y,ill street against a Saloon, was._:_::•5 received and filed.• ..... .'.., tn:rm eww�..w...r-w+•c.. t . On'motion og member luvsl,-it woo refered to the Joint Pinance Committee the ,, ,*, ,�•',� ! i. - r- .I v matter n-C1tY paying for the privets Telephone for the Piro Stations. •j •:'ice+'' 9On motion the nation o1' the_Aldermen was concurod-in, In regard to J. A, Puryenr "p,'•'; . trs f , transfering the Bast halt of hie lot in Oak Grove Cemetery to W,C.RSdd, I''-(,,✓ . On'motion , the action of the Alderman was oonoured-in, In regard to a'lot in .Y Oak Orovs. Cemstnry to George, Augustus. • - - . • - - �r*�r�-C1i „ - + m otlon of member .Williamson, It was refered to the joint Cemetery. OosmltLse, II Ir p� 7. with power to sotto purchase Torpol3ne for Oak Grove Cemetery, I' / On motion of Nem Z me r it woe r fared to the Joint Street Committee and;. the OSLy F]AEin a to bd s..•an from 11th street 14h street.'- - ... r `' , On of motion. tpe.&a tion the �Aldormen. ry was concursd, in., -in regard to to t _{ + • elsik'to prro sent.• all 20rdimancea or, the-flrat passage to,`Wthe nert-board. ""t 41+F n .0--, t I l -set 'P.<i !.7 x 17. ,`'U?.,G.. ++.r,•J�"iW Ia::r.u:u."«.L N!i:e '- .7.�. .:.'La+,S:t.::,llis.,-vu'�uar ^.,.•��:�•n _.s:.fvF' ':... - !1 4� Council Proceedings, City,of Paducah ....:....:................ ..: 190 accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes upon sell of the '011 by the fol- ^�. ",� ..a...Lr,. ...... m. r lolvtng cote, Yeas, YOHroom, Retterjohn, Kolb, Yeyere, Oshleohlasger and 4nn- „•, ,,,�„�,.,.,, ,• ''� '. Moter,(6), Hays, Barnett, Duval, Hill, and Williamson, (4), On notion the sation of the Aldermen w+e oonoured-Int in regard to the alley (',,,V�•J.�''` between Meyers and Clements streets Y �i•';: / On motion the action of the of the Aldermen was oonoured-1n,-in regard to the + '' ,request of Henrn Sahlmitt heirs gp.raldwell street,, f On notion the lotion of the Aldermen os aanoured-in, in regard to charging to the rentalze firs plug an 9th, sbtset, between Ky. Avcm.m and Broadway, •�'"• ' On motion the action! the Boabd of Aldermen was conaaf.".;red-in, in regard '`�'��•�,�� ( .� 1 �.. to charging to the rental list the firs plug , at She sornnr of 5th, and Norton Streets.' 't r 1,..,� I - . ` On motion the Joint Light:Committee. and the Board of Publio.Works were given `I Instructions with power to act to have the City Electric Light Plant ,upon call of the roll -by the following vote,.Yeae, YcBr om, Barnette Kstterjohn,- �"� Kolb, Ysyor% Oshleohlaeger, VanHeter, and Willi Nara, Duval and-trm, On Motion SL "a refered to the City'Enginser, Board of Public Works and the '.,.• ` r - Joidt Public Improvement Committee to get bide for the coat to improve Island 4 (7� Crack,' Bridge and report back, r• f1M On motion the action of the Alderman was eoncurod-in, in regerd.to refer Ing to i`�i •.. tlin City Solicitor the Condamnation proceedings against the building #116, Broader iv j. ;y _71• ' On motion the bond of A.H,YSOnlrs ea City WSSgher,TJls TStls endP sf ;. �j. Scranton Ps, was accepted upon call of the roll by the following rote, Yeas, h_ 'r• YoBroom, Barnett, Duvall, HSll, Kstterjohn, Kolb, Yeyere, Oehlachlseger, Van•• - la'♦ It Yater and r.1111cmeory (10). ),.. _ On notion the petition from the residents on Y,ill street against a Saloon, was._:_::•5 received and filed.• ..... .'.., tn:rm eww�..w...r-w+•c.. t . On'motion og member luvsl,-it woo refered to the Joint Pinance Committee the ,, ,*, ,�•',� ! i. - r- .I v matter n-C1tY paying for the privets Telephone for the Piro Stations. •j •:'ice+'' 9On motion the nation o1' the_Aldermen was concurod-in, In regard to J. A, Puryenr "p,'•'; . trs f , transfering the Bast halt of hie lot in Oak Grove Cemetery to W,C.RSdd, I''-(,,✓ . On'motion , the action of the Alderman was oonoured-in, In regard to a'lot in .Y Oak Orovs. Cemstnry to George, Augustus. • - - . • - - �r*�r�-C1i „ - + m otlon of member .Williamson, It was refered to the joint Cemetery. OosmltLse, II Ir p� 7. with power to sotto purchase Torpol3ne for Oak Grove Cemetery, I' / On motion of Nem Z me r it woe r fared to the Joint Street Committee and;. the OSLy F]AEin a to bd s..•an from 11th street 14h street.'- - ... r `' , On of motion. tpe.&a tion the �Aldormen. ry was concursd, in., -in regard to to t _{ + • elsik'to prro sent.• all 20rdimancea or, the-flrat passage to,`Wthe nert-board. ""t 41+F n .0--, t I l -set 'P.<i !.7 x 17. ,`'U?.,G.. ++.r,•J�"iW Ia::r.u:u."«.L N!i:e '- .7.�. .:.'La+,S:t.::,llis.,-vu'�uar ^.,.•��:�•n _.s:.fvF' ':... - !1 4� On motion it was refered to the Board of Public works to @end s flagon through the alloys in --. Irl J, jfjfj the City to take upon tin cans and other rubbish,. -,.�• IP on motion of Member Ratter was ordered that the City Clark notify the City Solicitor to `make his report In regard to the Malntekaoe bond of Patteraon an@ Portoue. ' On motion of Member Hill, It was reforad to the Joint Ordinance Committee to bring in an Ordinance to Curb and (utter South 4th, street bet'ipen, Norton and Yiusbsnds,.•'% ' On motion Cheif C0111na was Instructed to report book to the Board the cost to furnle'h',it,;,;,: / man to go with it w\gon to catch doge, On motion City Engineer Washington was instructed to hove a @ulvert built under that road at Rudy Straps near nlsr. �On motion the action of the notion of the Aldermen in, regard to the Ordinance to bring in' J/ /J1lr."rY� an Ordinance to have aIda, 4�lke made/ six feet wide •,&a not ooncured–in. On Moti on The Board Adjourned.­!­­­­— Adopted, djourned.!Adopted, June,/4th 1906. � /9a 6 . O1Ly Clerk, _ Yr...dene Rwvd o/ daaedle,u, - " r ,r i t 1�77.- ` I i n t rt r 1 , I Y 77 -, q i r`.0'. r der .._ p h •( 4�I� ..1 m, , tr . 1 f,[ly r„f. .fi 1a; > r.-.' � • v� � v 4 1.-\ t��r'I ^.'r'fF `"-i'�!-. iif a } Council Proceedings, City of Paducah, '.:..... ,,,,•;,,, ........ _... .. On motion it was refered to the Board of Public works to @end s flagon through the alloys in --. Irl J, jfjfj the City to take upon tin cans and other rubbish,. -,.�• IP on motion of Member Ratter was ordered that the City Clark notify the City Solicitor to `make his report In regard to the Malntekaoe bond of Patteraon an@ Portoue. ' On motion of Member Hill, It was reforad to the Joint Ordinance Committee to bring in an Ordinance to Curb and (utter South 4th, street bet'ipen, Norton and Yiusbsnds,.•'% ' On motion Cheif C0111na was Instructed to report book to the Board the cost to furnle'h',it,;,;,: / man to go with it w\gon to catch doge, On motion City Engineer Washington was instructed to hove a @ulvert built under that road at Rudy Straps near nlsr. �On motion the action of the notion of the Aldermen in, regard to the Ordinance to bring in' J/ /J1lr."rY� an Ordinance to have aIda, 4�lke made/ six feet wide •,&a not ooncured–in. On Moti on The Board Adjourned.­!­­­­— Adopted, djourned.!Adopted, June,/4th 1906. � /9a 6 . O1Ly Clerk, _ Yr...dene Rwvd o/ daaedle,u, - " r ,r i t 1�77.- ` I i n t rt r 1 , I Y 77 -, q i r`.0'. r der .._ p h •( 4�I� ..1 m, , tr . 1 f,[ly r„f. .fi 1a; > r.-.' � • v� � v 4 1.-\ t��r'I ^.'r'fF `"-i'�!-.