HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 352, May 7, 1906r ,T, - n, Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,190' ' council P din ,r { m.m .,, .At a regular meeting of the Board of Councilmen, 1',held.ln the Counail er :�'•(.:,:.:,•;, :,- ••- in the City Hall, May.7th 1 06 with President MOBroom presiding - • I , 9 . , p ng end upon ae1T •,,r"" of the roll the followingme "red to'their names, McBroom, Barnett, DuvalsHon og' Hill, YAtter,)ohn, Kolb, Mayeres Oehlsohlasger, Vstigater and Wllli&%Bon,(11). - ;•. e r - -�On motion the Mayor was inetruoted to sign the dead to Bohliol-Rouse pcopeTty in ,. .. :.Yeohmioburg.' - •' 1 . i •�, '. On motion of Member Barnett, the City Solicitor w4a Instructed to asosrtain from - E.P.. Puryear homv much It wuo1A coat to get the records, so the back taxes oould- .; ' be oollooted, ..` •� '� moseen-:e-aro-adepaem5- ,•- �J i notion the recamandstion of the City Solicitor to rater the compromise ossa ofd .:;cs ��;..;•.- ' (1J) • the City against the Eset Tennessee Telephone Company to the Joint RsllrosAs , I.• -- VD/ elegraph sAd Telephone was rejected. - _ _. .c..... On 'notion the •Appointment of the Mayor In regard to rippolntIrE George Walters, •': five years, H.O.Rhodee, four years, Chas Read three years r D.O.Yurrell - , } / A twpysars and E.J, Paxton, one year as Perk Commissioners was received and.,flled if � 'nd ratlfyed.. {'( •- On motion was .do ted that the Mayor be instructed to Lheooi}tisot'w1Zim I' } It*1 G eorge 0, Ingram for wprk on the South Side Fire Depattmene0 motlon'it was refered to Piro Police Commissioners to Stop reeding Rm Bakerseev out of the City's funds, ' Y' Massaro X,altere, Rhodes, Reed, Murrell, and Paxton offered as their Bond as ark .Commisslonere The American Surer Co ' LY � i y Company of NMYork* On motion sold bond was s voted on and accepted ` up p asporaLe and collective, uponesll of the roll by the Q Q •i fall owing vote, Yeas, MOBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjo hn, Kolb, .,l- . � '!' '.l Yeyeres:0�hleohlseger. Vanlieter and Rllliamson,(11), On motion it 146.rnfared to the Joint Ordinance Committee to bring in an Ordinance , -Y' to'. eubmlt to the voters Or the' City of Paducah the matter of voting for* Lhs .. C - 'city to cap her Rater Rorke and 01LY Light Plant, tp•on sell of the tall by the fol r 1l tl �`I�,liowing vote,_�Yene, Yo Brooms Bargett, Duval, Herzog, Hi11,'KatierJohn, Kolb, ! {a c .. �R_ OeDleohlsegar, VanlleDer and Williamson, (11);I r y,Sf.L• ; zz, r,,y On motion the report Of'the Oreasuser and Auditor_ -,for the montli .of;April, -igO6, .S a reaelved and filed.. ! _ 7' 4 j�IrY ii q , r I,r erK'o7rD-'i'enCthe `nl7owanose"of 'Lha 'Joint Finance! Co®rtes ' for-tha month (, 5 .e1ndimg April 30th, 1906 amounting to $ 9 042 SSt On motin same was allowed upon I' �,;)f '� �. ,�' r,_,a`a11 of the roll by.the folowing vote, Yess, YoBroomt Barnett, Duval, Hill, .i..:. P'.KeSb;•Bstterjohn,Meyers,,0ohldahlaeger; /anMeter and.Rllliamsons(11),' 0; motionn-ths b111.ot the Park Comlaelonere amounting 'Lo $37,50 fo Dond. we,e' _ e-! 11. Irl .•w m - ,' lv,'I -.-.. ...-. I-.. ar"' �. 't ;mbar Hill' prooentsd the following Rssolutlon,to-wi! - Theresa there le now'no • r4 „• 7 1.; a adequate way or method in ,^^Uuse to"'dispose of the garbage and'*the' refuse •�" I ,. y $_. '. it (rtN, (, -( t.r- .S 1 ` '_i 1 ..t '� Ltc'ap. L h}.a. • r �lµ},ry��a.,,�,/�./1 ,N•,3',ti„Li:ia„r ,�It cl, - - s 7Y.e.:�`•l1sY,�s— :Y._ r:+alu .�..•"i tJ;1r _ t _ Council Proceedin s, City of Paducah,..._ 190 1.1. - !matter of the City, and -Weress, Itis deemed to the Deet interest of thin health of Lha. AMW ;•i;;^ ' Citizens 11t0a to Immediately make arrangement0•yo dispose of same, now, therefore, . I Be it Resolved, that the Board ofHealth ot.ths City of Paducah,be directed and empowered to advertise for bide, and pursuant thereto, to let to tha lowpet and beet blddnre a 1' �. contract from the first day of June•to the first day of October 1906 to dlrpoas of and No I tk the City of all garbage agd reruns natter of hny.tlnd during said period; ir:o Contractor .) awark said contract to be paid monthly by the City of Paducah s000rding'to h1ioontract, and all of inld work to be done under .the supervision and control 09 the Board ef"Health, provided that no oontrr,ot made under this resolution shq.11 be binding.untill ems 1e,retltypA by the general Council. On motion sold resolution •one given 1te•flrct ndoptfon upon Doll :'�•'. „.,-- of the roll by Lhu following vote, Yeae, YoDroom, Barnett, Duval,, Herzog, H1ll,Katterjohn,' • : ��=,-- Kolb Moyers, Behlschlnrger, VarnMeter and Willi mnon,(11 )'• I Same reed an OrdinAnoo entitled on Ord'incnao providing for th, ruconntructlon o.' lido arlks, i �,. eM1.rwkwi Including Curbs and Cutters nn Doth aides of north Plftb, Street, from Iiia north ;d Curb line of Jefferson street to the north property line of Clay street,, In the City of Paduosh, Kentucky, On motion said Ordinance. wan given its first passage upon still or the /Y1�/�' roll by the following vote, Ysae, YOBrnon, Harnett, Duval, Ilerzog, 11)11, ,KattorjMn,K alb •� /r Yeysre, Oehlsohlseger, VeNlaLer and WS111meon, (11), , On motion the Horton Ave .Ordlnanas was lost, 1 On notion the 841em Ave Ordinance Was TeDlad..,. ., .. •I On motion the aide #lk improvements was refored to the City 801101tor and City Engineer for :I • ', correction, r Same rend an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to prevent the eproad Tuborculoels, by title as the rule had brtin sunponded, On moLkn..id Ordlnoo was given lta•eeoond passage upon call i �{ of L s roll by the following vote, YeseT MOBroom, Barnett, Duval, Herzog, Hill, Kstter John, ,Kolb, Meyers, Oehlauhlaeger, VanUeter a,d WI113mson,(11),. 1 I n The motion made to purchase 100 feet instead of sixty five.fect of property from Mrs T. ti. Pur Ynar on South 10th, street, visa dnfnated upon call of the roll by the to11oM1ng. 'vote, Ynne� ^v� Hill, Katter John, Oehleohlaeger, VanYater, and Will inmeohi Nays, Mc Broom, Barnett, Duval, - N v / i Herzog, Kolb, and Meyers,(6), 1' I On notion the notion of the Aldermen was aonaured—in, 1n reRsrdLo purchasing 6q fest of ground from Mrs T,H,_Puryeer on South 10th, @treat between Broad Ay.and Kentucky, vwm.ewisl VNVAPP Avenue and rafered to the Public Improvement Committee and the Board of Public Works to take the matter of purcharingAOCV t moors, up -1 on call of thoyroll by the following vote, Ysae, MOBroom, BarnettW Duval, Herzog, 11111, i. ,r/ Kstterjohn, Kolb, Mayers, Oehlnchlaager, VmYeter and WllUamaonlfll), /�1 rn motion the.City Engineer #a instructed to glue Chas K. Wheeler the grade on fifth ' - street bet *an Ky. Ave and Washington ntre0t. �/y l On motion the Paducah, Water Company to oxtond their {tcr mains on Madison ebreet'rrom,l6thI, /, r `to 17th, street, J•w/� • On motion the Paducah Water Cor,pcny was instructed to extend their water mains on M111 's,l street from Meyers to Y1opr Avenue. .,r .. .�..bi5.. .r. - .. f Council Proceedings, City of Paducah...' .......... F, 1: r -On motion the report or thG­Cheir of. Police was received and riled, tv sport or the Chair of the Fire Department was received and riled. On motion the appointment of W;J.MoPhereon me assistant Eleotrioal""Iffspector*- -,tl I and Building Inspector was oonoured-in, upon call or the roll by the folbowing •in dots, Yeseq UoBroom, Barnettj`Duvslq karzogt Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb Meyera ehlaottleagero Vangeter and willimson1fil). motion It was refored to the Board of PUblU&d the Jbint Light and Water e". Committee w4th po.,Pr to not to puanheas an Aternating Machine for the City t Planto; upon call of th,6 roil by.tho following v6t9q:Yesmq NaBroom, Be Duval, Herzog, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb, Ueyeraq Oahlachlemogart, Vanifeter and ...... Willimaon, (11).. V., On motion it was adopted that the City of Paducah. pay VqOO.oO Of the street expense in front of the Ferguaon and Palmer I gLa, property on mouth 3rd,street' upon call of the roll by thu following vote, Y86a, McBroom, Barnett, Duval, rvJ Horzog, [till, KattorIJOhnp Kolb,. 48yerao Oehlaohloseier, Vanu star and Winra&rwaq 4 qw n motion It adopted that the Paducah Carniv' '71 Al Association be granted the same p..' Iveleass in regard t• licenses' and other contisaiiOnd so during the previous week. a' ' ', MoMbor Barnett read an application fear. G.A.Chandler for a Correa House li cone 7, iY at 7th, and Tannsaaso. atreeta, V=-.9ZZ=X===ft he offered as his bond the Illl:A' onols. Surety Company or Chicago, On motion set# linens Inad -grantod arf] bond -accepted up6n veli of'jhs roll'by the folloeling vote, Yeast Ya Broom, Bamet6 ­111TAI, Herzog, Hill, Utterjol:ns.. Kolb# Meyerap Oehleehleoger. VanUater and O.L. Williammon'(11). On motion the request Of Ohas Speak for over aaflenament wan reforod to An 0 Aud . %7- 1 )or to refund 0=0 It found to be correct. On motion the Glerk V o ordered Oar to make a deed to slot In Oak Grove Cemotsry.to.` .11ingsto. Demotion a decd ,to a lot in -Oak Grove r - On notion the Board of Public Wnrkm wan ordered to'have the rooks removed off YVIO. 'Cemetery me rstIfyod to H.G.MaElWee�' of Seventh,' street between-kar)rlson and Boyd streets. -Lon MOLlon The Board/Adjourad.�� A Impted Me ;7 I- It nf r city Clerk,, r1 • r rd _ _ e I '' It 4.1t to I - 14 %-