HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 345, April 2, 1906.Y -.}+�•,ta �'a.y..�-..--rr...^x�Frr.. _ .q., �s. Council Proceedings, City of Paducah,...:....:,` ....:..:.......... ........... .. 190 • council 19S At a' regular meeting of the Board Councilmen held in the Council Chamber in Ve C3Ly Hall: April, the 2nd, 19069 and upon call of the roll the toll owing anal*red to µesu-- their. ` inamew, MaBrooz, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Hill, Katterjohn, Kolb,, Msyera, Oehlsohlaeger, Vao- : fwet!r and Wi111maon, (11), _ On motion the minutes of the previous meetings Ore adopted an read, Hon;- Corry+bell Plournoy addressed the board and asked that the City donate 41,500.00 to t ? tho Oommeroial Club, no action. �•• !•{ On motion the action of the Alderman w#s oofoured-in, in regard to the request of the Ayonck' ay a� {EE7 t Noetery Co, for exemption, On motion the reoomendetion of Lite Board of Public Works, in regard to opening. south 10th, 1 'from Ava, *se censured* in.. - The Communiastlon from the Plumbers wpn received and tiled, !. .The.Yayor returned to the Board the 19th, street Improvment ordinance, from Washington street I / to the Mayfield -road and Ordinance repealing sections #40 and 149, of lioanne ordinance, . with hie t:pproval, . I' e _ On motion It was refered to the point Pinanos Oommittes to invite tho Oun Boat, Paducah, to 'I 1 .. ovisit Paducah, .. The Mayor returned to the Board the Polies Ordinance with his veto attached to ems onys44esn- !!//// I� motion of member Katterjohn, it wpa given Ito third passage , the Mayors veto not with -stand.. •� Ing upon asll pf-the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Yo Broom, Barnett, Dipple, Duval, Hill, .I KstNrjohn, Kolb, Wyers,VanmeWr and WSllimeon, (10), Neya OehLahlsoger, (1), r •I1�'1 On motion the request of the props ty oWitere on first etseet, bet -pen, Bsea6wey and Jefferson streets, for street Improvements were received and filed, —tt17 On motion It qs refered to Lite Hospital Board to get estimates on concrete alde-wplks ") 1r at the Riverside Hospital, and report back, �(•/✓ On motion it was refered to the Chief of the Pirn );apartment to notify tho the property owterl i at No's 1188 and 120, Bttoadwfy that to repair their houses or ame would be condoned, On motion the petition In regard to the Paducah Trawtion Co, extending their Street Csr line! 1 into Maahlnloburg •.#a received and flledw ;•�' Member Kolb read the repo:•t of the Auditor and Treasurer for the month ending Maroh":31st, 1901 On / •:c 1;P. On motion It was received and !Sled,' •i Same road the report of the Joint Finance Committee for the allownnose of ealariga, bills •,y_; and Eto;, On notion ame ye allowed upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeae,.110 i' j Broom, Barnitt, Dipple, Duval,'Hill, Katterjohn, Lolb,Meyers, Oahlechlaegar, Vanmetrr and- On motion of ems the Joint Finance Committee vita aurthorlted to borrow enougli money to pay II K4, the general expenses of LRs C1Ly, tint111 Lhs payment of the tlret Rslt of the Olty Laxae, orge road LRe report of.LRs Joint Alnanoe Com�:tittaa stating that thcy Red refused theest of the Commercial Club, tho donatlon.of tits 41.500.00, asked tor,St- i ".f. . ul ,' . A . . 3 G _... ._... ... Council Proceedings.'City of Paducah ...:........... "` ' _........................... 190 �4embar Hill reed An Ordinance entitled an OrdinancesContracting for Fuel, forage ' C and grooerloai by title, as the rule had been suspended,on motion amid Ordinnnae ■ �• /•' ��r, was given its second ansa s 1��vLk le G- P 6 upon orll of the roll by the following voLoi Ysss, - Y . YCBroom,Dlpple, Duval, Harnett, Ri11,KetterJohn, Kolb, 1[syere, Oehleohlaeger, so Vanmeter and Williamson,(11), Same read an Ordinaries entitled and Ordinance exempting New manufactureing Enter prince Eetnbllehed in the City of Paducah, Kentuck n < Yr from thepayment Adelfnlorem '�•, � or license Tax to the City of Paducah, for a period of five years,on motion said''. t Ordinance qe given its first passage upon call of the roll by the foliwvl ngr vote e , �( / Ysee, Ya Broom,Barnatt, Dipple,. Duval, •HL11,Katter John, Kolb, Hsyere, Oshleohleegsr:�."�..I L ,.,.._- •e� Vahmeter and Williamson, (11), 1 ° On motion the Ordinance to regulate and control the erection of poles and wince 'Ir ' In ties City 48 refered to the City Solicitor and Hoard of Public Yorks, On motion the OrdlnanajA 1 - - ^'• i.' { V' -- mprorimg lot, street, fro::a 8roedwMy to Ams. r Was hingD '•��''-+?'- ton ,street from lot, to Washington , 2nd, street from Kentucky avenue to Washing ,Lon and 5th, street to Clay street, was refered back to the City Solicitor and Joint Ordinance Committed to bring in a neWOrdinanost, Same read an Ordinance entitled'an Ordinance providing for the sale of a pr snob ii 1�-'wi.J .I• 1 and Prlvliges for the purpose of Erecting and Maintaining An Electric Street Rail= ay In The City of'Paduoah, Kentusky, On motion said Ordinance war'givsn its ireL ''•ilt. Passage upon cell of the roll by.t!,.@ following vote, Yeaa, YoBroom, BumeLp, - DSpple, Dinal, E111,Rstterjohn, Kolb, Yeyera, Oehlaahlaeger, Varvseter and William. rfi n y.Il Bnme read an Ordinance entitled ah Ordinance to amend an Ordinance, Entitled " (? vrsr T_I �sAnOrdlmmnce providing for.the sale of a Pranchl se and privileges foD the pun- y JI *poem of erecting and`maiktaing an Eleatrso street Reilley 1n the City 09 Pad- w•. uaah kentuak . _ F17�YI� •� r_ yi Approved October, 7th 19049 On motion said Oreinnnas was given .its first passage wing vote upon cell of the roll by the lollo . YoBroom, Barnett, t J fipple, Duval, Hill, Ratter John, Mayoras Oehkmataeger, Vanmeter and Wi111aRson, ~ ` !- Sam rend an'Ordinsnoe entitlod an 'Ordlnanaa to amend m Oddinanee, Entitled•An „ 9e r eollj�l, Drdinanam providing for'the sale of Pranohlas and prAvilegea of erect Ing, operetAnd maintaining m eleatrlo Street ,Rall- p 3n the City Cf Paducah,' Kentucky,ap- Droved August jlmt, 1903, On motion said Ordinance was given Its first passage ` y1 P g on Call of the roll by the following vote, McBroom, Barnett, Dapple, Duval, Hill, I �`. r yr KatLerJohn, Kolb, Hayers,Omhleahlaegerr Vanmetar-and Williamson, Opp motion the request of'the property supers on 14th, streetwe refered•to the Y. a q rr / KJOint street Committees.. and �rmport book0. I{ 'c ,Y On notion of member WSlllomeon.the Paducah Water Co 1^ r , WAS instructed - to ertsnd' heir tpter mama on Broadvoy 2OtA,. end Jefferson, Eta, -• +-i'�: 1_`E .motion of.same SL was refered to the Joint 'Light Committee to reporf bsok.to r k 1q •N, -1�4 i- fy�e general Council If 6, ooet'of 2 mors d - - en iS.�� fcYr -;.4- IE Y .' ynemoee to. furni eh about 130 more lights i y Cit i y iytrl rj�l.{�k..Qy � y .- EleoLrlo Lights Plant tr F. � - Ir_„ A° ""PKt>r'..A`3.7 uL-' N�lii+,nw.n.:+i4+::vwt-.ti.:N.aS..G•IGiS::uhWN --�a. x..::.76. n..,' M411. 3. t rI r 1 "'""hV ort >,f: ,„N n.\ ay r 1 -^.'.., — K: •.,..i, ,._ `ItC� tirw+d a`'.ri—vel 7' 1.• ?': "h 3 r✓' �—. i air., i, ?k# H) fvtY y H Y n r_..y. n..ry .✓ Council. Proceedings. City of Paducah,..190 6` ........ On motion .the report of the Chair Police o s�rrearel a�m7p tiled. Member Dipple read an applleation #106 south l2M e> raYAw•/LoifMfaared se hie bond the Illinois Surety Ce of Chloago,On motion said license was granted and Oon4 accepted, open sell ofthe ra by the folloVM vote, Yeas, Ma Broom, Barnett, Dipple, DuvaI,H1I1, Katter�ohn, Kolb, MVyere, 'Oohlsohlaeger, Vanmeter and W117.iemaon,(11), - t On motion the Clerk was instructed to issue a deed to a'lot in Oak 0rove Cnatiry to Yrs M.D.1 / Kelly, �• ! / on motion the sotlon of -the Alderman was oonaured-in, in regard to renting the new, Country f grounds to L,D,PoLtet, for 1100,00, 'On motion the action of thewas oonaurefl-In in regard to granting the Central LsDor .' 1} Body of Paducah, the privligea, of s Carnival or street fair in the month of Sept; 1906, 1 DmMermefrmffaradis-fi2e-Dand-ss-Se-grr-Inapeotar it l//J, ,y/„•,k/I" On motion It wee refered to the Joint Ordinance Committee to bring in an Ordinance giving + J the Board of Public Works the pover to have the Telegraph and Telephone Cole to place all . n ,,11 .� dead man as they deem fit, (iv a R. F, Barnett, offered ea his bondsmen as Sanitary Inepeotor,A,Psrklns and,J,S.Troutman, On motion Bald bond was accepted �_ �11h,, 7 ✓ i p upon cell pf the roll by the following vote,YOBroom, Barnett, '7}: �,�D✓ipple, H111, Ketterjohn, Kolb, Yayere,.0ehleohlaeger, Vanmeter and Williameon,(11), /V J,Y.Yoller offered as his bond as Sanitary Officer, J,Y,Lang and Henry Kalbi On,motlon. a. • /yj'%I' t said bond weeacepted,,upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, MORroom, Barnett, �...Dtipple, Duva1,lH111, Katterjohn, Kolb, Movers, Oehlsohlaeger, Vanmeter and Willims6n,(11),- 0, A.Runderman, offered an his Dorid as Sewtir Inepeator the Fidelity end Deposit Co, at' •`'. C Maryland, On motion said bond was aoeepted upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yene, McBroom, Barnett, Dipple, Duvall 111119 Katterjohn, Kolb, Yayern, Oohleohlaeger, Vanmoter and! Williamson, (11), On motion It was refered to the Board of Public Works to bring their r000mendstlons to re-. construct the eldewsks on SroaElwfy from 11th to Stn, street, On motion the Board of Public Works was 1natDucted to open an allyway around Lhe Lincoln }• �I /',l�/,X School bullding,On motion the,Praeldant of the Board was Inetruated.to appoints oommlttas 'to revl ee the rules of the general Caunnll, '.. The request of Chief Wood of the Fire Department 1n regard to Telephones at the fire atstloni 1111I^^^^�'""" _ was refered to the Piro Committee 4 On motion ih o notion of the Aldermen was concured-in, in regard to ruducing the East Taruiosei - k k Telephone Taxes from, 1000,000,00, dean to 180,000.00, upon call.of the roll by the fol-.' •f to vote Yeas 'Meareem garnets D! !s Duval Barnatt Katter�ohn, Kolb, Meyers, ( ane. , . r r @r r- v r 1..l. I Oehlsohlaeger, and Vsnmeter,(6), Have, Ma Broom, Dipple, Duva1,H111, and Willlamson$(4)," I EIIJ/'1' ----On Motion The Board Adjourned. ------------------- -____ _ ADOPTF.p{r- APRIL-jyth, 1906 `ppp QSty Clerk, - •r riT� kttG7F.:..,nt �.. rr 1'i «...' o