HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 297, October 16, 1905.97 Councii Proceedings; City 6f ...... ...... .... ...... . ....... ............. . :,190 44 To the Mayor and General Coulialloor.t" city of, Paducah, Ky. Jet Oentleman: - i6'acboid1nAb0*4 'With 0A 3torm of 86'0`tl6i� 27 'of, the Fraiichipe thin day sold at Pub-:' lia'auatiIinArk,asid Ciiy�ilid - .-jho,PIiIidd1h" ad, 'An Ordinance purohsa�d.by Cjt Rallwy, ant ItI. providing for'the ails of Pranb&ssm:snd privi logo oror th.4,purpone-oP *rooting, operating CT&duoah minolning an Electric. b�iraet fi�iiwsy, --In�. the City -of Paducah, Ky. ho&City FAIlway hereby 0 given you written notice or or Its acceptance of the provision of-sald Ordinance. The Pad'uCall City RAIIWILY, By Go - III O.Vallace e. V.P. On motion tha:Board adJ cured orT 16 -P:pl =TIM OCT46 F-0 Uity Wort Z. Council roceedings At a regular meting of the Board or'Councilmeri hold in phe Council chamber ill th . a City Koj . V . I October the 16th, 1905, and In the abindoof Psaident Ingram, member Rigleaborger wao Elected -tomg and upon call of the Poll the followinl', answered to their nmes, .4 L4 President pro Agnew, Barnottip Ocalep Alison, -Kolb, McCarty, McBrooz, Oshkahlaog*r, Rehkopfg Riglesbarl -1 and Taylor,(11). On notion the minutes of the previous were adopted an road. The Mayor rprosented the contract of E.C.Terrell made and entered into on the 4th, 0 day of 0 t nd' the City of Paducah for th�. Improvement of 19th, street from bar between E.C. Terrell a *Uulleon street to the Hinile'villa road, on motion the Mayor was surthorIzed to sign a Id o a ontrolo Leh n proporly signed upon call or the roll by the following Vote, YeaslAgnews Barnett, Gellman, el,Gilson, -Kolb, McCarty, McBroom, Oahlachleager, Rohkopf, Riglooborger and Taylor,(11) !Sme prosentid.a. dead to property from A.J.Aauer and Rome Baurer for &lot 99 or a parooi,'of 1.iw 2 1 ying Abd baing. Inthe City of Paducah, and County of McCracken and being a part of additionOPO or, Harris, Flournoy, Trimble and HostorVs addition to the City or Paducah, Kentucky, the co 2 f �Sald property to be #425,00, On motion It was ordered received and filed and warrant artlerequpo on the Troasug"for the mount *,425.00, upon call or the roll by the following vot-j.Yaas, A4,aiaw_ !Barn*tt, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, MoCarty,MoBroom, Oehlachlaager, Rahkopf, Higleaborger and ;.Same read the suit of Prank Smedley against the City, On motion it was refored to t.he city Sol - V61 Ioltor 44,"418ms read the report or the Colamittse in reg.rd to phe Aun Boat Paducah, for a silver service ast, On motion lt.ran received andfllad,and oonouredln, 8me reported In reEard.to fillon Husbands &treat, on motion It WILD reffired to 3rhe City go . ljc� Ae I a Itor, CiCy Engineer and the Board of Public Works and report back. i. Council Proceedings, City of Paduciih, .... ..... .. .. ........ 190 On motion of member MoDroom the action or the Board of Alderman wag-oonour*din in regard to the East Tennessee Telephone Company being notiryed, in regard to. encroachment of said Company upon the rights of the City of Paducah, in digging Trenches and Etc, upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yoga, Agneggg Barnett, Gellman, Gilsong Kolbs MoCartyq MoBroom, Oahlaahlaeger, Rehkopfp Rig- :i y:f .' ,.' and Taylor,(11). Member Oehlaablagger read the allowances OrLtbe Joint pion ce Committee or an r the half month of October, 1405p mounts to $4225,93, On motion same was allowed!' upon call of the roll by the following vote, Year:, Agnew, Barnett, Gallmn, :.Song Kolbp.MoCattyp McBroom, Oehlaahlagger, Rehkopfq Rigleeberger and By T lorg(I�-.,� Member Rahkopf,read an Ordinnnoe entitled an Ordinance providing for'the orIg nal.construotion of Sowell Street, by grading and graveling from a point where Intersects Aehbrook Avenue, to the went line of the street known as H eye Avenue extended, In the City Or Paducah, Kentucky, by title as the rule had been aua-. paaaage panded, On motion aald:Ordinanoo was given its second upon call of the roll by- 'I.: the following vote, Yeast Agnew, Barnetto Gallmani 011oon Kolb Me_' Broom, Oahlaohlaegerg Pehkopfp Riglesbarger and Taylor,(11). :S=9 read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance for the original construction by grading and graveling of Hays Avenue extended, where. nteraeoto Sowell street, _;., . , Lo Bridge attest or the old Benton need, In the City. of Paducah,'Kentucky, b* title &a the rule had been suspended, On Motion said Ordinance wee, given Its second and f Inil passage upon call of the tell by the foil 0', owing vote, Yoga, ;,N Agnewp Barnett, Gallm an, Oilsont Kolb, McCarty, MoBroom, Dehloohlegger, Rahkopf,.,. .1 Rigleaborger and Taylor(ll).. V Sam* read an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance providing for the originsi oonatruct46: Son Of Sowell street# from the Intersection of 98yes.Avenus, extended to the asst property line of.Aaharaft Avenue In the City of Paduoahq Kentucky# On motion said rdinancemae given Its first, pgaaaas upon call of the roll by the foil . Owing yet : a YGaa# Agndmgg B^rnsit, Gallmanp*01laon, Kolbp MoCartyp MoRroom, Oshisohl j eager, J Opfq RiglOBberger and Taylor (11). Sam* reed an Ordinance entitled an Orainance providing for,,the original a6natruo4 1,0 jt�on of the,eldswAlkO.. including Curbs mid Gutt , @is on both aides' of Jefferson stroo' V Owl irom the west curb line of eighteenth street to the east curb line of Twenty-fifth. BtreeL In the city or Paduam Kentucky The sidowilks to be rive fast wide, wul tbo Curbs and flutters to Ds whet Is commonly known as gCombined Curbs and GutterF and Jqll to be or granitold construction On notion sale Ord InWeOG wa,:B given its first,! j; j., ..,reading upon 0911 of the. roll by the following vote$ Yoaa,C. Agnew Barnett 9 Gallman, i.,,, ciloon, Kolb McCarty, MoBr6amg Oahlachleeger,.Rehkopr, Rialesberror and Taylor 2 read an Ordi nch0s 4end3rlil'an:Ordinance *Dtitledgan Ordinance relating to Auto. 'Mobites and other motes'vehjoleag add regulating their use and epeedo in the 0 Ad6 f Paduoahj Kentucky, pted'b3r the Board of Councilmen 'August the 7thi 1905, Ir .jd Adopted byL.,the Boajrd�'Of. Aldermen August the"21st, 190!�, end approved by -D.A."' '.i 0 Auguatthe 29th,' 1905, End attested -Dy Henry Bailey,:City Clark 3: On t JV -,il t! 'N' T _ council Proceedings, City of Paducah ,.....190 . ..... ;Motion said Ordinance was glen its first. passage upon oall of the roll by the fo11aw1ng- vote, Yese, Agnew, Barnett, Osllman, 011nonj Kolbp MoCartyp McBroomg Oshlaohlaeger, Rehkopf , IRlglsaberger and Taylor (11), • ./�•. 7S teems raa0 an Ordlnnnos entitled an Ordinance regulating the use of Public ways, in the City , Q !! of Paducah, Kentucky, On Motion said Ordlnenne was given Its first passage upon call of the r roll by the following vote, Yese Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolb, MoCartyy MoBroom, Oohl �oohlaeger, Rehkopt, Riglesberger, and Taylor,(11), j� �3me read an Ordinance entitled an Ordnans prohibiting any person from Skating, or uesing •.�.. '� Roller Skatse on say 3ldesalks.Sn the City of Paducah, Kentucky, On motion ems well rejected #: ) upon call of the roll by the following vote Ysee , Agnew, Barnett, Gallman, MoCarty,0ehleoh- �. :• �/ - ',� lasger, (5)., Nays Oilson, Kolb, Mo Broom,-Rehkopf, RSglenDerger and Taylor,(6), Member McBT00m offered the following motion, to -wit:- .i Whereas, there hes been Instituted by the City Solicitor of the City of Paducah, an action In the YCCreoen Cdrevlt Court where]n'tha City of Paducah In the plaintiff, and the Fast Tennessee Telephone Company 1n the defendant, and Whereas, the action of the City Holloitor is dons for eliQ/,ba+ half of the Deet interest of the City of Paducah, and by and through the direction and the.. Aubhortity of the Mayor, of the City or Paducah, Now Therefore On Motion be It moved that by these presents we here by.ocn our in, and rstlfy ano d confirm the notion of the Mayor of the City of Peduah, authorizing and Instructing the City 3011oltur to institute said action, and heruby ratify his not in doing '., so and authorize said Ma yor to take ail the necessary steps in the prosecution Sn said action �.�' 1.` ...; either In the Circuit Cort or say Court 1d whish ems may be tranefered or appealei ane we Vt, ' further hereby ratify, oonfirm and concur in tl,s action of the City So1lci Lor In the bringing' e.nd the prosecution of said salt, In the McCrea ken Circuit Court, On motion same wasadopted . upon call of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, Gilson, Ko1D, I. McCarty, YYBr00m, Oehlschlaeger, Rrhkopf, Riglosberger and Taylor,(11), ' Member Gilson read a communication from the Paducah, Water Company wherein they state that% - I they have placed.five fire plugs, on Goebel avenue Loom wortena avenue to Outhrle Avenue. And J. on puthrle,Avenue to the Mayfield Pond to sCe Street, or what will be Jec:<son 'Its-" street, If ax- (I Landed, On motion same was resolved and filed slid ordered ahnrged to the rental lint,�;i- game read a request from the propertyowners on Brmtdwey street between 2Ath, and 25bh, to•:'., i' have the Paducah Water Co, to extend their water on said street, On motion same wan refered to,1 ^-.the Padnaah, water Cc. i. -. ' Ymbor McCarty read Lhe report of the Chief of the Fire Department forth a month of September 1905, On motion same was resolved and filed.. / •'f)' �Member Gilson reed an application a soften House licene., from Ito Clemonn, he oftdroA as his ",�q •'(pr bo the the PSdollty and Deposit Coops' of Maryland, On motion said license was grenteA.end Bond.. 111 ,t '. . (accepted. upon Dell of the roil by the following vote, Yoae, Agnew, Barnett, Oallmnn, Gilson, °Ko1D McCarty,KaBroon Oahlechlae er Pehke f, RS leaber er and Taylor (11), Smr rend an application from ,Sm W, White for a Coffee Hctes License at N90S'Boyd 'Siren{t 1:L,1% 'r f Council Proceedings, City of Paducah. 190 "he offered ae,his bondsman, W.P. Hoorber and P,J,Bergdoll, On motion "Ad license •-' was granted as hia bondemen had . been.voted,upon and aooepted*upon cell of the roll - by the oll'Dy-the lollowing vote, Ysee, Agnew, Harnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolbe McCarty; 7 t Broom, Oehleohlaegsr, Rehkopt, Riglesoerger and Taylor (11)..' y^ Same read an application for a Coffee House license from George A. Backer fors Caffea House license at N833 Caldwell street, he oftored as his DoMemane, �Sam'I. 1,y fLevy and A, O. Bohmldt, On notion said license was granted, nM his boM,aceopted /Vd ieperete and oollactivel r y, upon call.of ths.roll. by the following vote, Yeas, Agnnlr..•'• 1 L =nrneet, Oallmm, j. 011eon, Kolb.. McCarty, McBroom, Oehlechlaeger, Rehkopl,'Rigles +� ,1 J [...( Derger nM Taylor (11). !Member Oallman rsad.e request from W.E.Cochron in regard to over assessment on^h! ' S o. +� V hie property, On motion 3t was refered to the Board of Supervisors, Member Mo Broom presented a deed to a lot in Oak Grove to Yrs J. Scott, lot'$'13 is • .-.. _ '• 4,•' �in block # 43, Motion same was ratified.• ito Snae presented a deed of.conveyanee fromJohn Powell eM Sarah Elizabeth Pnwello;T.J.Pottey, foi'Lhernorthr,hall of lot /J2in Dlock,#24, In Oak Grove Cemetery,5n motion same was ratified. ., ..:','•'Barre prenontetl the bids of the Paducah Marble Works eMthe Oak Or Ave Mo�nentnl 'AM Building works , for markers or Headstones for single graven in Oak Grove �• i Cemetery., The Paducah YaiDla Works being the lowest bidders and beet bidders at �:..1.jt ' the price of 86 I. canto,per stens, On motion the contract woe allowed to them If ; .'~ ';.j •"• • r . '., the would a y gree to put the names on the Headstones, upon call of the roll by •the i'^�••i•' !clewing vote, Taas Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, .Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, MCBroom, "t Oehleohlas er Rehkn t RS leeber er and Ts for (11). ` f// 1 On motion the action.of the Aldermen was conoured in regard to the Board of public `+ �Wo k ^NS the City E},glhssr haveing Sam O006mnn to connect his property on north second �.'!' i s;F;;,• / fetreat, between Broadway and Jefefreon with the Steam Heating System, upon sail of ,the roilDy the following vote, Yeas, Agnew, Barnett, Oallmne. nlleon, Ko ID, Yo— ! y/ r q Carty. YuBroom. Oehlechlneger.-•Rehkopf, RSglseDergar nM Taylor (11). w - PGn motion the'ection of the Board of Aldermen was conoured in, in regard to the City t is t Solicitor Investigating the 8ldewnik Ordinance on south 3Rd, street an to thn un3 >. YYY... fortuity Of, came and rn ort back to the'goheral CounciL �.,On motion of member Barnett 1t wsa ordered that the Board Of Publiw go ahenA aM ..,:,have Woodard Avenue aompletid according to Ordinance. Y ;l �1-3nmotlon It was refsred'to'`ths RonMof Public Worki to hove Clemente street open a r��{�'�` q " 1Y1J „'to the -river In YeohenlaDurg•'• -'.� 's";:,� .q I y " On motlon'1t-was refnr*d Do 'the. -Board of Public Works to have sewer pipes pieced at % l the and.of Jnokeon street.-,-. ILI n'motion it was Parored to the Board, of, Public Werke to have the Telegraph eM Te10 cigl�1hone Cpmpnny/e to have their poles paintod according to Ordinance 1YA yid, , t '+l r,ly ll o�Hnpion the Board Adjourned. --- NO.V 6' 19p5 ,O� Uit 01Qrh,( ) r , Y t , , r rr..ww d OeawWe�ea � . 1 Council Proceedings, City of Paducah. 190 "he offered ae,his bondsman, W.P. Hoorber and P,J,Bergdoll, On motion "Ad license •-' was granted as hia bondemen had . been.voted,upon and aooepted*upon cell of the roll - by the oll'Dy-the lollowing vote, Ysee, Agnew, Harnett, Gellman, Gilson, Kolbe McCarty; 7 t Broom, Oehleohlaegsr, Rehkopt, Riglesoerger and Taylor (11)..' y^ Same read an application for a Coffee House license from George A. Backer fors Caffea House license at N833 Caldwell street, he oftored as his DoMemane, �Sam'I. 1,y fLevy and A, O. Bohmldt, On notion said license was granted, nM his boM,aceopted /Vd ieperete and oollactivel r y, upon call.of ths.roll. by the following vote, Yeas, Agnnlr..•'• 1 L =nrneet, Oallmm, j. 011eon, Kolb.. McCarty, McBroom, Oehlechlaeger, Rehkopl,'Rigles +� ,1 J [...( Derger nM Taylor (11). !Member Oallman rsad.e request from W.E.Cochron in regard to over assessment on^h! ' S o. +� V hie property, On motion 3t was refered to the Board of Supervisors, Member Mo Broom presented a deed to a lot in Oak Grove to Yrs J. Scott, lot'$'13 is • .-.. _ '• 4,•' �in block # 43, Motion same was ratified.• ito Snae presented a deed of.conveyanee fromJohn Powell eM Sarah Elizabeth Pnwello;T.J.Pottey, foi'Lhernorthr,hall of lot /J2in Dlock,#24, In Oak Grove Cemetery,5n motion same was ratified. ., ..:','•'Barre prenontetl the bids of the Paducah Marble Works eMthe Oak Or Ave Mo�nentnl 'AM Building works , for markers or Headstones for single graven in Oak Grove �• i Cemetery., The Paducah YaiDla Works being the lowest bidders and beet bidders at �:..1.jt ' the price of 86 I. canto,per stens, On motion the contract woe allowed to them If ; .'~ ';.j •"• • r . '., the would a y gree to put the names on the Headstones, upon call of the roll by •the i'^�••i•' !clewing vote, Taas Agnew, Barnett, Gellman, .Gilson, Kolb, McCarty, MCBroom, "t Oehleohlas er Rehkn t RS leeber er and Ts for (11). ` f// 1 On motion the action.of the Aldermen was conoured in regard to the Board of public `+ �Wo k ^NS the City E},glhssr haveing Sam O006mnn to connect his property on north second �.'!' i s;F;;,• / fetreat, between Broadway and Jefefreon with the Steam Heating System, upon sail of ,the roilDy the following vote, Yeas, Agnew, Barnett, Oallmne. nlleon, Ko ID, Yo— ! y/ r q Carty. YuBroom. Oehlechlneger.-•Rehkopf, RSglseDergar nM Taylor (11). w - PGn motion the'ection of the Board of Aldermen was conoured in, in regard to the City t is t Solicitor Investigating the 8ldewnik Ordinance on south 3Rd, street an to thn un3 >. YYY... fortuity Of, came and rn ort back to the'goheral CounciL �.,On motion of member Barnett 1t wsa ordered that the Board Of Publiw go ahenA aM ..,:,have Woodard Avenue aompletid according to Ordinance. Y ;l �1-3nmotlon It was refsred'to'`ths RonMof Public Worki to hove Clemente street open a r��{�'�` q " 1Y1J „'to the -river In YeohenlaDurg•'• -'.� 's";:,� .q I y " On motlon'1t-was refnr*d Do 'the. -Board of Public Works to have sewer pipes pieced at % l the and.of Jnokeon street.-,-. ILI n'motion it was Parored to the Board, of, Public Werke to have the Telegraph eM Te10 cigl�1hone Cpmpnny/e to have their poles paintod according to Ordinance 1YA yid, , t '+l r,ly ll o�Hnpion the Board Adjourned. --- NO.V 6' 19p5 ,O� Uit 01Qrh,( ) r , Y t , , r rr..ww d OeawWe�ea � . 1