HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 13, Page 280, September 4, 1905Council Proceedings, City.of.Paducah,..... :_:SEP a: )906 13 r' -'� `At a rogular neetln of the BoarQ �f Councilmen hold in the Council Chamber �' _', in the GSty Rall. eptomber they[ 19059 with President Ingram presiding, 6.-,_ �•- - I� upon call of the roll the follodn'g answered to their names, Ingram, Agnew, ■ Barnett, Oallmon, 011son.Kolbr MOCarty,MoRroon9 Oehloohleeger, Rshkopt, .Rigleaberger and Taylor, (IO).- - zrf 4 - opadjournis September the 6 On motion It was adopted that the Board Af Swett • Cr _P uv= GUY ajar&. h i 'Council rocee�ln - SEP6- 1405 s= 'I (, AL • aeting of the Board of Oovncilmea 'held,in the council 0hamber in the Ciyy Rall, September 6",5905, President Ingram presiding, and upon ` - •, 0611 of the roll the following answered to their nemee, Ingram, Agm0w,Barna%--, Gallman,Gilaon,kOLb,YOCartyrNaBroom, Oellsohl&ogerrRohkopf, Rlgleabogger and On moyion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as -weed- "ad. v � TTkk Ye t lead hie veto -1R regard to vetoing *be 'An Ordinance entitled an - 7":,.- ' r' Oa'3Sns a to provide for the sale of a franeblee or privilege for furnishing rly eleotrla3Ly for light; heat and power within the City of Paducah, Kentucky,- _ _ •;�';•� _i ; On motion the Mayors veto wan sustained upon coal of the roll by the follow` ' Ing vote, Yeaar Ingram, Agnew, Barnett, Gallman,GLlson.Kolb, MOCarty, Me- •.,'` _.:' F Broom Oehloohlas er Rahko f RS ' ( r 8 , P r glasberger end Taylpr, (I2), � i �_',�• r, ems read Solt of B.M. Smith against the Oity9 an motion SL was »fared to the City Solicitor.' �c.,,•,, .. 4 t s1 On motion the. following was adopted, to -wit: Paducah, Ky, Aug 30" 1905. '.. 1., Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Paducah City Railway` passed at a;'r. 01V''yVl�� meeting hold to -day:- Resolved that upon the written request of any responsible r Cltlxen of Paducah, The Paducah City Railway Shall as speodly an ponsible, make f necessary oonnectlon forfl current to any residence, factory, or heads j`rt' •-e. 6, chess house along theele0 r e attested of said Co , and resolved further u r t.,..0 gym\ attted Dopy of this resolution �anY be filed with the City cords at the city 1►N / Hall. _ i 'Yr• C • n VVVv111 ___ -e.read.a report of the sinking fund Commissioners shows a'cash on hand Ac' J� �a8 to be =13. 333.92. On motion the ``port was received and filed. y'.i.-. +•••�"'� �1'r' 9 Same read ear a communication from the Board of Public Works, in regard to }i }n' placing 750, yards of dirt around the City AoeplLnl, the dirt to be taken .from Jefferaon.8tre9t, On motion Bald request was granted, •, '� a !r `•�, , - Bmf read A report of the Board of public Worka, in regard to placing an Aroi light at I2" and Balers Ave, On motion it was received and filed. ' �Y, 1 I { •,,; / �.' Sea end a eat from t onrd of ar bide Bo tel eek g the ty to l" -have a ut 750 y e of dirt o of Joffe atroet, ring.the ant 0.. + ,;-•„r l\\ Lloa.'of sold street to thert on motlo aald re L was granted 'Samsread a requoet from'tho Board of Public Worka, asking the general Couaei r "�1s I /�L Foil to extend the time for the completion of Kentucky. Ave and Jefferson sts, sem*' Sh v • i. On motion Bald request was rejected upon call of the roll by the following, � !' ,-I <1'tote•Ysaa, Ingran,eAgnew', Gilson Kolby"Oshlaohleegss and RSglesbergsr, (Q)r--•• +.. ' II Rsys,•Ba.rn*%%p ggllaan,. McCarty,: McBroom,Rohkopf and Taylor,(6). ` I.1;._'. 1 Bame read read a communl0at0on from the Board of Public Works in regard to { s •.the City having a fill made leading Pro= -the Western termini of Caldwell .street to the property of the 80a -end Pauoah, Box and Baakst Compeays to ,� 1 V•&WAI On motion the Board of Public Worka was instructed to go ahead and..,L 1 •,; .� l�� + A have the fill Wade s000rding-t0 the"Inetruotioas Of the 'Council, upon call' t ,, -:.Of the roll by the folloving.voto , Yeas, Ingram, Agnew, Bsrnottr Oaalasn, Gilson Ko1D MOOart MoB»oa, Oohleohlaeger9 Rehkopfr. Rlgleaberger and !. 1, r, r r Yr ,. .r. , t,e r{•.w*; �1.