HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 12, Page 187, November 8, 1901r COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH .-_..- .... ....... . i . .........................190..... c CU G e, yi c L: tic c u -�iyc c c,� c, < i I` lL d. rt w OlJia ute, - ct,.e-A=— ;'Zle G\ Wim+! �llJ �l�-���-•-L. .�.u.t c�t L�-c.� dam, C�.�.-c, -� G,�r_.c. �7Jt-,Gt �s,'�, J�� •�.� �u..Ge�t�G t� -�o d-ct.cit..-lJ ,/LC-��f� -uhx.r �---, r / I i 'JPO alp �p.;,ws f (, atL<.c t�iL� �t t,e-1 iI ;Yr 4 u c� c c�%12r� ,� ZV / I 10 G� �Jl �;,. �J�1�, _ ,�L,[J t-t.ti L-� .rvCiG! c -f, �`2-rte- • � C.tfY ��-4� ��C �^-- V fX1 X r • �-(/-�L/o �- !moi -tC �-��1%Z-C(.�r.[�� �IJG�iI�--D C[ �� `CL�ibD�.-y� r(�u-LGG! �-C�C_ • ... %�!iy�J�L't.G�C.�s.A'h/ �T��-t-c-d-a-�. ,�-�t�c�(/L-(� al��r-+�/ ��Gc,✓ �l�yc-*.�c� ij� COUNCIL PROCEEDIN(',S, CITY OF PADUCAH....�.-.......-.__--..�_....,.:_..__.__ !%Zt e Inw .4,lle,4, �I ZA-id- ae� cp �, e ,Z�Z t4X'!got I =41L—/ LAG 7 i V�-, 189 COUNCIL PROCEEDIN(',S, CITY OF PAllUCAH -� Iqu 1 Dr. P. H. ftawart, Of the board of TO THR CITIZEN& OF PADUCAH. Analyala.�—� - health, yesterday morning made plb- One United States wine gallon of III ± Ro tM lwnten;e of the docnme¢t eon• Because of the tact of a taw oI our eublo Inches contains of wlldm In solo- I Walae result of the 'Merck laboratory ,�Itlxeas, who POsaeseed more meet that lean, 0.92 gralna; wilds Ia suspensto� amAlyse examination of the two Ireton Judgment, undermining our city's rope- separated by filtration, 17.80 a'41a. Jug of vat" several weeka since for�r tatlOa as bola( detrimentalto the odor, 100, uegrws Fahrenheit,,'one; lwarded to that spectatiet by the phy. health Of any who might chance to' appearancecloudy, yellow from sua- clan as representative Of the Dowd pare by, with certain death to any who Doodad alas and alit, color, when fit of Health, that has contended the euP. endeavored to risk existence within It& cuadues, dually winding up with a tered and viewed In long cylinder, a very faint straw color, free ammonia, ply was not At for mae and to a terse death blow to progress by attacking 0.0003 grains; alhumiaold ammoala. measure eo¢trfbu:ory tr) the prevalent the water supply u a disease breeding , •0.0026 (rains; nitrites, only a trace; Of. alcknes . The hfelrh authorld" aho pestilence. It appeared to be the duty trales, 0.0227 gralur; calcium carbon. thought the water detrimenW from a of the city'& chill executive to have the I ate, 6.1800 gralna;'magoeslum carbon. health standpoint had their Jug ex- valet quickly Inrae4galed, and If W ate, 1.9020 (ratar, Dhomhates, moos; prvowed to New York the Mme day olalmod. suuuubeG the danger thereof', chlorine, 0.689 gralur, crganlo molter, 'Mayor Lana gent him to the Louisville to lhu people wa aro Oiliployed to serve,' rutatlia At red float, 1,190 gralmsl John•, chemist for sumluatiok. Having prior to this data caused a' oral matter, nom volatile, Y.7gl arahlG, 'Me result o ftelr own report d,s- like analysis of our water taken wheal "The uwlerlologlcal examination t the river was very high and exceedingly • was Confined exclusively to the deteo- proves the vigorous contentions that muddy, with an approval of Its whole- tion Of typhold bacilli, slid after is �� - • have continually been made by the someuoss, It was argued by some that I� most exhaustive exaudn&tion of the pbymicla¢s whole chendst reports kho the harmful mattes therein was In such !dent gelatine cutUuros, toe this Game Y the one who analysed the wide state of dllutlon bocause of the pathogenlo organism"ol a ofrk(to germ Gibe: Jug. This ..It probably now put great vulumo of water In the river at was detected." "Il b this Dart of the galetus upon their dolma that time, end that If an analy-, examination that le An tedious and re - The Match report is As follows. sis were taken attar the city had quires so much time." t REPORT 0.\ EXA'MINATWN been washed by recent rains, At From the examination It will be seen, _ Or WATER. Is time when the river was low, a apart from the suspended clay and Gilt, For Dr., P. H. S.Gwart, Paducah, Ky. nlgereat result would be found and that the typhoid germs, and other deleler- In the Paducah water, that this water compares favorably with the water Origin of water—Not staled. lour matter, would be present In alarm• supply, not only of foreign cities, but Sample rwelved--LLL 21st, 1901. Ing proportion&, The samplo of water also Of cities Of this country. "After, Collor—Yelluwtsh. \Yater nut clear. recently sent away was taken At a if as rains water Is apt to contain suspended Wur—Silghtly earthy. when the water In the river was at matter Insoluble washed oft from the Reaction—A raltae. Its very lowest stage and Immediately ..It, consisting In the case Of the Pa-' Hardue.e—dotal 5.6 per cent Clark's atter the city had been washed by the ducah water of clay and milt." i samle imp. Uall. SoAcuout Dissent. recent down -pour of rains from center "Of course this meehanlrally als- Yf►.er Was allured before uslyss' to circumference. Every old Stagnant pended clay and milt will In time slow- CHEMICAL ANALYSIS alley way had been macerated therein fir subside by standing, Or IS rapldlyl Mi-Coa. and cleansed by the washing, sad irks removed by filtration, or proclpltalaq Palo pe: river water was In Is highest possible by a coagulate like alum In the prop.,.I 1 Total re+ldue ub:uhi ml by evapora• state of conoentratiom of delatrrlous 'I lion of two granas to Wu gallon, but. tion up to 110 per cent C. 94.4. substances, not only local, but along , sewage or soluble organic material Is ' f R. whine niter Ignition, 75. f. Is entire length; bunco, the teat Juat) not removed. h L.O. of iguldom, 111.2. made of water taken from the hydrant "As I stated above, this water Is only e Amount of chohrine, ealcu.ated V In the American Laprem ol➢cu, ifeafed unsightly by the lawful: clay sinal a0dlum cbludds, lJ.b. • and shipped to a competent chemist, i slit mechanically Auapendcd In It, and mParts of potas,lum permaa;;"Ate was at & time when the hardest ' whell-removed to a good water for rej. - by the oceanic mat,& w she pomalble test of the water's fitness for drluklug and ordinary household pur- the ludbcrimlasto use of our peuple comes. Your& truly, water, 9.9 ." could be made, because It Is well known 1. D. KASTENDINE, A. M. hl. 1), 7 Amount of free ammoala, 0.09. that at the season of the year whom To Jae. M. Lang, Mayor, Paducah, Ky.' 0 ,Amount of Albuminuld Ammonia this water was taken from our water _ 0106. supply It in then that fevers of all kinds 0 Amount of nitrites, calculated M dourlmh most, and It the water should 05trwee. at any time contain typhoid baccllll 10 Amount Of mltrltm. calculated ale or germs these would have been In tae ,N2 Ol. was. Tni4 waver, from A chemical stand= highest development at that time. I am pleased to be able to may to you ` Int L of good WlAllty sad does not that our water supply Is equal In healthfulness to water obtained from show evidences of pollution. At the any other source, pme of examlantlon It is cloudy, and ease not of attrac.lve apsdceayen the cloudy water m e enough for domestic uses. I�RCK ! Oil.. f New York Od. J:m. 1901. ( 1 (! ! ! l < f! ! - •%ill -.!•! L L it f e_ /r l/ [ 4e .I tr-GC-moi' ! A.1, f� !� [ !(C �///ef!!,11jr rf !_ltt� fQtfFl Y11 r c l! et t/ /[ e_te _{(<—/t'!l l ed (!l !!t r_ ze __/ee! el %t 1 r� r� ft �, r 1 t 1l _/ ��41, w' ,� �� / �,%� C //�lt . /� t/A % ! ��l►-t r ,eA-rc.l .9- X f. �t� � c cc L. rLz �r �cc c t� * x -!G /t �r• c c r.�r �L ut•e �. Ll rr t-.' el.! c < !<_ t. 4 cl'if C G d _ t _e_ <.,1t le �i .. f e e /ver -e ,e Zc fit /A ( 1/;& lie tl e�.!.!-IGN Ike e,--.! �}I ' �'1 l`l► li �v_�_t, cam' < /`.n c[ -z f/!/'T .(.., t''.i l <..f et .c ! r r .v.: A L�7/2-iyt. ter it / r �� ~l+ e e l�f.A t A e4 ' e) IX /tea -GL _�e u-rz Q/ ce 6, eG c !�/�f/ L•�l�Q ►. / l�J _•• 3 "4•-L t �.[_t 'l. �' ,C •t_ �I " rI l '—r G��tctU•t_L 7f�! `1/t-[eC r_pTt/' }r([ fes( drxt� :�r'r?lC4-aft` 1 4 Yt-[-� ✓C l t.�C�A�� Cil. -lam c �1//t 190 COUNCII. PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH &K,:---190.2 _ C rr