HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/18 & 12/19/18~, .. ~ G.. v • .~ l ~. ~, • }_}._._..~_... s ~~. ~.~..~ ~~._ __.M .. •. ..• f ,. . No, ' Gammissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah DeeemDer 19th Igo e. . ~. ~ dt a oa]led .meeting o! the Hoard o! Oommissionsra held in Lhe Oomrsi Ohamber t ~' o! the Oity Hails Paduosh~ Sy~,on Dso• 14; 1918 aeon oali o? t>~e roil the following. r^° ~ answered their nameat Burns, Gardnsr~ Hsssiip•~Tally and Wooldridge- b• • : ~ ~~ Donation to On motion o! iteyor Borne, that the •aum o! $100 bs donated to the Oharity Dept. Oharity~ amaa ''. `~.~' tree. ~ to be m+ed in 'dispensing charity on Xars day in oonnsotion with oommuaity tree being f~ 'paromoted by Company "B" -oarried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. i Hepsir Tenn. ;' Oa motion o! the above. the Comer o! Works was authorised and iuatruoted to pn~~ • St. near Laok+_ ~/~ aedtord Loll. ~ Tsun• etrast near back-xedtord Mill in s passable 'condition, upon sell of the roll ' {~ by 6 yeas. • I~;. On motion the Board adjourned npon Dell o! the roll by 'ms Yollowitg vote; !~ Yese, Burris, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. ':~: ~. . ' • ~a Aa.ote - 3..3 tsi~ ~,Pp vT f I.^ • h • ~; ji . x ~~ ?~ . t W y •, ~~ • i ' ~ ~~ g I' DECHdBER 19, 1918. LL a called roasting o! the Board. o! Commiaeionere held in the Oomre' Chamber i~ ' o! the City Hall, Padnoah~ I(y., on Deo• 19, 1918 upon call oP the roll the follow-• • ~; ing answered their names= Burns, Gardnsr~ Harsiip~ Tnliy and Wooldridge+ 6• '~' On motion of Member Tiilly~ the report of Comer of Binanoe !or the liret.hal! • o! Deo. 1918 was rsooivsd and tiled and the aooonnte~ amounting to X6178.96, were ~ allowed end ordered paid npon call ol~ths roll by b yeas. ' ~. Jao•D•Smith ~ On motion o! the above, tint Prot. Bohn D. Smith b~s engagod to make an audit speoLsi ?. .,.- auditor. ~; o! the accounts of the City of Paducah for the yoar 1918- oarried upon Dell of. the '•. roll by b yeas. i, Milk Depot On motion o! Member Wooldridge that the City furnish the City milk depot ' equipment ~ . with one wood pulley at s cost of $4.20 for the lina.ehatting at tho milk flepot~ ae~ ~{ this egnipmant bslopg•a to the City and not to Imo, Beiderroan- oarried upon Dell o! r the rolal b b pp y yeas. ~I Iiat'1 Sm'ety ~' On motion of the above, twat the Hational Svrety Company be raleaeod on the. Oo, released on $.E.Hushing toad o! E. E. Rushing as of August 4, 1918, the date o! the termination of his bond. . services with the City oarried npon Dell of the roll by 8 yeas. ~ t Cemetery trene+ On motion o! iSomber Harsiip~ that the deed from idra. M. P• Pool (tormorly ~ f ter Lxa. Pool to ~7.H.Yoors Mrs. M. H. r'ntrellj, s widows t0 W• H• Poors~ conveying the front $0 !t. 0! lOt 6$ ' ratified. in block 4~ Oak Grove Qemetery~ with certain reservations oonosrning one grave on said twenty loot strip oat out in said deed- be ratified and rooorded~ in aooardanoe~, f with the wrlLtsn request o! Llre• Pooi herewith tiled- oarried upon Dell of tla L, roll by 6 yeas. ~~ , i; On motion the Board ad~onrned npon Dull of the roll by the following dots; h Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge. .. ~~ ~ ~~ ~, 4 D3aYl)t: - ~'