HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/18 & 12/09/184R „~.r -~k~ 4 F u( -^.'.,a"°W~ "~ I._ I I ~ I «G.. ...,.,dmez nallc~~ad!aufilst•. llsl~t ma..,u.~ ~. tr ~ __ i_ _._ ~ .r.,.- u ~ _ p ~I : ~ ~ ~ {`' ~yy~ } T wpn • ' " •y " -. ~ :. No. y n i a '- Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deoember 7th Igo .A ~ - '.~ ~,';~ - ~_ At b Dolled meeting o! the Hoard of Commissioners"he]A in the Comre' Chamber of; -~. • "" „ the Oity Rsii„ Paduoah, Ky., On Deo. 7th, at ten o'olook A. M., 1918, .upon opal of j - i~ ,-•~ ~! I tha roll the following anexsrea their namea:•Burns, Gardner, Harelip and Wooldridge•;4. ~. ~ j j; On motion of Member.Gsrdner, that the"oommnnioation of the Comer of Works, at this In• re. barge and b "date, to the Soe:rd, in regnrd to,a bill from A. Maya of Metropolis, for inmber used is '~ " bill. from ~• ~~ ~ ; ~' Hays ~ the oonetrnotion of a br.idgs peas Madison & 21st street in Padnoah; %i+., be rsoeiTed ~~ "• ; ;i } • sad tiled- oarried npoa Doll of the roil by 4 yeas: - ~a ~~ ° ~~ tlsmetory ~ On motion of Member Hassiip, that the Mayor of the Oity of Yaduoah be inetruoted deed to Jas• ~ to sign deed to Lot x$09 is block 1~, Oak Grove"Cemetery, oomsying anpi interest t'ar roger. q r ; ~., tlity nay have in said lot to James Kogsr, is oonsidsration of the snm of $76, reoeipt ~` , (, Por same being filed herewith, and that sai"d~ deed be recorded is the proper "office- j ~, ', , !' oarried npoa call of the tell by 4 yeas. ,- ,~ .. Saloon lioarsi On motion of Mayor Horne, that the saloon ar ooifes bonne license o! J• H. ~ ,_ J.H.Clendenon transferred ~ Clendenon, deo'd, be transferred to P• J• Heakenbaoh, at ll8 A• Second street, as per ~to P• J• ~ ". ~ . ~", 8eokenbaoh. ~, the request of Deo• ~, 1918 of Mary H. tllendsnoa, $=doutriz- oarried upon call of thi i i ti_ , r roll by 4 yens. ! ; ' ~" ~7• - . j on motion the Hoard ndjo:cadd upon Deli of the roil by the toliordng votei *~ • ~ Yeas, Bnrne, Gardner, Haselip end Neoldridgs- 4. ~ ni ~~a - i9r~~ ~Faov:~n • «~ ~~ I• ~ ~ _ {~ Deoerber 9, 1918. j _ At a rsgnlar meeting oY the Hoard of Commiseionara held in the Comte Chamber o! ,the Oity Hall; Paducah, I~q., on.Deo. 9, 1918, upon call df the roll the following l aneirered their names: Bane. Gardner, Harelip and Wooldridge- 4. ~ , Public Health F On motion of Mayor Huns, AN ORDiNANC$ D$FINING AND PROHIBITING NUISANO$S ,•~, ordinance- i{ ~ ""AI'H'EOaNG TH$ PUBLIO HEALTH AND W~FAR$ OF '~ CITI7,iSN8 OF PADUOAH, AND PROVIDING i~ ~ ~` • nuisances ~, ~ prohibited. ~ .. PENALTY FOR A VIOLSTION HER$~, wae"given its passage npoa call of the roll by the ~ ~ if.. , ~" following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hasslip sad Wooldridge- 8. Nay, Gnrdnor- l: j On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minntea tlbe meetings a2 December 2d, ~~~ ~ 6th and 7th, 1918 wars adopted"ea read npoa Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.- ~ • B111s in re 4 On motion o! Maeber Gardner, that Darts , '"" ,, ~eooea3F$s epd.,pa~y rolls. for materiel {~;; Tsnn• St. ~Fi ~ ~ ~, ,. Sewer ellowed u end lobos. oa the Tenn. Atreet sewer be allowed ana charged to the special sewer fund-' • ~ said aooonnts aggregating X397..09- oarried upon Dolt of.thr roll by the following ~ "" ~• votes Yeas,•Burns, Gardner 'and Wooldridge, S• Nay, Haselip, 1. ~ :~ ~. Qranspartatiox On motion of the above, the Mayor was inetrnoted to writs tloagzesaman Alban X. ~. .,. " soldiers m. 'r sailors: i ~'kl~- in an endeavor to arrange, it possible, either tree railroad tranepoztntion ~ ' " ~ or at s rats of one Dart amiss for our soldiers and sailors vd-sn they ors mastered oat, r,~ of the army and desire to "rstnrn home, npoa Dolt of the roll by 4 yeas. ~, ffioployee On motion o! Member Hnssllp, that everyr employee of the city shs7.1 bs regnirsd ~. reoeipt in- ;; , dividvally Sort; to get his or her own c8:sak pereonsily from the Com•r of Fiaanoe and reoeipt for same;" ;~, oheak• ~, - ' provided, however, that a~ oosmiseioner nay reoeipt Sat"the oheolal in his dapartment~ ~' delipr them:psrsoaa]ly and tale receipts therefor, and deliver said receipts to the' ~; j~ a Oom'r of Pinsa~oe• oarried npoa call of the roll 1;0 4 yeas. ~. :I I ii ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . I ~~` • ~.: r; ~~ ~~ • ( T~ ~. I " j .. ff ~ ,,- ,. • ., ,; .: w. ~ ~ -,.:- ... ..,. .. 1. • ' V4. ', +y . rt • No..~1Li~' • Comrnissiuner's P!'OCCCl11Ag8, City of Paducaah Deeember 9th j~ S continued. ' ~~ ~~ { ~ Hemtier Gardner otisred the lollowing motioat rimereaa, oa the 1;9ta- day o3 Sept.. •• • purchase., i. 1884 sn osdine,nae Irnowa ae the "Water Works ordiaanoe" waa~ passed Dy t1u city oonaoil f o! Psdaeah, grantiag to ens J. A. Joaea of St. Lonie~ Ho, and hie assigns a lranohise '. to oonatrnet end operate a system of Water works in the oily o~ Paducah, acing t1r ~' etaresta o! Paducah for laying the pipes and melee thsrsia, sad which ordiaenoe was ~ . •in some seepeota ohenged by an swendsd oardiname passed by.the city oonnoil on Oot. ' 6, 1884• end whereas, section Hiss aY the ordiaenos o! Sept. 89, 1884 provided for aa! !~ j; appraleemeat of the property at the one of say live year period ii the City should, •• ii desire to pmrchaea said water works pmp~rty, provided it gave ai7c moatha aeries in ' ( • ' ' writing to said Joaas and hie easigas o! its desire Yor an appraisal, I move that the{ ~ f; Mayor, oa or bsYore,dan. 1. 1919, serve aotioe oa the Psduoah Water Co., sow owner otl " ~ the water works ooaatruatod under ooatraot with said J. A. Jones., of its desire !es • il. . ii an appraiaemont o! said property- Applsise Ped• ;~ Water Works. I~ Mayor Hums offered the following motion; that the matter of aPpreieement and ~• purchase of water works be rolerred to the City Solicitor and committee of the whoL ~ , ~~ to dotasmina the proper prooednre, carried upon call oY the roll by the lollo~ring ~ . . " . !! vote: Yana, Burns, Gardner, Harelip and Wooldridge- 4. i ;; Hat'1 Surety p. On motion of Mombsr Wooldridge that the National Surat Co• bs released Yiom the. • y Co. released cull bonds. Ronde oY the Yollowiag mm , ae of the dates of the termination of pheir services ' • ' with the City, .toinib s L, A. Grahaq- .~ , .May 14,. 1918. ~, • ~' 21ba Williams Aug. 10, 1918. • ~j' Emile tourism[ Oot. 7 , 1918• l~ 1 - ----.... _. -._ . -~..---- .-. ` },. carried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Ord• to preveat~, On motion o! trio above, AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT THE OBSTRUCTION OF ~FIR$ PLUGS IH obetraotion of . , lire Plugs. ~ THE CITY OF PADUOAH, I~GTTf2$Y, AND PROVIDING PFTfALTY FOR A VIOLATION HPI?EOF wee + ~ • ~j. gives its passage upon call of the roil by 4 yeas. ' ~, Soldiers re- j; Oa merles of ?9syor Burns, that the oommuniostion o! Coagrssamea Alban W. Barkley turning. . Cannons for `' in. rs. return of soldiers and securing s somber of oanaoas for the city, be reoeived~ , city. ji and tiled- oerrled upon dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. i+' ii On motion the Board ad~onraed upon oe]1 of the roll by the tollowiag voter i Yeas, Buse, Gardner, Harelip cud Wooldridge- 4• { G ~ ~ A e a0 ~ !'if~ ~ d.PPP+ •V1i~L' ~' ~' December 9th. 1918. • i At a called meeting of the Board of Oommiasionsra held 1n the Comre Chamber,ot ( I {~' the Oity Ha11,.PSduoeh, ICy., on Deo. 9, 1918, at esvea o'alook P. M., apes call aE th I } j .roll the following answered thsis Heroes; Burns, Gardner, Harelip and Wooldridge- 4. i iZesignstion of ;j ~- motion of Mayor Burns, that the resignation of F• W. Mooney, street Saspeoto i, • F.l7.Mooney St. Inepeo~or. ;~ bo eooeptad- lost upott call of the roll by the following vets; Yeas, Burns and ! 1 ,, Wooldridge, 2. Nay, Gardner and Hasolip, 8. j ~ On motion o! Member Nazalip, that trio dfaposition o! olsrgea agair8t F. W. Mooa ~y ' In. re. bs oontianed to Monday Doo. 16th at the ro lac meatin and andin the di s.ositio - . B'a g. P g P A charges aga~nat' F.W.L.ooney. of said crier oa thnt F. W Moons ramie sea ended- oerried u on call of the roll 4 a g • y P P by yea On motion the Board ad~ournod upon call of tha roll by the lollowiag vote; Yeae• Burns, Gardner, Hesalip and Wooldridge-.4. ~ ~ ~ !: TT$1 Y ~ ~: ~ ~~~~~ ~=L 1 j ~~' - . ~aer~ . • .. .;. y. ,ti 5~. 'r:,K. , . . • a ..~ I •~. i ;-~~,