HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/02/18 & 12/06/18 _, ~ ~ ~ >{ f a ~ ,+ ; ~ • " - ./ • ,.. •., .. • • t ~ ~.. v No.. fi 9.9 " Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deoembsr 8d. 191" "• " ~ ' ` • At a regalar meeting of the Soars o! Commissioners held in the Comrs Ohamber o! ! ~ I, , 1 the O~ty Roll, Psauoah, Ky., oa Deo. B, 19.8, upon oall,o! the roil tha folioaing ~' ~ E .~.anewerea their damper Burns,. Qardner, Rasellp, Tally and Wooldridge- 6. ~_ '. . On motion o! Member Wooldridge, the minutes o! type seetinga o! November 88th, . i 86th, 87th and 89th sere adopted ss,sead upon Dell o! the roll Ly 6 yids. . - ~ i • ~ ~ motion o! Member Gardner, Chet the oommunioation o! Comer Gardner, rsgssdiag j ~ ' . in. re. : alleges i statements made is the Dsmoorat to the siieot that the street inepeotor had carried ' ~ • irregnlari- !; ;" ties in 8to f him to hie farm in the"spring, be rsoeioea d 3~.1ed ems referred to the besting on ~ ' ~ ~ Department. . " ~ Deo. 4th- oarrie8 upon Dell of the roll by,ti yeas. ~ ' 011 motioa of the above, AN ORDINONC$ M9SIN0 IT UNLAWFUL FfR ANY P$RSON, l'IId[, Pnblio ~ Utility 0o'a COMPANY OR OORPOR9TION,MiNl02NG OR OP$R-TINB ANY PUBLIO OTILITY COMPANY WITHIN TS$ ` ordinance. ~ i' . i; OOREORAT$ LI1tIT3 OF TH6 CITY 0!' PADIICAH OP$RATING UNDER A. FRAI~DHIS$ PROIi TH$.CII'Y OF ~ . ' ~ PADUCAR, INT$NTIONALLY TO D$i9.ND, ACp$Pi' OR C$LRO$ AN UNIAWPtiL RATB I'OR ANY ARTIOLS OF~ ".. PUBLIO UTILITY R$N,DERED BY 8UCH PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANY"TO A OONBUMER OR PATRON- wse gives its passage upon call o! the soli by the lolloering voter Yeas, Burns, Garan~r b ~i j~ Wooldridge- S• Nsy," Raasiip end Tally- 8. Auditor ~ On motion of the above, that as anaitar be empipyed to check Rp the bneiness o! , check np " ~~ ,,,.,,.. , seoosnir.. ~~."each"department of tlu city, so as to liaimh said auait•by December 31st, 1918- oarsied r upon Dail o! the roll by 6 yeas. • i; f Oa motion o! Member Tully, that payment o! the Street Departmsat pay roll !or ffie " ~. week ending Nov• S0, 1918, amounting to 3198.81, bs approves- carried upon call of thi 4 roil by B yeas. .. " ~~" On motion o! the above, that payment o! Riverside improvement work for week ending .. r Nov• 30, 1918, amonating to $119.60, be"approved- carried upon Deli o! the roll by 6 yeas. {~ On motion o! the above that payment o! the 8treet Dept. pey roil !ar repairs oa• ' ~~ briok~etreets for week ending Nov. 83, 1918, amonating to $48.06, be apprond- carried •~ ~ i • r~ apon nail of the soli by 6 yeas. ~i . d On motion o! the abovs~, that paymen4 of the 8treet Dspt. pay roil !or week ending '" Nov. x3, 1918, amounting to $806.88, be appro?sd- carried upon call of the roll by 6 ysa8• • 1 •" Oa motion o! the above that • payment oi•~ 10nei Riverside Improvement pay roll for croak ~' ending Nov. 83, 1918., amounting to 3103.71, De approved. carries upon call o! the soli by 6 yeas. • . Liberty Bond;, On motion o! the above, that the report of Com'r of Fiasnas tegeraing 3600 interest iatetset. !' on Liberty Loaa bonds hiving been depeeited in the Citiseas Sairinge Bank to the credit ~~~ of the slaking funs, bs received and flied- carried tipoa call of the. roil by 6 yeas. ," J. H. Aagnet On motion of the above, that deed bs ceased to d• R. Wagner !os lot 34 is bloot 8 cemetery deed. ~. on the eodth elde of Miller 8t. bet. Feld d Rannsn 8ts• in oak Grove Cemetery, the ens 0!•330 having been paid tlarelor as evideaaed by receipt herewith !lied. carries upon osl], of the roil by 6 yeas. ' Mrs. ~ On,motioa o! the above, that dged be eaeoatsd to Mrs. Ee Mason for lot 104 is Mason- oemetery aces block 8 on north side of Bard street bet. Baker A Miller Ste. in Oak Grovo Cemetery, the enm o! 340 laving-been paid thereioz, ab.sviQenoed by receipt herewith iiled• oasried upon call o! tee roll by 6 yeas. W Pesohie Q• On motioa o! the above, that Qeed be a:~ontsa to Mrs. Pesohie G. Soots to the naarth •' ' " Scott- ~ oimstesy aced eighteen lest o! lot 17 in brook 47 in Oak Grove O~i~ly, the inm oi• 38'1:90 having been • • ;; Asia thsrslam into the city treasury, as evidenced by receipt herewith o! date Aug. 16, 1910 to J. S. Greer, in the sam o! 39, and his daughter Mrs. Peaehie 0. Scott haying paid the ' f;' bsLnoe o! 378.90 and now aemsads that aced be Bade to her- carried neon w]1 0! the soli s ; by 6 yeas. , r k r " ,:. • .: • _.,, _. -. ~,. ~ ~ " .' ~ No. v v Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Pad ueah a.oemmb.r ea . Igp a as at' a '~ ~; ~~~ r et .ri '^ ,; y. e. i`~, i 1T Js;mmie r-hitte- Oa mmotlon o! Yemmber Ta11y, that a anpiioate deed be graatea to Jaai. 1Thitte- .. more-. dnplioats oemstery deed. i more to has let #30 in bioot S on north aide of ltilleor St.,bst. Bord b Harass ets• ' in Oat Orow•Cemetssy, sa per bar regnset, npoa payment o! the !ee of $1 as regnirea by ordinanes, she having lost her orisinal desa- osrriea npoa Doll o! the roll by. . . r 8 yeas. . Repair 18th 8t. `~ ~ Oa mmotion o! Member •oolaridge, that the eom'r o! Worts be inetruoted•to m Ooebel dv~. i'; seats the aeoesesry repairs on l8tls street between Plnntat Hill sad Jaoloton street ~ r sled on Ooebsl lve. between the railroad pmpsrty and 16th street to remedy the j` ezistiaa mmuddy condition on said streets, and to bay the oindera tram the Railroad ~ i! possible- carried upon Doll o! the roil by 5 yeas. • Os~ Deater 1~ Oa motion of Mayor Borne, that the oommanioation of Oeoar Donker in regard ti '; '~~ request for retard. ~ a retard on his saloon liesssea, bs reosivsa end filed- carried npoa Doll o! the . ' roil by 6 yeas. 1, On mmotioa the Boars adjourned npoa Doll of the roil by .the toilowing votes ' ~~ i Yeas, Borne, Gerdasr, Hasslip, Tally and Fooidridge- 5. ;: ~' !~ : }91t~- Ade ed .~~a~ gPP V - - ~ '. G~~~'~'/~Jl , ~. ~~ DEC~$R 6. 1918. 1t a Dolled meotiag o! the Board o! Commissioners bald in the Comrs'_ Ohember" " ~~ of the City Sail, Padnoah, Icy., as Deo. 6, 1918, at 30s~ 1. M., upon Dail of the „ '. roll the following answered their namses Barra, Saaelip and Riooldridga- 3. Bide for heat- On motion o! Member Harelip, that the bid o! $1681 and epsaifioatioas from ing nt nt oosrta~oa ward. 1[. Y. Coulson Qo., and the Did o! X1388 and e¢soiiioations•from ltid. D. Hannan, to +j~ install a steam heating plant !ar the contagion ward at Riverside Hospital- be f . ., „ i received and filed, oarri~d upon Doll o! the roll by 3 yeas. ' On motion o! the above, that the oontsaot for the steam heating pant for Heating Plant '` Contagion ward the eoataglon ward at Riverside Hospital bs awarded to Bd D• Hannan far the sun o! . oontraot awarded!, oy1888,. hr being the lowest bidder; said award oo.nditioned, however, upon the aompLte ' i ' perforinanoe of said work by Deo. 81, 1918; and that the city eolioitor be inetruotod to draw a oosrtraot smbraoing the epeoitioations ae ontiined in the bid and in • aooosdanoe with this motion; and that the mayor b• authorised to sign said oontrnot YoT the city o! Padnoah- carried npoa Dell o! the roll by 3 yeas. {`~ Chain gang ~ On motion o! Member Nooidridgs, that the Com'r o! Publis Works,bs i.nstrnotoa unload pity oosl to have the ehain gang, or any part o! same, not ea:oesding Yive men to the oar, nnlasd ell Deal at the city oasl yard, in order to lessen the oust o! coal se mnoh se I• possible for the poor of oar pity, sad to unload same ae soon ae possible aftsi< oars are delivered, in order to prevent demarrago ahargoe- carried upon Dell oY' the roil • , by 3 yeas. ' ~ On motion the Board ad'ourned upon Deli oY the roll by the following votes . Ysae, Bore, Haselip and ~Yooidridgs- 3. (E gPp 1 - __G/?~ - Adop d - 191. may is as csr+~ ~: '° . , . ~. _ ~~ .~ ;: -~ i ~~,. ~q n. L.~r: ~. .,~krx ~s ..a ., ~...a .:,.. ~.~.:,..: of -,~ .. .._~...'w~ rto~qu,.,..r q..w~..,a iti ~.~_.. ,,. .~...,. ,aw.~ ~bw~,w.~ .,~,... u.r.,..