HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/18No~: ; ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ao*~~~ 181 19I e 4t a regular spesting of the Board vF Commisalorura held Sa the Oomra' Ohembsr i • i of the Q1ty Halt, Paducah,, $y. •pa Nov, 18, 19,8, apon Dell, of the roll the Foilaiag . answered t~ssir nsmees Burna,;Gardnsr; Haaeiip, Tully and Wovlpridga. On motion of }Somber wooldridge, the minutes oP the meeting.oP November 1E, ', 1918 wore adopted ea read neon Dell vP thq roll by B. yeas. ' Qindes etas. i On motion oP Member Gardner, the Com'r oP 1~sblio,t9orka was inatruotied to walk OA 8th St. , ~ oonetruvt a vindar sidewalk on the wort aide oP Eighth street For a diatenoe oP 173 ! ~, . ., Peet south of Tenn. St. upon Dell vi the roll.by ~ yeea. z + r , ' ~ On motion oP !Somber Tully,'the paymsnt.oP the psy roll vP the Street Dgp$',,tpr the weak ending Hov. 1.6, 1918 amounting to 188.90, was approved upon call of thv.:•+. :,`~ ~; roil by B yeea. i ' ~ On motion of the above, the payment oP pay roll of employees on 8lvereide ~; insprovemenb work Par woek ending Nov. 16, 1918n amounting to ~BO,E6, was approved upon osll oP the roll by 6 yeas. • ~• ~' On motion oP the above, Lhe payment oP the pay roll o! the Street Dept, for . ~; •. ^ '. ~ ~~ repairs on brink streets, Por week ending Nov 16~ 1918, amounting to ~81~26~ wee. {I approved upon Dell oP the~rvll by B yeas. '~ Ohas.9.lrlts ti On motion of tbs above, that deed be grsnlssd to ahae, G~ Arts For tab Yp in . Oemetery deel~ f biook.two on west aide oP Hannnan st. between Baker and }Silisr streets, in Oak Qrove ~{ ~.Oaaetery~ the sum oP X30 having been paid into the treasury in payment oP said 3oL• • l as evidenced by receipt herewith Piled- carried upon Dell oP the roll by B yeas, pine Plugs {~. On motloin oP iSembex Wooldridge, the City Solicitor wee inetruotsd to bring in.' ' ~: obetsnotion• ail ordinanee prohibiting the obatruotion oP Firs pivge within L'he tiro limits, upon 1 sell of the roil by b yeas. J i Civil eerviee On motion oP }Sayor Burns, that the 01x11 servloe Ordinanos adopted by 'Cho people; aL ordinance. 'the olsotion of Nov, 6, 1918 be signed by the }Savor and Oity 01ork, and that same bt published in the oFPloiel newspaper, end that the oFtioial returns ae oertiiied to i~ by the County 01erk Gus G. Singleton be rooeived, Pii ad and spread in the ordine»oe tt book- varrisd upon Dail of the roli Dy 6 yeea. J ~ Chero-Cola ~~ On motion oP the above that the Chero-Oo1a Sottlin Oo. bo ezem tad on their I' ~ g P ' . • Bottling Oo•. ezanpted. j' aeohinery, oP the value of $1660, and that the Com'x of Finance ad~uat their trsxoa on 'y i. auoh basis- carried up6n Dell oP the roll by 6 yease ~r ~: On motion oF}Samber Tully, the meeting ad'ourned to meet at tour o'alook Pe }S. on Tuesday, i}ovember 19, 1918, nPOn Dell of the roll by the Following votes Yeas, ' ` Burns, Gardner, lieaelip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. '_~ ~, . , t. !i ,' a. ,. ease a ~~~i~~ ~P~ ' h P . :4, . I' ~' , ' . ~I • ~YY' .~ t ~ ~ ~ ' ,? F, .. 1 \, ~i , 1'. ~ ~ ~ ~ i, Y ~ I ~ 11 ~ } ~ ~ . ~ t N `_ . LY ~ ~