HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/11-11/12/18No.,,~~ . P >$td of World Warms • i .. I n '.,Reloading • Bonds- i :.>~: I Saloon ~ iioenas Ben i, Boswell d Co• trane~ fsrred• . • 8nrkoot , '`= Carnival •lioenee auspsnded. street Light e a Sy Avs• ' Dr:~9•J•Baee appointed Oity Yhysioian• f;ommissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah November litir 191 e On November 11, 1918, the Hoard o! Commissioners met in the Comra~ Chamber ot` r' the Oity Haii, Padnoah, 8sntuoky, and on aooonnt of the day having been pro.oiai'sd . a legal holiday by reason of ths,snding of the world-wsr,'the Board ad~oumed.to .mast again on November 12, 1918,,at four e'olook P• Y. A' tad ~1rs,~.;D1 ~ _ ~; ' y.' r-c~C~' D _...._. CU CWY ~ _.........+- _---_ j NOVIISBER 12. 1918. At an adjourned meeting .of the Board of Commiaeionera held in the Comra~ Chamber • oP the City Hall, Pedvoah, ICy., on Nov. 12, 1918, at Pour o'olook P• M., apon Dell, of ~ths i roll the following answered their nemees~Burns, Gardner, Heaelip, Tally, and Wooldridge- 6• On motion of Member Haaslip, the minutes of the meetings held on November 4th, I 6th and 11th were adopted as read apon Deli of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion o! Member Tully, the payment of anploy6ss'.pey roll on the Riverside Hospital improvement work for the wk ending Nov. 9, 1918, amounting to X61.78, was approved apon Dell of the roll by 6 yea~~ On motion of the above, the payment of the Street Dept• pay roll Por wk ending ~ Nov 9, 1919• amounting to 213.70, was approved upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of the above, deed rise granted to J. W. Ylhite and Ben L• Prioe to lot 66 in blook 2, on the north side of Baker street between Ford do Hannaa streets, treasurer~a reoeipt £or X30 in payment thereof being herewith Piled, apon Dell of the roll by B yeas., ~ f On motion 'of the above, AN ORDINANCE TO IS3US REFtTiiDING BDNDS OF THP CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCIfY, 2N THE SO3t Old' SEVPNI'Y THOUSAND 070,000) DOl.t~AR3, was introduced and laid over oae week before passage. ` • y On motion of ISember Wooldridge, the oa[fee hones license of Ben Boswell da Co. ~ at 129 3• Second St• was tranafsrred to C• L• Dioksraon, at the same location, apon ~ • ;,. Dell o P the roil bii $ yeas. ~ • On motion.of Mayor Burna,'ths lioenae ordir~noe was ensponded ee to the Barkooi "~ Carnival and it was given free license in oonsideretion o! the services rendered the City during the entire day of November 11th, and bsoanee said carnival hoe been stranded here Paa~. over four weeks and the city has benefited by flee eiipeffiitvre of the money oP its rosinbere dying their internment by reason of influence- said carnival being promoted Hader the auspices of the widows and orphans fnnd of the I.0.0.F.- • .apon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. . On motion of the above., that a street light bs plsoed at'eth e`,nd Sy. Ave• provided %. the City hea the necessary equipment and snffial8tit~ eleotrfsal~ertergq to carry the i load- carried apon Dell of the roll by b yeas. i f On motion of the above, Dr. W d. Baas was appointed City Physician, hie salary j } during the remainder of November end December, Jennary and Febrisry tb bs X7.00 per ~ month- apon Dell of the roll b 8 y yeas. Oa motion the Board ad~ournsd apoa Dell of the roll by the fo7lowing'votst. .Yens, Barrie, Gardner, Hecelip, Tally and Wooldridge- !i. f ,; ,. {; dam, ,. r~,, ~: h ,.. _ ,.~.._....,,,„,,~*n~ ,e„, .a.'Fl' r::;, ~r ~b»x,r~..'tcrrw:eta;?.ti~ti.-:sew:z».mwrwa~w~Fs~aats;~r.{5a:.ars~ta:¢pswe:~~r:rvew-s:~ ~~ ` ~ h ~ -_ -~' ~ i,. ,. :~ •