HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/18, 10/23/18, & 10/28/18rrsr~ - - ~..d,......,-..,,..W~wm:...,.~WUMrrs~:a~ar c • N • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ootober zest jg~ a ; At B regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners he1H 1n the Oomre! Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Sy,~ on Oot• 21, 1918, upon Dell of the roll the following , • enewered their names= 4ardnsr, Hazelip, end Tully. 3• On motion of Member Tully, that in the sbaenoe of both the mayor and mayor - ~ • ~ pro tam, member Gardner sot as Mayor Pro tom For the meeting-~ oarrisH upon.oall,of , ~~ ~ ~~ the roll by S yeas. { I~" Op motion of Member Haeelip, the minutes o! the msstl.nge o! Ootober 14bh.anH ~ ~ .6th wars adopted ea read upon gall of the roll by 3. yeas. '^ ~. ". ;w~ On motion of riember Tu11y, the report of Comer oY Finanos for the first belt o {" ~~ . 2 ~~, Ootobsr was received and flied, and Bald aooounte, amounting to °~61B6,2s~ allowed anH '' ~ i4~ ordereH paid upon osll.of the roll by 3 yeas, ~ G ~ '~ On motion of the above the payment of Street Dept• pay roll Por the week' • ~~ ending Oat, 19, 1918, amounting to '216.20, was approved upon Dell oP the roll by 3 y • ~ e, ~ ' 76ztparle o! ~ On motion oP the above, the payment by Com'r of Finance of expense oP the. , epeoial regi~- tratioa• ~ special registration on Oot• 8, 1918, amounting to 214, was approved upon Dell of thq • ~: . , i , , ~ i4 'roll by 3 yore. ` . J • ~ On motion oP the above,~the payment of pay roll oP employees Por Riverside . !;~ ~. improvement work Por weak ending Ocb. 19, 1918, amounting to ~~".~136.14,avae approved ,4 } ~ : • upon Dail of the roll by 3 yeas. ~~ . Eefnnd to $/. ~~ ~ On motion of the above, that the sum of X60 be refunded to Kentucky Leaf do ~ , Leaf ~ Transit ;"i • Company. ~ Transit Co•, they having failed to deduct this amount paid as liosnee when settling ~. their tax on hogsheads of tobaooo put np, as per agreement- parried neon pall oP the roll by 3 yeas. ;~ Srnset wheels! ~ On motion of the above, that Heed be executed to Ernest 4Yheeler Por lot X76 in ' oametssy deed. `~ b1oHk ~f3 on the north aide oY Ford street bet. Miller & Hank streets in Oak Grove s ~ •~ . " Cemetery, treasurer's receipt Por X40 in payment thereof being hereto attaoheH- carried upon pall oP the roll by 3 yeas. ~ P On motion oP the above, that Heed be executed to 6xnie Olds Por lot $61 in • lnnie 01 He ! ,s cemetery Heed. j • ~, block f3 on the north siHe oY 2diller St •.bet• Ford & Hannan Ste. in Oak Grove ~ ' ~` ~ Cemetery- treasurer's reoeipt,Por ;p40 in payment thereof being hereto attached- i ~; Harried upon pall oP the roll by 3 yeas.. , ~ 1' 1„ On motion the BoarH aH~ourned upon nail oP the roll by the Following votat Yens. >? ~~ , ' ~' Oarclner, Hazalip, and T may- 3. ~P / ' Ootobor 23d,~191©. i ; °• ', At a meeting of the BoarH of Commiaeionera, oellad together by Members GardASr •. n and Yrooldridge:, held in the Csmra' Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Fy•, on Oot. 23, n 1918, uZ»n Dell oP the roll the following answered their names; Gardner, Hazelip,. • Tully, and ilooldri.dge- . 4. `~ , On motion oP Aiembor Gardner that the etitiona of 1398 dui , p y qualifieH legal pp 1 voters of Paducah, ]~y• properly verified by affidavits ae to the genuineness of ths,. i • Petitions. ' ' ssgneeting Cit17.~ signatnrea, with the respective planes oP residence of the voters signing said Ssrvios OrQ. - pseeage• petitions asking that "6n Ordinance placing all appointive pity emnloyooa oP the City ~' of Peduoah under civil service ruled and reg~iiationa" be reooivod and Piled- oarrieH ' • ~ upon Dell of the roll by the Following vote; Yeea, Gardner, Tully, anH Y(ooldridge, 3• 11 ! I. . $ey, Hazelip~ 1. '"'e ;~ On motion of the above, the rules requiring three days' eervioe of Dopier of • ~ - _• = , ~ ~ r , ~• ~ ~~~ a'; ., ,~; _ ,,,,t ., . .,z L.. i 3 g i i ^. 'Y"f• .~ ~ - .. ' • .. No,~~.. Ootober 23d 8 Commissioner s Proceedings, City of Padacah 191_ . r resolutions and ordinances, be temporarily suspended- oarrisd upon Dell of the roll ii ;~ by 4 yens. ~ .. On motion of Member Gardner, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION BY THE Reaolntion f0' election on QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCg7f, TO BE HELb ON THS REGULAR - tII CIVIL SERVIOS , f' qusa ioa. ~ ELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER G, 1918, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTDCKSC, TO DETERMIIiE Tffi t ~' QUESTION VIfIETHER THE CITY OF PADUOAH SHALL ADOPT "AN 'ORDITtANCE PLACING ALL APPOINTIYS - ~. i .. •, ~ CITY FI~2PLOYN;ES OF THE CITY 01, PADUCAH UNDER CIVIL SERVICE RULES AT1D REGULATIONS, waa ~,... r`. • given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: YeBS; Gardner, Hazelip,, ~:" , • Tully.. and Wooldridge- 4.. - . &_~' On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell 03 the roll by the Following vote: ~ ~ a Yeaa, Gardner, Hazelip, Tally, and Wooldridge- 4. - ~.deBTci ~~.. ,9~.PF -~ f ' ` October 28th, 191A: "`~ °-= ° ~ ~ - I At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comre° Chamber of tea • City As11, Paducah, Iiy., oa Oot. 28, 1918, upon call of the roll the following answered - their names; Barns, Gardner, Aazelip, Tally, add Wooldridge- 6. -.. , On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of October 21st and 23d 1918 were adopted ea read neon call of the. roll by b yeas. s ~!' On motion of Member Tally, the payment of pay roll for employees oY the Riverside ,r,. ~ '`,~: ;~ Rospital improvanent work for the weak ending Oat. 26,.1918, amounting to $91.68, wne i !d~ dpproved upon call of tt:e roll by 6 yens. i;' On motion of the above the p pay roll for the week ending. • , payment of the Street De t. Oot. 28, 1918, amounting to ~21b.93, was approved upon Dell o.f 'the roll by b.yeas. .pity may, .~.. On motion of the above, the matter of the change in date to October let for the ~ . y q payment of the second half of city taxes, and of time of advertising sale of propsity '; for delinquent taxea,wls referred to the City Solicitor for an immediate opinion, upon .. ~' !, call of the roll by b yeas. 1 I ~~ ~' t 1 Bondnran4 b " On motion of Member Wooldridge, the request of Bondurant & Redmoa -that their saloon Rsdmon= ealoo~l _ ' a" license trsae+ license at 300 3. 9th street bo transferred to 901 Washington street, in the old Den]xr isrrsd. _ stand- was granted upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~. On motion of Member Tully,.ths raise ea to serving copies of ordinanoea and reaolntiona three days prior to meeting, were temporarily suspended upon call of the roll by the following i I'. vote: Yeas,.Burna, Heaelip, Tully,. and Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. ' ' i. ~- On motion of Mayor Burns, the ooneideratioa o! AN ORDIIiANCE PROifIDYNG FOR THE ISSTIANCJi ~ Working _ cards. . I; OF MONTHLY AND Y1EF:IQ/Y STANDARD YIORICING CARDS, FOR T~ USa THEREOF, FOR THE c'2Iti'PORTING BY Ordiaanpe. " ALL EM1'LOYN:R3 OF TH8 tL1}dPy4 OF PERSONS IN THEIR EMPLOY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUNI3HEi3N2 Oy' "~TIiE YIOI~TION HER'r:OF, wee postponed one week', upon, Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. 3[ember Gardner left the meeting. ~ { •', Stabsmsut in ~~ On motion of Mayor Bona, the statement of~oeiVe~' of paduoah Traction Co. et sl, rs Biaher- villa oar 'regarding earnings and expanses of Fiahsrvills,lias, was raoeivad and tiled upon Dell oY ..line. ~. th il b th ; F ll i t Y s H d a e ro y e , o ow ng vo e: ea , Burns, aselip, Tally, nd Yool ridge- 40 k On motion the Doard ad~onrnsd to most again 'on Tuesday morning at ten o'clock, f . q October 29th, 1918, apon call of the roll by ths.foilowing vole: Yeas, Bni~na, Haaslip,~ r ~ . i Tally, and wooldridge- 4. ; ~ /~14~ ~ '31? ! ner~xu~ • ~_. ..:~. ~. .. :'-kt ~~ts.Aur+,~3'., .F.xHd4`•w.~'xws;'~.J!~'~:i'~i~'. .i. - Tr, ., "~. .. .. ::~. ~ ~.. .. ~~. u,~•` ..at.,.:s..aw.~.;..:: .~~ .:., ,+„ .. r' • 1 - I: ' I. } • .' .. '; ~~'~. ''~'..,: