HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/18 & 07/22/18-.~; ~• No;,~~ ~ • Comtnissioner's Proceedm~s, City of Paducah ~s nth 1918 At a epeoiai mestiag of the Bonrd,ot Commissioners held in the ComrA' Chamber ~~ the City HA11, Pndnoah, Iep, oa Jnly PA, 1918, upon Deli of the roil the tollowiag nanewered their namees enrna, Gardner; Haselip, Tally eed Wooldridge- 8. ~ ' ', On motion of Member Tuily, the report of the Com'r of Finanoe for the first halt of July itaa reoeivid,end tiled, and said soooante, amounting to $8086.39, were alZowea { sad a•dered paid upon Dell of the roll by'6 yaws. ~; h On motion of Member Hasilip, that the Boars appa•ove dead of Fsrd 1Yndlington to Ford Walling- ~ ; • ton transfer ~ Robert E. Stith, Eranaterring the north belt of Lot 18 is Block 1, ~k Grove Cemstary,i to Robt. 8. Stith. ~ end that said transfer be reoordsd in the oematsry deed book, sa per written regaest o ! ' ~~~ Fsrd Wadl.ingtan- oarried,npon ogli of the roll by b yeas. ~' lh's.Nlla Ors~si •Oa motion of the above, the' salary of Mreo $1]a Green Davis, Inetrnotor a~ ilnrsee Davis salary inorsaeed: ~hpi at Rivdrside Hospital, was ralee¢ to $76 per mosrth, effeotivs Angnet 1, 1918, upon Bail of the rail by 6 yeas.. i - i • (l On motion the Hoard ad'onsaed upon Deli of the roll by the following votes ~~ Yeas, ~ ns, Gardner.i~aaellp, Tn]:iy, sad Wooldridge- B. .. Z..2:atr3~jT~-c.~G~a - '"' ?~. •. `'a ;i Ju1~2E. 1918. N At a rsgnlar meeting o! the Board of Oommiasionsre held is the Comre' Chamber of - ~ the Oity Hall, Padnaah, 1~y,, on July 88, 1918, upon Dail of ,the toil the following - i ~, answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Hsseiip, Tally, end Wooldridge, 6. • ~ On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meetings of July 16th sad YAth were Adopted ae read upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. . y •'j On motion of Member Harelip, the appl3oation o! Herbert P. Hawkins for ta: • '; Herbert P. qne t~or ~ exemption on Dorn mill et Washington St. de Maiden alley was referred to the Oily Solioitor exemption. ;;. dna Com'r of Finance for investigation and repar.t, upon sell of the roll by b yeas. `.Carnival+ ~ On motion of Mayor Hares, that the present aernival oompausy et Broadway and 10th `. Merry-go-round.! street be perffitted-to Ise its merr P y-go-romsd at the Hroadwe.~ sntranae x~here it has been ~~ ereoted- same to et upon Deli of the roll by the toilowlag vote; Yeas, Barns and Wooldridge,S. Nay, Gardner, Has;slip and Tu11y, 3. • to Oat motion of Member Tally, the pay roll of the Street Dept. for the week ending July E0, 1918, amounting to $232.32,wae allowed neon Deli of the roll by 6 yens. g z ~; On motion of Mayor Hia•ns, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR T~ CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRBTE Resolution `. SIDBWALB3, TOGETHER WITH GRdNITE CURBS AND GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTABES' ' sidewalks, sto. . Monroe 8trset~ ~' AND SEWERS ON BOTH SIDES OF MONROE BTREET FROM THB WEST CURB LINS OF FOUNTAIN A9ENUid i (OR 17th STREBT) TO A POINT 37Z HUNDRED AND SIZTY4NINE (669) FEET WF9T OF FOUNTAIN AVSDtTE, . IN THE OII'Y OF PADIICAH, BENTU0K7l, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY B$ PAID ON.THB TEN YEAH PAYMENT PLAN, was given its passage upon Deli of the roll by b yeas. Bonds of Melvin ~ motion of the above, that poiios power heretofore greeted to Msivin Luiga and Luige d~ Joe H. Jos H. A71en be oanoelled and their boademan releaaed• the be Allen oanoelied. . y ing no longer members o~ ',: the Home Guards- oarsisd upon Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. Vaoation- ~ On motion of the above the 01 Steno. was • City Steno. ~ • ty granted a two weeks vaoation wii'h ~. ' pay upon og11 of the roll by b yeas. ~ ~ ~ Oa motion the Board ad~omned upon Dail of the roll I by the following votes. '.'Yeas, Barns, Gardner, Hasslip, Tullysnd WooldridHs, b. • i -~' ' u `t .. . ~sr._L ,,, t , .. •• ~" _- -. - - . ,: , . .,, .. ,. ~ • _ , i. ~ t • ` .. • „~y toad, ~~ . ,'.u, ~+",. G~ '~z+,e..«'d..n~., ... ., . .. .. .~ .,Y ~ %:tx [ ~ .,.~:= ~~ r... ;;'s,- ,. ... m y H+~; ::P,... . l~ h' ~ f