HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/18 & 06/20/18~ ... «......,~..., ...T. -~ ,., No.~ Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah June loth i91~. Allowance "~' Mothers Clnb b( On motion o! Mayor Barns, that one halt of the allowance heretofore made to the Houes meat ~ - _ 8ettloment Hones, to-wits ~PE6 per month, bs given to_the Mothers' 01nb, and that the f . ! i Oom'r o! Finance be instructed Lo withhold and not pay over any allowance to the Settl~- ~ went House unless it agrees to keep young ahiidren daring the day in working hours while ~ the mothers are working- carried upon cell ot.the roll by the following voter Yesa, , Barns, Gardner, Harelip, Tally, and Wooldridge- 6. Cemetery deed ~, On motion o! Member Haselip, that the petition herewith prseAntsd, together with ~ ', Mre.Henrietta ~i affidavits, be received and !Sled, and that the City grant a quit-claim deed to Lot #bMn •• " Meek fiish. ~ : 81ook.~4 to Mrs. Henrietta Meek Gieh, and that the propea~ tranefes be wads on the records, provided, however, that no bodies now buried on said Sot shall bs rsmovsfl or disturbed- " ~ ~f', .carried upon call of the roil by 6 yeas. I Home-4uards ~' i, On motion of Member Gardner that a committee be appointed to confsr.with the armory. , Home Guards in regard to a building for an armory- oarriod upon osli of the roil by 6 yeas. Complaint vs. !' On motion o! Mayor Barns, the lomr petitions making complaint against the Milk' Milk Ineptr. ` . Inspector were received and filed, and Wednesday Jane lEth, at 4x00 P• M. was the timq! '~; set for the ooneideratioa o! the complaints- upon osil 04 the soli"by 6 yeas. Ordinances On motion o! Member Wooldridge, that Mr. Oae Orossland be required to bring in' eompiisd• j; ~ " the compiled ozdineaoee and Court of Appeal notes within ten days from this date- carried ? ppon call 04 the~~roli by,6 yeas. I ~ , . ~ ° ~ "". ~"` .__OS• motion the Board adjourned" upon call" o! the roil by the following vote= Yeas, Barns, Gardner, Heseli.P. Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. ~ Aa• ~ ~l- /? _191$ ~ ~P ~S~ • . -~~ . Before the minutes o 6/10/1918 weie approved Member Harelip made a motion vthioh oarr4led Ito reconsider vote ~ l on motion to d ivide 60 appropriation to Sett ement House bet. Settlement House and Mothers Cinb, and said " motion dividing said allorrenoe was felt open. ', June 17th. 1918. ? At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs Chamber o! •, the Eity Hall, Paducah, ~q. on Jane 17, 1918, upon call of the roil the following !, ' answsrefl their namest Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- b. ~ • Appropria- ' On motion of Member Harelip, that the vote on the division of"the appropriation tion to 9ettlemsat for the Settlement Horse with the Mothers Club and re uir the Sett]smeals House td . q ~8 ~• Hovae A "~=~' Mothers Olub~ take oars of. babies be reooneidered- carried npon~osll of the roll b the foilowi ~ Y nB 1- . ., .7ote: Yeas, Gardner, Haaellp, Tully, anBriNOOldridge,•4. Hay, Barns- 1. q On motion of the above, the mirnitee of the meeting of Juns 10, 1918 were • ~~ :,approved, subject to the motion bf Member Harelip to reconsider the vote on the motion ~~?"; F ,:° ~ o~ Mayor Burns with respect to dividing the appropriation oi~60 previously made to ', , i the Settlemrent House, between the Settlement House and the Mothers Club, othioh motio~y h , • is left open !or reconsideration- upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ' Sewer Dspt• y , • On motion o! Member Gardner, that the wages of the laborers itt the Sewer laborers. t Departmeab be iaareased from ~E•47} to $3 per day- carried upon Dail of the roll b Y s yeas. ~. !~ On motion o! Member Tully, that the payment od' Street Dept• pay roll !or tha ~ .. k wee ending June 18, 1918, amounting to ~Ell•66, be approved- carried upon Ball o! the roil by 6" yeas. ~ h ~ ~` i8~18 • { On motion o! the above, that the petition o! oitisens for the graveling of l1 t Trimble itreeb between 11th and lEth streets, be received.and !lied, and the m;ttsr ;, k ,, referred to the Oomtr of Works !or atte~ion- carried upon osii of the roll by 6 year. ~. ". ~ ~" ~ ~ . ! I ~ . t~ Ind. . _ .- .n. i,^a,,+ ~«. r,. da;+ asst 2~ ~,r ,.,: i y'°~ ' 1 ~ r 4 5 ' ~ ~ ~ . • I+t .. ~ ~ .. ^cer..., ,. I ~.,_ Commissioner's 8o~ming~or houses., ,~ . i ' {, Fire Department ~l employee ' granted ~8 rales.! I.0.0•F. band. of i , .. ..:~. ,:..c.. ~.. ~ I No,3[p On motion o! Member Wooldridge that no more ilosnsss be issued to women to run ~.,, boarding and rooming houses who Yormasiy ooadnotsd bawdy houesa~ and that those who now have suoh lioenses and are giving the p011os department trouble, have said lioonsea i revoked, and that ne rooming hones lioenee bs issued until the cpplioabion therefore has bees investigated by the Department..of 9afsty oarrled upon Dail of the roll by the toilowing•vote: Xsas, Burns 4ardnsr, Hassiip, Tully; and Wooldridge, 6, , On motion oY the above, that the Fire Department employees be given a raise of ~6`' .. saoh per month, and that the Oity Solloitor be inetruoted to 'bring in an amandmeut , ~. to the Retention Ordinance in eooordanoe herewith- oarrled upon Deli of the roll by . the following voter Yeae, Burns, Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Harelip sad Tally- 2. . On motion of Member Gardners that the I. 0. 0• F, bead bs allowed ~E00 for e~r- viaes in giving concerts for advertising the Oity, same to be paid out o! the advertising. fund- carried upon oall.of tho roll by the fo11ow1ng voter Yass; Burna~ Gardnsr~ .. Harelip, and Wooldridge- 4. Nay,. Tally- 1. On motion the Board adjourned neon oe1L of the roll by ,the following voted Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hazelip~ Tully, and Wooldridge 6. ~ d~ ptei ~.-.~n=-~-~-~91.t~ {e,pP~fp V•;u.,;~. , • dune E0. 1918• ~~, ~ '~ •r C.. ~ Lt a plea meeting of the Boars of Oommiselenere held in the Oomra Ohambes o! the Oity Halls Paamah~ $1• on duce E0~ 1918, open call o! tlu roil the ioliowlay anawerea their nameei Bayne; Gardners Hs:clip: ana'Tnlly+ ~. Oa motion o! Mambas 'Pal].y~ that the report o! Oom~r o! linanoe of recounts be receives and tiieh, sea Baia soeounte ~-].lawsa end oraerea paid- osrriea upon Dail of the roil by 4 yeas. On~motioa the Boss aa~onrned upon soil of the roll by the loliowing voter Yeas, Bmrns, Garmner~ Hassiip. ana Tnl]y~ 4. . 9- y 19f~ ~.~~. • ~ Heteation ors. ,: (f~i~e D pt~ 'i __ ~: ~~ . ~ ~ ' ~ "~ 'e . ~ i. • ~~ i ~, ,. - .. r ~ a y . _ . ~htns fA~. 1918• -,~. ~~,:, It a regular meeting of the Board of Oommisaionere hale in the Oomrs Ohambsr of the Oity Halls Padnoah, Jay. on dens E4, 1918 upon Dail of the roll the foiiowiag answorea' thole aemsst Burns, Gardners Harelip, Tu17y, end Wooldridge- 6• 1 On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the meetings oY dune 17th end 80th 1918 were sdoptsd es road upon Dell of the roll by B yeas., On motion of Mmmber Tn7.ly~ the payment of Street Dept. pay roil for the weak ond- ing dnno 2E, 1918, amounting to ~E31.76~ wse approved upon Deli of the roll by 8 yeas.) On motion of Member Wooldridgei AN ORDINANOJ3 AMENDING BUBSEOTION$ 1, 8, S, 4 AND 6!.• OF BEOTION 3 OF AN ORDINANCE EWTITLSG, "AN ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMEIA' Oa ~ RET$NTION BY THE BOARD OF COMtdISSI0NER3 OF TH$ CITY OF PADUQAH, OF'CERTAIN OITY OFFIOE$8, " AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEEB OF THE CITY OF PA~TOAH, KEPiTUCSY, AND FIZING THEIIt SALARIEB, .~ ~ POWERS AND DUT7BS," PASSED BY THH BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JANOARY E9~ 1918, was given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Burns, Gardner and ~ '`ii Wooldridge- S. Nay, Hassiip and Tally- E• • .,.