HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/18 & 06/03/18• No~~C ` Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci of Paduaah~tay ~~t* 191 '''.•~ '~ At a rsgalar meeting oY the Board oY Oommiseloners held in the Comrs' Chamber . _ f oY the City Hs11, Paduoah, ley., on Msy E7, 1918 upon Deli oY the roll the following • jl answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6, ~; . ~I On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes oY the meetings oY May EOtn, Elst `: ,. 'y ~~ and EEd were adopted as read upon Dell oY the roll by b yeas. . •P On motion of Mayor Burns, the rules.requiring 3 days servioe oY Dopier Cd' j I. ordinenoes and resolutions before meeting, wore temporarily suspended upon Dell oY ' ~~ tho roil b 6 • jl Y yeas. j.. ~' On motion of the above that the reoommendation of Com'r Gardner to award Storm Ylatsr J' . Sewer Tenn. 9t. '' ,; ~i oontraot to build the storm water sewer from 8th ~ Jones to Tenn. 3t. to the River, ~' • ~~ to J. Bell Gardner, be reoeived, filed, and oanourred in- same parried upon pall oY +• j the Y'O11 by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hesolip, and Wooldridgs• 4. i'. Nay, Tully- 1. • Resolution ~~ On motion oY Member Gardner, a Resolution awarding the oontraot to J. Sall ~ ,~. awarding Don- ~«. traot to J.Ba11 h Gardner to oonatrdot sewers Prom 8th & Jones to Tenn., theme down Term. 9t. tb the Gardner to Don- ~. river and instruoti the Ma or to enter into oontraot with said Gardner Yor the etruot sewer. , n8 y • oonetruotion of said setter in eooordanoe with plane ar:~epsoiYioations, was given its; ` (. paBSage upon pall oY the roll by the Yollonting vote; Yeae, Burns, Gardner, and . ;; Wooldridge- 8. Nay, Hsaelip and Tully- E. ~ . ' i'. On motion oY 1lembar Tully, the payaant oY the Street Dapt..poy roll Yor the wk j ,, !I ending May E6, 1918, amounting to x191.03, vme approved upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas., Eio1u-nge hypo j' On motion of Mayor Burns, that the Com'r of Safety be authorised to exohange anj writer at Fire ~ , Station '~1. Oliver typewriter at Fire Station ~1, with Frauk Moore, for a Royal maohine, and pay !' i. the diYferenoe of 'x30 for said Royal -parried upon pall of~the roll by b yens. « P. da I. granted is • On motion oY tl:e above, A RESOLIITIOII GRANTIIIG T1~ PADUCAH & ILLINOIS RAILROAD • .. extension oY COMPANY :tN EXTEISSION OF TILE TO BEGIN IIi GOOD FAITH T1IE CONSTRUCTION OF C~TAIN DEPOT3~ timo. js IN TEE CITY OF PADUCAII was iven its ~, , g presage upon pall oY the roll by 6 yeas. ~ . ,• i On motion the Board adjourned upon osll oY the roll by.the following votes j Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Hsaelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. ~, i f '~ June 3. 1918, « «~ i `• Lt s regular mooting of the Bosrd of Commieaionera hold in the Comrs Chamber. + . ':~ • " of the City Sall, Paduoah, I(y. on Jane 3, 1918, upon Deli oY the roll the following I • 6 ~' • answered their names: Burne,•Gardnsr, Hesolip, Tully, and Wooldridge- b. • j' On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the regular meeting held on ~' May E7th 1918 were adopted as read upon pall of the roll by b yeas. ~ willisms' servloes On motion o! Member Harelip, that the eerviose oY Mr. Ylilliams in taking ogre dispensed with 8 7w Williams oY the Oity Hall elevator be dispenee$ with, and that Joe Ylilliams be required to ! --. services and sal- rform said eervioee and in ooneideration of same that he bs given s raise oY tive j wry iaareaaed. Pe _ (~bl dollars per month- oerried upon Dell oY the rol]:•by 6 yeas. , .. ~~,: ... _. _ _.. payment oY the ~• ~ ,t. •~... i On motion oY Member Tully, the/Street Department pay roll Yor the week ending May 81, 1918, amounting to r~198.36, was approved upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. ~ Mre.o.W.Lewis ~ On motion of the above, that dead be exeoutod to Mrs. C. W. Lewis Yor lot X77 Cemetery deed. 1n Block 1, Oak Grove Cemetery, said lot being on Ford St., north eide,.between 4. ~' Stewart & Baker streets, she having paid therefor into the treasury the etm oY $40.OOt` as evidenced by receipt herewith- parried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. '' F 3 ~, (~..,~•• 1 1c, _.- ._ ~ -~i""_ Id Y - 1.c~lr~uiW.uI~,nuu~;en2ufYeaeeF~~tJ IYI',v~ ~.u~..iv_ ~, i:l:.i_ L _u- ! I ~J I n i. i _ _ u~._. I i. _ i~ ~~.ie. r.. ~ ._ . ~. T Y ~xWR(F b ~, 't.. Y(P N H . rR, • _ 1 ~ ~~~ ~. ___ .._~. ... • ,; - No,~ ~..•~.., Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jnne 3d ~ .191 a John Hessian On motion of Member Wooldridge, the oommanioation from Patrolmen John Hessian " sad L. ~. Graham was reoeived and filed, and Mr. Hessian allowed hie salary for 9~ .: "days in Apa~il that he was off duty on aoooant of an injury enstainsd while in the •. performanoe of his duty ea a poliob oPiiosr, upon oell of the roll by S yeas. Day Oaptain On motion oY the above, that until farther orders of this Board, that the Day charge of Police Dept. ~.. Oaptain of Polios, Hemy Bailey, have oharge and oontrol of the Po11oe Dept. ender the ` Oom'r of Safety, at a salary oY $116 per month; sYYeotive Jane let, 1918- oarried upon •" • oe11 of the roll by 6 yeas. ' ` Rseointion ( On motion oY Mayor Barns, a Resolution with reepeot to the.bnildiag of the Pad• - " ~ in. re. P. ~ I. ~, I11. R". R. Oo. terminals in this oity; urging esoh of. the interested oarriere•the tsrminsl9- nsoeaeity of•beginning work at ea early date, and pledging the support and oo-operation of the Board in say manner that same oan bs need profitably- was adopted upon osll of the roll by 6 yeas. • • N.0•bSt.b, ;:, On motion of the above; AN ORDINANCE QRANTINa TB$ HASIIPI7.lE, CEATTANOOGA dr"ST. spar trsok. ~ b0UI9 RAILWAY TSE RiGHT TO CONSTRIICT A 9PCR TRAO:IC ACROSS"30UTH NINTH STREET IN THE .CITY Or PADUOAH, %ENTUCKY, was given its"passage upon oell of the roll by S yeas; ~ • Settlement ~ motion of H~embsr Harelip, that $60 per month beginning Jens let, 1918 and Honae. ending Deoembsr 31st, be paid from the Charity ihmd to the 3sttlsment Honee oharity- r" " ~' Mayor Burns oifersd the~followixlg•motion by way::of amendment{ Thab'the request for donativn-to the Womeae"Olnb far the"Settlement Hoaae bs referred to the Oom'r of 1'inenoe"'tor report"si" to 'the fund, if say, oat of whioh a donation can be made- said • ." ~' amendment lost upon osll as the roll by the following voter -Yeas, Barns and ^nlly, 8. •. . Nay, Gardner, Haselip, and Wooldridge, 3. ~ d~~~ Upon oail of the roll the original motion ae oftdrsd by Member. Harelip oarried ~ f J by the following votes Yeas, Gardner, Heselip, and Wooldridge, 3. Nay, Barns end Tnliy, $. 1 '. ~ Member Hasslip wen saonsed from the meeting. . ' . City Ooii On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Oom'r oY,Sefety be authorised to rent Ysra. a ooei yard end parohess opal end get same 1n opsretioa by the time the side treok is pat down on the I. 0. R. R. near 0]ay; $y.,,~sre the City of,Pnduoeh has .ea option an ~ : a ooal mine- oarrisd upon oa11 of the roll by the.Yoliowi~ votes Y6ss, Barns, Gardner, Tally, end Yooldridge- 4. . • On motion the Board: adjonrnsa npon.oell oY the roll by the ioliowiag votes . Yeas, Barns, Gardner, Tally; and iooldridge- 4. • ; w i btA~DR: • ~ , ,: s" i ~ " ~_ ." . ~ _, " , . ~,. k-, ~ . "_. .. .. - t " ' " ~.i .' . . i :~;. ,. . • ,. _. ., _ :,. ~~ .~ _ ~- ~ ' ' ~' ~.. ^..., ~, ~~ ,vptrY ~,.a.w:,.d ^.;~`"!c;. ~SJ'S'. 'kT ,,. .c~Sr+~x'ti`i~sa..ti ~ ~ ~` pp.~:; •. .. ,*n, ,.. .~.r rr d.ri.!aa^.~p„",tl,'+kC,: .':ti:.;::+ a~ . ~ ~ ;sa ,.'., .. r " i ` ` ~ ~ ~ . .. ; _ ,