HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/18 & 05/13/181 __r .. ~... , , ..,,. ..;,~ t --__ ...w11-_...i~~.~.-(~ Commissioner's City of P~ducah_..~sy ae~ 191. On motion tlu Board dd~om nsd upon call of the roll by the loiiowing votes . Yeas, Burns• perdner, Haplip, 'Fully end Wooldridge- 6. ~ r> B[Al~B .. ab '~ Ys . Gj Mss 11th. 1918. •i '.. 10100 A. M. • G At a spacial ma sting oY the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs~ Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on .May li, 1918, at ten o'clock A. M., upon . !' call oY the roll tho Yollowing answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Haaelig, .: i Tully and Iooldridge- b. argnmenta in.re„ Tho Board heard argnmente of Hon. Chna. K. Wheslar,Yor the Paducah Traotioz Padmeh Traction Co. and Hon. ,E. W. Bab rspreesntin t o ilunioipal Ownership League, regarding t1N Qo• amendment. • 6 Y. g ~ i protests Yilod against the ordinanoo amending the Traction Co. Yranohis6. On motion of Member Haaelip, the withdrawal petitions oY those dseiring,to Withdrawal petitions - ~:, withdraw Yrom the appeal petition against the inoreaae oY Yarae Yor the Paducah Pad. Traction controversy. Traction Co., together with the other reoordo and memoranda presented, were received and filed upon cell oY the roll by 6 yeas. +, r The matter wee taken under oonaideration and decision of the Board dslarrsd i until the regular meeting on Monday, May 13, 1918. `. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call oY the roll by the following votes ~, Yeae, Buena, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. ~~ A p ~ / Nl~. .3P / .P7~D ~f < ~-z--r L / L-? gIAi.M111~.11~~1-.I ~l.I~L~r . .w ~'~R. . May 13th. 1918 .... . ~~ ~i; At s regular meeting of the Board oY Commieaionara held in the Comre Ohamber ol; ` the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on May 13, 19i8~ upon cell oY the roll the following ~,, .:. • ; i answered their nameep Buena, Gardner, Hasslip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. 'l On motion of Member Haaelip, the minutes of the meeting held on May 6, 1918 and.~• ' on May 11th, were adopted as read upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~ . i i. On motion of Clamber Gardner, the getition Yor a street light at 17th and Aflame (~ 8tareet. ~ight ~ street wee received and Yilad upon Dell oY the roll by b yoae. 17th and Adana ~ 8t. •. !~! . On motion of the above, the Com'r of Works wan instrnotad to plane a street 1 ' s , light at 17th and Adana street, or Where. it is beat suited Yor the purpose intanded~ • upon call oY the roll by b yeas. ~• 4 On motion oY Member Haaelip, the norEh halt of lot 17 in block 43; Oak prove ! Osmstsry trans-; ter from Jna• Cemetery, was transferred irom•Jaa. Maigan to Mrs. h`uphumia Patton, and deed from ~ . Meigan de wile ~, ~'• Msigan and hie wifa.ddn Meigan to Mrs. Patton retitled, ae per their request, .. to Mrs. Euphumie. upon Dail oY the roll b b ! y yeas. Patton. •" Laborers wages On motion oY Lhe above that the ~ . wages of laborers at the Oak Grove Osmetsry be j• • increased- `, Oak Grove raised from ~p1.86 to ~2 per dayr, carried upon call of the roll by b yeas. j• ,• , Cemetery. On motion of the above, that, the City 9olioitor bs instructed to bring in an Cemetery Ord. to be amended amendment to the Cemetery ordinance, changing the prise oY opening graves Yor infanta ?. raising price of . opening graves. from $3 to ;p4, adnlte from ~ to ~'6, to meet the inoresasd cost oY labor- carried s • upon call oY.the roll by-b yeas. ... r..,,_ :. that ' On motion of Member Heselip,/the Qom°r of Property be authorised to advertise the - - ` following lots in Oak Grove Cemetsrys . 1 162 in block X11 176 is block X11 Advertiae• ` S• ~ of 4bb in block 31 :206 in block 13 oometery iw N. of 4b6 in block 31 209 in block 14 lots. 210 in block 14 217 in Moak 14 a ` 40 in bloolc 3 269 in block 17 + for 10 Jaya in the daily paper, asking any owners or relatives oY predious owners to ~ ' file thalr claims with the City Commissioners on or before 20 days after said advertisemea4, ~. 'and if no anoh owners, relatives, or claimants Yor said iota appear, ghat said lot a be ' offered Yor aeie at a price to be Yiaed by the oommissionere, and that.the original price ' ~ ~:~ paid Yor said iota, together with 6~ interest from. the time of pmohaae to the time oP ~.~ sale be net aside an8 held in truet;Yor anoh owners, relatives or claimants who may hers- "I after appear, Yor the reason that these lots have been held Yor a great mm~ber of years . ~' without any improvement, and are very desirable and vainable iota- oarrisd.npon call of ' i the roil by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Tally, payment ,of the Street Dept. pay roll for the week ~~ ending May 11, 1918, amounting to x^214.04, was approved upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.. ' T•B.Orr On motion o3 Mayor Bvrae; the resignstion of T. B. Orr, Weights & Measures Inaptr., • ' resignation. ;I . was reoeioed filed and aooe tad n on call oY the roll b 5 ' . . P P y yeas. On motion oY the above, AN, QtDINANCE REPEALING SUII~CTION 12 OF SECTION 3 AND .SUB- . Ord. combining SECTION b OF 3EOTION 4 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTIT7.EDS "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT ~ ' office of ,Market Master OR RETENTIOIt BY THE BOARD OF C'0}+QiI3SI0ItI5RS OF THE CITY OF PADUOAH, OF CERTAIN -CITY and Weights A ~' , OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, IIENTUOKY, AITD FI%ING THEYR SA,LARIESo ' ~• Measures. POWERS AND DUTIES," PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COE4~SSION^x~RS JANIIARY 29, 1918 AND RECORDED JANUARY 31, 1918, AND CREATING THE OFFICE OF MARItET MASTER AND •WEIGHTS & I~ASURES INSPECTOR, AND FI3ING HIS SALARY, POWERS, AND DUTIE3 was given its passage upon call of , - the roll by 6 yeas.. .. - . Roy Hvrt On motion of the above, that Roy vrt be elected to Y111 the combined office of appointed ° Market Maetar Market Neater and We hta & Measures I~ctor- carried,npon call oY the roll by the ~ P a Weights 8s Mens following votes Yeae, Burns, Gardner,and Wooldridge, 3. Nay, Haaelip and Tully- 2. ' Inspector. On motion oY the above, a Resolution showing,the findings oY'the Board oY ~ • ' Commiaeianera in reYerenae to the-petitions oY persons protesting against the ordinance `„ Resolution in. re. amending the franchise oY the Paducah Traction go., regulating its street car (area, and findings of ~ ~ ~,. Board with ' with reference to the withdrawals presented and filed was fuss its . g .passage upon call of respect to `; Tra~tion Oo. the roli.by 6 ye~e. • con roverey. Member Garner offered the following motion: That the ordinance peened on A pr. 22, 1918 by the Board; amending an ordinance approved by Jae. P. Smith, Mayor, on Mar. 10 ;~ Traction Co. , controversy, 1911, on reconsideration by the Commissioners be repealed- said ordinance having . heretofore been avaponded by petitions of the legal voters of Paducah filed with thin Beard proteetin~ against the passage of said ordinance 'as foliowss On April 30, 1918 by `petitions filed signori by 1666 legal~votera of Paducah, and on hisy,l, 1918 by petitions ' signori by b2 voters of the City of Paflnoah, lase 61 names, being pereons.who were women,. •~ ~.°°°^, „• i J ,~°-'T . ~: :~, ~ Commissioner's Proceedings. City of Paducah ~y 133th ~o~ e ' b4smbsr Gardner moved that the ordinance i! passed by the Board oY Comrs on 2raotloa Company ~' April E$, 1918, permitting the Paducah 8trest Railway Co. to inarsaee the street oar' ooatroveray. ~ Yares.ia Paducah, and which ordinance is an.ansndmenb to an ordinance granting s ~' iii street oar Yranohias is Paducah, approved by Jamse P. Smith, Mayor, on Moh. 10, 19111!, • r be submitted to a vote oY the people at an oleotioa to bo held on Nov. 6, 1918- . p~ said motion was tabled Yor want aY a aeooad. ' ~ Member Gardner moved that the Commieaionsre on reoonsideratioa of the Traction Co. ~ Traction Coe ordinance amendment do not pass on the question as to whether or not is • oontroveray. ~. signers to the withdrawal cards ahonld be allowed to withdraw their names- said motion wsa tabled, receiving no asoond. j s .. .L. A. Graham - On motion oY Member Heselip~ that L. A. Graham be removed ae ChioY oY {" ~' Polioe oY the Cit oY Paducah 7(y, and that said oYtioe be declared veaent- j vacate otlios y . oY ~ Member Gerdnor moved that the Yollo+x8ng amendment be made to the motion C ChieY oY k! ~nst presented: That tho Chiei oY Polioe, L. A. Graham, ie hereby allowed 24 hours `~ !r • Polioe. fj in vlhioh to Yile in writing h1e reelgnation with the Com'r oY Sataty, and iY he doeaf" so, that same be accepted by the Com'r oY SsYety; otherwise, hie dlemissal to go into "i; effect at once- upon cell oY the roll on the motion as emended the members o! the BosrQ ~ answered ee Yollowa: Yeas, Gardner, Haeelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. Nays Burps- }. ~j IIpon call oY the roll on the motion ea originally oPYered by Member Haaslip, N the members oY the Board answered ea follows; Yeas, Gardner, Reaelip, and Tully- 3. ~~ Nay, Burns end Wooldridge- 2. " ~; IIpon motion the. Board adjourned upon cell oY the roll Dy the YolYowing ~ ~~ vote: Yeas,, Burns, Gardnar~ Heselip~ Tully end Wooldridge- 6. j ~ . ,' Hefore the minutes o! May 13, 1918 were approved, member Gardner oPYered a motion to reoonsideT the vote on the Resolution pertaining to the Pad. Traction Co. Pranohiaa ordinance, the petition or protest and withdranels theroto; said motion was ordered entered on the minutes and postponed Yor oonaideration until 2 ovolook P, M. May 21, 1918. - - - - - Member Gardner then oPYered another resolution beYoro the approval of said minutes, rescinding and amending the resolution oY May 13, which was ordered entered oa' the minutes and postponed until two o'clock May 21, 1918. - - - - - Mayor Burns thAn offered a motion to approve ~ha minutes oP May 13,>,9"Y8; aub~ect to above notion. ~.P .~~ +-de} a "` ~((yy , i;m, a..; Mav 16. 1918. 14fa`[~'~t• ~ ~ i At .a celled meeting oY the Board cd' Commiaeionera held in the Comra' QhaoDer oY the Cit Ha 1 Paducah s' ``+ Y 1 . , I(y., on May lb, 1918, upon cell oY the roll the Yollowiag•"j.;;,, ;, anawersd their names; Burns, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. ~ ' ,, On.motion of 1~dayor Burns, the rules requiring aervioe~oY oopiea oY ordinanoas •. ~ and roeoiutione on the oommiaelonore 3 days prior to meeting were tempo;arily•ana- ~ • i '. pended upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Resolution On motion of Member Gardner, a Resolution repealing a Resolution ;or the ooa• ~ repealing Rsa. ~""etraotioa oY atoam water sewers and intakes Yrom 8th and louse streets, extending Yor storm water ' Sewers. '' dove Bth et. to Jaokeon St., theme down Jaokeon 3t. to the River y ~ ,. .t , paesod b the ~ ~{ !: Board oY Commissioners oa April 30, 1918, wsa given its passage upon call oY the 1 ' ~, i' roll by 4 yeas. ' Reeolntioa ~ Oa motion oY the above' a Resolution providing Yor the oonatruotioa of storm ~~ " Yor oonstruotioa, water eewera.und iatekae Yrom 8th sad Joaoe Sta., down 8th street to Tannsasee St., 9to an Water Sewsra, etc. ;. `" } bhame down Tena. St, to the River, wsa Lead sad introduced and laid over oas week 1 , `, bsYore passage upon call oY the roll by the Yollowiag vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3. Nays Tally- 1. • ~' ; ~", t0 employster t Oa motion oY'Mayor Burns, the Market Master wsa instructed to employ a oA'rpopteT~, • carpenter. ~~. to assist him in patting np the ecxsens at the Market Honae, upon os7.1 oY the~roll,by'k~' ji 4 ,yeas. +; fffl ~~ i ! i .i • . I ~.