HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/18n: ~n _ .. .. -....._ t-c,~,,P~: ;::ir:^~i~....~w.w~~.4.=uopb-~ ,.,4.. ~::u~,~w~w..cww~,...~..~..u.-_.,..w..~..ssary........--'- - :~,w~. ., ~ . ,f ,, . p ~ ~.,:-,: - . M ':.. No ' Commissioner's of 1°ad~cah May 8th 191 ~ -. t a 4 t •_~ At a regnlex meeting oY the Board oY Commissioners held 'in the Comrs' Chamber oY . ~ the City Hall, Paducah, Byr. on May 8, 1918, upon Dell oY the xoll the ioliowing anewe;sd .their nameeE;Bnrns, Gardner„ Haselig, Tally 0.nd Wooldridge- B. • ~ On motion oY Member Gardner, the minutes oY the meetings oY~April E9 sad 30ffi ~'~ enl May 1st sad 4th were adopted as read upon pall of the roll by b yeas. Coams. reinee ~ motion of Member Hassiip, that the Beard oY Comte reYnss to Y~sthsr grant tree + Yree lioenes license to any show or osraival daring thy.period oY the war• anrrisd upon pall oY the to OARNI4AL8 daring wsr. roil by b yeas. , Report o! ~ motion oY Mep-bsr Gardner, that the report of Com'r oY Works Yor the month oY Comr oY Wks tlApril 1918 be rsaeived and Yiled- parried upon sell oY the roll by b yeas. , On motion oY Member Hsaslip, that Mrs. Ella Green,.Davis, oY Maple-Wood 8anitariam~ Mrs. Ella Orsea Davis .;.Owensboro, i(p.., be appointed head antes oY Riverside Hospital, eYYlotive Duns 1st, 1918, appointed head nurse ,pnra~snt to raoomme~ation oY Miss Mary E. Fpremea, Snpt.- serried upon Dell oY the roll Riversib• ;, by 6 yeea. , Bide Yor ~ motion o3 the abovo, the Oom'r oY Works was inetruoted to advertise Yor bids ' Sanitary `Yor the building oY the proposed sewer YrOm Eighth and Naa~ton streets to Jackson 8t. to sewer ., .;,the Ohio River- upon Deli oY the roll by 6.yeas.. On motion oY Member Tn17.y, the report oY sale by Com'r oY Finance of tsa bills . Ssle of tar ,unpaid Yor the last hall' of 1917 was =eoeived and Yiled and the notion oY tho Com'r oY bills last ,y~nos in making said sale and pnrahase was ratiYied upon pall of the roll by 6 yeas. ~s1Y 1917: f• Oa motion oY the above, the payment OY the 8tyeet Dept. pay roll Yor the week ';sndiag May 4, 1918, amounting to $181.36. was approved upon Dell oY the roll by b yeas. On motion o4 the ebovs, the Report oP Com'r of Finance of Oollsotione an8 ,'Disbureements Yor the month of Apkl1 1918 was received and Yilsd upon pall oY the. roll by 6 yeas. ,. _.- Cemstery l~ed•-,~~_ On motion oY the above, that .deed be exeonted to James boyd to the North ha1Y aY James Loyd: ' _ __. ~ lot 36 in block 47 on Weil Avs. Oat (trove Cemete ry;-hs having paid there4or the sum oY $60 into the treasury,. ae svidsnoed by reosipte herewith- parried upon sell oY the roll "by 6 yeas, Cemetery deeds On motion oY the above., that Seed be saeouted to Mrs. Maggie Patter to Lot 44 is Mre. Maggil Bloat $E on the North side oY Baker attest between Ford & Hannan streets, Oak Grove Pstter. Cemete . ry, she having paid thereYor the enm o.Y $30 as per ettaohed receipt- parried won - Dell of the roll by b yeas. . 'Hill oY C.A• ~ motion oY Mayor Borne, that the Qom'r,oY Finance be iastrnoted to pay the bill. We1L for aY C, A. Wells Yor badges Yor Poiios Dept, ns 0.8'a by Com'r of 9aisty- parried upon Deli '-;. Polity badges. , oY the roil by the Yollowlag vote: Yeea, Burns, Gardner; Harelip do Wooldridge, 4. Nay, Tally, 1. t • ,8sloon lioenp On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the saloon license oY R. Gellert at 1100 R. Oaliesi 'p, 10th ptre9t be.traneterrsred to 936 Madison street, as psr.his request herewith, • tranaisrred; ..providing he does sot as21 by drinks or in lees than gallon lots, sad none to be drank on . ,the premises- parried upon Dell oY the roll by b yeas. ' ~; Ohio River., ~ ~ motion of Member Tally, that the Mayer wire seastore regsrding improveme~ oY the Ohio. river, ae requested by John L• Vsaos, Pres. Ohio Qalley Improvement Aes'n- oarriid upon Deli of the roll by 8 yeas. ' On motion oY 1t4yor Boras. AN ORDINANCE A1~,NDING AN ORDIIIANOE ENTITLED, pAN ORDI• ''~ Ord. amendiag'.NANCB PROYIDING.FOR THE APPOiNTMENT OF AN OFFICER TO BE KNOWN A8 INBPSCTOR OF WSiGHTB, Weights b MEA8URE8 AND BALANOEB AND DOG OATCNER IN TSS CITY QF PADAOAH ~f. AND DEH'INIHG HI8 . "Measures Ord. ~ . . DIITIEB AND BALARY, PA88ED HY THB.BOARD Om' OOM~[I88IONERS.NOVEtdBER 8t, 1916, was adopited t,: - l `upon Dail o! th• roll by 6 yeas, ~ ' :;. ._ , - ,. - .. . . r , . .... .. , .. ... ~. 1 __r .. ~... , , ..,,. ..;,~ t --__ ...w11-_...i~~.~.-(~ Commissioner's City of P~ducah_..~sy ae~ 191. On motion tlu Board dd~om nsd upon call of the roll by the loiiowing votes . Yeas, Burns• perdner, Haplip, 'Fully end Wooldridge- 6. ~ r> B[Al~B .. ab '~ Ys . Gj Mss 11th. 1918. •i '.. 10100 A. M. • G At a spacial ma sting oY the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs~ Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on .May li, 1918, at ten o'clock A. M., upon . !' call oY the roll tho Yollowing answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Haaelig, .: i Tully and Iooldridge- b. argnmenta in.re„ Tho Board heard argnmente of Hon. Chna. K. Wheslar,Yor the Paducah Traotioz Padmeh Traction Co. and Hon. ,E. W. Bab rspreesntin t o ilunioipal Ownership League, regarding t1N Qo• amendment. • 6 Y. g ~ i protests Yilod against the ordinanoo amending the Traction Co. Yranohis6. On motion of Member Haaelip, the withdrawal petitions oY those dseiring,to Withdrawal petitions - ~:, withdraw Yrom the appeal petition against the inoreaae oY Yarae Yor the Paducah Pad. Traction controversy. Traction Co., together with the other reoordo and memoranda presented, were received and filed upon cell oY the roll by 6 yeas. +, r The matter wee taken under oonaideration and decision of the Board dslarrsd i until the regular meeting on Monday, May 13, 1918. `. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call oY the roll by the following votes ~, Yeae, Buena, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. ~~ A p ~ / Nl~. .3P / .P7~D ~f < ~-z--r L / L-? gIAi.M111~.11~~1-.I ~l.I~L~r . .w ~'~R. . May 13th. 1918 .... . ~~ ~i; At s regular meeting of the Board oY Commieaionara held in the Comre Ohamber ol; ` the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on May 13, 19i8~ upon cell oY the roll the following ~,, .:. • ; i answered their nameep Buena, Gardner, Hasslip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. 'l On motion of Member Haaelip, the minutes of the meeting held on May 6, 1918 and.~• ' on May 11th, were adopted as read upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~ . i i. On motion of Clamber Gardner, the getition Yor a street light at 17th and Aflame (~ 8tareet. ~ight ~ street wee received and Yilad upon Dell oY the roll by b yoae. 17th and Adana ~ 8t. •. !~! . On motion of the above, the Com'r of Works wan instrnotad to plane a street 1 ' s , light at 17th and Adana street, or Where. it is beat suited Yor the purpose intanded~ • upon call oY the roll by b yeas. ~• 4 On motion oY Member Haaelip, the norEh halt of lot 17 in block 43; Oak prove ! Osmstsry trans-; ter from Jna• Cemetery, was transferred irom•Jaa. Maigan to Mrs. h`uphumia Patton, and deed from ~ . Meigan de wile ~, ~'• Msigan and hie wifa.ddn Meigan to Mrs. Patton retitled, ae per their request, .. to Mrs. Euphumie. upon Dail oY the roll b b ! y yeas. Patton. •" Laborers wages On motion oY Lhe above that the ~ . wages of laborers at the Oak Grove Osmetsry be j• • increased- `, Oak Grove raised from ~p1.86 to ~2 per dayr, carried upon call of the roll by b yeas. j• ,• , Cemetery. On motion of the above, that, the City 9olioitor bs instructed to bring in an Cemetery Ord. to be amended amendment to the Cemetery ordinance, changing the prise oY opening graves Yor infanta ?. raising price of . opening graves. from $3 to ;p4, adnlte from ~ to ~'6, to meet the inoresasd cost oY labor- carried s • upon call oY.the roll by-b yeas. ... r..,,_ :.