HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/18Y. d.1. 14d, QAS.Y&'~!!L •ti.~ .1'EY . ' rY+, \, 'R'. ~ i i. i ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ .. ~iO1l711'lIS31onCT'S `'~ of No..~~ ~ ~ st a regular mseti ~ ng of the Board of Coamiesionsrs hold in Lhs Gomrs Chamber ' !. of the City Hall, paduoah, Xy., on bpril 8. 1918, upon call o S.ths roll the following . ,. answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. • On motion of ltembsr Gardner, the minutes of the meetings o t april,let and 4th, were adopted upon oell•of the roll Dy S yeas. Books of pad. ` On motion of Mayor Burna,,that prof. Jno. D. Smith be appointed to audit the Traotioa Co. to bs audited i~ books of the Traotioa Co. and to furnish the City a atetsment ae to oparatirg ex. by Jno. D. - ,. Smith. ;. psneee, earnings, and any and all information pertinent to the proposed inoreaee ~• asked by the Company, and that the Traotioa Co. be requested to bear one-half Lhs~ , i expense of said audit- oarried upon call oY the roll by 6 yeas. ` !' On motion of Lamber Wooldridge, that on eooount o t the oontroverey ae to ' Parse charged ;! whether or not the Board oY Comrs has a right to ol~nge the rate of fares originally ~. by Pad. a. Traotioa Co. l'. fazed in the franchise to the Railway Company, that the question be referred to the }' LotCir Tsoilrred LY City.Solioitor for a written opinion, before any further eotion ie ta>ren in regard to for opittion. the proposed amendment to said franchise ordinance- oarried upon cull of the roll is by b yoae. j ` imandment to ~ On motion o Y 1layor Hurne, that the oonaideration of passage of the proposed ~ Traotioa Co.. ~ ordinance amending the franohiao o P the pad. ^areotion Co. be postponed one week, until' " frenohise ~ • ! postponed. ~' i. the auditor's re ort and the o anion oY the Ci Solicitor shall be reoeived• P p ty ; ' i oarried upon call oY the roll by b yeas. ~ ` !> On motion of ltembar Tully, the payment of the Street Dept. payroll for the ~. j week ending spril 6, 1918, amounting to ~167.3b, was approveq upon cell of the ~ r roll by b yeas. ! , y • Cemetery deed ii ' On motion of the ebove• that oemetery deed be exsouted Lo W. T. Read for lot • to w. T. Read ' • ~ i ¢88 1n Block #2, on Be.ker St. ,• botween Ford & Hannan Ste., Oak Grove Cemetery, >s ~~: ' !' ;: having paid therefor the sum oY w40, ae per attached reoeipt- oarried upon cell o! ~• the mil by b ysea. :: Cemetery deed ! On motion of the above, that oemetery deed Da exsouted to E. p. Whooler,;ard~ j ; t , ` Whselsr. f! p• T. Thompson to Lot X68 in Block i)2 on the south side of 14111er street, between ~ ' • ~ Ford k Hannan Sta., oak Crove Cemetery, they having paid into the treuoury the sum ~ ' Ii o! .~60 ae par attached reoeipt. oarried upon call o f the roll Dy b yoae. j Y ~ ; ~ ' On motion of the above, that the request of a• }d, Foreman 9eoty, o! Otsgo •j ' Carnival wk. ; , ~ ' auspices of .Tribe of Rsd lien, that the City extend the Bed lien free license for the week of • R8D lf13!• ;~ 6pri1 15th, to hold a carnival on Tenth St. bat, Bdway, & Ky. aFs,, De grunted. i. ,~: ;, oarried upon oeil of the roll by b yeas. !, ' • Cemetery deed ~; On motion of the above, that dead bo exsouted to 11ra..flora t~dwards to Lot X38 ~ ' T lire. Nora Edwards, ~ . ~ ` in Block ~2 on the south aide o t !tiller street bet. Ford & Hannan, Oak Grove Cemetssx, ohs having paid therefor the sum oY ~y30, ae per reoeipt herewith filed- oarried , ¢• ~ ~ ~~, upon cell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ~ f , t Cemetery deed ~ On motion o! the above, that doed bs exsouted to ~ H Outlaw to Lot ~9 ~ ~, A. H. Outlaw. . . ~ • ; Block ~1, on the south aide of Baker street. bet. Ford da Hannan Sts., Oak Orovs Oeme- j tsry, hs having paid therefor the sum of yr10 as per reaelpt herewith filed. serried i ~ j' upon cell of Lhe roll by 6 yoae. ~' • ~~ 1 Street Dspt. ~ On motion o! !!ember Gardner, that the wages of the street laDorere be in- ~ ~ '- ~, street laborsrs wages inorsassd - ~` ,~ oisased from ~f{ per hour to ES}¢ per hour. curried upon nail of the roll Dy b yeas, 1 On motion of Member Hazelip, that the Mayor be instxuoted to cater into uon- f • Care at marine ~ I patients at tract with the U. S. Government Yor 2 ~ per day Por patients (marine) not suffering !' . , :.. 3 Rive;aids Hoe. ; , , with oontagioue disease, and yp3.60 par day for matins patients Buffering with,oonta- F ~ gioue dieeaeea,'while such patients are oared Yor at Riverside Hospital- oarried upon oell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ~`; ! 1' :a '~ `, ~. ,. i i. - . . , .,• f ... :. .. ~ ..: ~ .. ti..._-.r...-i-. ' 'tetra.. _,n.......~- ,..'~w~L.:+.+~..,>~.J... _~...v_.u..._..._......,. _'1 ,. _..~ y„-~.„-~,.o~~~,,a=, ~. a ~_Y:~,•~.~ ~: I L I L I I ~ I i m,-..,. ~..._ v~~,., .u.. ~ xy-..` ~,sv..:<•,...ar~~.-.r~~=<;..t.•,,.aic; ,.:,.y,,,-, ~-.,w<w.::.~w.:~...l.:n.r+.ww+.».w~nei - , •' .~ ~~~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ `?-+.' . . ~ /~ ,.,.,.,g - ~ ..... _ .. _ .... .. y,.i .. °, v ~; ` ~ i.~. • No J y ~ . // Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City of Paducah .Ivril 8th 191~oontinnsa On motion of Member Bazelip, the report of Com'r of Property in the matter of Lots in Oak ..Grove Cemetery Iota !n 0ek Grove Cemetery belonging to S., K. Bale, was Teaeived tmd filed. end the belongin to ' $• K. ~• oitq clerk inetruoted to eaeouts deed to S. K. Bale foz Lot ~t118 in block CEO, which ths,reaorda show he bought on Bov. 13, I8Q0, end the CSty 8olioitor inatruoted to draw, ,. i e apsoial narranty deed, to said S. K.-Bale for lot X307 in 81oak ~EO,.and said tr~ns- ', .. Errs shown on the Oity Cemetery raoord, upon pall of the mli by 6 yeas. , ~ Clerk to On motion of 1[ember Tully, that the Retention Ordinance be amended to inarsea• . Oom'r of Wks the eulary of C. W. Bell from 890 to x"100 per monk, etfeotivs April 1, 1918- parried aalnry in- oreased• upon pall of the mil by 6 yeas. i Y•~Ohio Ya13ey •~ On motion of the above, that the Ohio Valley Trust Co. be made a Oity Depository ;.,y, ' 'rne~ated ~, and X10,000 of the epeoial newer fund now on deposit with the L'sohenioe Trust d< deal `; 9Feofal City u gevinge Bank be plsoed with the Ohio Vall Trust:0o.. ~ 4A interest ' Depository. '' ~' n . payable semi- . .. annually- oarrled upon Dell of the mil by 5 yens. • Bond of J.W. ~ Un motion of )bomber Wooldridge, that the Rational Surety Co. be released Prom Fowler re. Further liability on tha bond of d. W. Fowler. formerly merchant patrolman- parried leased.. ~. • ' -'-,upon pall oS the roll by b yeas. . On motion o.P Lieyor Borne, that the rules regarding serving oopiea of ordinanoee a days prior to meeting. be suspended- oarrled upon,oall of the roll by b yeas. I On motion of the above, eN ORDLNxNOB .-t1:NDII1ti 3UB5isCTIOH 4 OF S3CTIOB 1, AND SUB• Amendment t0 gLCTION 8 OF "ah'CTIUN 3 OF AR OADTiiaNOiw .:i~^aITL'c]D "AN OADINARCIs' PROYLDIIi'C I~7d Tri8 Retention , • q Crd• .r APPOINi7+i3NT UR iwTls~tTIOR, BY iHa'.~OARD OF CUlie{I35IOI+b]ii3 OF :li10 CITY OF PADUCAB, OF ,. G - . • 6 `Ou"~RT~'IN CI^aY UFFICIsRS, AOBIiT3 ARD I~IPLOYii:3 OF T~iB CITY OF PADUCAH, K~`RTUCKY. AND • FIXINO TBtyIA BALSRIn3, POGF3R3 AND DUa^IEB," PAB3FiD BY iII$ BOARD OF COL'LiIS4I0NBRS ' JANUARY E9, 1919, was given its passage xpon pall of the roll by the following vo4e2 Yeea, Horne, Gardner k Wooldridge- 3. ltny,.Bazelip 60 ^anlly- E. - ~' In. re. Faroe On motion of the above. the petition signed by 36 employees of the Paducah ^,raotion :~ o?iarged by =':Pad- Traction Co., asking that the BonrB grant said Oompany the right. to oherge more for Ynree- Oo. , was received and filed upon pall oY the roll by 6 yeas, ~. ;,~~, + On motion tho Hoard adjourned upon nail of the mil by the followir~r votes Yeas, '~ ;w"~ ~ Borne, Gardner, Baalip, Tully and Wooldridge- b• • ~ ~ . • p ... ~, - -- ~, '.;F - `.. - , ,,, .,- . , '. •,,, ~~~-;~. - .try.t•.x. . ,. ~ h. '~ h` ~1`~..` J .. .. • ~pY,- y t, :6%r •,~'. a i. 1 •.• 1 7 - .. i ,, { ' I - 23 3 - ,