HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/18, 04/01/18, & 04/04/18~' ~. ~, ;a~„ a ,. .,, ... , .... .,. , " Commissioner's Proce~dmgs, City of ,,, ,~~~. F "~ ~ No._3~ ~L.~ " bt a special maetingof tho Board of Commiseionere, held in the Comre~ Chw bar of the City $all, paduoah, LCy., on ltaroh E8; 1918, upon call of the roll the • following answered their.namea; durna,.Gerdner and gully- 3. .. Hat'1 Surety Co On motion of Mayor iiurna, the National Surety Co. eras released from the bond released from bond of Oliver I of Oliver Jones, upon call of tho roll by 3 yens: ' Jonan. , On motion of tho above, the bational Surety Co. was roleeaed from 'the bond od Bond of E. ii. Stewart re•" E. W. Stewart as special patrolman for the B. C. & SL. L. R. R•, he haviig left leased. s ~; the service of that company, upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. On motion o i the above, that the aPgreRate bill of ~p240.60, for equipment Of Equipment ~l .Milk Depot. j, !Silk Depot ~1, be elioped- the propesty to remain.that of the City of Paducah, a~ . i, that ohaoke be drawn for the reapeotiva items making up the total amount. carried i upon pall of the roll by 3 yeas. ,. is - On motion th 8 d ~; ~~ APRIL 1st. 1916. {.. , i' F . At a regular moeting of the Board of Commiesionsre hold in the Oomrs~.Chambsr ~; i e oar adjourned upon aall of the roll by the following vote] • P Yeas, Burrs, Gardner and Tully- 3. 't; Ad pled ~~'! 191.: ~x~P~ • °~ '~'~~~~~~~y -`t~'~ .mil' Y aaemi~. . • of the Oity Ball, Paducah, Fy.; on April 1, 1918, upon call of the roll the.tollow- ' fag answered their names; Burns, Oardnsr, Bazslip, Tully and Wooldridge, b. i> - ~. " On motion of Member Cardner, the aiinutoe of a re~lar meeting held oa ltasoh W6 '.~ ' anA of a special mooting held on itnruh EBth, 1918 were adopted ne road upon onll of I ~'. the roll by b yeas. f Som Bailey On motion of itembsr Cardnsr, that Thomas Bailey. ~saito.r; M allowed five dollari sllowsd ,fib •strs. per month. ; Psr month sztra, to pay for extra help required to keep the first.floor of the City ~,,' Ball clean, oarrisd upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burns, > .. Gardner k Wooldridge, 3. Hays, Bazslip and Tully, 2, ~ t Ike Aokelman . On motion of lSeyor Burnt, that Ike Ackernan be given ~i0 increase par month and r salary inoreseed: that the City 9olioitor be requested to bring in an amendment to the i?etsntioa ordi. } nanoe to that effect- oarrisd upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, ~ I" Burma, Gardner 6c Wooldridge, 3. Bays, Bazslip and Tully, E. !, Jae.. F. Allen ~ motion of L'ember Hazelip, the >usyor was instructed to sign contract with { ' contract. . ... Jea. F. .:lien for rent of Jackson Biil farm, which contract ham boon drawn up by ;, the city aolioltor, upon call of the roll by b yeas. i- Oemsterryy trans- On motion of the above. that the Board rntify transfer of seat ~ of let 1?31n ; for 8vitte & , ; Walker to Dlook •H" in Cak Grove Cemete `" ry, on the south aide o t L'egnolla St., from J. 8. Evitte,~ ititoheil. ~ ]tamie Evitte Walker sad husband C. L. Walker to Silas L1ltohell, and that the clerk be inatnxoted to make tho proper transfer in the cemetery deed book, oarrisd upon ~ i cell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ' On motion of Ltember Tully, the payment,ot the pay roll for the Street Dept. for the week en ding Lter. 30,.1918, amounting to ,174.61, wen approved upon call o t the ~~ roll by b yeas. # ~~ • .. ~ •• H. 3eits ~ ~ 1 , ~+ motion o! the above, the complaint of A. LI. Seita ea to the condition of the complaint. allay in the .rear of his residence at 1036 Lionips street, was referred to the Com'r of Wortx for attention, upon call of the roll by b yeas. Cemsterrgg deed On motion of the above, that deed be ezeouted to Wheeler W. and Chsa. Boueer to to W. W. k Chse.;; Boueer. ; ,~ f Lot 7 in Block 43 in Oak Grove Cemetery, the sum of X100 having been isaid therefor t ~ s. . ( ~ s_..- . -^^7- n~..^°'.•~~'~~'!~w'~.. .... . ~.._.,.. .... ...... ,._. ......~.... w,.,_...w.,_. ..k.._._. ,.„... ..~. ., ~p..Y,. ~.,.ww,~,.._.... I. ~i . ~..w.,... ,.. ,..•... vi raw»rv m~ «~-~w•n. .. ,~. ~;~, _ ., .,,f . r ~ 4 .. ~ ...,...., . .,.....:;M,.X.e~...w., ,;,: V; Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April Tat 191. ,; sa evidenced by the reoeipta herewith, oarried upon Dell of the m11 by 6 yeas. '?""`" ,Chats in. re ~ On motion of Mayor Hama, that the Com'r of Finance be inatraoted to the pa9 ~ ~ on sp cost bill of X6.90 in the case of.8praggs va k'oonsy oarried u on Dell of the rolh by' ~ lio eq , p . -,. the following vote;. Yeae,.Burna, 4ardner & Wooldridge- 3. Nay. Hazelip & Tully- 2. ." Bond of On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the bond of Walter Oaspenter be released ` Walter Oar- pentar ' and hie eurst dieohar sd frrom further liabilit oarried ~ y 8 y- upon call of the roll by' +' released- • .b gees. .. ~ ~ ~ On motion of Magor Burns. that the Oita Solicitor be instructed to bring in en Hnmane offiesr•~ ~ osdinanos defining and proscribing the duties and oreating.ths office of humans Offioss, ' and that the oitq Steat r6 Milk Inspector bs required to perform the duties of said - oifioe- oarried upon Dell of the roll bq 5 gees. On motion of the above, the rule requiring copies of ordinanoee, etc. to bs flirniehed the oommisaionera three loge before meeting, was temporarilq suspended upon! ~ i Dell of the roll by b yeas. ; On.motion of Member Wooldridge, AN ORDINANOS ^aU A}dBND AN ORbIItANCB EtdTITLBD "AN 'Ord. to ORDINANCB PROVIDING FOR :118 HALE OF et. FRANCHISE AND PRIYI78G8 FUR TIiB PURP038.0! emend Traatioa SRECTING, OP&RATING 6ND L;AINTAININfi AN LL&CTRIC Sa^Rr~`^a R6IbWAY OYSR CSRTAffi STREETS IN ' Ordinance. THS O Il'Y OF PADUCA$, KdiJTUCKY, APPROVED BY dAA1S3 P. SMITH, ltAYUA. ON ^a HE 10th DaY OF ~ btAACH 1911" sea introduced and laid over one weak before being taken up for passage " ~ upon sell of the roll bq the followiag votes Yeae, Bnras, Hazelip, ^aully de Wooldridge- 4. Nay, Gardner, 1. ~b00 allowed' ,. Hoard of Trade. On motion of Member Hazelip, that the avm of ~b00 De allowed the Board of a^rade for advertising Paduoeh, said sum to be deauoted from easy sum hereafter appropriated ~,,, o ' to said Hoard- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b gees. Compplaint i t On motion of Mayor Burns, that the petition of citizens protesting against the ~ga ne oow lot of H.i'. oonditioa of a oow lot belonging Lo B. F. Magee, 141 Clemente street, be referred to Lhe • lieges. city Meat & Milk Inspector, to suppress anq nuisance that may e:iet- oarried upon.oall ,. of the roll bq b gees. On motion the Hoard nd~ournsd upon call of the roll by the ibllowing votes - ~ ~ ~; 1 Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hazsilp, Tully end Wooldridge- 6. ~ ~ - AOoPie~ 191 y CALLED VESTING dPRIL 4, 1918. ~ • " 4t a called meeting of the Board of Oosomiseionsre held. iss the GomrE' Ohambsr of the ~ City Ha11, Padvoah, Ry..ott April 4.;1918. upon Dell of the roll the following answered ~-~, • their names: Burns, Gardner, Hazelip,Tullq and Wooldridge- b. ~. ";R. On .motion of itember Tully,. thf report of Oom'r of Finanos of aeoounts and ralariee ~; • - for March, amounting to X16,784.19, was reoeivsd and flied. and said aooounte, etc. ~ • allowed and ordered paid. upon call of the roll bq b yeas. Vii'. On motion of the above, the Repo;t of Oom'r,of Finance of Colleotione 'end Liebarae+ ~ manta for iteroh 1918 wee reoeivsd and flied neon sell of the roll bq b'yeas. - ~ , -~ Market Hones Oa motion of ltsmber Hazelip, the Market Maetar wee Snetruoted to Dices the Market Hoasi ' close gat. Y. M.- on Saturday, April 6th, from on6 to four o'clock P. M., oa account oaths Liberty Loan : , ~~`"` LIHHRTY LOAW Parade- Parade- upon Dell of the roil by 6 yeas. , Z On motioa the HoarQ ad~ovrns6 upon call of thb roll bq"the following votes Yssa;' ~ ~ . " ~• Burns, Gardtter, Hazelip, Tully.b Wooldridge-. 6'. ~ ~• . .. d ~.~191,~ 1` , . A ~ - `' 1 ~ • ~,.....~ - ~p tr.r ~~ .yam„ - _ . ~ h^ ~ r. it' . ~ ~ i~iNl .. } , .. .. ~,e ~ L: ,. , • y • .~