HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/18 & 02/18/18,., 1 ,, , ' ... •~ ,r ..No.,..~~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduaah- v.t~,~a ~ s.__191.8_oont~n •~~ ~- - Saloon license of On.motion o tldembsr Mooldrldgs, the saloon license o t Ohas. ;verist at fA0 Ry. Chas. Iverlst transferred to , Ove. was transferred to 0. L, Diokssaoa, at the easy location, in eooordatios M tk ii ~' C.' b, Dioksseaa. segneet of Ohas. Iveriet hereto attached- npoa call of the roll Dy 4 yeas. On motion tho Board ad~ournsd upon 0811 of the roll by the toilowing vote= • ~ ]Fens, Hurna, Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge- 4, ~: ' 191. ~' ~?~.~'•~~u'~'''~Ia ' ~ Qda~ ~. 1l . ~; ,. ,~ ,: , • n { ES H3UrHY 1,6~ 1918. !~ ' rt a celled meeting of the Board of Couaiiseionere held in the Commissioners ' - ;i . Chamber of the City gall, Paducah, Ky., on Tebruary 16, 1916, upon oall.of th e • •• }; roil the following answered their namsss .Horne, Gardner, Hazslip and Tully- 4• . ,. City borrow On motion of liember Tully, the 3[eyor and Oom'r o! Pinanoe were suthosiesd ' ~3b 000.00 e`' • r: to borrow from the City Uat~l Baak the snm of ~3b,000.00, pledging the city taxes • i • for, cams, and to axsouts Hots for the amount, due Jnly 6,.1916, upon call of the ' r • ti roll by 4 ye8e. < i:' • allowanos foe On motion of the above, that payment of $60.00 for fled Oross 1817 sae le, .° flsetorose seals and of the amount of ;$41,7b4.60 on note and interest due, making a total of r $41604.60, be approved. carried upon call of the roll by 4 yens. On motion the Board ad~ournsd upon call of the roll, by the. following •otes Yeas, Horne, Gardner, Hazslip and Tully. 4. ' !. 'r; YEBRU6HY 16th, 1916. { - o At s regular meeting of the Board o ! Commiselonera held in .the Comrs~ i ' - Chamber of the City $sll, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 16, 1918, upon call at the 6 . ' ~: tall the following answered their names; Burns, Hazslip, Tully and Wooldri~ a- 4 ' i~ kember Cardner encored that meeting. • ~~ On motion of idembsr llazelip, trio minutes of the meetings held,on Peb:uaiy l8 !~ 1916 .end on JI'obruary lb. 1916, wero adopted as read upon call of the roll by Lhe. ' ~' following vote; Yeus, Burns, Gardner, L'azelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6,, < fligraide ~~ On motion of Bomber gazelip, th8t Lhs Oity Solioitos be instruotod to bring ~~ . ~~ ' Hospital. ~ in s ssaolution inorsaeing the rent of rooms st the Riverside koapitai, and the: rats '. ' of ohasgas for I. 0, Aellroad oaeos. carried upon Deli o ! the roll by the tollowiq< • .• ~ ~~ vote; Yeas, Hurna, Hazslip, Tully 8nd liooldrldge- 4, yiey, Gerdnes- 1. hiss Tralnor~s ~~ On motion of the above, the resignation of hiss Trninor, as herd nuresct resignation ' • eoespted, ~ flivereide Hospital, was eooepted upon call of the roll by b ye8e. ' ~ Iaeuranoe on ~~ ~- motion o t the above, that the ineuranoo policies on public propst~+, which •. pity property. i wero trenaterred by the old Doard to the pept, of pffaire, be transferred to the ~ i- ' ~ Dept. of Public property, and that the Comer of Public Property ba Riven the. • ~~ charge and management of the same- lost upon cull of the roll by the tollowfig vote= yeas, Hazslip and fully. E. Hay, Borne; Cardnsr, Wooldridge. 3. ~ ~ , ,' . t .,. ~+~' ,, •.? 'p,..: I ~~;,.: I .. I .'~: i , ' r, • , '- ~'+, On motion of ISembsr sully, that the payment of the pay roll of the Street Dept ..for the weekending February 16, 1918. amounting to ~j148.90- oarried upon cell of tha ~ ~ , roll Dy b ytee. .. iiat'1 Suretq: Oa motion of the abora~ the Rational 8urstq Oo. wen released from Lhe saloon ..~ Oo. releosed ! oa bond of bond of Ohas. Iverlstt ea of February 13, 1918. upon call of the roll by b yeas. Chna. Ivor- lett. On motion of Lember Wooldridge, that the request of P. 8. Johnston for a F.S.Johnston; transisr of hie retail aolfee house license at 1034 uurral Hv. to 8. Oalisei be transferred.; granted- oarrisd.upoa cell of the roll bq b yens. ! -, • Donation to °: On motion of iieyor Burns, that one hundred dollars be donnted to the Rational Nst~~l Rivers give re & Hnrbors Conaresa .for the oanalisetion of the Ohio river- oarried upon aaII ; " i Hsrbora Qongreee. of the roll by 6 gees. Sale of On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor be requested to bring in an' aeoond hand ~ ordlnanoe re latin the sale o! aeoond hand olothin and roridin that befor4 same ' clothing. ~ g g. F 6 • ? shell bs offered for sale that it shall be thoroughly oleaased and eterillsed undo; the direction of the Board of health- oarried upon call of the roll by 6 gees. r, paduoah ? On motion of the above, that the invitation of the manager of the padutah Traction Oo.! ' invitation. Traction Co.. to inapeot its properties, Ds eooepted by the Hoard- oarried upon cell 0!' ' the roll. by b yeas. ' lioth~re' Qlnb On motion of the above, the communication of the ltothere' Club, also the request ~ r Settlement of the Settlement House for a donation ,were referred to the Board to be aoneidered in Hours. ` mnkie~g up the budget- upon call of the roil by 6 gene. ~ •. Oliver Jones ' On motion of the above, the resignation of Oliver Jones, motorcycle ofiioar, eta d resignation ' eaospted ~, thin !ey tendered, wen ireoeived, filed, and aoaepteA-upon Dell of the roll by b gees. Board of Oa motion of the above, the foliowinir persona we;e appointed and.eleoted .°~, fi'salth. members of the Hoard of Health o'f the City of paduoah, to fill the vaoanoiea now ~ • existing, to-wit; ~ "Fred Speck to fill the plsae formerlq.held by J. F. grsdeh¢w, Jr. ` Dr. 6l. 6i. Dooley n n n n n " Dr• lf• H• Ptraona, Dr. H. p. ;inn. Lo suaoeed himself. • upoa•gall of the roll by b gees. Donation to On motion of the above, that a further donation of i1b0.00 be made to the Weat West Ky. •" Industrial. Kentuoly Industrial Oollege as a final. appropriation for the year 1918- oarried upon ' College, call of the roll bq the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Gardner and Wooldridge- 3. Hay, i Haselip and ^aully,'2. Communioatioa On motion of the above. that the oommunioation of prof. D. H. ~udereon and Fred: D. H. rlnder- eon ~ Fred, Heger be received and filod, without eolmowledging any obligation or order of either Heys r. ,'whatsoever, ea the City hoe heretofore expressly declined to reoogniae the order of '.~nderaon to pay Heyer $300.00 out of any appropriation- oarried upon cell o'f the roll .j by b gees. ` 3ity 8olioitos On motion of Member Harelip, that the Cltq Soiiaitor be 9nstruoted to furnish to furnish opinion on ~ e written opinion upon the authority of.the Oity to donate to institutions, charitable • City~e eu-. thoritq to' and otherwise, and eapeoiatlq ae to our authority to donate to such inetitutiona"not donaZs. aithia the oily limit8-.oarried upon call of tha roll by b yeas. ~ .. On motion the Board adjourned apoa cell of the roll sy 6 yeas. ' Y ~, r ~, ; r