HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28-01/29/18 & 02/04/18.. - '~ "gins n °at".1 ~f: Colr~missioner-'8 PFOCeGdings, City of Parlt~h Janaar, Eeth ~,r,~~ ,. It s regains meeting o;.the 8oasd.a t Oomaleoionere held'3n the Oouuoisaioaera OhemDes o t the Oity Heily Pnduoah~ 8y., on Jan. E6, 1919, upon.onli oi.the soli the ! -, { ,; following annesed their nsmeet Bursa, Onrdaer, Bnselip, Tully d Wooldridge. b.• i,,, . ~ On motion of )dayor 8nrne, the mooting ad~ousned until Jan. 89, 1819 at 1x80 ~: '' P. 1[. .this being "heatless" day. upon Dull o t the soil by b gene. ~ ~ . i i. Jannns~ E9y 1919. ~ ,. .. ~-t an ad~ousued meeting of the Board o t Oommiasionesa held in the Oomr'• . ~ . ". QhamDer of the City Ball, Paduoah, Ky. oa Jna. Ee, 1819. upon osll of the roll the . 1 following answered their names: 8urne, Onrdner~ Harelip, Tully & Wooldridge. 6. - ~ - ;• ~~ Oa motion of ltembsr 0ardner, the minutes of the previous umetinga held oYt • •k '. Jnauasy ~. EE, Eb and E6th were adopted ea read upon Dail of the roil by 8 yeea. .' i • Cit Pnrohase ~ . On motion o tliember Tally, the sotion of the Oom'r of Finanoe in purohasing ~ ltar t House "end. ; Market Some bond #E9 O 91~ and interest, was approved upon Dell of ths.roll by b you, • ~ r Oa motion of the above. payment of the street Department pe~y roll for the { • week ending Jan. E6, 1918, amounting to X469.90, was appmvsd upon Dell of the roll by • 6 yese. I ~ ,. Wm. petty '' On motion of lisyor Burns, the Oom'r of Finanoe wee inetrnoted to notify Wm. •• e:eante new saloon 1loenae petty to sssoute new Dond on his retail oottee house liaenes, the National Surety po. ~~ ~ bond. .;: by its agent Anbsr Smith. having signed hie Dond thrn error, apon Dell of the roll Dy ~.. ~ ~ ~ i • . 6 yeas. ' • Commnniostioa On motion of HsmDer Tn11y, a aommnnioation from C. H. Riker, 1tgr. of 8uraka Coal &u~c~ ~~ Ooai d Coke Co., in regard to ooal weighed by 1tr. Tom Orr, Weights & Lteas. Ineptr., ~ -. was reosived and tiled upon Dail of Lhe roll by b yeas. Hill tot On motion of the above, the bill of Gus G. Singleton, Oounty Court Clerk, i ` • SLBCTIOW ~ • 8EP8N989. : -~~r se to eleotion e:psneee he olaime due by the City, was seterred to the City 8oli~oitor -.~.•. • ~ ios written opinion upon Dell of the roil by b yeas. ' . , Bi11 of rlmmsri- ; . Oa motion o t the above, the bill of Amerioan LaFrenos Pitw Engine Oo. of date;` . ~::„ • Dan EaFranae - Fire 8ngine Oo.': Deo. 8,1917, amounting to $106.18. wee referred to the City~Bolioitor for ad~ustmsnt, upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. i W.J. Forrest On motion of Hayox Bnrne, that the bondsman on bond of W. J. Forrest. epeoial" bond released. ~ : i. . : patrolman, bs released, hs no longer being 1a the ssrvias of the Palmer Hotel Oo., i:A ' ' 'i i oasried upon Dail of the roil by b yeas. ' J. T. Webb , r, On motion of the aDova, the oommuaioatioa of the Palmer Hotsi Oo. requesticg• • granted polioe ; powers. that polioe powers bs granted J. T. Webb, watohman at the Palmer Hotel, was reosived i' ~ sad filed. and said J. T. WeDD was Rrantsd polioe authority upon s:sautioa of usual ' bond, the City not to De liable for any dalary- upon osli o! the roll by b yese. ~ ~• • Wm. Hsibaoh ; ~ motion of the above, the oommunioation of llary~$. Heibeah, pdmrt. was saloon liosaae j i. reosived k tiled, and 1loenae.iseusd to William Hsibaoh at 4th ~ Jetteraon St. treaef " transferred. ~ t' furred to Henry Hsibaoh d J. T. Barr, et the name looetlon, upon Dail of the roll Dy . j• ' b yeas. ~ ; ~.. , Proposed ea»ad, f •On motion of Member Harelip, that the proposed retention ordinanoe be ameadeq; meat to Retention eo that the I,loenee sad Ws ighte k leeasuroe Inspeotor be olasssd ae a atrolman , p ,.and • Ordinanos. lnolndsd and oovsrsd by the ordinanos ea snob, and that the whole number of atrolmsa ~ P . f . ^`iy~`. "~_ inolnding said Inepsotar be twenty-ei=- same to et upon o811 of she roll by th6 ~ '~~°° i;tollowing votes Yeas. Harelip and Tully. E. Nay, Burns, Gardner a Wooldridge; 8.. ,' ~-•~1 - 's~.~.-~a*+e.Fs~r~.^~fio~+r'~;'!~rp~*~*R+~:?~~~:;~:~e~.~s^wr~:~c~t+r a~a+>a~saa~~ta~ . ,~ ._..r ~, . _ , ~ <. a'. . , „_ . , ~. .., •.. .~~. ~.r 4y~-. . '.. .•;~ :, ~_ ter- ~ • ' No.,'~~,.,'.~ i~ - Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah asmiars E9 d91~ a'.~ ~ ~ Retention On motion of Member Hasslip. that 8eo. 1 0! Snbeeotioa 4 of the retention ordi- Ordinanoe Amandmant. canoe be emended b atrikiag therefrom all of Lhat art of said snbssotioa bs na ~ y p gi ing :Y~. ,with the words "In.ths event any additional aenitary ofilosrs are appolntsd". eto. flosn ' ~~ Lo 8nbeeotion 6- same loot upon oall of the roll by Lhs following rotes Ysas, Baselip • Tilly- 8. Hay; Hnrna-,.Gardnsr & Yooldridgs, 3. ~-~ Retention On motion of Lhs above, that Sao. 3 of 9ubseotion.9, Olsrk to the Oosf`r of 8afsty, _ ~ ~ " Ordi:~eaoe Ameadmsnt• ~ be atrioksn from the Retention ordinanos, eo that cams when amended will read withon! ~ ' ~''9 . ~~ eny provision for snob offiosr- same lost upon oell of the roll. by tbs. following votes Yeas, Hasellp de Tully- E. Hay, Hnrne, Gardner k Vooldridge, 3.. F. Retention ~ On motion of the above, that Ssotion 1 of the Retention ordinnnoe Ds emsr~sd by Ordinanoe smendmeat ~ atrlki therefrom th9 words "as of Yaroh 1 1918"- same loot n on oell of the roll ~ . P by ' { =.tts~ followia vote: Yeab Hassii k Tall E. H B P y. ay, Bursa, Gazdnsr & Yooldridge, S. '~ ~;~ , • RSTSNTIOH i, On motion .of Mayor Burns, AH ORDIHAHOH PROYIDIDIG FO$ a}1B APPOIHTltEHT OR RP+THetTIOH. r ORDIHAHOB . BY TRH HOARD OF COMtiI83I0NSR8 OF THS.CITY OF PADUOAH. OF CBRTAIH CITY OFFI08RS, AGHtfT9 ~ dDOPTSD. ~ _ ~.~ . ~' A1D ffitP1AY&S8 OF THS OITY OF PADUGAH. KItDi^aUO~(. AHD FIZING TRBIR BALARI$S, POHSRS AHD, • ' ` ` •~ DUTIHB, wsa adopted upon osil of the roll by.ths following votes Ysae. Buena, Gardner, ~ 'r.<. f • ~ and ~ooldridgo- 3. Hsy~ Hasellp and Tully E. ~. - ~ ~ar1E D~owa- ~ On mot.loa of the abon~ tha re~igaation o! DaviA 8rowniag as I-aat. Oity 8olioitos, ng taa gas tdoa. to.tske sffsot Maroh 1, 1918, was sooeptsd, and his written resignation reoeivsd and ~ ~: ` Bled, upon osil of the roll by 6 yeas. s,", " 0n motion the Board ad~onraed upon osll of the !fill Dy the lollowing rotes b { 4esa, Barns, Gardner, Hasellp. Tilly and iooldridge- b. ~. ? . j ptcd__~.~ ~~ r,;31~' - - f Ad © ' L' - ~ - s ~ it .. . a Fabruarg 4th. 1918. . ~. At the rsgnlar meeting ot.the Board.of Commieeidners held in the Oomr'e Ohember. of the Oitq Hall, padnoah, sty., on February 4. ,1918. upon oail of the roll me following • ~ answered their namses Burns, Gardner, Rase11P, Tniiy and Yooldridge• 6. ~ l On motion of Mamber Tilly, the report of pom'r of Fiaenoa for January 1918 was reosived and filed, sad the aooonnte and salaries, amonating to x`13,880.77, allowed ' and ordered paid. upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. , i _. - X60,00 ~ On motion of Mayor Burns, the Oom`.r of Finsroe was authorised to issue oheok in ' allowed for . the amount. of 66.00 to Mrs. Gue Hdwsrde, Ohairmea of the Oivioe Dept; of xomaa'a Oinbo RHD OR088 . . ~3 BH~.y , for RHD ORO33 Ohrietmas.asale pnrohaesd in Deoeiber- npon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. ~:: On motion o! Msmbsr Tully, this being "Heatless Daq" the Board ad3onrasd to mast ', • 4 • again oa February 6, 1918, ,at 1s80 P. M., npoa oall of the roll by the following rotes' ~ ~ ~' } Yese, Burns, Gardner, Ha=slip, Tilly sad Wooldridge. 6• ~ ~ ~ ±- . . { ,. , . ~ ~ . r1..C.~i~ - 4 ~i:. a ~~.~ .r .. , a~ra~tt;r;. ' ` ;: , - r: • .. ; ., . ,. , ; .. . "' ~-- , ' , . ~. {, .. .>., .. :. 1 ., ~ . ~` k • ` , € ~ ' - r:; ~ . , ~,'p ,, ,, ;. ' , ~ .w. ;. ,.. 9 ~ ~ ti - ~• ~., .. ~, o ._ :,: r t ~ - . 1 q. . ~ • - ~ 3 _ .. ~. . ~ s , ' ' ~~i;F~e' _;+, Fw~~:>sz:a,~r.;, ~.s I,,,r n„a tsi T'.^ ~.:., <.:.mm - .K, ~ .i•.'~ ,y.x.. c..i.. .ea; a.., •.~ , . s-~ +~:ro. . ~ ,~ P ! ..