HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/18 dt a oallsd meeting of the Board of Commiasions~rs hale in the Commissioners Ohambsr of the Oity Hall, padnoah, 8y., on Jan. Eb, 1918, upon Deli of the roil tLe i >;s following answered thsir names; Bnsns, Gardner, Hssslip..Tnlly and pooidridge• b. Frank Elliott On motion of Member Haaeiip, that the bill of !rank Elliott be rsoaived and ' • Bill. tiled, and otter of old Board of ~1E6.70 bs renewed in order to save litigation- oarrieQ upon Dell o! the roil by b yeas. ~ ~, Take np matter Oa motion of Mayor Barns, that the 3[eyor be inetrnoted to take th4 matter of ' ppa~rs Dspt. ~ i rovemants with Under- improvements in the Fire Dept. np with the Board of Uaden-riters immediately to sea ~ ~: writers. , what may be done- oarried upon Dell of the roil by 6 yeas. Jae. Poona '~ On motion o! 1[smbsr looldridge, that the inibrmation oonosrning James Poore,.! offense "' dropped. ~ ~ per letter of Ohiei of Polios, be dropped and he bs ad~ieed that if there is sqy ~ ~ ?! violation by Lim ss to drinking is the intnre that he will be d3amiesed- oarried upon; sell of the roil by the following vote: Yoga, saran, Gardner H HoolQridge, 3. Hay,, ~'L Harelip and Tally. E. On motion of IIember Tnily, it appearing that an error was made is Oity Tat bill + ~. 8. Barks- . dale refnadsd X18.60 for #ibl, d. 8. Barksdale, ios 1917, whereby X68.46 was oolisoted when the oorreot amount; over•assess• ehonid Lave been X49.96, that the stores oollsotion of $18.b0 bs rsinndea- oarried menL. . ' y upon Dail o! the x011 by 6 yeas. !, O l~d On motion o! Ysyor Snrns, that the oommnaloation from the Cold Homs of the ' o Homs of Priwdlees lriendlees, regnssting a donation, be rsosivsd dad filed and referred to the Hoard ot! regnset foe ' , donation. Oommiesionsrs for oonsidsrstion la making np the bnagst• oarried upon Dell of the soli .. ' by b yeas. , $sttlemeat On motion of the nbovs, the oommnnioation from the 8ettlament Hones ae to '' House request in.. ra. sPPl'o• appropriation, was rsoeivsd and filed, end referred to the Board for aoneidsratioa in ' Apristioa• making np the budget, upon Dell at the roll b7 b vane. Haines to ~ motion of lfsmber Tally, the Oom'r of linsnos was instrnoted to reiass to =eooept orders !or salaryy or honor any order for salary given by s~ employee of the City of Padnoah, npoa Dell o t ' seeignmenta. the roll by b vase. ''Fred Beyer an motion of the nbovs, the oommnniostion of Kr. Fred Hsysr, rergasding the ' oommunioation :: in. re. peat peat Ky. lndw trial Collsgs,was osQsrea'rstnrned to Yr;.Beysr upon Dell of the roll by $Y euetrisl e , oll 0 g b yeas. Hst~i 8nrsty Oo . ~ motion of Mayor Bnrne, the Hat'l.Snrsty Co. was released from the bona o! released on :`Joe Green bond. Joe Given as of Jan. 11 1818. he ha gn p . wing rest, sQ from the Polioe De t. on the 10lb ;~' inst., npoa Dell of the roil by b vane. ~ . Jno.G.Rehkuppi.' letter reldtiq ~ On motion of the above. that the oommnaiaation from Yr. Jno. G. Bshkopt, ' =`~; . to stemptioii.°' r4garding tat exemption oa a prQpoesd sntomobile tics faotoay, bs rsferrea to the City, from tate~. ,. 8olioitor to determine whether hs Domes within tLe atemptsa Dines- oarrLa npoa osII o ! i the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board ad~onrnea npoa Doll of the roll Dy the toiiowi~ votes Y~ss, Bnsns, Gardner, Harelip, Tw11y and poolaridge. b•• ,~,°~ . , w.•, ~ ~ 191 ~f. f k~ ~ ' ~~ r .. a,r,,:. .. Ads tnd. P :,~.5-1=-L f ~ ~ .. . 14dAYc31 } j . `a. ;. ,. s, f r ~.. .. ~+y ~ • ,~ i ;. ~~. ~~, h .