HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/18 & 01/14/18iN' a Y~ 1 1 `.:+ ° :.y v ~ No~ ' Comtn~ ssioner's Proceedings; Eity of Paducah Jannarv bth . 191 At e.epsoigl meeting of the Board of Commiaeionexe he ]d in the Commieal6nsrs .5 " Chamber o! the Cit Hall Paducah $y ry ~ . i y s: .• oa Janna 7, 1918 at fire o clock P. lt.,. ~'~ s- ~ , upon oail.of-the roll the following anewsred.their names: Burns, 6ardasr, Haselip, ~ , Tally & Wooldridge- b. Donation to Oa motion. of lisyor Bwrne,.ths Wee.t.$y..Industrial School wsa donated the iBBT EY. L1iDU8~ e ' THLL OObLBOB. • nm of Ons Hundred end Fift (1b0) Dollars, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. Y $ ; . . ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ On motion the Board ad~onrnsd upon Deli of the roll by the following vote= ~ , ,! Year° Bnrns° Oardaar, Ha~~lip~ Tully 8 No.oldridR.. 6. ~.} • ; ~ i • <~ ; Ads~atr.A. ~ ~':..,i9i,,~i., :•F'S.id..,'~•t7':~xLU ! }g . ` , ~ ~ 1 _~ ~ ' Jennars 14th. 1918.~E ,~ ~ `~.._ - ' at a regales meeting o.f the Hoard of Oommiesionsra held in the Commiesionsn . '• Ohamber o! the Oity Hall, Yadnoah, Ey., oa denvary 14, 1818, upon cell of ,the roil ~. the following answered their aemses Bnsna, Gardner, Hasslip, Tnily & toolaridgs, 6. . ,y Oni motion of Hember Gardner. the minutes of the meetings hale on dannary 7th.• ~ , 1918 were adopted as reed upon osll of'ths roll by b yeas. -Osmete Deed`;. On motion of 8embsr Hasslip, that.the City Clerk bs authosised to •:acute deed - • to ~! '~rthnr Wade. to •4rthnr Wade •foi Lot ~4 Hlook ~71, oa the North ride of lord street bet. Hank i ' Ohamblin, Oak Grove Cematsry, the enm of 30.00 having been paid thsreior to .the Com°r ~ - _. ' of linanos- carried upon Dail vi the roll by 6 yeas. i, Cemetery Deed ~ motion of the above, that the City Cisrk bs authorised to essonte a deed to .. k, to '~ Laura B. YaOnirs for lot #1 in Block #18 on west aide of Hannan atroet between Stewart ~ . ~ y Laura H.1to0nire ;5 ,. :, ~ i Baker etreete, pak Grove Comoterq,• the snm,of X30.00 having been pain therefor to the ' i Oom°s of pinnace. carried upon call of the soli by 6 yeas. r ' ' Power of dtty Oa motion of the above,. Lhe power of ~ttosney from the Fidelity 6 Gnarant~ do. of• ~,. ' from Fidelity & Guaranty Co. H~ Y, to Harold H. Hammel wsa.~osived~snd filed upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. • to Harold. Hummel. On motion of Ysyor Barns, the Bseolntion adopted oa Jan. 6th, anthorisiag the . Mayor and Oom'r of Finance to borrow money, lraa reroindN span sell of the roil by b rsas. ~ ~ . Borrow Honey. On motion of ltsmbsr Tally, the Ysyor and Oom'r of Pinanos were authorised to. ' ~~ ~ ' essonte note to the CSty Nat'l Bank for X40°788.66. for a period of thistf days, to eovsr ds!loit esiating for that amount, upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~ On motion of the above, the pay roll foe the.8trsst Dept. for the week ending . , ' ~ '' Jan. 1Zth, 1918. amounting to X164:18, was allowed upon Deli of the roll by b yeas. Quart Liquor License granted On motion of thm above, a quart liquor license was gseated Friedman, Hsflsr i 00. Friedman, E. to Jane 30, 1918. they having paid the amount of said lioenp , ~18b.00,into the city b Co. treasury, upon call of the roil by 6 yeas. ~ ~-p-° • Offioea of ~nditor 4 On motion of the above° Lhe offices of ~uditos anQ Bookkeepes in the Department, ~ f ~ ! Bookkeeper in , of Finance were abolished, upon osil.of the roll ~ b yeas. Finance office ~ - abolished, Oa motion of the Obove° that in tM latasut r! a0onomy sod to reduoi aapense• ~ ;: Oifioes.of ~ in the Dept. of Finaaoe, that the otfioe o! Gity Olen a, License Lupastos ooabdnad b. r- 0lty Clerk a . Zioenae Inspr, abolished- oasried upon call of the sell Dy B yessN''~ ' ' '.. ~ ,. sboliehsd1 ~ .... ~. ., • ., _ P . _ ,_ . ' to . !. ' • s • .. Y +eiH4.+S. r ~,,. n~ 4"wCswY95:};'«4 a,-~:hF~.ra .. .wo. wv'.:a~ti a. ~:+ :~ •,., ... ..r• Des n ra, w~tl. .. W . .. ~ ' ' , F ~~ .... ..._........ _..:~>.w _' "...e..s... ~~ r'1~' ~s ~xa•;r`.a "~;T~St'. •Wst~"MiA's. r'; c. ';P~. 7 'ska n„ ,~.+~' . No~~: Commissioner's Pr-oceedings, City of i }, ;.. i ~: Position o i Oa motion o! Yembsr Tally, that the position o~ Clerk to the Com's of Fiaaaos, Clerk to Com+s of Finesse ' at a salary of X1800,00 per annum, be orsstsd, sad peter •oker bs appointed and re- oreated. gnirsd to e:sonts bond is the eam o! ;6,000 for the faithful pertosmeunos of his duties. oarsiad upon aali of the roll by b yeas. Hat'1 3nrsty Co. On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Rational Surety Co. bs ssieasea Isom the released on bonds of C. C. Duvall sad. bonds of C. C. Hag/ Barrett as of Jan. 1. 1816, th6y having easoutsd botd Duvall & Hugh in the Chioago Bondin & Ins. Co. on that date whioh has been a roved b the Ma Garrett. g . pp y yos• oarsied upon oell of the roll by b yeas. Oa motion of Mayor Burns, a Reaolntion s=tending thanks to the Rotary Clab, West ; ' Reaolntion o! • Rotate Cinb, ~~ Coal Co. bad t0 everyone who partioipated in any way in raising toads to alleviate; , bleat Sy. Coal the mitering of the City'e poor entallea by the extremely oold weather and .heavy •~~ Co. " snows. was adopted upon osll of the soli by b yeas. Reaolntion On'motion of Member Harelip. a Resolution designating and slanting dames L. designating J.L. Wooldrid Com'r of Pablio Satst ea Ma or Pro Lem of the Ci { Woof ridgy ea ge. y. y ty of Padnoah, wen M9YOR PRO TEM. ' glues its passage upon oall of the roll by b yeas. On motion of the above, that the time foe holding the regains reekly meetings j` ' Time. for holding weakly meetings. of this Board bs ohanged from two o'oloak P. 1~. to 1;30 p. M., oarrisd upon osll o! _ the roll by b yeas. Oifioea of On motion of the above, that the ofiiosa of Market Master sad Weights do 8easnres j Market Maetsr de ~ abolished. oarsied n oa oall of the roli b b ` peighta do Meas. P y yeas. abolished, On motion of S[embss Gardns=, that the City 9oiioitos bring is as or6inanos tos !. Combine oitioes the orsatioa o! the oombinsd olfioe of Market Maetsr sad Inap~otos of Weights b Market Master d Meeanres• oarried n on oeli of the roll D b + Weights & Meea. P y yeas. R .. Oa motion of Member Harelip, that one member of the board of Commiasionera De Paroheaing designated by the Board as Purohasing /gent. whose duty it shall bs to parohses all ~'r.. Agent. matsriai, equipment and supplies for the City. end that the City 9olioitor be inetraot~ sd to bring is this ordinanoe, to repeal sll ozdinenose oonflioting herewith- Creation of }Sembsr Gardner otferod the tollowiig amendment: That the motion to orsats the oftioe of Pni- ~~,,_ ohaeing Agent offio0 of a parohssing agent for the oity, be referred to the Commiasianera ae a referred to Commisaionera. whole. same asrried upon oall of the roll by b yarn. i On motion the Hoard ad~ournsd upon oall o! the roll by the following voter ~ . ~, . Ysae, Burns, Bardner, Harelip, Tnily and Wooldridge- b. ~ '_ /~ p .wy. ~; i. `t: . - ,., .. ,. - ,. ~ r.. _ - . •. - ~; 1 --~ r -. - ~ . :. ~ ~ 1 ~~ .. _r _ - 1 ..