HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/17 & 10/29/17,.,~ro.~. ~~,~~~ ~ , a ~ . ~I ~~y ,,,_ y -- - _ _-- - - --..n i77 -- ~1~~ t t r - ~•~• Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ootrrer 24 191? ~~ . At a ohilsd'mesting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Connoil Chamber of e !"the City Hall, padnoah. By., on Obtober 24, 1917, upon Dell of the =.so11 the following ~. - answered their names; Bnrna, Gardner, Idartoa and Washington- 4. :... On motion of 1[amber Gardner. the miss were anepsnded sa to asrvios of oopisa ~' of ordinanoee and resolutions three days bsfose meeting, upon nail of the roll by 4 yeas. ~•' e ~l c ~ ~e+rets •. On motion of 1[ggor Hnrna, that polioe power be given to Yfea ;.ettie Smith, ~~ ohasity worker, upon eYSOUtioa of the proper bond- oarried npoa osl7 of the roll by 4 yeses ' . .e~ ~ ~'l ~i~ On motion of the above, that prank S111ott bs tendered $126.70. in 11s11 se4tlemeaL Tr'~° l ; .of tasioab bill Sur trip to SddyvilU with prisoaera- ouried npon Dell "of thb ivll bpi ~ ' ~ i ~l m . 4 yeas.. Oa motion the Board sd~onraed"upon Dell of Lhs roll by the following votes ; !; - . r rise, Bnraa, Gardner,, Yartoa end.Sashiagtbn- 4. ~-: ' ' Adepeed ~-F•~~~-`~'~ ~~t~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~/'¢~C~ark ~I ~ ~ ~ i ~. .. '~ Ootober 29. 1917. ~_. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners heid'in the Commissioners' ~ `• . Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuo]~ on Oot. 29, 1917, upon Dell of the ~ ~-, j 3 roll the following answered their names; Burns, Gardnei, Graves and Washington- 4. k On motion of Hembsr Gardner, the minutes of the regular meeting of 0atobes 2$; ~~ } ~ and of the oallad meeting of Oot. 24th, .1917 were adopted a6 read npoa Deli of the r ~ ~ j ., roll by 4 yeas. { ~~ • •On motion of Hembar Wsshington, that the pay roll for the••9troet Department for :t; •. f~ the week ending Oot. 26, 1917, not Dowered by ordinan6e•, emonnting to ~210.3b, as peri ~ . " attaohed statement,: bs allowed- oarried upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. ,~. ~ Its •{YR TJ ~• ~ On motion of ltayos Horns, that 3Siae Alioe Compton; Attandanoe Offioer of the k ~a+: Ce,e'~teT . ~ publio 8ohoole, be granted polioe power, ea per her request, upon eaeoution of 'the k' ' usual bond, to be. approved by the Mayor- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeea. ~ - • 1 E,1k s itl dr On motion of the above, that, Whereas, the Slka are giving their annual Charity C 1 ~ ~ - :: • • - ldinetrel.early nezt month, and, Whereas. the proaeede are donated wholly to Charity of', ~ ' ,' the City o~ Paduoah, I move that a page advertisement for the City of Paduoah be ' ~re9ra•m• • oontraoted for, and that Bood Conservation be advocated in snid ad, as'requeated by the U. 3. Government- said ad. to Duet }1b.00, for the back Dover; oarried upon Dell of " ~ ~~ :'the. roll by 9 yeas. i ~' ~ ~ a n ~ .S'ta'nwrt ; ' On motion of the above, that in eooordanoe with. the oonolualone,resohed in a .. ' f •. i !~ ~ A,~,.S{sr~.>.s . oonferenoe of the Hoard of Commissioners., that Patrolmen Andy 8texart and A. T. 9tephane P j ,j9 i sc,d ism s +; be dieml8eed from~the"polioo department oa eooount of failure to enforce the law and _~ f i •; for breaah of rules of the department, same to take effect October 31, 1917 -the pay roll ~ ] '.for the month having already been made up, sad the Chief of polioe having been inatruoted ~^ to pleas these patrolmen on other beats then that on which they have been rosking; , oarsied upon nail of the rail by 4 yeas. i. ~~t1r ~ [ ark"c Oa motion of the above, that Harry Hendrick be reinstated ae Clerk to the Board o! i • J'geiast•t•d •~ ` Oommiseionere. he having been released from Lhe army- oarried upon Dell of the roll by.4 yeas. 119 ,` C~ark On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Ysae,. ' •Burne,._Gardner,_Graves~end Washington- 4. `r` _ ~ . ,. , ." ` ' ~ .. ~ ~" ;, ~ f :~ em • , , 1 ,. , . ~40R ye • ... ." ~ a,, . •~ :. ~' _ •t h .~: ~..,,r, .: - ~. .. , :. .. . _ • . s. .. ; :. :..:. .. _ . • .. ;~ .... • ~ .. i ~ " d . ~ .. y ~ ~ ~. ~ " '. ~ ~' , ++~+vF<ra.. n't `Y . J:1 •... i+}~. hWa...,11'. Xwii.Yri~.L'{' H ... .:,. ~' lin' ~ .'. ~ , .".r <L ~. ~ ..v. e. Y~."F „::nT. ... ae. ika; i+F-, .