HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/17 & 10/08/17.. ._ .,~ .. • t 9'-.:. "~ Commissioner's. P_ roceealings, City of Paducah ooto ba r ath 19~~ • ' At a waked mooting of Lhs Board of Commiselonere held in the Oounoil Ohamber ` ~ •"r'~' of the City Hall. Paduoah, Ky. on Ootobor bth, 1917, npon call of the roll 4-s following ahexered their names: Burns, Gardner, Gravea, Marboa 4 Washington- 6, On motion of Mayor Horne, that the rules requiring earvioe of oopie a o! ++ . ~ ordinaaoes and reaolutione three days before meetings, De s:a peaded- oarried upon ! • ;nail o! the roll Dy 5 yeas. I 4 ~ Fte nrY s~ile Y ~ On motion o! the above, that Henry Bailey be appointed Clark of the Board o! f ' Ate" "ta A Commisaionera during the absenoa of Harry Handriok, who has Dean dralted in the U. 9. ~" UErk t ~ o t1 Fotr j. army- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. Pta t ~e i; On motion of the above that. the etition of voters re uaetin and C~r~~ s'Eryi - e P q g Petitioning i• Oren"4~s i,the passage of Qivil Servioe Ordinanoa, be reoeiv©d and tiled- oarried upon Dell of • !the roll by 5 yeas. 4 .. , , =, o tl ;> RESw wtt On, motion of the above, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION BY THE QUALIFIED CISE'V.'tE ~ ~. ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PADIICAH, KENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE REGULAR ELECTION DAY, ' ~ ~, .. NOVEMBER 6, 1917, III THE CITY OF PADIICAH, KENTUCKY, TO DETEaMINE THE QUESTiON 1SHETFE;t .) ' THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL ADOPT "AN ORDINANCE PLACING ALL APPOIIdTIYE CITY EtdPLJYEE3 t~r•: ; '. s OF Tz3E CITY OF PADIICAH IINDE.~ CI4IL SEitYIC3 RULES AbTD REGULATIONS" - xab given its ~ ~ •• `y; psssa8e npon Dell 02 the roll by b yeas. ~• ' is On motion the Board ad~onrned upon Dail of the roll by the folloxlrg vote: ~• .. +! Yeea/~Bur~ns, l4ardner, Gravea, P.isrton and Washington- b. F • ~' ~ ::. OCTOBER 9th, 1917. ~ '..: ~t a segnlar meeting of the Board of Ooauniaaionsre held in the Oommlaeionars • ~ Ohamber o! the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky., on~0ot. 6tb, 1917, upon oeil of the roil the • ! j ° ' following answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Grsvss and Washington- 4• 11 On motion of Member Graves, tho minutes of the previone meetings held on Oot.,'^~""'~" '• ! 1st and Oot. bth, 1917 were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. {"~ ~~; ~; • ~erydG•tt ~ On motion of the. above, that the National Surety Oo. bs released from the bona f •• s~ L,~~tEf '; of Sam Gott ae of Sept. 19, 1917, and from the bond of W. L. Oates as of Ootober 1, <, R tiE~sE4 i; i917, these parties having transferred their ooffee house lia9nee on the raapaotive •~ i„ ?; !~ ; dates to other parties- oarried upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. j ~, ~/~fe! S 'Sts: On motion of Member Gardner, that the Oom'r of Works repair the water pips on ~ ± E ti „~': "('cnih. ~ Tenth street between Madison & Harrison street, sa oertain oomplaint has bean mods oa ~ , • M"d1~ n ~ t f th dlti i t sooona o e aon on on sa d s reet due to s leak in the aster pipo, and that Dill, H~,~isan C ~; for the ooet of same be presented to the proper party for payment- oarTled upon Dell , ~~ ~; of the roll b 4 y yeas. i ' ~, On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the etxaet depsrtment ter:' the weak ending Oot. 6, 1917, amounting to ~t:37.40, not oovared by ordinaaoe, ae per the attaohed statement, be siioxed- oarried npon onll of the roll by 4 yeas. ;. •A ;`, On motion of Eiamber Graves, that the petition asking for alight to be p7aoed ~ " Paa~ R° ~, midway between the i,O.R.R. oroasing and Langlsy'e grooery on the Paol Road, be rsosived and filed, and that the Com'r of Publio Property bo authorised to have light planed at d ftt:r Y p" C E M this point- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yoae. Jon~S On motion of Mambar Gardner, that the Oity Olerk be suthoriied to sxsoute deed a (,.jt ~ to J.Orit Jones for lot ~i6 in Blook 46, Weil Ave., Oak Grove Oametery, reoeipt of Oomr [ o! Finanoe for Y116.00 being attaohed hereto- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~; On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell oY the roll by the folloxing vote.i ~ Yeas, Burn~~( Gardner~ Gravea and Washington- 4. 11. S' ~, ~ ~ . .i , , ,. ,r .... , s ~ ..... . . __ ..