HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/11/17, 08/13/17, & 08/16/17m ~ ~.-~rert-.~omia~e.w~dmx., ~m~x~,..r~.,,.......,..1. I . ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~Y ~r_M:-'- "nd :~xrmn:a°~amm •'~ir.-.,..:~ ~ ~ .~ i :r.i~ ~i,~~, ~i~ I ~ - •~__ _.. i ~, .., ~ '~ _ '~e::::> .. ,...,~:;; ,..a.P-'~asyyn,=a ,. ~-w.vswiwz+~~,:.;;;~...~.- -..+-.-,.,K ~uw"..~..>,-+a..sd y..,w ~ -...x _. _~ ,~ ~, . ' { e, ~ ..s ` ~ _ _ .. ... . i •,y . ' .. I 1 . _ ,:. _.... ~ ... .: No~~ '. . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah :.ugt~et ylth 191.E ~ ``'~ At a speoiel meeting oY the Hoard'oY gommiesioners.held in the Connoil Chamber of ` ,^~ the City Hall, Yaduoah, Ky., on Augnet llth,"1917; upon Dell oY the roll the following ~;, ~~, ~~„~ ~j~ __,q~'anewered their names: Burns, Oardner, aravea, Marton and Washington« 6. ~: ~ ~. 'V"~r ~ 3 On motion of ifember Gardner, a Resolution increasing the salary of the lineman and ~°. Fireman et the City bight Plsnt X6.00 eaoh per month from thin date for the balanoa of +,•: ~~ _ ". '~c~~,~-~ the year 1917, was given its passage upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. .~. . On motion of .Mayor Hnrna, that the following named persona be given polioe powers ~ ~ , G'i~""~ t~4without say aelary to be paid by the CSty of Paducah to them for any services performed, ~~ ,, U•~~yl~•'~ ~ ~~ ~~~~.1`~' prooided further that eaoh shall execute the usual bond, to-wit; Mike Dowell, A. B. • t ~• 1~,.~ f Benson, Chee. C. Rieke, and Robt. DeHos, and that the letters Yrom the Traction Co., i_ ~- .;' 41. dam' Chae. C. Rieke, aril J. L. We.nnsr, of the RetaSi 1{erohanta Aae'n, be received and filed- ~~ .^' `" adopted on call of the roll by b..yeas. ~,:'i On motion of the above, that the hsreinaYtar named men bs given polioe power. subject C; q ', ni~,Q~,e~ to the limitation that same are not to be employed in the polioe department ezoepL when • ~~JJ such employment will not inoreeae the number oY men in said depe;tmeat above the number ~' • / fixed by the apportionment ordinance, to-wit:'3E men, provided further that eaoh shall ~~ ~ . ~~ ~ execute the usual bond: Joe Green, Kelley Franklin. R. b. Heak, B. R. Beasley, A1f.,Thos. '•" • .(~. Stephens, end Jas. boitin- adopted on Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ 1•- Oa motion of btember Oravee, that the Liayor be instructed to gnawer the oommnnioe. I, " " ~ ~ Lion of Sherrill-Russell bbr. Co., with reference to the City paying ite,lawyere Yee oY "~ ~jC• a200.00 incurred by it in the condemnation-suit for street eorose its props;tq in i ~p~1 ',. Mechanicsburg, and politelq decline the paying oY same by the City-adopted on oell,of • Y_ thb roll by 6 yeas. r. ~, ~, 'r~" ° On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the Yollowin.g vote; Yeas.; ~ ~ Burns, 0ardner, Graves, Marton and Washington: 6. Ana "i~ ~. ~ o ;;ice .B.~s'~•c`~ ~;.},.~ _' - . N~. ' .. .. .. e _ ~. '~ ~ ~ ~.. AUOUST 13th. 1917. i ", • aT a regular meeting of the Board of Commiaeionere held in the Oounoil Chamber of ~,~^. the Oity Ball, Paduooh, Kentucky, on August 13, 1917, upon onll.of the roll the following ;. ' answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Etarton and Washington- 4. ~` N: " On motion of Member Ltarton, that the reading oY the minutos of the regular meeting ~ k'" held August 6th and of the apeoiel meeting held on uugnet 11th. be postponed until ~~ Friday August 17th, 1917, parried upon gall of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ? Z3~ On motion of Ltember Gardner, that the City"Clerk be authorised to eaeoute deed to ~.t^ {~D~ Julia and Aroh Hiller for lot X21 Block 1, Oak Grove Cemetery, they having paid the;afore ;• j ,,`~~-- to the Com'r of Finance the.ewo oY ~30.00,sa per attached receipt- carried upon call of . . °' the roll by 4 yeas. On motion of Member Washington,• that the pay roll for the Street Dept. Yor the week ~•~~-.~ - ending August 10th, not covered by ordinance, amounting to ~187.1b, as per attached ~. statement of Com'r oY Works, be allowed- carried upon call of the roll bq 4 yeas. _ ~ , . -~ ~, Member Graves entered the meeting. ,. N ' ~j,.•. ~:IW'"" On motion of Member Washington, that air. Tom King be granted a leave oY absence, '` ~~"'"'~ without paq, for three months- and that Jac. MoOnire be put in his piece ae chain Gana ` (L,.s•,m~T'~1(~,r" Foremea• carried upon call of the roil by Lhs,Yollowing voter Ysga. Hnras. Gardner, jo~._Grsves, Martart and, Washington- 6. ~ ~ '~ .• • c .. 1 ! ,. ~~" ,.,.. ~ z _ .. . r _ .. • t~ " ~ ~. ` , ~ .. • ~ `~ • ~ ~ , ' No.~~- ~ Commissioner's P_ rocetdings, City of Paducah ~ gnat lath 191z• -f ~~~% ~ ~"__ ` On motion of 1Sayor Burns, that .the report of the Com'r of Works oonosrning Rieke permit for sewer, be reoaived, filed and oonourred in- oarried neon Dell of the a roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Gardner, Graven, itarton ~ Washington- b. ~ '`~ ~y~~.~.-a_ On motion of the above, the oommunioation signed by Dr. Yen J. Davie, Chairmen,.' ,. , t ~~ and others, with reapeot to the killing of TSr. W. :; Remains, was reoeivod and filed + , ` upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~, On motion of Ltember Graves, that Lhe oommunioation.oi Ltrs. k. A. iteysre, suggest? e~~r,,..+.L- C ing that the City give to the young men now being drafted for Lhe United 9tatee army ', • ~~~ some suitable entertainment, in reoognition of their worth and valor. be reooived and! ~,c.~ M A-" V filed, and that a oommittee of two oouelsting of 1Sayor Burns and Ltember 3tarton, bs inetruotad to sot with the Red Cross and other patriotio orgeniaetiona towards provide • ing for some suitable entertainment or patriotio servioe on the eve of their departure, oarried upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas, P~.r ~ On motion of Liayor Burns, that the power of Attorney of 8. 8. Smith to aigu the ~ ~' ~ bonds of Rhodes and Bernhard as members of the Park. Hoard, bq raoeived and filed. ~' ^ oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. • i ~~ On motion of the above, that the resignation of Dr. E. W. Jaakeou as City, ' ~,v~ ~ ~ Phyeioian be ~eaeivad and filed. oarried upon Dell of the roll Dy b yeas, I. ~ja L'' On motion the Board ed~ourned upon Dell of the roll.b the fol o ~ . Y 1 wing vote; 'i ~ ~ Yaas, Burns, Gardner, Craves, L'srtou and Washington. b. ~• 0`J' 1 ~ ~ I r mo. c-a ~ 'C4y CIacY ~ ,. -Llit.~~fJ I ~,~ ~ i. ~' lt'GAYtiki~ I ` ;. «~ " ; ~ .j 1 ~~,~, ;; ' ~ ~ ~ ... i ~ . ' { AUGUST 16th. 1917. t ,: ~ ~ ~ ~ I ',. at a epeoiel meeting_of the Board o! Commiseiottere hold 1u the Conttoil i `' j , .. 1 Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky., on august 16, 1917, upon Dell of. the roll j. j' i; the following answered their names: Burns, Graves end Washington-.-S. (I t On motion of Mayor Horns, that the aeoounts of the several departments, 60 i ... k •, ~ ~i 'shown in attaohed etatemenL of Com~r.oi Ninenoe and Auditor, of date 6ug,. lb, D917, I ;; . • P; •, i be allowed, and that oheoke be drawn 1n payment thereof, ewne oarried. upon Dell of.. t ."-} the roli by a yeas. .~ • ~~r•K ,',. ~ On motion of Member Washington, that Bazter 8uykendall oseouto bond, at the Ids e~cpenae of the oity, as assistant Chain gang foreman in plane of Jun. b~oGuire, who has ~< ~ ~4;,,, • been appointed Chain gang Foreman 1n the plane of Tom King, the latter having been ~ ~ , ~ y i granted a ttinety days leave of abeanoe, oarried upon Dail of Lhe roll by 3 yeas. ~ ,. • '~ ~.~~~~' On motion o f the above, that the City of Peduoah pay a reward of ,100,00 to j ~, the parties who apprehended the murderers of policeman Romaine, and scud sum not to be ~~~ paid out until 1t ie deoidad who 1a entitled to this money- said amount to be paid out;' • ~.+~(/~ of the contingent ihttd- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 3. yoea. On motion the Board adsourtted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote=. cj Yeas, Burns. Graves and Washington, 3. "s Vit" ` ' ~.~ ~ i .. nrrexvi~ ' , . ~ ~ G+IY Clad " „~. ' .' ' ' ~. .. 4 +