HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27-06/28/17 & 06/30/17... .. No.~ ~. ' fi Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah June 27th 191. ~ , ~~, . ~, ~. it a nailed meeting of the Board of Commieaioners held is the Connoil Chamber oy the ~ :~ •. ~ City Hall, Paduoah, Ify., on Jnne 27, 1917, upon Dell of the roll the following answered „~ ~ ~, their names: Burns, Gardner, aravea, 3tartoa and Washington- 6. < :. ~~ On motion of Member Graven, the tales were auapended ea to sending onS oopiea of ~ _ If ordinano.ea, eto. at this meeting. npoa Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. 3.;.•+ ~ `~" OA motion of the above, that the oontraot to motorise the serial trunk and oombiaation / ~ - ^ / ~ ~ 1 [/~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ hoee and ohemioal wagon be awarded to the Pieroe=Arrow Co., thru the Home Garage, its ' ~~~/~ "- Paduoah repreaontative, for the sum.of Thirty-aiz Hundred and Fifty Dollare`in full, and j ,~ +. ~"', that the Mayor be inetruoted to enter.into a oontraot with said Home Garage to install ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ,(~ j, said motor equi meat, ~ ~ p provided said Home Garage ahaal agree to guarantee that said aerial ~ ~ ~ ~-'' ~•truok and oombination hgae and ohemioal-wagon when equipped by it eooording to apeoi- ~ ~ . ~, t - ~.fioations furnished by the Ky. 6otuarial Biirean, will be approved and aooepted by said, '. 4 ~ ~t .. ~` Aotuarial Burean, and that in the event said Borneo would not aooept or approve said ~'• h. lnetallntion, or either of them. that the City would be under no obligation whataosver .~ ~.- 6 r to said Home Gurag~ or its prinoipal; the.l'ioroe-~lrrnw Co., it being undoratood Lhat ~''' r the Home Garage is to assume the burden of equipping and' motorising said trunk end wagon ~ in euoh a wry or manner that it will be approved and eooepted by said 4otuarial Bureau. ~. . ~' the motorisation sad inetallntioa hereinabove referred to to that a new trunk of the ~: ~; •. , r ~ Pieroe-Arrow make of, two ton oapaoity shall be installed at ~b Fire Station, and that ~ ~ 1 ~ the quad trunk at ~4'Station shall be oonaeoted to the ae;iel trunk at $1 Station, sad ~,~' ' ~: the ahasaie at ~b to be installed at ~4 Station in plane 'of She Quad trunk now triereiay ~ ~~ oarried upon Dell of the roll by the.tollowing votes Yeas, b. !Y/w~ - s .Member Washington offered the following notions That the Com'r of Finanoe be ~ { .. ~'.. "" ~ lnatru t d t ~ e t t `• ~ ,,, e o oorr o o he erroneona assessment against the King Mill Lbr. Co., adopted ' ` ~. i 4; upon Dell of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, 6. " ~ ~. On motion the, Board adfourned npoa Dell of thq ro1T by the following vote: ~ j Yeas, Borne. (iardaer, Graves, Marton.aad.Waehington- b.. ~: ~. ;. y' .. ,; ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$P1?ROY.ED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t Ada ~ 7- 3_ _ 1913,,, ~ ~ "~ ~ L ~ ~ • y4W~~ ~ . ''' ; ~ ~F June 28th. 1917. ~ a ~ ~, at a epeoial meeting of She Board at Commieeionera held in the Connoil Chamber of #`~ the Gity Hall, Paduoah, Ky., on Jane 28th, 1917, upon Dail of. the roli the following anawsred their names: Burns, Gardner,. Graves, Marton and Washington- 6. x ldember Gardner offered the following motion: That the City of Paduoah renew the ~~ i ~. ~~Qr•~ oontraot with the prisera and dealers of tobaooo that wen entered into in 1916 for the ~- ~ a ant of taws on tobaooo ~ y/T. p ym prised or in storage for the year 1917, and that the Mayor " ` ~'~ ",endorse the oontraot ea renowed- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. e Mayor Burns offered the following motion: That the matter of pbrmit for e eeaer to ~ ~ ~~ drain the Rieke farm property be Teferred to the Com`r of Works for eetimatea na So the _ } ~;'~ , ~~~_~~ .ooet and plans, and .report book to this Board, and that the City Solioitor be inetruoted i ~ to give this Board an opinion se to the rights and liabilities of the parties- oarried ~ ~•~ a ' y~', i ~i npoa Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ~. On motion of Member Graves the following letter was reoeived and filed end ordered ~ ~ . ' . spread on the minntee.: •' • "Jens EBth, 181?. ~ , ~' ' , .; _ ... - . ~ ..., . , . . ~ t.< !• • P ~ ....., - ~ ~'~AStµwv.'#'f:,..~, •r, , ,.,.»s"'s:w,tn SS~:F ~.LS: ~.:~, ~ ;,. :;.s ..;.. ~ ~•:.+~ ... .H ... ,.. m....~• .. . .....3 ..y'cx~ ,x~ .v<_.: : 1' / . r ...... . ~ • ` ~ err'` r . ~ ~ .. A.: '! 4 1 ~ ~~ . 'Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduaah June ` 'Sonorsble 2tayor Qe Hoard of Commissioners, '~ City of Paducah, .. iLY• . ;. Geutlemsns t Noai,Z~G-. continued In rseponae to your request of recant date, desiring an opinion from I' ti ma ae City Solicitor touching the supply of milk to the City of Paducah and the raising of the prioe thereof by dairymen WWII persons engaged in selling end • ! delivering milk to the inhabitants of the City of Paducah, permit me to say that I I ha ve onreiully looked into the matter and find that any combination of the ? ~, character referred to to raise- the prioe of any commodity whatever is in violstionj i; of the laws of the State of Kentucky. ~. ~~ Section 391b of the Bantuoky Statutes Se in the following worries t r. ~, ~i, " That if any corporation under the iaws of 7Ebs Kentucky, or under the laws of nny other State or country, for trananoting or donduotir~ any kind of business in this State, or any partnership. company, firm or 1' individual, or other esaooiation of persons, shall oraate, establish, ~~. organize or enter into, or become o member ot, or a rty to, or in any ~~ v"~ ~"; way interested in any pool, trust, combine, agreement., ooafederation or j ,. • p ~ understanding with any other corporation, partnership, individual or , ~~ '` person, or esaooiation of persona, Yor the purpose of regulating or ; A _ , .controlling or fixing the prioe of any merQhnndiae, manufactured i. (~/, {. srtloiea or property of any kind, or shall enter Into, become a member {i of, or party to or in any way interested in any pool, agreement, con- i . o+~.-- tract, understanding, combination or confederation, having for its ob~eot the fixing. or in any wny limiting the amount or quantity of any ~~,y _ I ~ article of property, commodity, or merchandise to be produced or menu- '. ~C`_"y',,6" _ Yaotured, mined, bought or sold, ehnll be deemed guilty of the crime of j conspiracy, and punished therefor ea provided in the subsequent sections j of this sot. " ~~~„ r It will be seen from even a onauel reading of this Soot ion that it ooa-prehenda all combinations or sareementa entered into by any person, aorporatlon,' • `,, company or nsaootation to control the prioe of any commodity or article of mar- i! ohandise or any products to be bought or sold will be in violation of the j. emphatic provisions of the SLntute. Section 3917•of the same Chapter, namely: Chapter 101 of the Ky. j ~~ Statntee, provides that: j i, . ~' " my president, manager, director or other officer or agent or reoeivezd . ~ of any corporation, company, firm,psrtnerehip, or any corporation, company, j firm or association, or any member of any corporation, firm or ueaooiation,~ l! or anq member of any company, firm or other aaaooiation, or~~any individual ' found Dy s court of competent ~uriadiotion guilty of any o~t118 v~?one ~ • ;, oY this sot. shall be punished by a fine of not less than $b00.00 nor more ' than ~y`b,000.00, or may be imprisoned in the county ~a11 not leas than i six months nor more than twelve months, or may be both eo fined and • imprisoned, in the discretion of the court or fury trying the case. " I, { Chapter 17, of the 6ote of 1916 is even more etringent.than Chapter 101`: ~~. of the Ky. 3tatutoa above referred to, not only increasing the pennltieo for its ~ violation but making the provisions of the law much more eisoting and oomprehen- give in every respect against persona entering into any agreement for the purpose i ':! of fixing or regulating the prices of any commodity or product or food whatever. f ~ I have celled the attention of the Commonwealth.'e 4ttorn to these • '~ chapters and he agrees with me that the violntiora suggested id yourel2eeoi4tion ` are not only reprehei:eible Dut has declared hie intention ae an official to look `• • into the matter at the nest meeting of the Cisvuit Court and sell the attention l' of the Court to the violations of the law. ~! t, ~ i' There osn be no question that the hots cited in this opinion are not i •. ' only being violated but are being violated under a positive agreement to raise the ~• prioe of milk to consumers, and I heartily concur eith this.llonorable Board Sa `' the suggestion that the people ought to be protected from euoh oonopiraoies or + ~~ combines. lloweveT, I might be permuted to say that the dairymen or sailors o! - j milk and butter nre not the only ones in the City of Paducah who are guilty of . euoh oombinatione. Z have recently taken Boma pains to inquire na to the status of food prioea in different cities oY this Stnte and I have Peiled to find a ~'~ solitary one where greater evidences of oombinationa, exactions and impoeitlone r on the people exist than are prevalent in the city of Pnduoah, acid 1 believe ~ that the law should be enforced without heeitnnoy and the parties who hale pro• .' enured to take the law 1n their own hands and defy the people and impose upon 3 them under the present harsh conditions now exlatiriF on account of our•GOVernmsnt j' being at war viith foreign powers should bo disoonntonsnced by every I¢w-abiding a• citizen. 6rbitaary raising of the prioea or food oommoditiee necessary fez the. very eziatenoe of the people does not affect so seriously the wealthier alasa of ' `' our citizens baoanae they are able, in many instances, to pny the exorbitant i r prioea demanded, but even n oeaunl inventigation oY the population ,f our ouy j • will reveal the deplorable Yeot that many of our laboring people and the poorer ~ ' • classes of our population are being pressed to the very limit to obtain even the ~ ordinary supplies of food for the mnintenanoe of themselves and families, and the ' oYYio181s of the city and all persona interested in fair play ought, in my ; "'~! opinion, to see that euoh impositions are at once stopped. l itesp'oottully submitted, ~ i j; John K. Hendrick, ~ ~ q;. dlty Solioitar. " ~ :M t .~ 5' ~~ ~ a , ., __. No.,.~2~ , ' .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadueah June 28th 19J7 oontinned ~ °1 '~'~.° ' !' ~Y ~ On motion of IIember Graves: :That the.queation of revoking all pe.rmite of dairy- „ ~ ~ men who have raised the pride of milk and other dairy prodnota, or who bity and resell ' {~ milk and other dairy products from persona other than established dairies, De referred ~ ~ ~---~ ~ ~ ` t to the Board of Commisalonara ea a committee of the whole to take each action as may bs ,j . deemed adviaablo and expedient-:berried upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~' L , ldember Marton offered the following motion: That,ths petition asking for don- ~ ~~ ' ~ )I ~1;~ ~" orate sidewalks, curbs and giittars,on liadiaon 8t. from 17th to 20th street, ox 2A0 it.j ~_ ~ '~ „ , '/~ belox 19th street, be received end f11ed, and that the. City Solicitor bs instryoted to' ~ ' ~ . ~ bring is s Resolution end ordinance for the oonetruotion of same- avid work to be flons , ~', ,under the ten. year~paymeat plan- a8me carried upon dell of, the roll by 6 yeas. ~ o-~ ` Mayor Hurna offered the following.trction: That ,the saloon ordinance be nmended1 gip"'"- v"~ ao ae to require applioattta for saloon licenses to sign an agreement to not set uP. ~ ~ ~~ "~ `,e'", operate or permit to be operated in their respective premises slot machines or-other ~ ,. . ~~ gambling dovioes- adopted upon dell of the roll by the following vote: Yana., Bnrne, ;; Gardner,.Ltarton and Washington, 4. iVay,~Gravee, 1'. ~ r ~ ~~ i On. motion the Board adjourned upon dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Hums, Gardner. Graves, Barton and Washington- b. ~ '` Ai6Pted t f~1-pR~T/ -ETA 5 ~ ~ Lt~ ~~~~'11'A'~ ~ ~ ~iY CWt1 .:1~- y~dAYU14 . . ,. ~ JUNE 30th. 1917. ' ~, dt n.epeoial,meoting of the Board. of Cotntoiseionere held in the Council Chamber oi' '' the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on dune 30, 1917, said meeting having been called togetheY, ` ,, ~ ~ ~. a, - . ,~ ~ in the Ltayor's absence from the city, by Member 1Sartoa, 13ayor Pro tam, and itember , i M ,'.Washington, upon osll of the roll ;the following answered their names: Gardner,,Gravee, a ,: ,~ . `Barton and,5;ashington- 4. ~; On motion of iieyor Pro tam Marton, the rules were temporarily suspended ea to send- ~ ? -j . ' ~} ing out copies of ordinances, etc. three days prior to meetings. upon dell of the roll' a ~,_ , by 4 yeas. ,. :` j On motion of Homber Washington, Ati OFDIIIAPtCE AtitEIiDIDiG SECTION SlY (b) OF 6N ORDINBHOB ~, .. i x ENTITLED: "dN ORDIbI!-NCE,DEFINLNC, LICENSLNG, TdXING dND REGULA^aING COFFEE HOUSES OR . x r` 1 ,~Q.. ~ 8eL00N3 a1rD PREBCRIBING Ph'I181.TIES FOR YIOLATLNG TNb PROYISIONS HEREOF rl[iD REPEuLLNG ILL ~ ~ j ~~ ,.yt.~-••' ORDINANCES OR P6RTS OF OliDINuNCES IN CONFLIC^a NERE~~ITH", YA8SED BY THTti B08RD OF C01i-. , YISSIONERS ON J4NUARY 22, 181b, AND RECORDED ON.Jut1U6RY 23, 191b- wan given its ptiaeoge ._ ' ' upon osll of the ro1L by the following vote: Mesa, Gsrdaer, Marton and Washington- 3, '. ra'- #' ' ' Nay, Grnvee- 1. ~y On motion of the above,.that. the City Solicitor be inetrnoted to bring in an '~ ordinance. et the nezt meetin eliminatin ali ilia sl slot maohinee or g g B gambling dovioes , from ali bueineea'housen in the City of Paducah or oT~ any other pinosa in the city where ~ ~ ~- 1`'. i they are used for gambling, same carried upon dell of the roll by the following voter. ~ {,,,' ,Yeas, Gardner, itartoa and Waehington~ 3. Nay, Graven, 1. ~,i. ,On motion Lhe Board ndJonrned upon Dell of thq.roll by the tollowing vote: Yeas, 1 .: ,'; , Gardner, Graven, ldarton end Washington-, 4• ,. Adc od ~ '' 3 191.1. ~ :; , _ ~,.SL .,...t ~ . ; /~ uy u..~ (~ ItC ~N.~~t .. a ~' . ~: ~: ~. . i ,. ., . .: • ,.., u. ~M. ' y~ ~ .~. ' ,w -