HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/15/17 & 05/21/17.: C;. a„ud(ywy< li*R!~ilf!I,I:i.'M${9,•lf t.. 31~i.R•' ~'.J, .- 1 ~ _=1. «~,i~ •? ,._ '~ • 1 ,1'.f,, ~, .,. .. . ,... ....., ,.Y •. ...:. " ,. n,, . ~ t ~ ~, " Najde..x~ Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah 191. .' at a apeoial meeting of the Board of Commiasionsre held in the Couaoil Chambs{ j•", i of the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky.~oa stay 15, 191T, upon oell of the roll t)te following j r " ~: answered their names: Burns, Gardner and IIarton- 3. ~, E fi ~ On motion of ldember Gardner, that the oommiesioners ratify the transfer of deed I. u; ' ` - r ~ ,..from Yre. ltinnis S. Hall (widow of C.H.Hall, deo'd) to T. B. Fairleigh to bot #306 • ~ ~i in Blook #fA, Ong Grovo Cemetery, as per the requeeL of 11ra.~Ha11 horeto attaohed- ~._ ,, '•` , !: oarried upon oell of the roll by 3 yeas. ~:~•~ I. On motion of Mayor Buse, that the oommunioation of Member itarton, Com r of ~.. .. ~` I ,~W" Finanoe.. aPPointing 2tr. ile:ander Kirkland as •City auditor during the absanoe of Cdr.. i~ , " ~l`/'.I; T. T. Uoely be rooelved sad filed, and that said appointment be ratified by this I . n.~ ~ ~ Hoard- oarried upon null of the roll by 3 yeas. t On motion of 1tember }Sart6n, that the Com'r of Publio corks be inatruoted to draw ~. ©~~'''~ %pleas sad epeoifloetione for epeakors stand to DO ereoted in Oak Crova Cemetery. ~j,,~a~y~~~ ~"n corried upon oell of tho roll by S yoea. , . i, ~(Y~ ~+" On motion of the above, LhaL the amount of $b,OB3.Q1 ba allowed and ohsoka ;' . s. ~ , ` ~ Saaued for same ae per the attaohed statement o! Com'r of Finanoe and City;duditor, ' • {, oarried upon oell of the roll by 3 yoas.+ - 1 • ~ " On motion the Board adjourned upon oell of the roll by the following vote; ~• ' ~ i Yesa, Burns, Gardner and Barton- 3. • • AioNei '' _ 191.... G r .t,t. j; ~ ' p~Y01t. t ew j '• .' j, , ~ • t. itnY 21. 1917. ~ I~ • .. at a regular meeting of thi Board of Commiaelonsra held in the Courwil .' 1 •;. ~ ~ k. ~; ,Chamber oY tho City Hall, Paduoah, lty, on 5iay 21 .1917, upon onll of the, roll the.. • ', ~ following answered their Humes: Burns, Gardnsr, Graves, 2larton and Washington- S,~ f 1 On motion of,&ember itarton, the minutes of a regular meeting hold on stay ' is 1 ' +'i 14th and of a apeoial mooting hold on httay 15, 1917 were ndoptod sa read upon ogll of 1'. • ~• the roll by 5 yeas. •~ ~`• ' /1_//,.•s~~• On motion of Ideaber Gardner, thnL the proposition of F. W. Ballard Ao Co. of ' ~~bv'~"__ !. L'ey 21th, 1917, to go over the report of L'r. Proutt and reoommettlationa of 11. 6. ~f Gardner, Com'r of Pub. Property, and render advioo is regard to the enlurRement of • our light plant,thiir iee for said aervioee to De x`200.00, oarried upon onll of tho roll by the followlttg vote: Yeas, Gardner, Craven, Ltarton & Washingten- 4. Nay, Burns, 1 ' • ~~~ _ ~,,.OT" On motion of the above, that the City Clark oxeoute dead. to titre. Ophelia Pryor , ~~^',~( ~ for Lot 72 in Dlook 1 on Baker Stroet, Usk Grove Cemetery, treasurer's receipt for $40.00 ` • being hereto attaohed- oarried upon oall of the~roll by 5 yens. i '~ '~!/ Un motion of the above, that the City Clerk axeouta deed to E. C. Griffin for ~~~~ lot 34 in Block 1, Stewart & Baker streets, Oak Grove Coa,etery, treasurer's rooeipt for e ~• y'40.00 being horeto attnohed- oarried upon oall of the roll by 5 yeas. _~~^ ~ ~~w+~"` On motion of the above, that the transfer of Lot 7 in Block 47, amd trnnefer of • ~~ 3 tt. off North aide of Lot ~6 in Block 47, Usk Grove Cemetery, from Ltrs. Jl 14. Skinner to lSarvln Langston and J. 3. :aohardaon be ooneurred in ea per the request of Sire. ! , _' ;~, Skinner hereto attaohed- oarried upon oall 02 the roll by b yeas. J ! On motion of Ltember Ltarton, that the report of Com'r of Finanoe of oolleotioae ,w _ /~• ~''},~4~; !; for improvements on Clay street from 17th to 19th street ba reooived and filed, and thot ` E ;~ n..11 ~ ~ the amount of ;1483.53 collected be allowed and paid to the cogtraotor, Proaeer & fiulliday, ~ ~j'__1 yy '' snd that the Cit auditor be instructed to have bonds tinted for the balance ~ • ;~, l y P , yy727.28, do ,, ~~; ,•. ,m `~, deliver same to said contractor- onrried upon cull of the roll by ,b yeas. I , .. . ° i 9 ' 3 5 A[° I g /." ...-.. ,1~. ,d~.~--•~~a~~.~~~~,~~~. _ .v I . ,1.,~. ~. t t ,.., ',. • • r .y j .. I , ,~ . _ .___ ~_ _~ __. .. ._ .w~ i ~. . .. 'No. „~ ~ 4 Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Isay 21st j9j 7 oontianed ,~~~: On motion of Ltember Washington, that the pay roll for the. Street Dept. for the week ending Dtay 19, 1917, not covered by ordinaaoe', amounting to X177.60, be allowed ~-.~ ` as per attaohed .statement of Com'r of Publio Wozka- oarried upon Dail of the roll by th` ~ following veto: Yeas, Bnrna, Gardner, Craves. itarton & Washington- b, j I ~-~_ Un motion of the above, A, RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE; { ~~• • ~"'~': SIDEW~SKS, TOGETHER FITH GRaUYTE CURBS nGID' GUTTERS AND ALL 2dECESSnRY bRuINPIPE3, I~iiAN-, , .~ ; ~ H07,fiS AIID INTAKES, OII BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH STREET FROId THE SOUTH CURB LINfi OF ELIZeB$TH ~ 4 . STREET TO THE;NURTH PROPERTY LIUE.OF BROuD S^aRL•'ET, IN ^aHE CITY OF PADUCe}i,`KEN^aUCKY; ailD PROVIDING THe^a SaISfi LiAY'Bfi PAID FOR UPON THE TEti YEuR PuYL~B^a PLnN; was given its passage upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. ~ ' /,J~, Oa motion of the above, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONS^aRUCTION OF,CONCRETfi. • v~ SIDEWALKS TOGETHER C:ITll GAANITE CURBS AUD GUa^TEIIS eND aLL NfiCESS.u'{Y DRUB-PIPES, ' ~y9 ~~~~ EtANH07E3 aI1D IN^aAnES, ON BOTH SIDES 0~' NINTH .STREET FROM THE NORTH CURB LIMB OF 1tONR0E - '. • /'(~~~ STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINK OF' TRIkBLE STRUT, IN TiiE 'CITY OF Pi-DUOdH, ~1ITUOKY, AND ~. •PROYIDI.NG THxT S„LIE LLIY Blti PAID FOII UFOH :HE TEW YEnR PAYL,ENT PLNti, was gitem its passage ;~'~ ' npon Dail of the roll' by b yeas. / !~ / On motion Nayor Burns, that polioe powers be granted Thoa. Stephens. night watohman ~ ~,,.~~ert for the Pad. Traction Co., upon execution of proper bond, he to receive no salary from' ,;. ~~~ the city,. as per his request heroto attached- oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. ,., n ~,_ ~ On motion of Member Graves, a oommanioution from b. R. Lteyers, Preet. of the Pad. ,:. (~•~•~'^'i~,,.~{~-~ '~ Anti=Tuberculosis Aae'n, asking that the City contribute ~,b0.00 monthly towards maintain- ` ' ing a public health auras in Paduouh, was roaeived and filed upon 0811 of the roll by; b yeas. ~~I •y ;~^~r On motion of Liambor~L'grton, that the request of merahanta and aitieens for lights .. .' ~ Of~ ~._ ~~ y~Jy'~~ in 3laiden alley between Washington & Clark street be referred to the Com'r of Pub~io ; ~y' l`/~il~L'•u-1. • r Property for hie attention. .oarried upon'oall of, the roll by Lhe following vote:. Yeas, '^'_ . ~ Burns, Gardner, 11urLon and Washington- 4.. Nay, Gruvee, 1. ~ ~, • ~: On motion the Doord ad~ou"rued upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burua, 6ardnor, GrBVes,•Lturton and Washington- b. i . ~~- ~, . t Aiopei ~191~.. ~~ /t ^-' ' .,u:y cad': ' 1ta~ E8. 191.7: ' At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Connoil Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoeh, Ky. on Atay Ee, 1917, upon Dell of the roli the following answered their names: Burns, Gardner,. Graves, Ltarton and Washington- 6. On motion of Member Gruvee, the minntea of a regular meeting held on Hay E1, 1917 were adopted as read upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~'"~ C7~ On motion of the above, that the oofiee house license of H. C. ivriett at 1100 H. 110th • ~~~(' 'street be transferred to R. Ce11Qe1, at the same location, in eooordarioe with the ~~ _~~~. ettsohed request and power of Attorney saoompeaying same- oarried npon call of the roll ~Q ~--m •' by b yeas.. .. .. , ~]~ On motion of Ltember Washington, the pay roll Yor the Street Dept. Yor the week i ~~' ending liay Ebth, amounting to X174.10, not covered by ordiaaaoe, ae per attached state- JJ ~. p went, was allowed npon Dail of the ro1T by b yeas. ' YG;7-° , ~ tv l^~- On motion of tbs above, that Sam 7sater be .allowed to take the tress oat of liegg3e ' /~'~"° St. from Bridge to Palmer gtreeta, provided ha removes'all stamps and rnbbiah and leaves ' ~ JL~~/~tn,,~~•- ~' the itroet is good condition -hie oompeneation for same being the world from the trees, fa ,~''~C •-.r aooordanoe with his proposition hereto,attached- oarried npon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ,. .-,.;: , ... .., .. ~. . E ~ . ~., { •~ .. ` ' ~.~e:.,fy N xCN: r,~Jnµ. V'~{:b.a.u.' '.A15•R~ M' Vii. {. •.,.-.. T .... w ..3 A . a. (n:. i}J+,'.wC~'aw R.Brvu b ,{~