HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/17i jS! 1 M ~~ .. ~ ... _. ~ , ' .y. i. ~•~~ e~irA9~. ~.R ~ YP'ti~Gf 6 y .irt .. (...- t,,, .,w n ~i.. xr. ~ „ 'i .R .. ~' •' •, t V~~rr•l-W.%Li3s y:,~.:a++~>..wL~++. r .+.:/.~~tew.r>..,...aw a:ri..~::.wi".r-...s..'~rl' b3u.d-~Y:~i~+1.•+=1:....~:.~..~.~ ~L... ~~~ f .k 'z a h .. ~ Na-~~ Commissioner's P. xneeedin~s, City of Faduaah~ uroh ~tb ~g~ oontiauen, ~0'""'"~ On motion of Mayor Buama. that the eommnaioatioa from the iliaiateslal sea's ~~ ~~''~ regarding the Best ]q-. Industrial Oollege. be rsosivsd ani idea, oarriiQ upon oall Of i the roll Dy b yeas. • 'x On motion. of Msabss Grags, that the Oom'r of Pnbiio forks, L. i. Rsehingtob,~ be inatrnotsd tp prepare plane end apeolfioetions foe a eto:m water ssw.er from 8th and ~~ 8dame streets down or Bast on Aasme street to the Tennaesee river os to Seoona ens ' gashington etTeet and oonnoot with the Washington street sewer, ae hs deems moat ,• ', advlsable-.oarsied upon oats of the roll by b yeas. /4/J ~~pn~ ~ On motion of 3[ayos Burns. that ~20.00•bs .allowed J. p. 9tewsrt for boarding f Y i ~ssv l6rs. 7saper end daughter while quarantined under order of Health pept., -some to be , (_e.N_,"p",C~~ oharged to the pest house fund. oarrisd upon oell of the X11 by 6 yeas. ~ P~'" On motion of Member Graves. that the City Solicitor bo inettuoted to prepare ens bring in m ordinance ragniring the oonstrnotion of concrete sidewalks and grewite, ~~~ , N,, .l•~ ' anrbing on both aides o! Thirteenth street between Jef9~raon street and Monroe strast~ ' end providing that said work be done on the tap year pe~yment plan, oarrie3 upon cell, ~; of the roll by the following"vote: Yeas. Borne. Graves, Marton ens Washington- 4. Hay. Gardner. 1. , `YM~a ~~~, On motion of Mambor Marton. that the aommuaioation of Mrs. Eagan regarding the r1y ~ purchase of certain property owned by the city of Yaduoah, be referred to the Oom'r of public Property- carried upon rill of the toll by 6 yeas. /1~ ~~~ Q~ On motion of Mayor Horne, that the oommnniaation tmm the Paducah Hand Oonart~. t A ralatlve to an appropriation from the city. Ds raoeived and filed, to be further con- ~"W". .~,~/" sideroa in the appostlonment ordinance- oarrled upon cell of th6 roll by 6 yeas. l~~ _.u~"'_~ On motion of Member Marton, that the oommnnioation from the Baptist State ~ • lA•e'^~,~'" _ _~ Board of Missions of Louisville, 8y., in regard to the ezemption o! city taxes, be p'- ~ referred to tbs City Solicitor- oerrled upon cell of the roll by b yeas. a On motion the Board adjourned upon calf of the roll by the following votsi ` Yeas, Hurna, Gardner, Graves, Marton sad Washington- b. Aie ei C , i- 191.::, .3FPR0 V' ~ ', , ~ i er, errr M.SX~PC.: . , ~ inril 2, 1917. et a re nlar meoti I ',~ "~" g ng of the Eoard of Commiesionese bald in the Council ; , 'Chamber of the City Hall. paduaah, $q. on 6pril E, 1917, upon call of the roll the ~ '~~ ~~ . following answered their names: Borne. Gardner. Graven, Marton and Washington. 6. ; • .i On motion of Member Graven, the minutes of a regular meeting held on Maroh.~ $6', 1917 were'edopted ae read upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~ {! n ~. 1 On motion of Member Marton, that the petition of property owners on Borth 1Sth?• , /yLVG.K i s~1,f3.aC ~ etsest between Jeff reon and Monroe streets protecting the rsoonstruotioa of that ~ , block, bs received and filed- carried upon call of the toll ~ b yeas. On motion of ltamber Gardner, that a deed be aseouted and delivered to tVeltes ~ ~ • •'w~"~~Yewbura for Lot X47 Block Two oa Miller street, Oak Grc-e cemetery, treasurer's receipt • ~~ ~ for X40.00 being hereto attached- carried upon calf o! tho roll by bye ea. " On motion of the above, that WHLBEeB, the omerioen Cigar Co. has setaDliehed a , .~ '' msnnfaoturing plant in this city, and under the ordinance of the oily of Paducah exempt. w~h ~ ing monufaotesere approved Jnns E3, 1906, this 'company is entitled to sxenption from ' taxation for a period of five years. I move that said 4merioan Cigar Co. bs ordered , `~ pieced upon the list of manufeotcff ire ezempted from taxation foot s period of five ysare from this spar. E. 1917- oarriod upon cell o! the mli by 6 yaee. Y~ ~ ~ • ' ~.~, ,r.. .. - ...r~,;.~~ i nor -_. _:-.:~-n,r..-err., r .., ~.-:-.- r--.,~~: r.- . ~ , ~ ,q - , ~ ~~~..T i. ~~~~,.... ,,~..~,q~:w„~T Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah April E Igl 7 continued On motion of Member Etarton, that the amount of ;~16807.H1 be ellowed end checks , .. ~ leaned on the city treeanry for same, being the monthly ellosaaae for ltaroh 1817- oarried. ~ ' upon Deli of the roll by b yeas. , ~f f ~ Osi motion of the above. that the request of Frank L. Delvia regarding the transfer ~~,p.,:A k ~ ,n-o' N~~'^'''~~~-'~'-, of the South halt of Lot ae Block +f~. in Oak Grove Cemetery. to George Omeehart° be ; • '~ ~ " • 4 granted. and that fhe City Clerk be authorised to ezeo~rts deed for tt». south half of ~ '. this lot-,said motion was tabled. having reosived no second. ' On motion of Member Graves, that Frank Delvin be requested to make hie individnsl ~ ~*'~ • • deed to the south half of Lot 3H Black ~l7 in Oak Grove Cemetery to Geearge Gsoeahart; :,:~ ''`'` and present same to the Board of Commie alonere for ratification and reoosd- oarried npoa call of the m.il by b years. , -01 On motion of Membes Marton, that the Com°r of Publio,WOrks be instructed to have. /~ o~'~' ~ all Improved and paved streets flushed every dry; or night, at his discretion-, this wort ~ ~~ !~ to start this month sad continue u~rt it Fall- oarrlsd upon pall of Lhs roll by the . ~;; 1' following vote: Yeas, Burns. Gardner, Graves and 1farton, 4. Nay: Washington, 1. ~''....;....-.__ On motion of the oboes. that the Lime of holding regular meeting be changed from Q~.y~ 1130 P. lS. to 8100 P• td., oarried upon dell of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Member Washington, that the pay roll for the titroet Dept. for ttr week ending Efarah 30, 1917, amounting to $171.36, not covered by ordinanos, be allowed ' as per attached atatemsnt- oarried upon Dell of the roll Dy 6 yeas. ' Pj~u,/, w~ On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be inetreoted to issue improve- , C~,y,~e~u+e,u~' meat warrant to Prosser do Nnilidoy for X1864.66, this being epprozimstely 660 of work ~-W ~'a'~'~ M ', done oa blanket ordinance contract during the month of Eiaroh 1917° oarried npoa Deli '. P (~j,.Q.e.A+~ oY the roil by b .yeas. On motion of the above, a resolution authorising the Com'r of Public Works to ' ~,HQ;°,.~iur-r. construct storm water sewers end intakes on Washington street from the S. aide of 8d ' ..., J X ~ to the W. side of 6th street= eztead the present storm sewer of Harrison atreet° thence r ;"~ B. oa 8d to Monroe ,, thence E. on Monroe to Ed street aid W. on Honroe to 7th; on .. 8th St. from Jefferson to Momoe; on 8th street from Jeif. tq Eionroe street- emd that tb aoet thezeof be paid for Isom the apeoiel sewer Sand- oarried upon Dell of the roll ' by 4he following vote: Ysae, Berne, Graven, Etarton and Washington, 4. Nay. Gardner. 1. On motion of Mayor Burns. that the receipt for donati6n of X60. to the New Albany ~.~eu- religf Sand, bs reosived. and filed- oarried upon call of Lhe roll by b yeas. ' On motion of the above. that the Commiesionere ratify the notion o! theAdvieosy ~ I\.~~, Committee of the C.0.3. in inetruating Etr. Marton to employ eoabone et a salary of 360.00 o Se per month to look after the charity work of the C.0.9: and pay all.debte owed Dy them. j taking effect after the Y4th of April 1917° when the contract of Hrs. Ford and Mies Strasburg expires- oairiad npoa call of the roll by b yeas. , ~~_~.~ ~. On motion of the above. that the petition sad aommnniaetion from the Oommittes ' ,~~,r,~ regarding the Cold Home of the Friendleea be received and filed oarried npoa Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.. ~ . Etes'or Burns read and introduced uN ORDINdtiCE PROYIDING FDR THE REOONSTRUCTION OF ~~-~,)~'7,r BROADWAY FRDM TtUS SA$T PROPERTY LINS OF 33sYI2~TEFTiTH STREET,. OR I~UNTaIN aYF3tUE° TO THS • SA9T CURB LIMB OB TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. IN TdE CITY OF YaDUCAH, IffsID;UCKY. AID t?RDYIDING TFEfT SAID IEtPR0YEEIENT MAY BS tJADE UPON Tt~ TEN YEAR PI-YM~iT PLsB. this ordinana:e to r ~;, be brought in. at the next regular meeting as provided by law. Mayor Borne read end introduced AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FLTfi THE RSCOtt9a^RiJCTiON CF .~ ~~ JSFFERBON STREET FROM iHS EA$T PROPSA^aY LINE OF BEVSNTS~iTH S^aREST, OR POt3NTdIN AVEttUti, . t1 ~ 7'C ~ TO a"fiS EAST OURB LINE OF TWSWTY-FIFTH STRSET;.IN ,'1i8 OITY OF.PADUOAH, $ENTUOICY, ~ ' °$~°l~$n~~Ti~g~ Via"-seat legal ~meetinguae ~`~ovided b ]aeAYE~tT PLA1t. thi. ordinaao. ~. ' .;cM,cs4'..;ye ~ .r'. +. '~•'.veL F~.Gt,~~uel '.'~;~° .,+:~a. :n.w~~ jp~•im ~~. ~ .~%' ,n ..w' .. :~ ,.au.a ~.., ...~~+m.~;.. • ~ .. ~ _I , It Tr:a~ . ' v. r .. 1i~ ~ f ' No.~ Commissioner's Proceeding's, "eify'ofPads~e~h° . ,-pr+a ~a 19~LLoontinned. Oa motion of Mayos Bnrns,.tha6 the petition of Property owners on fleet esoadway 'L~--} ssgasaiag the reoonsLrnotion of said stsset fY+om 17th street to Ebtt- street, Oe ~~,y, ssoeived ens filed- oarried upon deli of the soil by b yeas. . On motion of the above, that the City Solicitor peepers an ordlnanoe proteotiag. ,~''6~ the City Soavengar in hie work and regulating the skinning of dead animsla within the ~~0'~~V oity of Paduoeh- osrried upon dell of the rail by 6 yeas. • On motion of Member Washington- that the Gommieeionere eo a committee of the j ate' ,whole ta1~ up the.queation of oonstsuoting an incinerating plant, oarried upon dell 9~ • Pte" ~" • of the ro 11 by b Fa se. • _ On motion the Board ad~ounned upon o$11 of the tali tW the following•vote: Yesej_=•. 1: Hoene. Gardner. Graven, L"anon sad Washington- 6. • • '~ Ad/oe/p~le~liy_/~"(]'~~y_~ ~%_ 1/e91 ~ L'.PF'tZIO~V~L~U j . ; " ~ ~ .,i~.+~Gi.f-dG66'q~a,~GlT .a4~LaG-•se:.G ~~ . • Uq CYA ~~ ~; • ` ". APRIL 9th. 1917. ' i-t a regular meeting of the Board of Commieeionere held is the Oounoil Ohamber •_{? is of the City Ba11. Paducah, Kentnoky on i-pril 9th. 1917 upon sell of the roll the follow. - i; • ;~ ing answered their names; Purne, Gardner, Graves, Lfarton end Washington. 6. Un motion of Member Gardner. the minutes of a regular mooting held on Apr11 2nd were adopted ea read upon call of ffie roll by b yeas. • On motion of Ltember Graves, that ooneideration of the proposed ordinance . pyrOUb~+alfg i~ reoonstruoting peat defforson street from 17th to 2bth street, and the proposed ordinance • (/~-off, o'er reoonstruoting Weat Broadwaq from 17th to ESth street De laid over until the next } ~" regular meeting of tho Board of Co~mnieaionera- oarried upon dell of the roll by 6 yeae~ n ~~ Dn motion of 1Somber Washington, that the o1Ly purohaae two hundred of the ,cw ~ ~~ ~M/nv Cursy Fly ^asape at a pride of 2.00 asoh, oerriod upon pall of the roll by 6 lreae. • On motion of 1lember Gardner, that the City oonour in the tranefar of the south nrw,.~t~u ~-~•'~half of Lot 38 Block 47, Oak Grove Cemetery, from Frmk Dalvin to George Grosahart- i 'd~"'"e• ~ oarried upon dull of the roll by b yeas. ~ ~~~~ I . On motion of Member Washington, that the oommieoionsre as a aommiLtee of the '' ~,,,d.N ~~' whole inveeLigaLo the request for a oindsr walk on the Rieke plods from 17th street k Qs.lw t "~- towards Guthrie avenuo, whore Xentuoky ~-venue would bs it extended- oarried upon dell ~ , °~~, ~ of tho roll by b yeas. ~ ~~ • j . On motion of Ltomber Marton, that the report of the City buditor for the monthl' 1~`^^'h+-P'""' of March be seoeived and°!led and published in the oftiaiel newepaper~ oarried upon" ±~ dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ,• Un motion of the above, that the oommunioatioa from Mr. G'rpom;'ragarding the • ~a.~r ~7+.rw+ ', refund of seetaurant lioenae be refereed to the City 3o1101tos- oarried upon call of ~'`'""'~•~ the roll by 6 yeas. ! On motion of Lumber Washington, that the pay roll for the 8treeL Dept. for'th' x ~• i woek ending ypr11 6th, amounting Lo ~y177,G0, not covered by ordinance, bs el lobed- .. .. { !`; oarried upon call oY the ro11by b yeas. On motion of Ltember.Grnves, that the Comps of Public Works bs nuthueisod en~t"~"r~. •` ~ ~ ~ !° instructed to sell ur-d dispose of two mules now In thr straot'departaurd unfit ibs i " f, etsest work, and that hs purchase two other mules ii he deems it neoeasary- Oarried • ` upon dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ • ~ i ,~, ~ i ~.. •, u i g i }~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ir ..._,. a ~ ~ . i ~1