HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/17... .: ~ '. s ,.~~ ~. .o $ ' I 1 . ,, ,ww~-- ~~ ~'n. \r'l\xl Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah FwtmtaYy stb 191~L • It a Dolled mooting of ttu Board of Commissionsre held is the Oounoii ChamDes of the City Rall, Paducah, Sentuedry, on BeDsuary 16, 1917 upon Dell of 't he + j roll the lollowing ennewersd their neunest Bursa, Gardner, Marton emd Ilaehiagton.4 • Oa motion of Mayor Burps, that the inlsa bs anependad ea to sending out n ,,~ _ N`"'- E i.. oopiee of motions, and any memDes oi.the Board bs p6imitted to .offer any motion • „ ` dseired- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ On motion of Member Gardner, that ths•City of Paducah concur in the traneisr ~ • ,,,,1 Cj~+'-0 wa~ ~ ~ . of the Duet 15 feet of lot $b44 Block 37, Oak Grovo Cemetery, from lSra. dddis Hotts '~ ~ ~ °""' ' and lire. oddis Perkins to lire. L. A. Wyatt, sa per written request hereto attached. • ~ „f a~ oarried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.. ~ ~ ~ UN`'' ~• ., .~~ On motion of Mayor Burns, that the City of Paducah employ F. G. Proutt as an ~rw1- engineer to make the enrvey of the city light plant ea outlined in the oommunioatiowe ., (~ OA ~M'' to him sad user his replies of February b a~ February 12th, it being understood ,~,p~~' that he will employ, at hie own oxpenae, without additional coat to the oily, A. j,.~ ~~ Dabney of Memphis, ioYlri., who will spend nevoral days in P9duoah doing the field ; •, @,~ o~ work sad gettf.ng the neoeaeary data from which to draw the oonolusiona to make up ,. } ~: the detailed report a~ad usual talulatione, and it being Ru•ther understood that tDs . • fee to~be paid said Proutt is sight hundred and fifty ($860.) dollars, which is to • • Doves the eervioes and expenses of both Proutt and Dnbnay in full of bli fees, and ~ i i~ being further understood t2vat the Oily shall,under no oontinpsnoy bs liable for ~ ~ , . N ~ any morn Lhan this $f360.00, and that a !fill and oomprehenaive survey and report ~ be mnde so that it may be used for all purposes, including oonatruation and any 1ltigaLlon that m t .r. igh grow out of it, and 1t being further uadaretood that said j report is to cover all regniremente with respect to taking oars of any given area ~ of the city sad also of t}r entire oily, end the Lt~yor is hereby empowered to enter E , into g aontraot Deering ell stipulations of the above character with said Proutt ~ ~;;> p ~~ ~ oarried upon call of the mil by 4 yeas, ` P,>~~ `~ on motion of Ltember Washington, that the gesetion of o:emption of taxation ~ Cp for five yearn for the Peduoah Ice Co. be reforred to the City 9olioitor fora ~ •, i mil written report ea to ehether the oommiesioners oea legally grant this exemption - ( 1, oarried upon Dell 0! the roll by 4 yreae. • On motion of Mayor Burns the Board adjourned, to most again at two o'clock ;, P. M., this date- upon call of the roll by the ibllowing vote] Yeas, Burns, I I Gardner, Barton sad Washington- 4: ~' ~. ~.~p sae ea .~--~_~,-~ '-~"~ ~. ~ ar.~~ FEBRtIIRY 16th 1917. At ea adjourned meeting of the Board of Commiaedonera, bola in the Council Chamber of the City Rail. Paducah, I{y., February i6, 191?. at two o'olodc P. M., upon call of the roll the following answered their nameat Burns, Gardner, Graven, Marton and Washington- 6. On motion of L'ember Marton, that the mount of $3,736.66 be allowed ana • checks iseusd foe sane for the Ssst half of Feln•uary, sa pas ropoo:t of Com'r of Finance and City ..udit or , he talc attsohe d - oarMa d upon call of the ro 11 by b yeas. On motion the Board adjourned upon Deli of the mil Dy the following •ote= Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graven, Marton end Washington- b).~~ sae ea - ~191,.~.