HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18-12/19/16 & 12/25/16=:;.r.. . <±. v x`.",~"P' rd~,w?:.'9 k3. 3}..,.X. ~.., d; :kr~,~ ~' '_n?~'~Y gyp.,, fY \ • ~ F , ~ ~x { 1 ~...::.a.:.+.- sic-~... .~.Ha:..ti:Y,y.- ,..~..,:,.w•. x.L`.. a _~. .'..'}. ~. ., .. . ~ ~• ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deo. 1B .. jgl B oontinnea . On motion of kiember ldarton, that the semi-monthly pay roll, amounting to _ D^^"~ ~b021.E4, be allowed, ae psr,reporti ot.0om'r of Finanoe and Auditor hereto attaohed- ~~ -~ ~o'"~ t same oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote= .All yeas. 1. On motion of liayor Burns, AN ORDINaNCE TO PREYEIiT JUNK DEi;LER3, 9EOONDHAND ~., ~ {.1~x~'- l DF~:LE.R9, OR OTHER HUYF,3$ OR DEiSERS II~f :llE CITY OF PIrDUCi$, KEIJTUCI{Y, FR01S BUYI2JG, I O~ i' ~,~KR'j, a$dDING FUR. OR RECEIVING FR01t vNY 1SRJOR, .,NY SECOND-HoND FUFtttITURE, COPPER, BfidSS, . {~ IRON OR OTHER, EIETETA7.T.I0 FI%TURE9 OR SUBSTaNOES, OR PeIiT3 THEREOF; OR TO BUY, RECEIVE • !, ~ . j~ oR aCCEFT F1Yltt ~.UY tIIIJOR, xNY iIItaSS, COP}~R, IRON OR OTHER LIEi'wI.LIO SUSSTa11QES :51iaT- I , • i+ SOEYER, was given its passage upon oall oY the roll by the following vote= All yeas, .l 4 i. ' ~ On motlon. of 1;ember tiashington, that the applioation of alvie Caldwell ~p~~~ r (. lM'^"'~.,,~' for refund of poll tax for this year be referred to Com'r of Finance & City Soligitor! • l:~" jl,. and that the Com'r of Finanoe be authorized to refund th~y1.50 poll tea if awns ie " f! Yound to be erroneously assessed against her- oarried upon oall of the roll by the r E, following vote; 611 yeas. • ~~~~, On motlon of itayor Burns, that the Com'r of Publio Rorke be authorized to + build a shod to aooommodate the maohlnery and equipment of his department, the aoet 1 , ' ~ °~ ~ ` i' n ~e~ ~ I thereof to be oharged to hie department- aurae oarried upon Dull of the roll by the following vote; Yeea- 6. ~`~~"~''~; On motlon the Board adjourned upon gull of the roll by the following vote= ~~ , 611 yens. Adeptal .r 7a3AYt1~' i• . i; ~' 01"' DI.OBI[SB@ 18, 1918. ~~ ~ ' • i ~ At. s segalas meeting of tihe Boars of Ooawieeionere held la the Oonnoli Ohauaber tot the Oity Hall. Padnoah, Syr. on Deo. 18, 1916, npon oall of the roll the following .~ __ i' • ;;answered their naioses Burns, Gardner, Graves, tdarton and &sahingtoa- 6. ~ ' ~; On motlon of 3tombes Gardner, thst.the miantes of the regular meeting of Deo. ' ~ il, 1918, the epeoiai roosting of Deo. 14, at twel~s o'olook soon, the epeoial msetiag f ' ~ ': f . ` Of Deo. 14, at 6;00 P. u.,Ond Of 8 epeoiai msetiug o! Deo. 16, 8t 11:00 A. H., be • r hdopted as read- same oarried npon Dell of the.roil by the following vote; Yeas, (' ' i 8usne, Gardner. 6,raTee, Hartoa sad Washington- 6. 11 }, i Oa motion of the ebove,,that the aommnnioatioa o! the Oom'r of Pnbiio Property '~ , *. •(tr,N,.„, sE- regarding eTh~ Hater works Ordinaaos" be reoeivea sad f11ea, and that the Oity 8olioitos~ C 'Q''. P ~~ '. be iaetsnoted to ,lavsbtigate eau report op the legality of the amendment o! Oot. 6,. • .W o2a... a/JIJ.! ti ~` 0-,.~Q,, ;.1884, msatlonea La said oommunioatioa• same oarried npon Dail of the soil by the ~' x. °~ ;following votes 6 yeas. '' On motion of Eiember ltaston, that the amount of X4,348,80 De eliowea and oheob ~~ ~ ~.W 1 L ;,, ~ ~. (1-P" ~ laened to G. Y. Hstter~olw for work done on Hwsy from let to 4th 9t,, ae per oontssot, • ~'13'~:~ ~. !same to be oharged to the Spsoiel Street Fend. is eooosdanoe with report o! Oom'r o! ~ ;f ~fi ~~ ~~ Finesse hereto attaohed. acme oarried npon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.. ,,Y. i ` On motion of the above, that lir. w. h. Giikeraon ie son-resident- be rsfnndea ' -LU, £~ ~ 1.60 poll ta= paid to the City Tresanser on tea bill ¢1888, oprri4d npon oall of the rn ;, . F^ t ~ ;roll. by ti yeas. e ' . n, .., On motion oiltembos waehingtoa, the pry roll foe the street department for the i ~.,__' `~~ ' week ending Deo. 19, 181B, sot oovsred by ordinanoe, amounting to X168.86, was ~ . !; allowed npon oa11 of the roll Dy b yaet. ~.. •a F I ,1 ~ ~ ' ' ` • j i f i t ~ i . i.. i.,~ir. „ r -.~ -i. r~ ., .Fnr..~ r :n.-:~n~rr.:.-n ~a,,mc-m-,r..n....r., o:: ~..:..-. ,~,~.~ _, k~„y~ ~, ~.,~ v~ma~a~dl,.~tl,~~.~~is.~,,~,r6~ ~,~ ,I::, ~ ~: ~,, 6 I : _ __ _~-.- _ _ ~.:~- .~ t r. ~. .• Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deo. 16 1916 oontinnea On motion of Member Washington. A RSSOLUTION TEA1tINATIN6 TH8 9ERYIOSS OF WYNN J J~ TULLY A9 TREA9tAiER AND •UDITOA OP THB OITY OF PADUOiH AND APPOINTID-(i T. T. NEELEY AS AUDITOR OP THE OiTY OF PADUCAA was girea- its passage upon oe11 of the roll by b yeas. r ~'~~ J~~< Oa motion by Hambsr Oaraner, that the petition of ssetsnrs~ loeepsrs regarding A J ~ the sale ai or giring away of lnaahes in saloons bs reoeiwed eu~d filed, and the matter ~(,~„p,~,,s :~ ~ b9:rsferrsd to the Oity bolioitor for report and reoommeadation- .oarried upon oaal of i~"_ the ro1T by 6 yeas. On motion of Hember Hatton, that Hr. 8. A. Payne be rs2Lnded the amount of X6.10 "~, ~,; P~~i: for ersoneoue assessment on honbe st 18th a Hampton Avs., whioh was destroyed bg rite h.e~-~w~+..el on duly 87, 1916, as p.r reoommsndation of tho Oity Asseseor• easy oarriad upon oall. " ~~~ ~' of the roll by the following note: 6 yeas. ' i Oa motion of the above, A RESOLUTION NAHINti THE BOND TO BE ESECUTED BY THE ~"~'"`~"~~ ~rw~. ~ AUDITOR OF THE OITY OF PADUOAH FOR THE FAITHFUL PERFORHANOE OF HI8 DUTIEB was gireai '. !be panage upon oali o! tha roil by the. tolloxiug wobei 6 yea. •1 ~ Oa motion the Sosrd ad~onrned, upon Dell of th• roll by 6 yeas. ~ '~ b .191 ~' ~ .+8~1~R0'GFT~ ~ i pie4lci ~' ~,~ // ~~y~ .nY Cl.rk _~~~. .! ' '~ ~ L ~ ~'~ MAYUII. ' ~~" ` DEOE6SBER 19. 1916. ' At a,epeoial meeting of the Board of Commieaionsra held in the Oonnsil• . Ohamber of the Oity Hail, Padnoah, $y., on Deo..19, 1916, npoa oall o! the roll the following answered their namese Barns. Hatton sad Washington- 8. On .motion of Hayor Bnrne, that the tales be suspended ea to sending oat ' n ~ ~ Dopier of a Aaeo2ntion regarding the loostioa of the oontemplatsd asmor plats pL~ ' at Padnoah= same oerriad npoa oall of the roll by b yeas. y On motion oi.Member Washington, A RESOLUTION INDOASIDIO AND APPAO4INa the y lotion o i the Board oY Trade is the steps it is taking to direoS attention to the ~°`~"' advantage of oonetraoting the proposed armor plate plant at Padnoeh, a~sd urging oar . ~~~ sepreeeatatines end senators to do e11 in Lhei; power to sooomplish Shst sad- was . ~ ICx-t-vG:~~+ given its passage npoa oe11 of the roll by 8 yeas. . . On motion o! Hembsr Harton,'thst the amount o! ~3,1E5.00 bs allowed and ` r -/~(~ ~ oheok leaned to the Padnaah Water Oo. for rant of firs plate from Sept. 80 to Deo.. t w ' ` 81, 1916- oarried npoa oall of the =011 by 8 yeas. O`~^"~`~- `, On motion the Board ad~onraed npoa sell of the roll by the mllowing notes Ysae, Barns, Hatton and Rashington- 8. .A:3~ Oy '~D 1 ' ' M XUEL '~CEHBER 26 1916 +d~--" ~ . . .~~Y ci.ri a -r ' At a regular meeting ni the Board of Oommieaionsra held in the Oonmil Ohamber of the Oity 1ia11, Padnash, Sentnol~, on Dso. 85, 1916, npoa Dell of the roll the lbilaw• ing emewered their names: Bnrne.. Gardner, Oranes sad Tsahingt0a- 4. On motion Dy Hayos Burns, this being Christmas Day, the Board ad~onrnsa'to . meet again on Tnsea~pr,. Deo. 86, 1916, at eleven o'olook A. H., on oesl of the roil tW r the tollawing rote: a yeq. ~ :.rk rwwr.r.rirr-r+Mr.+ .~~= . r .. A'L4.Ri~Ii .. r i .~ ~ ', ~ ~~. ,