HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/04/16No._~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah naaember lot 191 6 oontinnsd bioense and'Weighta & lteaeures Inapeotor, and appointing Tom Orr to the position o! ~ J~s~"',~,,~,,,,~.~ Iriepeotor of Weights. Eteeauree and Balanoee. and Dog Catcher. iathe city of Haduoah- ! ~~~~"" was given eta passage upon call of the role by the following vote: Yese, Burns, ~~'~ "-' Gardner, Graven, Liarton and Washington- 6. On motion bq Ltember Craves. a Reeolutian relieving E. Richard ISillsr of his y ,~ °~a.~.' ,.~c, duties ea Clerk of the City of Paducah, and appointing Harry He~ndriol® to the position ~~^•S- --~- of Olerk of the Oity of Padnbah and License Ynepeotor, was given its paeenge upon cell g. ~ `~Wof the m]1 by the .following vote; Yeas. Beans, Gardner, Graves, Ltarton and Waehingtba-.6a On motion by idember ESarton; a Resolution relieving Samuel Simon of hie duties eai f~Q ;,..City Jailer, and appointing Fred Swenter to fill the veaenay ceased thereby, wea given; ~~.°"~" 'I its passage upon call of the roll by the ibllowfng vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Craves. ~~~~~~ Etnrton sad Washington- b. n Oa motion by k'ember Cardnsr, a Resolution.re-appointing Frank Doan ea City Weigher of the City of Paducah was given its passage upon oati of the roll by the ~ ~~~ following vote: Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Craven, Barton and Washington- b. 1 ~: On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, H:ane, Gardner, Craves, Marton sad Washington- 6., ~~~, ~ s~ 14tb , ~ ~~PTr.; ~~ Aie~lei s!~="-- ~_~-:. off„ __-cv cvY J ~YOJ~:! ~,- DECEEtBER 4th. 1916. i • bt a regular meet! of the B a d f C i si h ~, g o r o omm a oners eld fa the Couaoil Chamber: " oY the City Ralf, Padnoah, i{y., on December 4, 1916, upon call of the roll bye following enearered their Haman: Burns, Gardner, Craven, Ltarton and Washington -b. On motion of Etember Groves, the minutes of a regular meeting held on ttov. 27, ` - ',I were adopted ea read upon aall of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Burns, Gardner, Gravse, Etnrton and Washington- 6. ' • On motion of Etember Etnrton, the minutes of a special meeting held on Nov. 28, were adopted ea read upon cull of the moll by the following vote: Yeea, Barra, Cnrdner, Braves, Etnrton end Washington- 6. On motloa of Etember Graven, the minutes of a apeaiel meeting held oa Deo..lst were adopted na read upon call of the roll by the following wte: Yeas, Bnrne, Gardner, Gravse, Efarton end Wnshington- 6. til,_ On motion of Et~ber Etnrton, that the Report of the Com'r of Finance of the ~a.~•s.~' Col7eationa 8o Mabnraemente during the month of November 1916 be received, filed, , C ~- ~ published, and aaoepted- some oarried upon nail of the roll by the following votes • Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, .Etnrton and ashington- b. ~~~ ~ On motion of the above, that the Report of the Com'r of Pinnace of eoaonats ' -,-.. due Deoembar lot, 1916, be received, $led sad published, and warrants drawn on Q~-w~-~• Treasury for alms- oarried upon call of the loll by the ~Sllowing rates Yeas, Beane, Gardner, Gravse, Etnrton end Washington- b. .tl. ut' OZ~.+. '.P~.r d • 0n motion of the above, that the amount of X2474.22 be paid to contractor C. W. Kattar~ohn for work dons on Broadway from first to Fourth street, the remainder to bs t . ~Y~' ~ µ 7 ~ ~ held up until. the requised bond is made, as per oontraot+ same oarried upon call of . 1. ~ •the roll by the following vale: Yeas, Burns', Caraaer, Graves. Etnrton a¢sd Washington-., b. ~ ~ ', / _~ _ "~ On motion ~by the above, that the National Surety Co. be released from the. bonds I ~ ' ~ ~T-~ .;..4~`°" ~~ • ~~. -. . , of N. Richard Stiller as City Clerk, $am Abele, $s bioe~nee Inepeotai, end. from the bond , , - V n Y ~' t ,per ti .: { v ~' h ' dyk g y . .. ... .. :.i. • No.2•/7 • Commissioner's PTOCeeding8, City ofFadu~afi naeember 4th ]Qj6 oontlnued • ~~ j~~. of Sam Simon as City Jailer- same oarried upon sell of the roll by the following,vote;i A e 1~•'A ~'" Yeaa, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Marton sad Geahington- b. a °°" Oa motion ai IBember itarton, that the oommunioation o! Err. Runge la regard to QQ r~ k~ """ ' - • Lhs double easeea~snt on mortgage and property be referred to the Oom r of Pinnace, .~~~City Solioltor and Board of Supervisors- oarried upon call of the m 11 by the following . ' t ~.E ~ "vote; Yeaa. Burns, Gardner. Groves, Marton and Washington- 5. t' p ! Qn motion of Member Gardner, that the aommunioation of the Oom'r of Public f ~ ~. ~ P Property regarding the light rates is the City of Padnoeh as compared with those of ti: ~ ~"'`"~ ~yA other cities be received end fi]ed- same oarried upon call of the roll by the fl~llowing ~'J~ ~, vote; Yeaa, Hume, Gardner, Gravea. Ltarton and Neahington- 6. j /~~• On motion of )[ember Gravea. that the motion of Limiber Washington b0 amondeQ by { • ,,.[ ~ ~^~'"1! adding thereto the following; That acid Ltotion be referred to the Board of Commie- . ~~~ ~ sloners ea s Committee of the whole, with instruotioae that the i:eyor immediately j i correspond with competent persons and experts on electricity and lnvestigate the " jj ` /~'" T~....~t' !, salary required and the necessary time that will probably ba consumed 1n determining } . ; ~. /~, bX, i ~ p~~, the coat and other espensea of same- some oarried upon cell of the roll by the r. _ is following vote: Yeas, Burns. Gardner. Gravea. L'arton end Washington- 6. ~ ~ . • ~ On motion of Ltember Washington, that the Board o! Cowaiseionere immediately f-. employ a competent e]eotrioal engineer to look over the actuation in Paducah and giro ." ~•e ` us figures and feats upon which we aen sot intelligently towards potting reduced ~ J f eleotrioal rates for the City of Paduoeh= name oarried upon cull of the roll by the Yellowing vote; Yeas, Burns, Bardnor, Gravea, ltarto•n and Washington- 6. ~-~' On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finanoa be instructed to !seas 1 C1 .r ~`~ ~ ~s improvement warrant to Prosser & Ha111ds~ for 53477,07 on contrnot to construct ~ p y,~~J'I+{ ~ ~~ sidewalks &o on 91zth street- Washington to Teuneaaee street- as er attached ~ 1 ~,~, ' p ~ ~ ~~p ~j"`~~ I atatanent; same oarried upon cull o f the roll by • the following note; Yeas, Burns, ' W ~ Gardner, Gravea, !Barton end Uaehingtoa- 6. i' ~ . ~ "~. ~'~T~, ~ On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be instructed to issue Improve-, ~ " ...~io••Y' v` • ~' ment BarranL to Prosser & Halliday for "2040.28, amount of work dons during the month { (. o ~! • ' !. , of 2fovember 1916 on contract to oonatxuot aidawalra &o on Fourth etreot from 2tonros ~.- ~~~~~ ` ~ .'~ "'"`T" to Clay street, ae per attached statement- some oarried upon Dell of the soil by the • ~ following voter Yeea; Burns, Gardner, Gravea, ifarton end Washington- 6. ~` On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance be lnetruoted to issue to ~' . ,r-~ "" ~ ~ ~ Prosser de Halliday Improvement 17arrant for work done on contract Second to Ninth, r ~ ~ ~,.w • ~ Q'~'~"~r„ ~ Washington to l.lonroe street- for the month of November 1916 for yb6E11.84, ao per ~• ` ~~ ~ `~~j'-Or'• ~ attached statement- esme oarried upon call of Lhe mil by the tbllowing vote; Yeae, i ;y ~ ;~ Burns, Gardner, Gravea, )Barton and PJnehington- 6. • !' On motion of the above, that the Com'r of Finance bs instructed to le sus to ~ ~, ~,~,.~,,,,;,~^ Prosser & Hullidg7 improvement warrant ibr ~y`277.47 on contract m aonatruct sidewalks r ~~,o..,~ &o on C1By street- 17th to 19th etroet- us per attached atotement, awns oarried upon ~ ~ ~ ` t Deli ofthe mil by the following rotes Yens, Burns, Gardner, Gravea, 1fartoa and ~ (-; ~1 ~ i . ~ Oa motion of the above, that the pay m ll for the street department for the week i ' ~~ ending ])so. 3, 1916, not covered by ordinanoo, miounting to X121.66, De allowed, saws t; oarried upon cell of the mil by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Graves, j ~,` ' ~ f )Barton and Washington- b. ~~~ ~ ', < ~ ~ I ~ .. ~ '" 1( • ~• - F G i '~"' • ~. ~• .~ .., , .., , , ' i n i ~ i ~ ~ I .q I ~ m I Td~T'~rmr.,r-, T, ~~r,.r~r-~-,:~~n::~:L. ~ ~.. ~ ., _~. -i n fi_,..-r ~.rt --u -gyp. -. No. z ~ S l/~mmissioner's PTOC6Cdll7g8, City of Paducah Dsoember 4th 19 j6 oontinued. On motion of Mayor Borne, that the oommun;,oation of D. E. V111eon relative ~"^`~~~~' to the raanoval of telephone poles from Broadway be reoeived and filed and referrei to' ~.•~p~''"°'"' the Board of Commissioners ee s whole= same oarried upon Dell of thq roll by the' ~ ~ . 1 following vote; Yeaa, Burns, Gardner. Graves, Ltarton and Waehinprton, 6. Ra~ ~~ ti. On motion of itember Gardner, thnt the oommunioation of the Charity Organisation • ~ ~ Sooioty be roooived and filed and oonourred !a, and their oantroot with .Capt. Fisher ~•~e,,c~ ea td Todging and meals of indigent. persona be ratified and meals and lodging be -~^' furaiehed on orders of the Diygor and Polioe Department- same oarried upon Dell of ,},~01e C o-~ ~ ' ~ ~ O NoJ~}'`a' ~, ~ the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Btxrn9, Gardner, Graves, liartoa k C~ashington- 6. ' 0n motion. of itember Graves, that Copt, Fisher of the .Salvation Relies ~ • ~~ + . CCt~'b uieeion, be allowed $l0.0o for fees for lodging and eooommodationa to poor persona ~" ~ ~~~'~ for the months of Ootober sad Novanber. 1816- same oarried upon Dell of the roll by ( ~( v 0 °'• c"~""`~' • the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, Barton de Flaehingtoa- 6. ' On motion the Board adjourned, upon-Dell of the roll by the fbllowing voter Yana, Burns, Gardner, Gravea, 1larton & Washington- 6. ' - ct~ cry ~ DECII.iBER 4th . 1916. ~`~~ ~ • At a speoiel meeting held on Deo. 4th, 1916, at four-thirty P. 11., in the Oounoil Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, upon Dell of the roll the iblloeing answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Gravea, }darton and Aaehington- b. • On motion by Member Graves, that the rules be suspended ua to sending out' . ~'. ~ oopies of a Resolution tenniaating the aervloea of ties Flowers as Street Inepsotor end appointing Fred Ltooney in hie stead, and in regard to a Resolution tezatinatiag Lhe eervioes of Dr. Ed Farley ae heat & ldilk Inepeotor sad nppointing Dr. Warner in his ~tead+ same oarried upon onll of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Burma, Gerdnss, •Oraves, ltsrton and Washington, b. .. - n~ Oa motion of the above a RESOLUTION TER1tINeTElG ^HE SERYICE9 OF WES r.a.~QpeA '. FL01rER3 As STREET IIrSPECTOR OF TH$ CITY OF .PADUOdH, AND eYPOIIiTIIiG FRED b<OONEY TO ..(~u ~,ed.,a>y,MS FILL THE YeCAttCY CAUSED THEREBY- was given its.passage upon Dell of the roll by the ,;following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves and Ltarton- 4. Nay, Washington- 1. On motion of Mayor Burne•., A RESOLUTION TERLtINeTING THI; SERVICES OF DR. ~~~~~~~. EDiYIN P. FARLEY AS LIEAT AND 1SILg INSPECTOR OF TH$ CITY OF PeDUOAH, AND APPOINTING DR, ~~ ~ C., G. WARttER IN HIS STEAD- was given its pasaage upon Dell of the roll ~ the following ~ re ' votes Yeaa, Borne, Gardner, Gravea, Marton sad Washington- 6. ,; - On motion of Member 3Sartoa, that the matter of the duties to be perforated ~~ '~ by .the Oity Soavenger be referred to the Mayor, same oarried upon Dell of the roll by., ~levu..~a,r. the iollowi~ vote: Yeaa, Burns, Gardner, Oravea. liaiton and Wnehiagton- 5. ~'"~'~'~`"-'~ ~ On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Dell of the roil Dy the following votes • rY~e-.far Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Graves, carton. mid Washingtoa- B. • Aie'letl ~w ... / ~... AhR ---------..`1St,'.,, ' . ' r.. • Q MdTt+OFi: cry c-`'i..r \`'!, • .~.,,. . r' t ~ ; . "' ~ r" ;~~.:., , ....,, ~~ ' ~ ,._yi - •'~ ~: ~ • ~~ ~ . , gE ' Q y ~ ~ .' ~`• -