HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10-11/11/16 '+ At s'speoisl meetingoi the Board o! Comdrieaionsre o! the C1ty of Padnoah, ~. k Bentnoky, head in. the City,Hs11, at !i-~=thirty p'g1ooY Y. Y.; on Ho-ember 10th, 1816,. . npoa Dell of the roll the foilosing enewered their names: Boras, 6ardnsr, 6ra-ea ~ and Marton -4: -~~ On motion by 3tembsr O;a-ea, that the Csrtiiioatee o! eleotion o! F. li. Hasaa w Mayor, and W. a. Gardner, Don P.,Martoa sad F. 8. 6ra-ee w Commiesionere, be aosini '. and iil~d, and esoh o! their bonds be attested by the oler>c, ana esoh o! them be ~~~~ Y .appro-ea- same oarriea.npoa pall o! thi roll by the.iolioeing vote: 'Yeas. Borne, r ^,„._:,, Gardner, era-ss and 3tarton -~. • On motion the Board ed~onrned, upon Dell ol.the roil by the ibilowiag -otet ,~ Seas, Barns, Gardner. Qrans and Marton -4. • r 1ldepte ~ ~ 191^ ..~ ... ~ r U. , f ' .b NOVEtSBER 11th. 1816. At a epeoiel meeting o! the Board oi•Qommieaionere held.in the City Hall,. J ' • . ~'' ~: Padnoah; Bsntua]q., on Ho-e~mbsr 11th, 1916, upon Dell o! the roll the mellowing answered their namees Borne, 4ardner, Ora-ee,.Martoa sad Yaehington -b. ' On motion by Member Marton, that ;the regnisement to hs-e Dopy of resolution gi-en to esoh member o! the Hoard,o! Commieeioaere three days beibre offered, be ens- psnded as applying to the reeolntioa oilersd Dy Member Ora~ee, ]mown w the Assignment 4 Rseolntioa- same oarried upon osii of the mil by the lollawing rote:. Ysw, Barns, F • Qardnsr, Ora-ee, ldarton sad Waeh.ingtoa -b. On motion by Member OraveB, A RESObt1TI0N DESIONATDYti THB DEPARTMENT EACH i OOMMISSIONER OF THE OITY OF PADUOAH S~ALI. HAVE OHARvE OF FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YHAR ~. 1816 AND IIP TO AND INCLUDING TH8 BALAttCE OF THE TERM FOR WHICH THE CO3¢IISSIONERS NOW IN OFFICE ARE TO SERVE UNDER THE LAW, wee gi-en ita.paeeage upon Dell o! Lhe mll by tlu following vote: Yeas, Bm~na, 6ardnsr, Ora-ee, Marton and Washington -b. , , On .mot ion by 14ember Washington, A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DON P. MARTON A9 ~~' '~ ~ ...MAYOR PRO TFBt OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH,. XENTUCKY, ww gl-en its passage npoa Dell .o! IJe+~i,r tlis roli.bythe fbllosing sots: Yew, Borne, Gardner, Ora-ee, Marton sad. Washington -6. On motion by Member.Washingtoa, a 8eaolnLion releasing the bond of 8andsrs 8. Clay ae Com'r o! Safety, end the. U. .B. .Fidelity & Guareaty Co..ae sorely thereon,. n~+~-a~~" ~~ ~ • , 4 from lnrther liabilit ,wee i-eui its y g pieaege npoa Dell of the mll by the >x-11an-ins ~ . votes Ysae, Burro, Gardner, Grs-ee, Merton sad Washington -b. ' On motion by M~Dsr Oardasr, that deed b• wonted sad Qali-srsd to A. F.. ~;,,,;P;~., ~~$ Hioks to 7,ot X87 in H1ooD ~E in Oat Oro-e Oemstsry, Tseaenrer'e reoeipt !os 840.00 • ~ being hereto attaohedr same oarried npoa Dell o! the roll by the tollowiag votes Yew, a. ~..~a,;~.~ ' darns, Gardner, Gra~ee, Marton and Washington -b. ', Oa motion the Boszd sdjournrd, upon oall.o! th6 roll by the lollowiag -otes ' ' Yew, Barns, Gardner, Ora-es, ~[arton and iashiugton -b: -. I i Aiablei 'Sr/A~~,i~9,1 6 ? ,.'~~~,r•-v:c3:b _. i ' a?A.XOIt: • i ' '"^~ III. ~_. ,J