HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/09/16, 10/12/16, & 10/16/16x:,~ ~ ,- At a rogular meeting oP the Board oP Commiasionera held in the Council F Chamber oP the City Hall, Paducah, By., on Lionday, October 9th, 1916, upon call of • the,roll the Po1loPing answered their names: Lackey, Clay, Walleoe and Washington -~. ~-'~ ! On motion by liember Cisy, that the minutes of the regular meeting held on ~ , ~. I ! Oatobor 2d be adopted as-read, some carried upon Dell oP the roll by the Following ~ F+'~~~ ' ~ , vote: Yeas, Lackey, Cley, S'ictilaae and Washington, -4. t ' ~ „ On motion by the above., tlaet the oommnnication oP Hummel Bros., regarding ~ ~ 4, . ~;'"^~~'•'( p^" " the license oP certain surety oompuniee not hnvitg been paid, bs turned over to the ~ f ~w.w,~w~e~.~,, / r r+~ License Inspector Po r.investigation- same oerried upon pall of the so 11 bq the. ~ ' ~, " Yolloaving vote: Yeas, Lackey; Clay, Ualleoe an8 Washington -4. t ~ On motion bq the above, that the notion of the'Com'r oY Safety in replacing:, ~ i f °~,`yi:`hl° 1 ''.~,~~..~ y John Wilkerson at ~o. Four fire station with a. N. 1toSinney, be ratified- .same Q ~' ~ ~ .W.L11.u~a~s ~ carried upon call of the roll by the Yollowing voter Yeas, Lackey, Claq; Walleoe ~ ~ i , . ..U K , and Wnshington- 4. t :.. ~ ' E On motion by Eiember Washington, that the .pay mil Por the street department ; p, ' ~ , Por th w k di t ~ , _,~ ee e en ng Oc ober 8th, amounting to 1133.3b, not covered by ordinance, bs ! ~ ~- . ,: allowed- same oerried u on call o! the,roll b the Pollowi ~ p y ng vote: Yeas., Luckey,,,. "~ ;.. Clay, Walleoe."ond iVeahington -4, ~I- _____ _~ ''"F^'~~ ' ~ On motion by the above, that the Com'r oP Finance be instsvotad to lease + ' , . -uren,va..~+ I rovement warrant in Parlor o - mP P G. W. Katterjohn Por 16,464.83 for work done on ,; ~" 'I '~'~'""~' Z i Bmadwa Prom First to Fourth Street Por Y approzimate work done during the month oY ~ ; z1. A.J. JCa~t+wj.~.r ~' . Vu ~ ~ Sept_ember 1916, in aooordanoe with the attaohed.statemerit oY the Com'r of Public •' ~ Works-, same oerried upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey,.Clsy,: Ytallaoe and Washington -4. i ..e i On motion by the above, that the the Com'r oP Finenoe be instructed to issue ' . '-""f"""""`"* ~~~ Improvement Warrant in Yavor oY Proeaer & llallidaq Yor.v+ork done during the month of , ~'*.a+.w~ ~' Septembex 1916 on sidewalk oonetruoti.on on contract covering territ"Dry bounded by ' ~^'"""" `~°~`~ ~ Second. to Ninth street, Washington and Monroe street, in nooordanoe with etteahed ~ ' SQ°""t`''* ~a` j statement of Com'Y oP Publia Works- same carried upon call of the roll by the.Pollox- - ~: ~- ~ ~ . ing'vote:' Yeas, Lackey; Clay, Wallace and Washington, 4. ~ " " ". ~ ~ On motion by Member Walleoe, that the sum oP 1814.00 be drawn Foom the con , _. ~,0" Vii ,• tingont Pnnd to pay eapenees iron;red 0otober'it)th; 1916 Yor Primary registrations- . ~';~ P°-~ f some carried upon calf oP the roll by the following Rote: Yeas, Lackey, Claq, Walleoe , ~`'~ ~~• " "., . and Washington -4, _ ~,; ' `~;,-, ~~'" On motion by 1.tayor Leokey, that kiss &nq Lowe be appointed Seaitsry Officer,' ~, ~`' ~: .. 't ~O""t~ ~'""" to be efPeotive when bond ie made.,: same carried upon call of the roll by the following - vote: Yeas, Lackey, Cley, Wallnoe and Washington -4. ' ~ - On motion by the above, that deed be executed and delivered to aaron Peoples' ~: .. td ' u ~,Q,,,,~ 8 Por Lot G6 in Block three. Oak Gmva cemetery, treasurer's receipt Yor forty dollars "~ ~ - - ~, P.~.' r being hereto attached- same carried upon call oP the roll by the Polloaring vote: Y k - ~ { ' . . eas, Lac ey, Clay. Walleoe and Washington -4. - ' On motion by the above, that deed be granted to C. F. Slinkard to Lot 4E in' ~~~ ~~ ~ . Block 1, stew nddition, Oak Growe,Cemeterq, Treasurer's receipt Por Thirt' dollars (130,) p (-,t ~,G,.~.o~(, being hereto attached- same oa;tied. upon call oY the roll by the Following motet ~' Yeas, Lackey, Olay, Wallace and Washington -4. . :~. 0 3 ^ ~ ~ On motion by the above, AN ORDIItANOE PROVIDTctO F'UR THE OONSa^~i VCTION OF O ;, € . TWl~f' iTY FJOT 6LLBY LYIItG IN THE LINK' OF Th'E E%TL''YSION OF 1dth~ STIRLTS'T, B8T{YE ut TEN1~.99SE~ ' . . ~` a"f'~'""~t^'^`' AND JONES STRUTS, IN aliE OITY OF PADUOAH~ 5~N^aUOKY, SY OAADIitO AND GRAVSLIIJO 9A1i$, ~ i was given its final pacsage.npon call of the roll by the Following Totes` Yeas, Laokeyj ~' ~' ` Olay, Walleoe wad Woshington -4. ~ ,..'. - ~: :.,. - . - .. p 4. . .. ' ~ 0o ~ . s v~:ti~.,y'~ ,.; •5 i....: .:. "...'.":a z,`, :..::.~... ,~e .,.k .p. S: rx'.4.. e~. n. rs '.._ t a. a++ ,.. rrsxwtw ... .. .. _,._ .... .., .. ... No.~ • ~ornmissioner's ~: ~.' '~'~" ~ On motion by Clamber Clay, that the report of the City Solioitor oonoorning the ',. d otfioisl bonds of oity oifiosra, bs reoeived and !Sled- and that he be direotod to " ~~ file a enppiementai report ae soon ae 11~rthoT information 1s soured by him-,oarried;' ~~"`~ • ~ ,~,,, V ~ upon o811 of the roil by the following vote; Yeea, Laokey, Rlay, Wulleo6 and '~•• ~p~ i T ' Washington -4. d }~} On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon oall of the roll by the io11ow1ng,votes ~ f, ~~ Yana, Laokey, Clay, Walle-oe and Washington -4. ~ , ~; ~; t 4i ... c ~A,Y 4 ` ~..• ~~ ~ OCTOBER 12th~,_,1916. At a apeoiel meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil Chamber of the City Ha11, Padioah, Kentucky, on Oot. 12th, 191G, upon osll of tho roll the ~ . following onewerod their namees Laokey, Clay, Walleoe sad l7aehington -4. ' ' On motion by Member Clay, that the oommunioation and report of the Oommieaioner, of Finance be reoeived, tiled and publlahed- same oarried upon call o! the roll ~ , by the .following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Clay, Nalleoe and Y/aehington -4, On motion by tha~above, that the petition of certain oitiaens requesting the installation of a street light at 16th and Jones streets be reoeived and filed, and the Superintendent of the Light Plant be instructed to install a street light at • f .• said point- oarried upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Cldr, .•. p Wallace and Washington, 4. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the mll by the following votes j Yeea, Laokey, Clay, Wallace and Washington -4. f • f4 • '~ OCTOBER 16th, 1916. i • bt s celled meeting of the Board of Commiaalonere held 1n the council ~ ,, . ~: ' ~i chamber of the City Hall. Paduaeh, Kentucky, at eleven o'oloak d• M•, Ootobsr 16, r i. ~ ' 1916, upon sell o! the roll the following answered their names; 7/eokey, Clay; ~. ,.,, ~{ • ~' Wallace and Washington -4. ,. ~' On motion b or Laoke a RasolutioA order - y ilq y, ing and directing the Chief ~ , `` .,Y ~: o! Police of the o ity of Paducah to close all saloons In the pi ty • on account of the ~ ,~„ „'f" '~s ~i'"`~ o~ gathering of men assembled at the oour-ty fail with the osta~ibis purpoas of attemptin` .••~ ~~~,,, ~ to hang one certain pr isonsr therein- until it~rther orders of this Hoard, wsa giveq ? i its passage upon call of the roll Dy the following vote= Yeea, Laokey, Qley, Walleoe • }j•ead Washington -4. .. j' On motion the Board ad~ouTneb upon cell of the moll b9 the following votes ~ ~~ r ~i Yeea, Laokey, Cley, Wallace ewd Washington .4• f .. ~.IG~v~C.c!!;-~eV....C~y,,,.~-`'P'~+,~., ......_ MAYUIi. ~'r"~