HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/31/16+. ~. I~ rt .. ~..... ~. !` i Commissioner's ,y * ~. ~~~` of No.~~ At a regular mesting•oi the Board oY Oommieaionora held 1n the Council {-. ~ ~: Chamber of the City Ha11, Paducah, Kentucky; on July Slat, 1916, upon cell of the' { '-~;~: . I b, roll the Yoilowing nnawersd their nameai Cioy, Corbett, Lackey, Yallaoe and ~ , ~I 9faahington -b. I I, i On motion by 2tember Clay, the minutes of the meeting held July 84th, ~i ' • ~ 1916 sere adopted aa'read upon call of the roll by the follovrin6 vote: Yeae, Oley, li ~ ~. Corbett, Lackey, 7Jallace and Washington -b. i _ ~ On motion by uember Washington, that the pay roll Yor the Street Dept. ~, not covered by ordinance, Yor the week ending July 30, 1916, amounting to $870.90, p 1, 'ba allowed, same curried upon Dail oY the roll by the following vote; Yeasr Cie~y, jj • i~ Oorbett, Luckey, Gallaoo and Washington -b. j C r On motion by the above, that the Mayor be authorised to sign the oontraot '1~.~ k with Dr• J. C. Freeland, and after hs hea a7gned aatm he be allowed to connect his i by private parties running !n " ~ ~' residence on Fountain eve. With the aewar constructed I' the alley front 9lztaenth etroet to the alley beak of hie reaidenoe running from .: Broadway to Jefferson street- this oonneotion to be Yor sanitary purposes only- , ' same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeats, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Walisoe and Tfashington -5. ~err1 On motion by the above. that the dedication of E. R. and ikary L. Bradshaw, ~ b•^'~~ Yor the estenaion oY tioneor street, be accepted and the Oommisalonor oY Finanoo be j ~. y~ ~~ inatraoted to have the deed recorded- same carried upon call of the roll by the -1'" following vote; Yeae, Clay, Corbett, Laolcey, Wallaoa and Washington -b. ~ /- ' Y~ On motion by the above, ~ HESOLUTIOI+f PR01iIDILfO FOR ^•iC± IE~ROYEI~NT OF ~ ~ //"~l I.:OHBOS STREET. III THE CITY OF PbDUO~Fi, I~iITUCHY, CODLuENCIIIfi OIi THE EAST LIRE OF ~ , LO^aS UUI~BERS FOUR bUD THIR^iEEN, FODUTAIN PARK aDDITIOb TO THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KEUTUCKY. TRUCE WESTW~DLY TEIaEE HUIIDRED FEET. $Y GHADIHG AIID GR4VELIUG SA61L, wee given its passage upon Dell of the mil by the following vote: Yeas, Cle`y, Corbett, ' Lackey, Wallace and ~lashington -b. ~~ ,.., On motion by 1Sember Corbett. that L. E. Durrett, City Weigher, be and hs+': ~'""- 18 hereby granted a leave oY abaenoe from hie duties as City Ueigher Yor a period of ~ ' ' n~ aizty days- from August let, 1916- and that Frank Dunn be and he ie hereby appointed j • ~ to sot ea City Weigher during the period covering the abaenoe granted the said L. E. Durrett, and that Lhe said Dunn prooead at once to•the discharge oY hie duties- I ~'~•F"` the request oY the said Durrett Yor a louva of abaenoe ie tiled herewith, same Y": ~ + carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Cley, Corbett, Lackey,.; " Wallace and Washington -b. ~ {. E ~~;,,,,~ On motion by the above, that a deed be eaeouted and delivered to Cr^'^~"r C Olivia Moore Yos Lot 68 Block Four in Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's roaeipt and ' i A n at- order of Harry Giah. Sezton, attached hereto- eamo curried upon call oY the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Clay, Oorbett, Luckey, u'allaoe and }ruahington .8. ~~~ On motion u6' the above, that a deed be executed end delivered to Bon H. i i, Harris Yor Lot 78 Block Taro. in Oak Gmva Cemetery, Treasurer's receipt for ~2b..00 , , and order of Harry Giah, Seoton, hereto attached. same carried upon call of Lhe roll; i+ ~. ~,IC. i' by the following vote: Yeae, Clay, Oorbatt, Laolwy, ~a7.leoe and Washington -b. ~ AA I %~'~MN. f i ,i. ~ !: i i ... ~.. - "-~-~._.a.._. ~• , ,_. ,, -.. ... 9, ~ _,il i ni li ~ Ir, i:i...r itx-. ~-~~xn ~.,~rt- .. _, ~, ~i,~~~~~~~-o art, ~ I~r ' 1- - ._.. ~ hirl,m~~ . i .i :. ,~.,; - { ~i~~ nl, cw~i { In ti4~ ~ . - v ~l ~ I I ~i i. i x'.. 8 4 f v • V. bn motion Dy Mayor Lackey, that the resignation of iir. Campbell be ~~( /V" Q eooepted. and that 10.'. W. A. Berry be appointed in hie stead- same serried upon ~p~~ Way ~' " :, call of the roll by the following gote: Yeas, Clsy, Corbett, Lsokey, Walleoe and ; ' Washington -b.` { On motion by STember Corbett, that it is the sense oY this Board of Com-! ~ ~ .~ miseionere that in the resignation of James Campbell, Jr. as City Solicitor, the ~ ~ jn"~fg~eJ~; Oity loses the services of a taithfUl, able, public servant, and that this Comniesion ~~ °~ 4 ~ now eapresaes its thanks to ldr. Campbell for the valuable aerviaee he hen rendered .ryo~ ~ this Board se presently constituted- same carried upon Deli of the roll by the ~r°'~ following vote: Yens, Clay, Corbett, Lackey, >rallaoe end iashington -b. C On motion by 3teyos Lackey. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL DBAYiJEN. }IA015C:N, ~` TRUCI~N. CABEtEbI, EbPRES3ISE~Df, TRANSFER COlTPANIES., ARID ALL OTFIER3 PURSUING LIKE p ~+"~ .' OCCUPITEOPiS TD 1tA1~ REPORTS OF THE REiiOYAL OF ROUSEHOLD GOODS FRDY ANY PLACE WYCRIH I "r" ', ~~ THE CITY OTi PADUCAH, BEAtTUCBY TO AiiY OTHEA YLAOE WTP3iEN THE CITY, wen given its 0"'~ passage upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Clay, Corbett. Lao key, . ~ .. Wellaos and Washington -b. 1 • ~~ On motion by Member Clay, that- WHEREAS, it is the intexition oP the h i 1[ayor and Board of Commiaeionera to enforce strictly ell laws against the maintenance of bawdy houses within the limits of the City ~Y Paducah, and WHEREAS: the keepers { 60~' V of said houses have been notified that they mast abandon their vocations not later i r ' ~d~^'~ ' than 3eptenber 18th, and GNEREAS, the City Physician and the Health OYfioer and ~ ~~.~-~-v'~ various other physicians of the city of Paducah have represented to thin Board that Z many of the irunatea of these houses are infected with venereal diseases, and ~,e.hnw~- WHEREAS, it is the desire of thin Board to rendtr sash easistanoe to these unfortu-~ :} 1f ante women ae it may- I move that two nurses b~ employed to not in aonjnnotion ~, with the City Phyaioisn, and that the 1iagor be empowered to rent a house, and that i said nurses and eeid physician receive in said house evah woman ea may be affected ,; with said diaeaeae for treatment, and that nndetr• the direction oY the Ltayor, aeid ' nurses and said city Physician are empowered to provide each food and medicines as may be necessary, sad to Dare for and to treat such women until they are oared and able to go to their reapaotive homes, and that such e=penees, under the direction . of the Mayor, be taken from the contingent fund of the city- oarrild upon Dell j `~_. of the roll by the following votes Yeas,'Clay, Corbett, Lackey, Wallace and ~"~ Ik ~~ ~ ', ~~ ~. f `. • i ;,~~'1 ~; R) '. ~:' "; ~; ~, ', g -. ~, f~ s, -i ~:;. i 5 Y` 5:.;:_ i ~4,r~~v. •.~ $$':. . 3aiY/1 y d ~. f...