HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/16.- e ' • • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paduesh ate. lath jg~~ ~ G. 1t a regales msetinpt of the Beard of Cemmiesinnera held in the Qenaoii , Chamber of the City Hall. City of Padnaeh, X,Y., Oa Jnae 19th, 1916, npna Dell of the soli the foiloering answered their names; Hasslip, Ysa Moter,•Walisoe end WsahingLoa -4. On motion by )[ember Te1Lee, the minntee of a regular meeting held Jane ~• 18, 1816 were adopted ea seed npoa Dell of Lhe roil Dy the lollowing veto: Yeea, ~ • Harelip, Sea Meter, Weirdos earl Washington -4. ~ Oa motion by Member Ysn McLsr, that the snm of ~1196.PA be allowed Qsorge °;~ ~ j ,, Satter~oha aw paymanp for AoedeLer for Ohle! of the Fire Deperlment, together with G~ n,,' C~"'T horn, bumper, four ezLsasion ladders- 0 X48.00, Las 16~d, sear oarried upon Dell of ' . ~ ! ~E,1I ; the roll Dy the following vote: Yeea, Hasslip, Yen Meter, Walleoe and Taeh ington.4 i `` Oa motion by Member Washington, that the pay roil for the Street Department j '. not oovsred by ordinanos. for the week ending June 18, 191b, amounting to X118.56, . ba allowed, same oarried upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following votes Yese, ~" Harelip, Yen Meter, Talleoe and Washington -4. On motion Dy Member Walleoe, that the Report of the Auditor-Treasurer and • :%h. ~ Oom'r of Finanos for eooonats and ellnwanoea ins the first half of Jura bs reosived ~ ~' end filed, and warrants ordered drawn nn Treasury ins same- oarried npna Dell n! tho roll by the following unto: Yese, Hasellp, Yah i[etes, Walleoe and Washingtnn•4 i. , On motion by the aDove,:that on repnrL nt Oity Solioitor that the oiaim !e ~ , > ~ ill~gei, I reoommend that the rsqueat for rotund of $P.3,80 on 1916 Lazes on ~ ' personal property, marls Dy D.,,J. Levy, be rsllssed, same oarried upon Dell of the Av ~ ~ " j.-Y!"'* a ~ soil by the following votes Yeas, Harelip; Yap Meter, Wailaoe and Washington •4. ~ • ~~ - ' Oa motion Dy the above, that L. R. Barnes bs released tram taz on ~840.p0 D ~on~~ aoLe transferred to him by Washburn do Oompe~ny, oertifioaLe attached showing note R• Il . _•a,c. ~~wea releeaeA MsraD.R,,1816, sear oarried upon call of Lhe roll Dy the following vote: Yeas, Harelip, Yea Meter, Tallese and Tashingtoa -4. " ~. - OA motioa.Dy Member Teehlagton, roferring to complaint of L. L. HsUoa ~ " relative to sewer sonneotioa to his property recently bought from Mr. Lockwood, !• . ' • ~_ B,~-. sQ ~ ~'~'~" LhaL hs De given pe;a:iesion to ooanooL Lo the lateral Lhet now crossed the corner j ~F ;;~ of the property anw owned by Jamse 0lanber, ns ii hs prefers dot to nee this Don." ~ ~# ' ~ neotioa, that he be permitted to pot a Y in said pips line under the sidewalk and 'F. .,x,. Lhea ran r separate line to h1a hnnse, all of said work to be done at his sspsnae, . same oarried npna os11 of the tell b7 the following vote: Yeas, Hasellp, San Meter, i Tallaae end Washington -4. j • Oa motion Dy Member Heselip, that Lnt 81, Block His (b) !a Oak Orove " • ~~,,"'""'"-~ _- Cemetery, be transferred oa the record from Lhe near of Oeorge T. Pidgeon to Mrs. ,_ , ~; . "~" ', ;~:. . dam, ~. ~' Sallie Rogers, lawful heir. cams oarried npoa call of the roil Dy the followins i • 'Y~e• Q ~or~ vote: Yeaa, Hasslip, Ye¢i Meter, Wallace and Taehingtoa -4. ~"^ ,`''`'a O • r a motion by the above, that the South hal! of LoL 96 brook His, la Oat[ • • `~'~ 1 ~ Grove Cemetery, bs transferred to I. W. & 0. J. Holcomb, upon order of Mrs. 8ellie 'j ,.~ i; ~ Eogsre, hereto sttaohed,- eeme.oarsled npoa Dell of the roll by the following ! ` ' ~,' vote; Yeas, Heasiip, Yen Meter, Tallsoe and Washington .4. C'~ ( On motion the Hoard adJnnrned, npoa Deli of the roll by the following -otef ~. . •~ iry Yeas. Hasslip, Yen Meter, Wallsoe and .Washington .4. :' ~, " ~ .~~ ~'. ' :~ ' { . .. .. ~ ~ 7 ~ ` ~ ~ t