HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/22/16~.-_ -_- ~, ~ _ ~ ~ 4, . M .. • .. ., ' ..:....: ... :L .~..'..,..:. ~a .e.:' • ~ ~ • ..-r-~'~ r __s. ,..__....,,. f c»"wrY..:.r+~b .. .W ~.. s,r,C'a~w~.w a,.. ...«..`~.....~ • ,. . '..v a., ~ ' ~' Ne. ~ `6•~G ~. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah~o t:znd 191 :. ~• ~ ~ ^' ~; YT a regular meeting of the Beard of Commiaeionera of the Citq ei Paducah, ''' " ,held in the Counoll Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on Stay 2E, 1916, upon Dell i "of the roll the following answered their names: Hazelip, Yen Eteter, Wallaoe and., }. . I Waahiagtnn -9. On metien by Ertember Wallaoe, the minutes of the regulab meeting held Liey Tb, 1916 and of the apeoial meeting held Hay 16, 1916 were adopted ae read open Dell of i the roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Hazelip; Van,EJeter, Wallaoe and Washington -4: p/ On motion bq Jdember Van EJeter, AN ORDLYANCE PROYIDINb FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF i~~ SIDE~fALIC3, CURBS, GUTTERS, ATiI1 ALL NECESSARY TSANHOLES, JiI~(TAKES, CATC~EI BASIIiS AHD SES(F.RS. 0~~+~'Y ~' OTi THE TtORTH SIDE OF CLAY STREET FROLt THE WEST PI~PERTY I.IIiE OE' FOUTiTSIii AVFrJU&, OR j ~ SEYEIJTEENTH S^aREET,. TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF NIIiETEENTH STREET, iN THE CPCY OF PADUCAH, T~NTUC$7t, AND PROYIDINC FURTHER THAT THE•COST THEREOF EtAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN YEA12 PAY~IJT PLAN, was given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeea,~. ' •Hazelip, Yan EJeter. Wallaoe and Washington.-4. , On motion by the above, that the traffic ordinance be emended eo that anq ones j . JP~_~ violating this ordinance may be. fined from ono to fifty.daye in the city Jail- same '` ~,. ~..,L oarried upon Dell of the loll bq the Yellowing vote; Yesa, Hazelip, Yan 1Seter, Wallaoe •~• ,and Washington -4. . _ On metien by the above, that an ordinance be brought in requiring all ' (/~~~,.~ ,I.O. automobiles in nee. in the city of Paducah to use"dimmers" aide lights. or paint the "- ~~,•~~` upper portion of their aearoh3lghts, when operating at nigh"t- same oarried upon Dell ~' -. of the. ro1b1 bq-the following vote: Yesa, Hazelip, Yen }deter, Wallaoe and Washington- 4~ On motion bq Eiember Washington, "ATi ORDINANCE PROYIDITJG FOR ^afiE IL~ROYE.IEIJT ~Q~ OF AN ALLEY E%^aEIJDIiJG Ii'ROEi EtONROE STREET TO I;JDISON STREET, I3ETNEEid SIX^aH i1TiD SEYEI;TH ~"- 1STREETS, ITt THE CITY OF PADUCaIi, KENTUCKY, BY.GRADITJG iuJD GRdYEI.LITJG SAJdE", wee given . . its passage upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Hazelip. Yan Meter, ' Wallaoe and Washington -4. .• .• ~ J ' `i.i di<. 1 • ~,` ' ~ "s ! r µ ' . : ,.} . ~~' 4 '. ' ~,;:~ ~' f~ ~~ ' ~'y Is • ~~ On motion bq the above, that the Oontrast between d. Id. Englert aril the Citq ~. , t ~n Q' _ D ,'~ • ` "' 'o! 7?aduoah bo signed and authorized, as eaon ae executed by said J..1i. F1~glert and the ~' " •. ~ rnrn ..~~ s~ Eta er 'of the Cit of Paducah Y. q ,-.same aarried open Dell of the roll by .the following ~ ~* ~` , a. ~~ ~; l~" vote: Yesa; Hazelip, Yan Etetor, Wallaoe and Washington -¢. ' • ~ , ~. Oa motion by the above, that the pay roll Yer the Street Department far the ~` ;' ~ ' ~` week ending•Iday 21st, 1916, not covered by ordinance, amounting to $1E9.8b, be allowed, . same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vetea. YeAs, Hazelip, Yan Eteter, J '. Wallaoe and Washington -4. ir.•' ' ` at:~.l~~ (!n .metien bq Elembor Wallaoe, ATI ORDIIJAH9E PI20VIDIIJC FOR TIIE COTdSTi.UC;I(~iJ bF ~ 8lDEWilLKS, CURBS, CUT^arat3, ~1IJD A1,I, IIECESS.1'tY TidtJIJOLES; IIJTAi{ES, C.1tCH D.L9IIJS AIJD SEWERS,; ~` ~ ~ ~• r tr„Y~ OIJ DOTH SIDES OF FOU1tT11 STItJ:ET k`ROJ,1 Ti:E NOR^ali 1'ROPER'~'Y 1.ITJL OF LJOIAZOIsJTi,F.ET i0 T1IIs SOUTii n CURB LIifE OF CLAY 5^aR'r.ET, IN THE CITY OF P.iDUCGti, LrIId^aUCbY, AIJD PROYIDIIJG FURTHER THAT • TIIE COST as^HEREOF IJAY BE PAID UPOIJ THE ^aEiJ YEilR PilYL,rriT PLAN, was given its passage upon i • Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hazelip, Yan Eleter, Wallaoe and Washington-.4:~ 1. «,_ On metien by EJember FIateiip, thai the Superintendent of the Light Plant be ', '~' A inetruotod to place a light at the corner of Fourteenth end At1Yne Avenue, same oarried 4~ ....__ '' ~ ~J. upon Dell of the roli by the following vote: •Yeae,,Hazeiip, Yen Eteter, Wallaoe and ~ 0 Washington -4.. ., ' On.motien by the above, that J. G. Whitia be granted Police power, when he ~,~1, Q" ezeoutea bond ae required by law, ae a regular policemen. same aarried epos osll o! •' ' •, ~ ~•,y ~'" the roll by the following votes Yeae, Harelip, Yen 1deter, Yleliaoe and Washington.-4. ;, r. ~. , +., -. „- ~ . _ ,.., _. . " . ' , ;.. . ~. ~ ..: ., , • ,. ~'`..:.,-. •'.~.. ' ~ ` . ~Fm.^1?.kn ~' YvvN>~t , .. ' . ", k .~ ~ .. ~ {' x., u . nw . ,.xt4. ,~ a t _ .. e?,.<'l'^. ~ .. y .. ,_ i .., :.. < - . ...../,, ,! Ga17t1Yt1S81012@1''S ~ .' ~.]~ "`~ y , ~ ~ .. vote; Yeas, Razellp,•Ynn Stetar, Wallaoe and Washington -4. ? , . ' ~ ) ~ ~ ~' Z~ ,. , . ,, ;. • 1G e s 89th. 1916 ,• . i, at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council , • Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on ].i&y 29th, 1916, upon Dail of the s roll the following answered their names; beakey,.Razellp, Yen Slater; Wallaoe sod ` Washington -5. ,. ' No.~ 1. afPaducah ~R~ s8ad 191 a oontsnnea ,~ ~ ~ On motion by Stember $azelip, that the request of the property owners ~~ q~' relative to lira. We~.oh'e ohioken slaughter house be referred to the Liayor.ead Board I ,,~ I~ of Realth- same oarried upon Dail of the roil by tho 4ollowing vote; Yeas, -~^" Razelip, Yan Stater, Wallaoe and.Washington -4. Vvv""' On motion by the above, that the petition remBnatrating against.granting of saloon lioense at 13th and Clay Streets be ieoeived and f31eQ- same oarried upon (~ Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Razelip, Yen Stater, Wall&oe and j ,,~~ t ' ,~Ni Washington .-h.' '; On motion the Board ad~'ourned,,upon'oall of the roll by tho following • ~ of the roll by the following vote; . Yesa, «aokey, Razelip, Van lister, Wallaoe and f ~ ~. _ Washington -5. ' is '.. i. i On motion by Siember Wallaoe, the minutes of the regular meeting held 1Say 22d, 1916 were adopted as read npan Dail of the-roll by the following votes Yoas, . ' baokey. Razelip, Yen bteter, plallaoe and Wasjiiagton -b.. ~ 4 ~ Oa motion by Member Haz811p, that the petition of property oamere for light;',',;' ' -~.~~ at Fifth and 6dams street be ieoeived and flied, same oarried upon Dail of the roll h. by the following vote; Yeas, «aokey, Razelip, Van Sister, Wallaoe and Washington -5. X On motion by Member Washington, that the pay roll for the street department: ' for'the week ending Ltay 28th, 1916, not oovered by ordinanoe, amounting to One Rundred , and Thirty-eight (y138.j dollars, be allowed, same carried upon Dail of the roll by ' ,' " • the following vote: Yeas, Leokey, Razelip, Yan 1Seter, Wallace and Washington -5. b On motion by SSember Wallaoe, &Ii ORDIIt..ItCE GRdI1TING TO THE PADUCdH 6IJD U p ~,Q~.-~.- !j°"" I«bISl0I3 RdI7120tiD COIJPtlI(Y, IT3 SUCCESSORS, suSSIGi(S 013 «pa5EE3, THE itIGHT TO COiISTRUCTR%. ,n ~' II+.ZDITaIDf i.ilD OPERe1TE is RdI7S20aD OYER CFitTela STRE..iS, L7.T.EYS, ETC.- IH TiiE CITY OF /~~,~.•,~~`"~ P.iDUCpR, KEI+TUCKY, was given its passage, upon Dail oY• the roll by the fnlloc:ing \v~y_ ~~~ vote: Yeas, Laokay, Razelip, Yan Stater, i'lallaoe and Washington -5. , • On motion by Siayor «aokey., aDf ORDIH.sUCE PROYIDILIG FOR THE ISIPROYELtEttT OF i ~Q) PO"rJEI,I, STR:iEa^ (SHO'illi OIi SUB-DIYISIOH :?ECORDED IIr 1SoCRoCiiFfi( COUTaTY COURT CZERK'9 • ~ OFFICE BS I.I~iGGIE S^aREE^a) , FROLi .THE T IPPLE T&sCK OF iliE I««Ibt0I3 Cr^t. ITc~nl R~I7.RO~.D TO biI7,« STF%ET, ISI 'TRE CITY OF P.-DUC.oti, KEbITUCKY, HY GR:sDIiIG aliD GRbVr.'L«II:G Sal:1E, wen the following vote: ~ , introduoed and laid .over seven days.-upon soil of the roil by~ Yoas; baohuy, ;~ ..: ;,. ' Razelip, Yen lister, Wallaoe sod Washington -5. On motion by the above, liN ORDID1il1CE PiZOYIDI';'G FOR THE ILIPROYEi.tF.['IT OF POW87.t. ' • ~ ' STREET, FROIi C«EI~i:T STR~t^ TO THE I2PI.E TR1.CK, IIa THE 'CITY OF Pi+DUC:+R, IO;i~lTUCKY, N,t BY GR6DIfrG hbtD GRdYEhbIIdG 5.~, was 7.ntrodueod and laid ever seven days, upon call { '. ~ ..... v., ~..~:-. ;., t.}^^r+m,.~ya'.aq~p. ~`Y'~'~nB^,'127T 7i: ..r;r.,q, a,.,... ,, r~ha«'~.etc"}~~x"w&ffr?'"15??R4T6fr,+m+8~,%~'4bm.5Fn., .,n. :!:`;+'-3.1e' .. N°r,rr =-s'1 ,.. ~s.• ,1~, °F' i,:,. i .K.??Y^, 7.5;~'f» r ..: , • f ...'1_... ~ . .. ~ , ...,.-~,._. ~-.-n-r--.r --_- , .. ,., ~ .c~ -~rr- .., ~ ,,,.~, a- ..-~-n ---~ ~ -~ r -- ~ ... ,_ .i T-r-m '-r'=.- ~ ~- Fzr~rts+a~m.-u5a.~m. cmrn _. -;i~a-n. ..~ .. . -rr.~-. .. ~ .. ..-.-r~-~u~caxcmim m--...~~n. -.^'