HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/16 & 04/24/16~' ~ ' j ~ 1 ,. ~ At n apeoisl meeting oY the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil ± ~ Chamber of the City Hall, City of Paduoah, $y., on april 18th, 1916, upon osll ~ ~;` x: '' of the roll the fallowing anewered'their names: Laokey, Hazelip, Yea lister ~ ..Y , f 4 .3 end Wallaoe -4. I On motion by Member Hazelip, that the Hon. Ernest Laokey, lieyor of the ~,}~' i ~-' ] /n~~ City of Paduoah, be nnthorlaed by the Board of Gommiaeioners to sign the oontraot ~ .~ between the City of Paduoah and Geo. W. Katter3ohn for the proposed automobile. j ` name oarried upon null of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, I, ment ui fir ~ , p e eq '0 ~.~ Laokey, Hazelip. Yen )deter and Wallaoe -4. ' . ~ ' t ~ On motion the Boar3 adjourned, upon oell of the roll by the following 4 .~ i . ' 'votes Yeas, Laokey, Harelip, Yaa Yeter and Wallaoe -4: !. ~ , ~_ .. c ; ; ~ ~ .~ ~ emu. ~ . ~~ 1 ~~••vv vv . • AY4f1FOiM~ j • !k . ~ ~. %; f k i { `~~ 1 ~ APRIL 24th, 1916. ~ - { ` ~~ ~i= ~+:; At a regular meeting oP the Board of Commissioners, held in the o.ounQil r w ohamber of the City. Hall,~City of Paducah, ILy., on April t4th, 1916, upon oell of ,• the roll the following answered their names: Laokey,.Hazelip, Yon Sdeter, Wallaoe ,` i 3 ~and.Wa~hington -b. , ~ ` On motion by liember Wa11ROe; the minutes of the meeting held April 17th, ,- 'w' `ai 1.916, were adopted as road upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Laokegj Hazelip,,Yan lister, Wallaoe and Washington -b. ji On motion by the above, the minutes of the.spealel.meeting held on April ~ • 18th, 1916, worn adopted as read upon oall of the roll by the following oote: Yeas. ~, ~. Lackey, Heaolip, Yan lister, Wallaoe and Washington -b. On motion by ISember Haaelip, iii ORDIIIANCI$ REPEALISiG ORDIN11iCE iiWsBER 16 ' ~ , ENTITLED, "AIi ORDiI3ANCi; AT~NDIIiG SUBSECTIO3 021E OF SECTI92i ONE OF :1II ORDISiAiiCE ' ~~~ ENTITLED 'AIi ORDIISAIiCE YROYIDIIiG FOR ^aI2E .1PPOITITTur.TiT OR RETENTIOi1 BY THE BOi4'SD OF o- "~ C017::ISSIONERS OF CEIiTAITi CITY OFFICrai~S, ~1GEIi^aS dTiD EGiPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCi3I, y'~, Q ~ ~~~ KEIiTUC3{Y, ..IiD FI%IIiG THEIR 9ALAi?IES, POuIEiiS ~12iD DUTIES° , .ADOPTED BY TILE BOARD OF COTuL:ISSI0i1ER$ J~IIIUARY 4, 191b, ASiD RECORDED IIi ORDITi.,IiCE BOOI: OF THE CITY 'OF PADUC~GI'! a,:' ,". ~; ' OTi J:sNU~LRY 4, 1916", ADOPTEb BY i'!`TE BOAi.D OF COtiuISSIOIiER3 r^EiliUb.~Y 23, 191b, 42iD RECORDED FEBRUARY 26,. 191b, was given its passage upon oall of the roll by the r I following vote: Yeas, Laolcey, Hazelip, Yon ISeter, Aallaoe and Washington -b. t?~ On motion by the above, AN OP.DIII~NCE PROYID1IiG cOR THE COIiSTRUC^aION OF • ~^• ~~ ~ CONCRETE SIDEYI:SKS AIiD GUTT%RS, TOGETHER uITH GRnTIITE CURBING aldD r:LL IIECESS:utY j j ~r" / `r+i/u`itiOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BA&INS Aim SE'w"ERS, Oi~i BOTH SIDES OF THIRTE1ii+TH STRr~T FROM ~°: ' ~--~ ~ r - THE NORTH PROPERTY LISSE OF JEFn&R9OPi BTRr^TT TO i'HE SOUTH CURIE LIRE OF 120NROK STREET, ! • IN TiiE CITY OF PADUC.J2, KENTUOKY, won introduced and laid over eevea,de`ge, upon call of the roll by the following vote: .Yeea, Lackey, Hazelip, Yan lister, Wallaoe 4`- " ~- .} •' and Washington -b. ,;. ', . ~ + . ~~}~. . .. ~~ A~* ;~~ .,.. t ?~ ~: ' ~ ~ Y ` ' . 2 _ .. -.w r . h~ "~s~ . e,;w;~,; exc.,~~~u,'~a~w r;.. .a w... ~,. u. .r_.. ea. c ,.z n..i.n~.bac.. o ` ~. ...~. ,.... .~ty.r :, ~~*..:... .. . ~ _. \ ~~ ~ j • .. ~ ~ gin. k'.r .aM1 - ~ ~ ~ ' ~, ~~ ~ ~ t .. . No:,:yL;C~ fi ~ _.. • - Commissioner's Proceedings, City. of Peduceh__c; ~++ pat,, j9Ls..oontinued r . • On motion by btamber ~Paehington, that the pay roll for the Street Dept. 4 for the weak ending April 23d, 1918, not oovered by ordinanoe, amounting to One ~ . ''F`" Hundred and Twenty five dollars and twenty Dents 0335.£0) be ellowad, same W parried upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Lao]®y, Hazelip, •! ~' Yan ltoter, 1Ynllaoe and Washington -5. ~ .. 'z On motion by the above, that the Qommissioner o! Publio Works be :. authorized to oonatruot a aewer,ea per attaohed aketoh, thru the prol.erty of .,{ ~ ~: C. Tr dllen, between fourth and Fifth streets and Trimble and Oley streets, same ~x4 to be oharr;ed to the Sower Department- oorriod upon pall of the roll by the ~ r ' C ~. following vote; Yena, iaokey, Hazelip, Yan 1tatar,.~fallaao and Aaehington -5~ f ,'~ ~.~ ~ On motion by L4ember Walleoe, that the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe i r • ~, t, be inatruoted to not publish ordinanoe passed providing for the improvement ~ ~- w of the alley running from Hlevanth etroet to Terolith street, botrreen Broadxay •~ ~lv ] and Jefferson streets, sa.:.e onrried upon call of the roll by the following note= ,~ 1 Yens, Lno]:oy, Hazelip, Ynn Lteter; Wallsee and Washington -5. ' ,~' • On motion by Eiembor Yan hater; that an ordinanoe be brought in providing~• • • . ~~ [~J~"7" ; for the improvement of the Borth side of Clay etroet between 17th and 19th streets • • O''~" with oonorete eide~valks, gutters, ate., same parried upon Doll of the roll by . .,n the following vote; Yeaa, Laokey, Hazelip, Yan Zteter, Wallaoa and Washington. b. { ' ~ ~; On motion by iiembar Hazelip, that deed bo granted transferring the C~'^'" Y Horth half of dot 96, Hlook 31x, in Oak Grove Cemetery, to I. W. and O. J. Holoomb,~' • ~,,yQ ~ r upon request of ]Sra. Sallie Rogers, present owner, same parried upon pall of the ~ " . ?, "'r 0'' ~, .` I ' , ~ ,, soli by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Yan.Lteter, Wnllcoe and . 4 "' . Washington -5. ~ r ~yu ~ On motion by the above, that dead be granted to Dottie Thompson to j , ~ y ~^`~ s ' y.e Lot 78 Biook 3, 1n Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's reoeipt for Forty dollars hereto' '~ -g' ~ i nttaohed, arose parried upon pall of the roll by the following veto; Yoae, Laokey~ ~ Hazelip, i-an lister, Wnllaoo and Washington -5. ~ . ~' +'"- ,' On motion the Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by t}u following • ~± ;. vote; Yoas, Lnol~y, Hazelip, Yan Mater. Wallaoe and Washington -5. . • s 1 • •« .....11~AXt)li. .. =-~• I } ~, }, • ', r. • '. I ~ ' +~. . ~ ;. ~ , :, ~ ~ ~ M ~ i ~~' i ;~ ~~ ;.. ,. _ . .~; ..