HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/10/16 & 04/17/16'w~iliM~R L~G"~~'~``~\2.. Xh"JUa~+ssei: °,°,NY5~i5_f., :.,--5,ill•: 1 J No. ~ f~ Commissioner's of Paducah A;,,.,; ;~*,, fola ""''" ~ ~ At a regular meeting of the Board o4 Commissioners held in the Council Chamber of the City Hail, City of Paducah, Sy., on April loth. 1916, upon call.: ~' of the roll the following answered their names; Laokey, Hazelip, Van Meter, i YPelleoe and Washington -5. .: .~ On motion by Member Van Meter, the minutes of the regalar meeting held ' r~ April 3d, 1916 were adopted ae.read upon.cali oP the roll by the following vote: . Yeea, Laokey, Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace and 1Sashington -5. w the On motion by Z:ember Hazelip, ~ petition of citizens against the improve- ~ • ,,, ~• ment provided for on Fifth street, between Broadway and Kentucky Ave., was received i f~ ~ '. 4 ~~~~,~ r and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, ;'. i r ~ . q _~~,,,,~„*- Yan lister, @fallaoe and Nashington -5. h'ry"r"- Qt On motion by the above, the petition of oitizens against the improvemorit 4 nil' '"O'1 provided Yor on Ninth street, between Kentucky ave. and SYashington street, was 1"~~' received and filed, upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey,• I~' Hazelip, Van Meter, Wallace and Washington -5, i, On motion by the above, that H. A. Coleman be granted dood to Lot 26 -, _ • ',~ Block S in Oak Grove Oometery, roooipt for thirty dollars uttaohed,- - also ~f a, ~..... • N ~. that Mra. pddio Branton be granted dood to Lot 46 in Block E, in Oak tirovo ~,~ Cemetery, Trensurer's receipt for Thirty dollars attached- sumo carried upon ~ 'hu~w,~~~~d..,.~~ ' cell oP the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Yen 3ieter, i :;:`, c /1^~""~® po,~.,Q. Wallace and YVashington -5. .; ~ `.`.:;` ' { On motion by Member Yan 1Seter, that the report oP the Chief of the Fire Department, for the month of March, 1916, be'reoeived and filed'- samA carried upon ~` • i;, Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yoas. Laokey, Hazelip, Yen Dieter, Wallac$~,;`~ ' t ,. and C'eahington -b. ~o-~-.~-uv ,~,~• On motien'by the above, that tranBfer oP saloon license be granted 'from ~;j' ~~4w ~..w.w. Columbus Helmantoler to Oscar Coleman, at 922 Finley atroet, -same bo take usual course- carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Laokey, ', ; ' Hazelip, Van 2Seter, Wnlinos and Nashington -b. ~ On motion by the above, that it ,appearing to be n nooosaity and desired ~ ' ~" by the property owners and public nt urge., that Ehe driveway of North Sixth ~.r•r: ~"'`^'"^~~`'`f- street from Jefferson street to Campbell atroet ;ie improved by laying aonorete, ~y' l." , ' ~ .. bitulithio or vitrified brick thereon, at the cost of the abutting property ownore,.~, same to be made upon the ten year payment plan, with mator~al to be hereafter ~ • selected by the oommisaionera, ae may•appear to be the boat and moat eoonflmical, } .. same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey., Hazelip, ; ; Van Dieter, Wall&ae and ~lashington -5. • On motion by Diember Washington, that the pay roll for the street depart- . went for the week ending kpril 9th, 1916, not covered by ordinance, amounting to . '~ f " `98.30, be allowed, same carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,. ~~,•„' Laokey, Hazelip, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. 1.:... PR~~ ,-f~ on motion Dy the above, that the Paducah Water Company be roquestod to ley} 1/, orator mains on Brown street, as ro uoated Burin the i~" } (~,~ q G year 191 b, and if they refuse -~,,Q;,,,,,, q~ to la this mein to ao advise this Hoard € li~~"n Y , givinpr tholr reasons thorefer- aa~ne ~• ~ ~ carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Lackey; Hazelip, Vnri ' Meter, Wallace and Yfashington .5. ~ • On motion by Dieyor Lackey,. tP.at nine dollars and ninety-night (.@9.98) ~ l be allowed the County Court for Judgment in the case of Holland vs City of Paduaeh, ~'~,~ same carried upon call of~the roll by the follov~ing vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip ~ Van lister, i7ellace and Clashington- b. ~ 1 ,: 1 r.~ ~,;. ,",~,^~,"''e~"'°q w..kA~,:9!?.!AS'~~. .... 'Yt~ks,ar . .." ~ =+my •1 ft .,-r_: ~;,~, ., ._~ ~~}j,,$'~t1'°~A9"F7;°M~"5Yy",°-4•'~S\'T:iF`9 ."F . y .. ., e... ., tx'e rk ..4 ar.,. . ... eY,'YET'."d;G3s".~?F<.,'i"`~•'.;a7f~"3"Y7Y~„i`A".hT4i' ~"K"~'~R~.tSj°S.!'"+`'~ w. *ia,~ .~'~ .s ` ~~ i ~ ~,.-~.: ~ -~..-~,rn n..,-~..,.ami .e im:,.a-m~nrr ~-~,-~~a , ~ a-, .. ., F-,,,, , , .-_ _~ __• i ~.~. ~cr, - - ~ .•~ No.~Y ' ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadueah dnril loth 191~continned i On motlon by itember Wnllaoe, that action on ordinance for improvement# ..;.^, ~ on cross streets 4rom Second to Ninth atreot, en8 on Washington and iSOnroe s ~~'~`~'"~~ streets, be deterred until the next regular meeting- same serried upon sell i ~,, ~''^'~~~ of the roll. by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Wallace and Washington- 3s~ '` ~' Nays Hazelip and, Yan Meter- E. i On motloa by Member Hazelip, an ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ^aHE RECON- ~: r STRUCTION OF JEFFERSON STREET FROId THE WESa^ PROPERTY LINE OF ELEVENTH STREET 6'IiERE IT ENTERS JEFFERSON 8TREET FRO&i THE NORTH TO'^aHE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF '. '~ ~ SI%TEEPiTH.STREET,,IN THE CITY OF PADU06H, KEIPTUCKY; dND PROVIDING THAT SAID ~ . Ildl'ROYE41ENT8 SHALL BE b~1ADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PdYL1ENT PLAN. received its passage upon Hall of the roil by the following vote: Yeea, Lackey, Hazelip, i a: Ynn Lteter, Wallace ..4. (Washington, being exauee.d tPom voting) '~ ; On motion by bhe nbove, :SDI ORDINAtiOE PROVIDING FOR T1PE RECONSTRUOTION OF BROdDu"tnY FROP+i TITS WEST SYDE OF'THE TRACKS OF THE ILLINOIS CENTiuiL RAILROAD, • - i , AS NOW LAID, TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF SIXTEENTH STREET, YN THE CITY OF • ` ° ~ ri'~~"~' PADUCAH, i~,I~f^aUCTCY, ATtD YROYIDING THAT SAID Il3PR0YEGfEN.T SHELL BE PdaDE UPON TIu^, TFAd YEdR PAY6~NT PLt1N, Rae given its passage upon pall°of the roll by the 'following vote: Yeas, heoksy, Hazelip, Yan ?deter, Wallace-6.(Washirigton exoueedl On motlon by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROYIDIN6 FOR THE CONSTRUOTION ~ +0-_,/ ~-~ OF 6N ALLEY EXTE[JDING FRObP E]+EYEPdTH STREET TO TUIELFTH STREET SETIfEEi3 BROADWAY ' dtiD JEFFERSON STREETS, EN THE OITY OF PIWUCAH', PG,UTUCXY, BY GRADING AND .! 1 v ~` ~ GRAVELLING SAbPE, was given its passage upon oeli of the roil by i;ho $oliowing ', ~ ~, • rote: Yeas, Lao key, Iiazeiip, Yan ldeter, Waliaoe and Waohington -6. ~ ~. , On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION; ~~ OF IIROdDWdY FROEI THE WEST OURS LINE OF FIRST STREET TO THE EAST CURB 'LINE OF ,B "~ Pt- FOURTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF #~ADUCAiI, RENTUOICY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID i ILtPP,OYEhiLNT 9PIALL DE 1wPADE UPON THE TEPd YEAR PAYb;ENT PLAN, was givon its passage , ' upon aali of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Lackey, Iiazeiip, Ynn hinter,' • i Wnllaoe and Washington -b. i On motion by the above, ;1N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COIl3TRUOTION ~ •• i1 . e. .e._ L ~ OF SLDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, nND ALL NECESSARY P.iAIiHOLES, INTA10r9, CATOH BASINS AND ~E4JERS, ON BOTH SIDES OF SI%TH STREEa^ FROM T1IE,90UTH PROPERTY LINE OF , p,~.~'.e ~ ``''` ~~__ _~- "`"'"""'''" WASHINGTON STREET TO TIIE NORTii CURB LIFE OF TENNESSEE STREET -EXCEPT ON TUE , ~~ ~~~ ~~~ _~~ :WEST SIDE OB' SI7Ci'H STREET FROIS WdSHINGTOTJ S^aREET TO OLf~RK STREET, ITd FRONT OF is + • _ `> ', ~ THE EPoCRACID;N COUIiTY COURT HOUSE PROPERTY- IN THE CITY OF PADUCl1H, KENTUCKY, '`~ , dPJD YROVIDINO FURTHER THAT T}iE COST TI~REOF MAY BE PAID UPON TIIE TEN YEAR PAYTTENT PLAN, was givon its .passage upon sail of the roll by the following votes Yesa,~ . - Lnokoy, Nnzelip, Yan DSetar, Waiieae and Washington .b. ~I ' On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a neooaeity, and desired by the property owners, that North 81xth etrost be improvod by laying ~' ~'~ ' I concrete sidewalks, gutters, eto.,.thereon, from Madison street to Oampbell _. ~ street, on both aides thereof, same to be done upon the ten year payment plan, {, t;' ~ enure carried upon asll of the roli by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, ~~. . • Hazelip, Yan Irteter, Walleoe and Washington -b. On motlon by Member Washington, that A RESOLUTION PROYIDIN6 FOR THE • CONSTRUOTION OF OONOAETE SIDEWALKS, OURBS AND GUTTERS, TOGETIiER WITH TiiE • ~+ ~ 1 ~ NEOESSdItY 6idPdHOLES, INTAKES, nND SEWERS, ON IIOTPi SIDES OF FOURTH STREET FROM ~ ; , ~ '. ,TH$ NOAT}I PAOP$RTY LINE OF ASONROT STREET a^0! TPTE SOUTH OURS LINE OF ,CLdY STREET . ; '., ~,U? .:.,. ., ~~ ~.,..: ,.. .. .,o..~ , .. .. ~.: ~x , ~, , _..... .. . ,. No '' fd Commissioner's P. roceedings, City ofPaducah_an~+, ,o+,, 191~ooatiaued III THE CITY 08 PdDUCAR, KENTUCKY, be given its passage, same oarried upon Deli t. . ~' of the roil by the following vote: Yeea, Laokey, Razelip, Yea Eteter, 6elleoe - and Washington •b. - On motion by .the above, A RESOLUTION PHOYIDIDIO F08 THE IIII'ROYELSENT 08 I iy,~ dU ALLEY EYTE"JDING FRO&t}SONROE TO AtiDI80N STREETS, HETGEEN 3IYTH AND SEVENTH ' 1~° I ~ STREETS, IN THE CITY 08 Ps1DlJCdH, XENTUC$Y, BY GR6DILIG AND GRbYELLING SdLiE, 116a i' given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Laokey, j ~'" Hazellp, Van Lteter, Walleoe and 'Gashington -6. On motion by the above, 6 RESOLUTION PROYIDIN6 FO& THE I1tPR0YE6JENT 08 . ^ .', ~ „~''Y AN ALLEY FROIi FOURTEFIJTR STREET RuIJNING TOWARD FIFTEFiJTR STREET TO ABOUT THE ^ ! LtIDDLE OF THE BLOCK BETCEEN JEFFERSOIi STREET 6ND ItIOiJROE STREET, THENCE NORTH TO - " 1fONROE STREET, .IN THE CITY 08 PADUCi.Fi, KEIJTUCKY, BY GRADIfIG AND GRAVELLING SAFE, ~• was tabled, as per petition, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; lase, • i ' -Laokey, Razelip, Van IletDr, tiyellnoe and tlaehington -b. On motion by I~tember eaehingtoa, d RESOLUTION) PROVIDING FOR THE CON- ! , • ~ STRUCTION OF SIDEGALKS, CURBS AtJD GUTTERS, AIJD ALL IJECESSn1tY 1.*.AIJHOLES, INTAI:E3, 1. - ` ~~ ~"T • 9ERIERS dIJD CATCH BASINS ON BOTH S • ~ ~ ~ e„J IDES OF CLAY S~REE~ FR01S THE WEST PROPERTY LINE ~ • t : ; ... OF FOUBTnIN AYEIIUE,. OR SEYEIJTEEIJTR STREET, TO THE EdST CURB LINE OF NIIJETEENTH '' ' a ..j .., STREET, IN T1IE CII'Y OF PADUbt:H, I~NTUCKY, AIJD PROVIDING T}L'~T SAID DtAY BE PdID FOR UPON THE" TEN YEuTi PeYL'FSJT PLdIJ, cas given its passage upon Dell of the roll ~~ ,... . by the. following vote; Maas, Laokey, Razelip, Yan 13eter, Wallaoe and Washington-6, • - ~~,.' On motion by tsember Wallaoe, that the rules be suspended ea to sending '•~ ~ ~ out oopies of Resolution providing for Reoonetruotion of Broadway and Jeffer~tn ~ streets, between 16th and 17th streets, same oarried upon Dell of the roll by, a,r,, ~'"~~~ the foTiowing vote: Yeas, Laokey, Razelip, Van 1Seter, Walleos aaQ " Washington •• ~ five. ' On motion by the above, A RESOLUTION) PROYIDITJG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 08 ' ' ~ THE DRIYEtidY3 ON 3ROADC'nY AND JEFFERSON STREETS FR01I THE HEST PROPERTY LIIJE OF - j- G~"' ', ~ 1 SIBiFENTH STREET TO THE °dST CURB LIIJE OF SEVEIITErIJTH STREET, IN T::R CITY OF PADUC:~fi, KENTUCKY, AT^HE COS: OF +:lIE ABUTTIIIG PROPERTY O1tiIlERS, AND PP.OVIDIZJG ,:~ ~ ~ ,. '`~,~ ~ _ THAa^ SAME SH~ilL BE CONSTP.UCTED UPON ^HE TIIi YEAR PAYldF.IIT PLAN, was given its 1 - passage upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Laokey, llazelip, Yan I'.etor, Walleos a;td Washington .6. ~ } . ' .~ On motion by the above, that the Commissioner of Publio Works be "~ P ~ inatruoted to oonatruot severe on Jefferson street from Thirteenth atrost to Cross • c /d..,..-...-s t~ ,~~ Croak, and on Broadway from Sixteenth atroet to Cross Creek, of auoh size and fi ,.emu"-'-'-.,,-_! materiel ae may be neoessary to ooaform to the aewara to ba oonstruoted is Sower '~ ~C/ '- Diatriot #3, as omtemplated to be used until Se*er Diatriot ~3 ie oonstruotad. ! ~ for storm water or aurfaoe water only, and the ooat thereof to'be paid by the Oittiy from the Sewer Fund of tha City until suoh time as Sewer Diatriot ~3 !e ooaetruotadj then to be inoluded i.n the ooat of oonstruotion of sewers in Sower Diatriot ~3 ' oY the City of Paduoe3h, same oarried upon Dail of the roll by the following votei ~ Yede, Laokey, Razelip, Yan Meter,.Wal.leoe and Washington -b. i , ~~. ~ "rK~~~M~!M~wwiiy ._._~-n_ Y ~r1YMUMM~-.wy{...+.~~\rynY ~~ _.. .; ~ t '~ .. ~~ ~~ ~. ~~ • r ~ ,__!_,. ry vxt...raxct Ana '•"v yyftd8.+`' FF,:R .rFLi" {~ ~ y ex+? :.~~. "' ~ , ~- ~~~ - _ ~ x ..~~ _.~_ N I i .~: a ~ , .. ,, I .. ... ;, , • ~ fir..-~-- _ .,.. a..... .....,..,.~.__•. X43^n` ''~ • ~_......~..... ,.._.......+. ,.r.w_. _..~......~_~. •..~~.~. .....r~.n,.~e...~~. _.. _,~. ~-..a... ... _._ ...`. .. .. .,. t., ., ~ .: '~ ,. No. / J A'' '~~ '~ April 10th 6 oontinued. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ___ 191_ ~+ • On motion bq b;agor Laokey, the Report of the Beat and lii.lk Inapeotor ''. ~ ~__., i ~ ~: ' 1 for the month of I3aroh, 1916, was reoeived and filed, upon oall of the roll by; ~, 4 ;~. the following vote: Yeae, Laokey, Hnzelip, Yan Meter, Walleoe and Washington-!,b. ~" ' ~ ;~ On motion bq Member Washington, that .the City.Solioitor be inetruoted ;~,;;a to draw up a oontraat with George and C. T: Allen to allow the Citq to eztend i ~ ~ r ~ i ~ the Sewer of Sewer District ~3 across their lots between Broadway and 7effareon ~~. streets, same serried upon or~ll oP the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, • ~ Laokey, Haaelip, Ynn Meter, Wnllaoe and.8aehington -6. ' .. On motion.bq the above, that the Mayor be inatruoted to sign oontraot between George Allen and 0. T. A.].lea relative to oompletion of the Weikel i ~ ' ~ sewer, same parried upon sell of the roll bq the .following votes yeas, Laokey,. ~ ~ • ~ ~:"~ Haaelip, Yan lister. Wallsoo and Washington -6. i ~ On,motion the Board adjourned. upon-Dell of the roll bq the following, ~ • voter Ye ea, Lackey, Haaelip, Yan Meter, Wallsae and Washington -b. ~ " ~;, ,. ! . ' r J ~ I ~ler' , At[4X08. ~ ~~ ~~ A P R' I L 17th 1916. ; ~ ~. T.„ ~~ . At s regular meeting of the Board of Oommiasionera, held in the Counoil ~ ~ ! I ' Ohambor of the City Hall, City of Paducah, Kontuokq, on dpril 17th, 1916, upon 1,,~ oaTl of the roll by the following enswere8 their names Laokey. Haaelip. Yan ~`{ Meter, Wnllaoe and Washington -b. ~ ~'•~ F' Oh motion by Member Hnzelip, the minutes of the regalar meeting held + April 10th, 1916 were adopted ae read upon Dail of the roll by the following vote:.i fit`.; ~. Yeae, Laokey, Hnzelip, Ynn lietor, Walleoe and Washington -b. • On motion by the above, that Lot 96 Block 6 in Oak Grove Cemetery be CY'""- transforred on the Cometorq Regiatrq from the name of George T. Pidgeon to Sallie i • ~ Q~~~ Rogora, heir et law of said George T. Pidgeon, upon the request of Sallie Rogers- i"° -f ~`= same was granted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae: Laokey, ' ~. R~'.:. ~; v.. r Hnzelip, Yan Meter, Y(alldoe and Washington -6. ~'` On motion bq the above, AN ORDINANCE s'ROYIDIIdG FOR T1iE COitSTHUCTION OF' . c -. CONCRETE SIDEilALK3 AND GUTT~tS, TOGETHER WITH GRdBITE CURBIIiG h1iD ALL 17ECE3SARY ~ ' Qo~~^ -- 1"JIIIHOLE9, .INTAKES AIiD. SEi~ERS, OIi BOTH SIDES OF SPdTH STcZEET FROIi THE IiORTH CURB ~ ~v- ~'v' LINE OF MADI~N STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF CA}a'PBELL STREET, IN ^aHE CITY OF PADUOAH. KENTUOKY, AIiD PROVIDING THAT SA1ZE MAY BE PAID UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYL,'EiIT '' • P7.AN, was laid over and notion deferred.indefinitelq, upon pall of the roll bq the following vote:, Yeae, Laokey, Haaelip, Yan lister, Walleoo and Washington -b. Q~,~ On .motion by the above, the petition against the improvement of Borth ~,, r'~ 91zth street from Ysdieon street to Oempbeil street was reoeived and ailed, upon s ~~~ ~~, ~"'~ dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lnaksq, Haaelip, Ynn Meter, Wnllaoe ` ~I ~', : y ~~... d and Washington -6. ~' • ~ ~:. :i ~, t . 5 ., ~~ ~~ .: . I :•. ~ ~ .. ,. _ ., ,. ,~ - ., r. ,.. ., .... ~ .. , . "" ~ ~ , , • ~ ~ f • ' • .. ". C..~t N::,kt~k~~ :/.v:.... ~.. ui .4'P:, .A.r ^:.a....1wY.c "Y W,. .n L`. .. t r s', h'w.'.' ..,. .. w.vY.. . ,. ..c '4; ', y. 'k::.,.., ., .f T',::.'.Y, ~'~ ` , ~; ;, hr ..~~ ~ F ' t . ., '~i ~~ . ~ .. i P e ro by he ollowing votes ~ ' Yeaa, Laoloay, Haaellp, fan Ptetar, Walleoe and Washington -b, On motion by Ptember Yan Pieter, that the potation against the improvement ~ j of Cley Street from Seventeenth street to Nin-teenth street be reoeived end Piled, ~. same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the tollowing voter Yeea, Laokey, Hazelip, San Pieter, Walleoe and Washington -5. ~Y ~ . On motion Dy Piember Washington, the pay roll for the Street. Department for the week ending dpr11 1Gth,lO1G, amounting to ~1SE,S0, sot oovered by ordlnanos,~ t ,. wee allowed upon Dail of the roll by the following vote= Yeas, Laokey, Heaelip,. • j • Van Pieter, Walleoe and Washington .b, -. `j . On motion. by Piember Wellaoe, that the Report of the Oommiaeioner of .. Finanoe and Auditor-Treasurer, be reoeived and filed, and that olaime in the ' ~ amount of $3,615.48 (three thousand, eiz hundred and fifteen dollars and forty-eight, , ~' Dents) be allowed. acme being April 15th pay -same oarried upon Dell of the roll ~ • i. by the following vote; Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Yen lister, Walleoe and Washington-8. i ' ' On motion by Piember Hazeiip,AN ORDINANQE PROYIDIL'G FOR THE COiiSTRUCTION ~ i OF COIICRETE SIDEWALKS AIdD GCTTERS,. TOGETHER WITH GRANITE CURBING d[1D ALL NECESSARY + ''~ ~!T P:$NHOLES, IIJT~iY.ES. C.:TCH I3ASIIf3 AND i ~~ 3$WERS, ON BOTH SIDES OF TIIE STREETS EPIBRACED D'3 T1iE TERRITORY EXT$IIDING FROLS 1'HE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SECOND STREET TO THE i ' `;; i '' LAST PROPERTY LIKE OF 2iIIdTH STREET, ON aND FROPI THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF PIONROE P''~ • i. STREET i'O.THE SOUTH PROPERTY LII1E OF W.:SHIIIGTON STREET, IN THE CIT'! OF PADUCAH, P ~ SENTUCKY, -EXCEPT THE SOUTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET FROPH SIXTH TO 3EVEIdTH STREET, i BBUTTING THE COUIlTY COUitT HOUSE PROPERTY, AIiD EXCEPT BOTH SIDES OIL' PtONROE STREET FROPS EIGHTH STREET TO NINTH STREET, AND EXCEPT, FURTHER, WHERE SIDEWALKS HAVE BEEN r ~ IPII'ROYED IId FROIJT OF WIiOLES..LE Ii0USE9 UITH VITRIFIED BRICK- WHERE SAID SIDEWALKS, '! ~, ~. OR ANY PORTIOII THEREOF, d3iE IlOT IIOW COIISTRUCTED OF COIICRETE OR STOIfE l1iD GRAIiITE r ?. CURBING, AIID PROVIDIIlG TH.iT SA1.tE SHALL BE DOIdE OII TIiL+ TEN YE~LR PAYPI~IT PLAN, was '~ given its passage upon Dell 04 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, ~ . t. Hazelip, Van Peter and'Walleoe -4. Nay, Washington -l. { ` r ;, I: :? h ;;~ {, On motion the Board adjourned, upon Dell of tlx roll by the following ~ . vote; Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, Van I,Setor, Walleoe and Washington -6. i i"~' ~~ "a { 1Va.._.Lff I V Commissioner's Proceedings, Citw ofPadneah ~Prsl 17th 1918 oontlnuad On motioa by Piember Heaelip, AW ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUOTI~' OF BROdDCAY AND JEFFERSON STP.EETS FROPt THE 1PBST PROPERTY LINE OF SI7CTEENTH STREET • I R~A~ TO THE EAST PROPERTY LIME OF SEVEITiTTEEI(TH STREET IN THE C T 0 N" _ I . Y F PADUOAH, KEItTUOKY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ILIPROYEP~ItT P;AY BE PIADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYTn'ENT PLaN, wee j • ~~' nt od i r uoed and laid over seven days u on Dell of th 11 t f { gT~ ;C rV i }~ 8 i • ~. 1 ^-. ' '~. sue'.. ~; . ~, J' .,~~' • letJt, 4:s.. ~c..t ' DdAXOli. ~. '_.. , m.. _ _~ --.., .,.....+«-. . e++. 'nee err .T ~ :F :.l~i^numru~~~w.xi T 1W' lUP/."7?" i~'FYt. Y .. ~~ I ~ -~;-`_~ -^- r~~~C'lf ~'I~~.I ~. -.- i ,.r i„i. a -