HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/03/16.~a-meecv~yspcnttmnm ~. .'r r .-. r .. of g ' 1 ~ 1 e ,'~. u ~ • .. ~ ~ ' ., ,'" t, i~~ w - 1' ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 16aroh 27th 1916 oontinned :~ " - On motion by DdemDer Saselip, that petitions of oitisene relative to r; ~• improvements De received and filed,-same oarried upon cell of the roll by the ~.' ~} ~-~ iolloting vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haaslip, Yan.lSeter, Walleoe and Washington -b. j On motion the Board adjournod, upon cell of the roll by the following ~ ~ ~. votes Yese, Lackey, Haaslip, tan 1[eter, Walleoe and Washington -b. ; ~'"'_,; j~ i ~'~ ' , a~'~)~'~ j,~ ~ r ?aaT~ i + 4 • ~e C j :i t ~, ~ dY'~~.FY i 4 3. ~ ; I '. .. ~ .. '. J a F APRIL 3d. 1916 ,; ~ ! ~ ;,, '6 t1.. f:. Y, , ;', ~, At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Council ! ~•- . Chamber of the City Hall on April 3d, 1916,. upon cell of the roll the following . ~"~,'' ~. i ' I answered their names: Leokey, Haselip, Yen Meter, Walleoe end Washington -b. ~ '. Oa motion by 1Sember.Wallaoe, the minutes oP the meeting held ltaroh 27th, ~',..' 1916, were adopted•as road upon cell of the roil by the following voter Yeas, ~' Leokoy, Haselip,, Yen lister, Walleoe and Washington -b. ~ , ' '~ On motion by Member Haaslip, that deed be granted Bud Dale.to South half ~. e"'^^^ N'p'G' of lot 34 block 47 in Oak Grove Oemetery, upon the request of 1tise Susie Bennett, .' "` y~~~ ~'~~~ ~~' the present owner -said request being hereto attached- same oarried upon cell of . ~;i --7 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Yen lister, Walleoe and j, I!i • Washington -6. .f i ~ ., On motion by liember ~fashington, that the pay roll for the street depaxt- ,,= .ment for the weok ending April 2nd, 1916, not severed by ordinance, amounting to ~ '' i • $130. E0, be allowed, same oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, LaoYey, Haselip, Yen Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. '. . On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a necessity en8 desired by I x. ~~,Q ~~~ne4- '; the property owners I move that bothaides of Clay atree~t, from the West property ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~W; C.Y~ dine of Fountaln Ave. (or Seventeenth street) to the East oarb line of Bineteenth {, ,. street be improved with concrete sidewalks end.guttere and curbing, same to be i ~~ paid for upon the ten year payment plan, and that the City Solicitor be hereby inetruotod to. bring in an ordinance for said oonatruotion, same oarried apon call `~ of the .roll Dy the toliowing voter Yeas, Lackey, Haselip, Yan Lieter,.Wallaoe and ! i Washington -b. . ~" On motion by the above, that it .appearing to be n necessity, and desired j' by the proporty owners, that the alley running between Monroe e~zd Atedieon streets ~, ~"^^~' in the block bounded by Sixth and Seventh atre:+ta, Monroe and 1[adison, be improved 4 .! -r~wtw ~ by grading end gravelling same, and that the G`.ty 8olioitor bs hereby inatrnoted "'~, to bring in an ordinance for said oonatreotion, same oarried upon cell of the roll , -YV~a-d.~.a~n.. F j ,.-v, . by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey,.Haaelip, Yen Lister, Walleoe and Washington -b. ~ On motion by the above. that •it appearing to be a necessity, and desired ~ ! ', ~':; i ~. T. .. by the property owners, that the alley in the block between Jefferson and ltonrae ,,,.,,~ streets and Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets (Harahan ev.), running Weat from 14th ~: ~~ C street to about the middle of said block, thence Borth to 1[onsoe street, b.e improved ~. ;; ;' by grading and gravelling same, end that the City 8olioitor.be hereby instructed to. a , bring in an ordinance for eeid oonstrnotion, same oarried upon cell of the roil by ~ Nt .. , m -. • ,~ ~. ~. t B.. ~'' 'MS y -."YkY, W~.m.:. ~: un. .N~ £~i'~Lr'T('Cik. ..w t&4ww;.:Fl .. e.,.iu.. o hi L.~:S.. .,. a . .,a ~' ... ..' .. ...v. .. .a _.S!'.~!^^~"^''-~ @'. r, 1 t l.„ S .. •. ` ... ' ,;. .: .. ... • Corrimissioner's•ProEeedirig~, City ofPaducah~ lcrii sd ~91d_ooatinnea ~° a; • .. I J II ~. ~z . • ` ' • h ~ '. :~ f ~ . `.the toliowing toter Yeas, Laokey, Harelip, Van ?deter, Wailaoe•and Washington -b, ~ On motion Dy the above, that the Oommiesioner oY PuDlfo Norks be smpo*ered ~.._ :' to pnsohase a sew etreet.rollsr for the Street Department, sad to dispose of the old ~~•c !: roller at beet terms possible. Said motion was amended by Member Harelip as follows;. O~ that the motion of Commiealoner o! Pubiio Works is retoronoo to steam roller, bs pmsnded by empowering the oommieaioners to purahaee a gaeoiine street roller, same ~ j, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Ysas_, Laokey, Harelip, and q ` I, Van Meter; Nay, Walleoe and Washington -8. '' Oa motion Dy btomDar Haseiip, that the protest oY oitirone against the ~- I" ~ . ~ . Q~ improvement on Monroe street from Seoond to Seventh street, bs reooivad and filed, same serried upon oali of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, }ieaelip, { ~•`~'` Yan bteter, Walleoe and Washington -b. ~' On motlon by the above, that the protest of oitirens against improvement ,f a,, ~ on Jefferson street from Eleventh to Sizteenth streets, be received and filed, same. N^"~- ~ i oarried upon Dell of the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yeas, Laokey, Harelip, Ysa ~ 91*-P^""~~~ b?oter, Walleoe and Y'sehington -b. JJi k f . ~ On motion by the above, that the oontraot presorted by the Cumberland Tel- ~~..'rf~r~- ' ephons and Telegraph Oompany ba referred to the City Solioitor for report upon same +(,,.~°'`~} as to its feasibility, eto.,ee:ne oarried, upon Dell of the roll by the following ;, • ~' vote; Yoea, Laokey, Harelip, Yen Meter,. Walleoe and Washington -6. ~~~ On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a neoeeeity, and Asaired !.by the property owners that Doth aides of Thirteenth street from Jefferson to Monroe. I I. streets bo Improved Dy the pleoing of oonorete eidawalke, ourDe, gutters, eto. thereon. end further, that the Sohraeder heirs bo permitted to improve the property ~i 1n front oY their etose at 13th and Monroe with oonorete sidewalks, eto. Immediately, ~~ same to be done ender the supervision oY the Com'r of Publio Works. same being part ~' i; oY the property embraced in the first part of this motion, same oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vole; Yeas, Laokey, Hasellp, Yen ldeter, Walleoe and ;: 'r ~; Washington -b. j . On motion Dy the above•AW ORDINANOE PROYIDIIIG FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOII OF CONCRETE N SIDEWALKS Ai1D GUTTEII3, ^aOGETH1r1I slITH GRANITE CikIBIIZG AND ALL NECESSARY ItANHOLES, , ' ~~`"~ i; INTAKES', CATCH BASINS QND SEWERS, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREETS Ii]+?BRACED TN THE .ca,. i~ ~• ~,,.w ,~.,,,,x, j~ TElI12ITORY EXTENDING FR01S TI?E EAST PROPERTY LIt~fE. OF SECOND ST1tEET TO Tt1E WEST PROPERTY ;. LIItr .OF NIIITH 3^aREET, ON AND FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF bI0NR0E STREET TO THE ~ !~ {. ~~ ,' SOUTH PROPERTY LItlE OF YASHINGTON STREET, IN THE CITY 08 PADUCAH, ~PITUCKY,- EXCEPT {~; THE SOUTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET FIIOti SIXTH TO SEVENTH STREET, l~BUTTING.THE COUNTY ,.~ .~ COURT HOUSE PROPERTY, AND EXCEPT BOTH Si,,DEB 08 MONROE STREET BROM EIGHTH STREET TO' I1TIdTH STREET, AND EXCEPT, FURTHER, W1iER17 SIDEWALKS HAVE BEEN Ib1P1i0YED IN FRONT 08 !' WHOLESALE HOUSES WITH VITRIFIED DRIOK. WHERE BAID SIDEWALKS, OR ANY PORTSOIi TBERE08,• j ~. ARE NOT NOW COIIST:UCTED OF CONCRETE OR 3^a0t?E AND GRANITE CURBIIIG, 6ND PROVIDING THAT ' ~i S:J.S SHALL BE DONE .ON THE TIIi YEAR PAYtiEIJT PLAN"- same was introdttoed for passage ~ ~ ` ~; and ordered to lay over until the next regular meeting, upon Deli of the roll by the t~ ~ .. fi; Yellowing vote; Yeas, Laokey, Naselip, Van bteter, Walleoe and Washington -b. ' ' On motion by the above, "QN ORDINAtrOE PROVIDING FOR TIIE RECONSTRUCTION OB • F~'~°'~T~~~ JEFFERSON STREET FRO1.S THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF ELEYEIdTH STREET WHERE IT EidTIuZS I "6 JE.^?ERSON STRUT FRObI THE NORTH, TO TtiE Y+EST PROPERTY LIME OF SI$TEETITH STREET, IIf • ~(~~~_ ~ i • `~ ~";"": • THE QITY OF PADUCbH, KEIITUCKY, AND PROYlDII1G THAT SAID Ib?PROYFJ:.Et7T SHALL BE tIADE f ; r, '' UPON TILE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAIT", wen introduoed for passage and laid over until the .,......rr,,;,.:.. No.1L~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadueah ~,sl~a 1915_oantianed .' "1 pr! nezt regular meeting, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Laokey, ~ %- ~ ~• Haaelip, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -6. ~~ On motion by the above, ^AN ORDINANCE PROYIDII7G FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION `: "~ 'i OF BROADWAY FROM THE WEST SIDE OF TIrT: TRACKS OF THE ILLINOIS CEIQTRAL RAILROAD, ASi ,,~ ., ~4~~ ~ SOW LAID, TO THE WEST, PROPERTY LINE OF SIXTEENTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH,' ~ ;~ ~~ (~ . ~ ~ ~Ij _ J _ ~~ f'0~4KR ~/. KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING .THAT SnID IMPROYEI~NT SHALL BE MADE UPON ^aI~ TEii YEAR ! I . ~ ~ ~-a . , PAYI~NT PLAN" wsa introdnoed for passage, and laid over until the nezt regalar meeting upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Haaelip, {. Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -6. r On motion by the above, "ABi ORDINANCE PROYIDIIiG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION '~ ii F AIi ALLEY ffiTENDIIiG $ROM ELEVENTH STREET TO aCJF,LFTH 3^aREET BETWEEN BROADWAY O . NA ^ t aUCKY; BY GRADING AND GRAyELLI AI7D JEFFERSOIi STREETS, IN a^IIE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEii 1 ~ ~. +~~ ~ SA1tE° Was iritroduoed for passage- and lai8 over until the next regular meeting, ~ ~ { upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey. Haaelip, Van ltetor, 6 ~ ' . - Walleoe and Washington - • On motion by the above,' "AN ORDIIiA1iCE PROYIDIIdG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION Z::; • OF $IDENALK3, OURBS, GUTTERS, AIiD ALL IiECESSQIIY 1dAIiHOLE3, IIiTAKES, OATCH BASIIi9 ~~ i AItD SEti~E1i3, ON BOTH BIDES Ox SIXTH STIIEET FROLi TUE 30U"ali PR01EI?TY LINE 01!' ,• (~'I~/ WASHING^aOli STREET TO' THE NORTH CURB LITiE OF TENItESSEE STREET -EXCEPT ON THE =EST ~. -' ~~ SIDE .OF SIXTH STREET FROM WA3SINGTOIi STREET TO CLARE STREET, IN FROIiT OF THE i. MoCRACKEIt COUNTY COURT HOUSE PROPERTY- IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND- ~,. ` PROYIDIIiG FURTIIER THAT THE COST THEREOF MAY BE PAID UPOIi THE TEii YEAR PAYI.iFIiT ~' • PLAN", wsa introdnoed for passage and laid over until the nezt regular meeting, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Hnaelip, Van Meter, ~ ~. Walleoe and Washington -6. On motion by the above, °1AN ORDIIiANCE PROVIDING FOR ^aHE RECONSTRUCTION '~ ~r ~,,~.' ~ I - u f~ OF BROADWAY FROIi THE WEST CURB LINE OF FIRST STREE^t TO THE EAST CURB LIKE OF . _ t' FOURTH STREET, IIi THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIiTUOKY, AIiD PROYIDIiiG THAT SAID IMPROiB- ~ ~• ~~ MENT SHALL BE MADE UPON TIC TE[i YEAR PAYbiII7T PLAIT". was introdnoed and laid over • for passage at the next regnlar meeting,. upon Dell of the roll by .the following '~ vote: Yeas, Laokey; Hazelip, Yan Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. On motion by Member Walleoe, that the bill of the Jailer of 1taCraaken !1•.,_ ~ ~+'~/'/' oounty for $$213.60, for osre of prisoners transferred to county fail by order of ' the oity fudge, Yrom January 26th, 1916 to date, be allowed and ordered paid and ~, q~ ~~~~~ oharged to the Safety Department, some oerried upon aall of the roll .by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Haaelip, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. ' On motion by the above, that the monthly pay ro1l,Yor Maroh, 1816, ~ %~'' mounting to ~14,b4fi.23, be allowed, and warrants be drawn on Treasury for same, ' • oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lso]my, Haaelip, • yen Meter,. Walleoe and Washington -b. ! ~;: ' •. ~ On motion by the above, that the report of the Commieaione; of Finanos ~`i~.,a ` /'_ • and Auditor-Treasurer, for the month of lLaroh 1916y be reoeived, filed and ~ ~ • published, same oarried upon oall..of the roll by the following votes Yeas, ~ ""'^I t Laolaey; Haaelip, Van Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. ~ ~ ~ " On motion the Hoard ad~onrned upon Dell oY the roll by the following ~ ~. vote; Yeas, Laokeyi Haaelip. Van Meter, ttallaoe and Washington -6. r yO~,'~~ V•7c~.D t , ,, p (~tLy ~~erlrris-._. aaAY08~~; ~.' ,, • ~+ e.