HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/16da-e'IuM '~~~ ~_ ..Jx®a. «..~~ - __~ ..~...:.... riwrrr'-"~'~'-~-~..~' x~sr ...~rr~i~r"r ~+-.. ~ ..vim ~trorr.Y~ .. . ',+ _ ~'~ ~ ..X ~ ~. v ti. ,. . , ..; .m to ~ _. _ __........~ .~ ...._.... ._. _. _.~..._._~ ,. ,. . .. • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah iSaroh loth jg~ s _ ~, ~ } 6t a regular meeting of the Board of Oommissionere, held in the oonnoil ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ohamber of the City Hall on Liaroh 20th, 1916, upon gall of the roll the following ` , ,.j answered their nainea: bOaS:eq, Hazolip, Yan Lieber, Wallaoe and Washington -6. I Y.. `, i ' Oa motion bq Liembor Haaelip, the minutes of the meeting held Liaroh 13th ; '~ i i ~~,: ~, ~' 19m6 were adopted as read upon nail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, baol-eq,~ ~~ Hazolip, Yan ifeter, Walloon and Washington -6. ~ ~ ~s•~ ~. On motion by the above, the minutes of the meeting held }.Sarah 16th, 1916; ~~ t warn adopted as road upon nail of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, baakeq, i. ~' li }Inzolip, Yoa Lister, Wallace and Wnshingtoa -6. ~ ~. e ,, •p' On motion by Liember Washington, that the pay roll of the Street Department ~ ~ ~y~4~~ ~ not oovered by ordinanoe, for the seek eking &aroh 19th, 1916, amounting to ,$120.1b,'; ',~ ~• ~ f. f; , / ~ be allowefl, ae;mq oarried upon pall oY the roll by the fo11oA1ng voter Yeas, baol~q, i Hazolip, Yea Lietor, Wallnoe and Washington -6. ~ `y ~~ On motion by Liember Hazolip. that it appearing to be a neoesaitq and ? y ~t1ni°'~"~~~ desired bq the property owners and publio generally, that Broadway and Jefferson ~ y ~~~ra.lulu °.'Af~'~~~i ', stroete Prom eleventh street to Sizteen street be reoonetruoted of oonorete, bitnlithio vvvv or btiak, whiohever maq appear, to the Bommieaionera, to be the moat suitable and !': eoonomioal material, said improvement to be made as an original improvee~ent, and at ;~,? r k. . I,the ooet of the property owners abutting thereon, same to be made npor~ the ton gear ~ :, a ;;_ payment plan, and that the Citq Solioitor be instruoted to prepare an ordinanoe ~• j authorizing the reaonetruotion of said streets immediatelq- same oarried upon nail of ..the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokay, Haaelip, Pan Lister, Wallace and ? ~ C1ps)tington -6. t ~ ^~~_ On motion bq the shave, that it appearing• to be a neaeasity and desired 1 .., i, ~/~~o.~~~/~ ~ ,by the publio at large, that all brink aideralka (with the exoeption of vitrified brink ~ ~'° '' ~ ~G l,.ivh....St, . sidoral3:a in front of the wholesale houses) on the iYest side of First street to and ,.,~ ,l. ~/ :., inoluding the Weat aide of Hinth stroat, the north side of Lionroo•streot to and. I~,, !/ ~ esoept Lionroe stroat from 1';ighth to Iiiath Street ;~ . inoluding the South aide of Washington stroat, and all territory enbraoed therein/be ~_,;. .:' replaood with oonorete aideeralks and ourbing.where aonarete or stone sidewalks and ~Y.,• ~.. • ~ ourbing are not now in said territory and in good oonditioa, and that the Citq Solioitor ~: 'be lnetruoted to prepare as ordinanoe authorizing said work immediatelq, and that oil ~, of void work be done on the ten year payment plan- same oarried upon pall of the roll '. i •• i bq the following vote: Yeas, haaY.ey, Hazolip, Yan ifeter, Wallaoe and +Yaehington -6. r On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a neoesaity.and desired , i c }~~~,E,/~~¢~~:, by the property owners and the publio generally, that both aidos of Sizth street from ? ~ . ~/t ``'"~ Kentuoky avenue tp aennesaee street. (with the eadoption of the Court Hon3e square) be j N-~ •( im~+roved by planing aonorete eidewalka and gattera thereon, same to be paid for on the; ten yoar payment plant, and that an ordinonoe be prepared bq the City Solicitor at once` ;"' ' x• authorizing said work to prooeed- same oarried upon nail of the roll bq the following I vote: Yeas, LaoScey, Hazolip, Yarrifeter, Wallace and Washington -6.' ~ i - On motion by the above, that it appearing to be a neoaaaity and desired. I ,+` ~~' ~ , by'the property owners and publio generally, that the alley between Broadaaq and ,.{~°~~ •;; Jefferson.etreeta from Llevonth street to i~+elfth street be improved by grading and ~ g • n ~`~ .~ graveling same, and that the City Solioitor be hereby inatruoted to prepare an ,.. s~:: Q ordinanoe authorizi sacs- same oarried ~ ~ ~' ,:.' ng upon nail of the roll by the following votes ' , .r • ~ ~ _ ~ i w. :J Yens, Lao]~eq, Haaelip, Yen Lister, Yiallaoe sad Washington -b. ~; . . ' ; f .. ,. ~ f' _ ~, ~m- ' ~ .~ ~i1 ' i `: '"r^~avwvr.~-. '~ .m vim: i~b' o,`?iYB ~ , w~.>n ,s .w.oo•a~~. ., ..x,. .. .. Yom: "... ,.. • :~ ~iOlllll'!l SS1QACl'8 of continued ~¢nr~GzxefQe~+~~ On motion by L:ember Harelip, that Broadway from First to Fourth streets bs i ~'' ~ rsoonetrnoted ae an original construction, at the coat of the abutting property ownsre,' /,.C ;C. f!aeme to be dons on the ten year payment plan, and that the City Solicitor ba instructed , I j' to draw an ordinanoo authorising said work immediately- same to bs oonetreoted of euoh materiel ea may bo later determined by the Board of Commissioners, via; vitrified • ~`briok, concrete, bitnlithio material or creosote blocks- some carried upon onll of ;;,the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Hazelip, Yan t:eter, Wallace and f ~. . J Washington -5. i R ~;, { ^~ !~ On motion by the above, that TiiHEREA9, a vacancy now oxiste and has since lSaroh ~ m' I' 17th, 1916, in the office of eoave~}ger and dead animal undertaker, I move that Lee Ball; ,",~~u'`V '~` ~ be appointed to said office as of date Liaroh 18th, 1916- same carried.upon cell of I lJ ~~'I the roll by the. following voto: Yaea, Lackey, Hazelip, Yan L'etor, Wallace and F ' ~ ~ ? Washington -5. ~ J ~~ On motion by the above, that memoranda be mado on daed•of Julia Et, 0. King, i ~: /.e1 ~z ~ i:Branted her Stovenbar 4th, 1887, to South half of Lot 340 in Block EE, showing that ~%~,n~~~~"J ,'she has married and that her name is non Julie 1i. Bennett- same carried upon cell of~ , Y i `°~`. ~ the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laol:ey, Hazelip, Yan Lteter, Calleoe and ~. '. ,. !Washington -5. • t On motion by ?Sambas Washington, that the Oommisaioner of Public iYorYs be ~~-,.. "~`~`~`) !. authorized to omploy tho naoesBary eng'ineering force and help t0 do the engineering V C~.u~fi ~"N/ ~"y~~ work necessary to execute the work oniled for in the resolutions ` ~~l tr~ •/// ~uat passed providing (i ;;~ V ~' for eaid.improvemants- same carried upon call of the roll Dy the following voter ;Yeas, Lackey, Harelip, Wallace and Washington .4. Hay, Yan Meter- 1. ` ;: On motion. by ]Sembor Hnsalip, that the homo oleotrioal concerns be aonaiderad ~ `sF: , ` ~'~`f~ ~ .~';! in the purchase of material for electric light plant and any other aleotrioal.eupp3las [ , '`•`•`~`~~~' ~j noeded by the city- same carried upon call of the roll by the foilowi vote • Yeae ~ •;'• .. nE3 ~ ~ h' Ltso3:ey, Hazelip, Yan lfeter, Wallace and dnahington -b. • ~' On motion by Mayor Laokay. that the C1ty $olioitor be instructed to concur with • ~~,~~~ ~~ ~~~ Frank 6ugustus as to settlement of claim of said 2ugustus ¢gainet the Oity, and f.• ?~e..«./~i~~Jreport at the next regular meeting- same oarriad upon call of tho roll by the following `) 4. voter Ycas, Lackey, Hazelip, Yan 1letor, Wallace and Washington -b. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following votai 11 ~• Yeae, Lnakoy, Harelip, Ynn ?Sates, Wullaoe sad Waehingtgn -6.. }^••,~,: . ~. I ~. p • lile~~i~Wi~. " •• ~ ~~ r~.ArMwrrtw., 15 S • 1 I .. ~ , • • ! ~ .. _ •I , . ~, p ~ 1 ,~' ~~ ~ ~4rY • ~ . r .. f ~ .. L' March EOth ~ f No.~~ ~ .. . i '+ ~~~